function Remove-CivoNetwork { <# .SYNOPSIS Delete a network. .DESCRIPTION Deletes a private network based on the ID of the network. ID must be provided. Can be multiple networks. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the network or networks that you want to delete. To delete several networks, you need to provide a comma separated list. .INPUTS The parameter Id must be provided. .OUTPUTS The result of the attempted deletion. .EXAMPLE Remove-CivoNetwork -Id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx .EXAMPLE $Networks =( "667a84f6-caeb-4d8b-9ba4-c122564171c5", "d8f0f800-f2d9-4555-97b8-a3eb1b9a753c", "9000bbed-309f-42d3-a21b-04d3dd544c93" ) Remove-CivoNetwork -Id $Networks .EXAMPLE Remove-CivoNetwork -Label prod-client01 .EXAMPLE $Networks =( "prod-client01", "test-client01" ) Remove-CivoNetwork -Label $Networks .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string[]] $Id, [Parameter(Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Label')] [string[]] $Label ) if ($Label) { $Label | ForEach-Object { $NetworkId = Get-CivoNetwork -Label $_ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id $CallSplat = @{ Uri = "networks/$NetworkId" Method = 'DELETE' } $call = Invoke-CivoApi @CallSplat If ($call.result -eq 'success') { Write-Host ("Successfully deleted network with label " + $_) } else { Write-Error ("No network found with the label " + $_) } } } else { if (!$Id) { $Id = Read-Host "Enter network ID" } $Id | ForEach-Object { $CallSplat = @{ Uri = "networks/$_" Method = 'DELETE' } $call = Invoke-CivoApi @CallSplat If ($call.result -eq 'success') { Write-Host ("Successfully deleted network with ID " + $_) } else { Write-Error ("No network found with the ID " + $_) } } } } |