class MonitoredScript { [string]$Path [System.Collections.Generic.List[ScriptLine]]$Line hidden $lastNode = $null hidden $lastRecord = $null [timespan]$ExecutionTime = [timespan]::Zero [int]$LinesOfCode = 0 MonitoredScript() { $this.Line = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[ScriptLine]' } [int] SetScript([string]$Path) { $lineNumber = 0 foreach($command in ( Get-Content -Path $Path )) { $this.Line.Add( [ScriptLine]::New($command, $path, $lineNumber) ) $lineNumber++ } $this.LinesOfCode = $this.Line.Count return $this.LinesOfCode } [void] AddExecution( [hashtable]$node ) { # Line numbers start at 1 but the array starts at 0 $lineNumber = $node.Breakpoint.Line - 1 $record = $this.Line[$lineNumber] $record.AddExecution($node) # Calclate the delta in time if($this.lastNode) { $duration = $node.Elapsed - $this.lastNode.Elapsed } else { $duration = $node.Elapsed } # The delta is how long the last command ran if($this.lastRecord) { $this.lastRecord.AddExecutionTime($duration) $this.ExecutionTime += $duration } $this.lastRecord = $record $this.lastNode = $node } [void] PostProcessing() { $this.lastNode = $null $this.ExecutionTime = [TimeSpan]::Zero foreach($node in $this.line) { $command = $node.text -replace '\s','' switch -Regex ($command) { '^}$|^}#|^$' { if($node.HitCount -eq 0) { $node.HitCount = $this.lastNode.HitCount } $node.Duration = [TimeSpan]::Zero $node.Average = 0 $this.lastNode = $node } '^{$|^{#}' { $node.Duration = [TimeSpan]::Zero $node.Average = 0 $this.lastNode = $node } default { $this.lastNode = $node } } $this.ExecutionTime += $node.Duration } } } |