function Write-Invocation { # .SYNOPSIS # Writes on line that shows the PSCmdlet's invocation and the calling functions. # .DESCRIPTION # Reads the CallStack using Get-PSCallStack cmdlet and verbose output as one line # .EXAMPLE # $PSCmdletName = $(Get-Variable PSCmdlet -Scope ($NestedPromptLevel + 1) -ValueOnly).MyInvocation.InvocationName # Write-Invocation -Invocation $MyInvocation-msg "$PSCmdletName Started" param ( # Invocation Info [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo]$Invocation = $(Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope ($NestedPromptLevel + 1) -ValueOnly), #number of levels to go back in the call stack [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateRange(1, 99)] [int]$level, [Switch]$FullStack, [switch]$IncludeArgs ) begin { $oeap = $ErrorActionPreference; $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' } Process { $Stack = Get-PSCallStack if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey('levels') -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($level.ToString())) { $level = [Math]::Min( $level, $Stack.Length - 1 ) if ($FullStack) { $WHOLEstack = @($Stack[$level]) } else { $CommandList = @($Stack[$level] | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Command) } } else { if ($FullStack) { $WHOLEstack = @($Stack) } else { $CommandList = @($Stack | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Command) } } $rStack = & { if ($FullStack -and [bool]$WHOLEstack) { $stackHash = @{ Command = $WHOLEstack.Command Position = $WHOLEstack.Position Location = $WHOLEstack.Location FunctionName = $WHOLEstack.FunctionName ScriptLineNumber = $WHOLEstack.ScriptLineNumber } return $($stackHash.Keys | ForEach-Object { "$_ = $($stackHash.$_)" }) -join ', ' } else { [void][System.Array]::Reverse($CommandList) $FilteredL = @($CommandList | ForEach-Object { $i = if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)) { $_.Replace($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name, '') }else { [string]::Empty }; try { $i.Replace('<ScriptBlock>', '') } catch { $i } }) $stackLine = $(@(for ($i = 0; $i -lt $FilteredL.Count; $i++) { if ($i -eq 0) { "[$(if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FilteredL[$i])) { 'Command' }else { $FilteredL[$i] })] Started" } else { $FilteredL[$i] } }) -join ' ') if ($IncludeArgs) { $stackLine += $('Argslist : ' + $(($Invocation.BoundParameters.Keys | ForEach-Object { "-$_ `"$($Invocation.BoundParameters[$_])`"" }) -join ' ')) } $stackLine += ' ...' return $stackLine } } Out-Verbose $rStack } end { $ErrorActionPreference = $oeap } } |