
        "ChocolateySoftware": [
                "Name": "Ensure",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "key",
                "ValidateSet": ["Present","Absent"],
                "Description": "Specifies whether the Chocolatey Software should be installed on the machine or not."
                "Name": "ChocolateyPackageUrl",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "Write",
                "Description": "Optional package URL to download a specific Chocolatey Software package."
                "Name": "PackageFeedUrl",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "Write",
                "Description": "Url of a Nuget feed where the Chocolatey software package is available. i.e. https://chocolatey.org/api/v2"
                "Name": "Version",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "Write",
                "Description": "Specific version of package available on the nuget Package Feed Url provided."
                "Name": "ChocoTempDir",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "Write",
                "Description": "Chocolatey Temp directory to unzip downloaded package during bootstrap."
                "Name": "ProxyLocation",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "Write",
                "Description": "Url of the proxy to use to download the Chocolatey binaries."
                "Name": "ProxyCredential",
                "Type": "PSCredential",
                "Attribute": "Write",
                "Description": "Credential to be used to authenticate to the Proxy for downloading the Chocolatey Package."
                "Name": "IgnoreProxy",
                "Type": "Boolean",
                "Attribute": "Write",
                "Description": "Ignore proxy during download."
                "Name": "InstallationDirectory",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "Write",
                "Description": "Path where Chocolatey should be installed, default to `$Env:ChocolateyInstall or C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Chocolatey"
        "ChocolateySource": [
                "Name": "Ensure",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "Require",
                "ValidateSet": ["Present","Absent"],
                "Description": "Specifies whether the Chocolatey Software should be installed on the machine or not."
                "Name": "Name",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "key",
                "Description": "Folder path where the Chocolatey Software should be installed."
                "Name": "Source",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "Write",
                "Description": ""
                "Name": "Priority",
                "Type": "SInt16",
                "Attribute": "write",
                "Description": ""
                "Name": "Disabled",
                "Type": "boolean",
                "Attribute": "write",
                "Description": ""
                "Name": "BypassProxy",
                "Type": "boolean",
                "Attribute": "write",
                "Description": ""
                "Name": "SelfService",
                "Type": "boolean",
                "Attribute": "write",
                "Description": ""
                "Name": "Credential",
                "Type": "PSCredential",
                "Attribute": "write",
                "Description": ""
        "ChocolateyFeature": [
                "Name": "Ensure",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "Require",
                "ValidateSet": ["Present","Absent"],
                "Description": "Specifies whether the Chocolatey Feature should be enabled or not."
                "Name": "Name",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "key",
                "Description": ""
                "Name": "enabled",
                "Type": "boolean",
                "Attribute": "read",
                "Description": ""
                "Name": "SetExplicitly",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "Read",
                "Description": ""
                "Name": "Description",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "Read",
                "Description": ""
        "ChocolateyPackage": [
                "Name": "Ensure",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "Require",
                "ValidateSet": ["Present","Absent"],
                "Description": "Specifies whether the Chocolatey Package should be installed on the machine or not."
                "Name": "Name",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "Key",
                "Description": "Chocolatey Package Id"
                "Name": "Version",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "Key",
                "Description": "Chocolatey Package Version"
                "Name": "ChocolateyOptions",
                "Type": "hashtable",
                "Attribute": "Write",
                "Description": "Chocolatey Options"
                "Name": "UpdateOnly",
                "Type": "boolean",
                "Attribute": "Write",
                "Description": "Only updates installed package and ignores packages not Installed."
        "ChocolateySetting": [
                "Name": "Ensure",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "Require",
                "ValidateSet": ["Present","Absent"],
                "Description": "Specifies whether the Chocolatey Setting should be set or unset."
                "Name": "Name",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "Key",
                "Description": "Chocolatey Setting Name"
                "Name": "Value",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "Write",
                "Description": "Chocolatey setting value"
        "ChocolateyPin": [
                "Name": "Ensure",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "Require",
                "ValidateSet": ["Present","Absent"],
                "Description": "Specifies whether the Chocolatey Pin should be set or unset."
                "Name": "Name",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "Key",
                "Description": "Chocolatey Setting Name"
                "Name": "Version",
                "Type": "String",
                "Attribute": "Write",
                "Description": "Chocolatey Version value"