Set-StrictMode -Version Latest BeforeAll { . "$PSScriptRoot\..\Private\Wait-Until.ps1" } Describe "Wait-Until" { BeforeAll { Mock Start-Sleep } Context "calls" { It "returns on $true" { Wait-Until { $true } Should -Invoke Start-Sleep -Times 0 -Exactly } It "retries on $false" { $script:callCount = 0 Wait-Until { if ($script:callCount -eq 0) { $false } else { $true } $script:callCount += 1 } Should -Invoke Start-Sleep -Times 1 -Exactly } It "retries until timeout" { { Wait-Until { $false } -Timeout .01 } | Should -Throw "timeout" Should -Invoke Start-Sleep -Times 1 } It "sleeps for configured 'Seconds'" { Mock Start-Sleep -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Seconds -eq 2 } { Wait-Until { $false } -Seconds 2 -Timeout .01 } | Should -Throw "timeout" Should -Invoke Start-Sleep } It "sleeps for default of 5 seconds" { Mock Start-Sleep -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Seconds -eq 5 } $script:callCount = 0 Wait-Until { if ($script:callCount -eq 0) { $false } else { $true } $script:callCount += 1 } Should -Invoke Start-Sleep } } Context "parameters" { It "ensure 'ScriptBlock' is not null" { { Wait-Until -ScriptBlock $null } | Should -Throw "*Cannot validate argument on parameter 'ScriptBlock'. The argument is null or empty*" } It "supports 'ScriptBlock' from pipeline" { { $true } | Wait-Until } It "supports positional" { Wait-Until { $true } 1 1 } } } |