function Set-CivoApiToken { <# .SYNOPSIS Set the API key needed to use civoShell. .DESCRIPTION civoShell is working towards the API for the Civo cloud platform, and authenticates with an API token key. This can be found at Using this cmdlet will create and set the environment variable CivoToken which is the basis for all API calls. If this key is compromised, you would have to regenerate the key at .PARAMETER ApiKey The API key from Civo. .PARAMETER Force If you have a key set, you can use the switch -force to set a new key. .INPUTS ApiKey is mandatory. .OUTPUTS Information that they key is set, or a warning if a key is already present. .EXAMPLE Set-CivoApiToken -ApiKey tN5fRvmdxkpQtSr7dBlWC1OuU1seF3KlGa1YzzvEvp8bkpQfl2 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ApiKey, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [switch] $Force ) if ((Test-Path -Path "Env:\CivoToken") -and ($Force -eq $false)) { Write-Host "API Key already set to $Env:CivoToken" Write-Host "If you want to override the key, you can use the -Force switch!" } else { New-Item -Name CivoToken -Path "Env:" -Value $ApiKey -Force } } |