ChocolateySoftware .SYNOPSIS The ChocolateySoftware DSC resource is used to install or remove choco.exe. .DESCRIPTION Install Chocolatey Software either from a fixed URL where the chocolatey nupkg is stored, or from the url of a NuGet feed containing the Chocolatey Package. A version can be specified to lookup the Package feed for a specific version, and install it. A proxy URL and credential can be specified to fetch the Chocolatey package, or the proxy configuration can be ignored. .PARAMETER Ensure Key - Ensure Indicate whether the Chocolatey Software should be installed or not on the system. .PARAMETER InstallationDirectory Write - String .PARAMETER ChocolateyPackageUrl Write - String Exact URL of the chocolatey package. This can be an HTTP server, a network or local path. This must be the .nupkg package as downloadable from here: https://chocolatey.org/packages/chocolatey .PARAMETER PackageFeedUrl Write - String Url of the NuGet Feed API to use for looking up the latest version of Chocolatey (available on that feed). This is also used when searching for a specific version, doing a lookup via an Odata filter. .PARAMETER Version Write - string Version to install if you want to be specific, this is the way to Install a pre-release version, as when not specified, the latest non-prerelease version is looked up from the feed defined in PackageFeedUrl. .PARAMETER ChocoTempDir Write - String The temporary folder to extract the Chocolatey Binaries during install. This does not set the Chocolatey Cache dir. .PARAMETER ProxyLocation Write - string Proxy url to use when downloading the Chocolatey Package for installation. .PARAMETER IgnoreProxy Write - bool Ensure the proxy is bypassed when downloading the Chocolatey Package from the URL. .PARAMETER ProxyCredential Write - PSCredential Credential to authenticate to the proxy, if not specified but the ProxyLocation is set, an attempt to use the Cached credential will be made. .PARAMETER Reasons Read - ChocolateyReason[] .EXAMPLE 1 This is an unofficial module with DSC resource to Install and configure Chocolatey. configuration Example { Import-DscResource -ModuleName Chocolatey Node localhost { ChocolateySoftware ChococacheLocation { Ensure = 'Present' InstallationDirectory = 'C:\Temp\Choco' } } } # So there something |