#region function Start-PacketTrace function Start-PacketTrace { <# .SYNOPSIS This function starts a packet trace using netsh. Upon completion, it will begin capture all packets coming into and leaving the local computer and will continue to do do until Stop-PacketCapture is executed. .EXAMPLE PS> Start-PacketTrace -TraceFilePath C:\Tracefile.etl This example will begin a packet capture on the local computer and place all activity in the ETL file C:\Tracefile.etl. .PARAMETER TraceFilePath The file path where the trace file will be placed and recorded to. This file must be an ETL file. .PARAMETER Force Use the Force parameter to overwrite the trace file if one exists already .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Start-PacketTrace. .OUTPUTS None. Start-PacketTrace returns no output upon success. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType()] param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path -Path ($_ | Split-Path -Parent) -PathType Container })] [ValidatePattern('.*\.etl$')] [string[]]$TraceFilePath, [Parameter()] [switch]$Force ) begin { Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop } process { try { if (Test-Path -Path $TraceFilePath -PathType Leaf) { if (!($Force.IsPresent)) { throw "An existing trace file was found at [$($TraceFilePath)] and -Force was not used. Exiting.." } else { Remove-Item -Path $TraceFilePath } } $OutFile = "$PSScriptRoot\temp.txt" $Process = Start-Process "$($env:windir)\System32\netsh.exe" -ArgumentList "trace start persistent=yes capture=yes tracefile=$TraceFilePath" -RedirectStandardOutput $OutFile -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru if ($Process.ExitCode -notin @(0, 3010)) { throw "Failed to start the packet trace. Netsh exited with an exit code [$($Process.ExitCode)]" } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Successfully started netsh packet capture. Capturing all activity to [$($TraceFilePath)]" } } catch { Write-Error -Message "$($_.Exception.Message) - Line Number: $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)" } finally { if (Test-Path -Path $OutFile -PathType Leaf) { Remove-Item -Path $OutFile } } } } #endregion function Start-PacketTrace #region function Stop-PacketTrace function Stop-PacketTrace { <# .SYNOPSIS This function stops a packet trace that is currently running using netsh. .EXAMPLE PS> Stop-PacketTrace This example stops any running netsh packet capture. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Stop-PacketTrace. .OUTPUTS None. Stop-PacketTrace returns no output upon success. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType()] param () begin { Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop } process { try { $OutFile = "$PSScriptRoot\temp.txt" $Process = Start-Process "$($env:windir)\System32\netsh.exe" -ArgumentList 'trace stop' -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru -RedirectStandardOutput $OutFile if ((Get-Content $OutFile) -eq 'There is no trace session currently in progress.') { Write-Verbose -Message 'There are no trace sessions currently in progress' } elseif ($Process.ExitCode -notin @(0, 3010)) { throw "Failed to stop the packet trace. Netsh exited with an exit code [$($Process.ExitCode)]" } else { Write-Verbose -Message 'Successfully stopped netsh packet capture' } } catch { Write-Error -Message "Error: $($_.Exception.Message) - Line Number: $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)" } finally { if (Test-Path -Path $OutFile -PathType Leaf) { Remove-Item -Path $OutFile } } } } #endregion function Stop-PacketTrace |