ChocolateySource .SYNOPSIS The ChocolateySource DSC resource is used to configure or remove source feeds for chocolatey. .DESCRIPTION Chocolatey will allow you to interact with sources. You can register a new source, whether internal or external with some source specific settings such as proxy. .PARAMETER Ensure Write - Ensure Indicate whether the Chocolatey source should be installed or removed from the system. .PARAMETER Name Key - string Name - the name of the source. Required with some actions. Defaults to empty. .PARAMETER Source Write - string Source - The source. This can be a folder/file share or an http location. If it is a url, it will be a location you can go to in a browser and it returns OData with something that says Packages in the browser, similar to what you see when you go to https://chocolatey.org/api/v2/. Defaults to empty. .PARAMETER Disabled Write - Nullable[bool] Allow the source to be registered but disabled. .PARAMETER ByPassProxy Write - Nullable[bool] Bypass Proxy - Should this source explicitly bypass any explicitly or system configured proxies? Defaults to false. Available in 0.10.4+. .PARAMETER SelfService Write - Nullable[bool] Allow Self-Service - Should this source be allowed to be used with self- service? Requires business edition (v1.10.0+) with feature 'useBackgroundServiceWithSelfServiceSourcesOnly' turned on. Defaults to false. Available in 0.10.4+. .PARAMETER Priority Write - Nullable[int] Priority - The priority order of this source as compared to other sources, lower is better. Defaults to 0 (no priority). All priorities above 0 will be evaluated first, then zero-based values will be evaluated in config file order. Available in .PARAMETER Username Write - String .PARAMETER Password Write - String .PARAMETER Credential Write - pscredential Credential used with authenticated feeds. Defaults to empty. .PARAMETER Reasons Read - ChocolateyReason[] .EXAMPLE 1 This is an unofficial module with DSC resource to Install and configure Chocolatey. configuration Example { Import-DscResource -ModuleName Chocolatey Node localhost { ChocolateySource ChocolateyOrg { Ensure = 'Present' Name = 'Chocolatey' Source = 'https://chocolatey.org/api/v2' Priority = 0 Disabled = $false } } } .EXAMPLE 2 This is an unofficial module with DSC resource to Install and configure Chocolatey. configuration Example { Import-DscResource -ModuleName Chocolatey Node localhost { ChocolateySource ChocolateyOrg { Ensure = 'Absent' Name = 'Chocolatey' } } } |