ChocolateySetting .SYNOPSIS The ChocolateySetting DSC resource is used to set or unset Settings. .DESCRIPTION Chocolatey lets you set or unset general Settings. This resources lets you set or unset a Setting. .PARAMETER Ensure Write - Ensure Indicate whether the Chocolatey Setting should be enabled or disabled on the system. .PARAMETER Name Key - string Name - the name of the Setting. .PARAMETER Value Write - string Value - the value of the Setting, if ensure is set to present. When Ensure is absent, the setting's value is cleared. .PARAMETER Reasons Read - ChocolateyReason[] .EXAMPLE 1 This is an unofficial module with DSC resource to Install and configure Chocolatey. configuration Example { Import-DscResource -ModuleName Chocolatey Node localhost { ChocolateySetting ChococacheLocation { Ensure = 'Present' Name = 'cacheLocation' Value = 'C:\Temp\Choco' } } } |