Set-StrictMode -Version Latest BeforeAll { . "$PSScriptRoot\New-ServiceAsync.ps1" . "$PSScriptRoot\Get-Service.ps1" . "$PSScriptRoot\Get-ServicePlans.ps1" . "$PSScriptRoot\New-Service.ps1" } Describe "New-ServiceAsync" { BeforeAll { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignment', '', Justification='pester supported')] $TheSpace = New-Object PsObject $TheService = New-Object PsObject $TheNewService = New-Object PsObject $TheServicePlans = New-Object PsObject Mock Get-Service { $TheService } Mock Get-ServicePlans { $TheServicePlans } Mock New-Service { $TheNewService } } Context "dependent cmdlets" { It "calls all cmdlets" { New-ServiceAsync -Space $TheSpace -ServiceName "servicename1" -Plan "plan1" -Name "newservicename1" | Should -Be $TheNewService Should -Invoke Get-Service -ParameterFilter { $Space -eq $TheSpace -and $Name -eq "servicename1" } Should -Invoke Get-ServicePlans -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq $TheService } Should -Invoke New-Service -ParameterFilter { $Space -eq $TheSpace -and $ServicePlans -eq $TheServicePlans -and $Plan -eq "plan1" -and $Name -eq "newservicename1"} } } Context "parameters" { It "ensures 'Space' cannot be null" { { New-ServiceAsync -Space $null -ServiceName "x" -Plan "x" -Name "x"} | Should -Throw "*Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Space'. The argument is null or empty*" } It "ensures 'SeviceName' cannot be null" { { New-ServiceAsync -Space $@{} -ServiceName $null -Plan "x" -Name "x"} | Should -Throw "*Cannot validate argument on parameter 'ServiceName'. The argument is null or empty*" } It "ensures 'SeviceName' cannot be empty" { { New-ServiceAsync -Space $@{} -ServiceName "" -Plan "x" -Name "x"} | Should -Throw "*Cannot validate argument on parameter 'ServiceName'. The argument is null or empty*" } It "ensures 'Plan' cannot be null" { { New-ServiceAsync -Space $@{} -ServiceName "x" -Plan $null -Name "x"} | Should -Throw "*Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Plan'. The argument is null or empty*" } It "ensures 'Plan' cannot be empty" { { New-ServiceAsync -Space $@{} -ServiceName "x" -Plan "" -Name "x"} | Should -Throw "*Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Plan'. The argument is null or empty*" } It "ensures 'Name' cannot be null" { { New-ServiceAsync -Space $@{} -ServiceName "x" -Plan "x" -Name $null} | Should -Throw "*Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Name'. The argument is null or empty*" } It "ensures 'Name' cannot be empty" { { New-ServiceAsync -Space $@{} -ServiceName "x" -Plan "x" -Name ""} | Should -Throw "*Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Name'. The argument is null or empty*" } It "supports positional" { New-ServiceAsync $TheSpace "servicename1" "plan1" "newservicename1" @() | Should -Be $TheNewService Should -Invoke Get-Service -ParameterFilter { $Space -eq $TheSpace -and $Name -eq "servicename1" } Should -Invoke Get-ServicePlans -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq $TheService } Should -Invoke New-Service -ParameterFilter { $Space -eq $TheSpace -and $ServicePlans -eq $TheServicePlans -and $Plan -eq "plan1" -and $Name -eq "newservicename1"} } It "supports 'Space' from pipeline" { $TheSpace | New-ServiceAsync -ServiceName "servicename1" -Plan "plan1" -Name "newservicename1" | Should -Be $TheNewService Should -Invoke Get-Service -ParameterFilter { $Space -eq $TheSpace -and $Name -eq "servicename1" } Should -Invoke Get-ServicePlans -ParameterFilter { $Service -eq $TheService } Should -Invoke New-Service -ParameterFilter { $Space -eq $TheSpace -and $ServicePlans -eq $TheServicePlans -and $Plan -eq "plan1" -and $Name -eq "newservicename1"} } } } |