# Set-StrictMode -Version Latest # BeforeAll { # . "$PSScriptRoot\Get-Token.ps1" # . "$PSScriptRoot\Invoke-Retry.ps1" # . "$PSScriptRoot\..\Private\Compare-HashTable.ps1" # . "$PSScriptRoot\..\Private\PesterMatchHashtable.Tests.ps1" # } # Describe "Get-Token" { # BeforeAll { # [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignment', '', Justification='pester supported')] # $params = @{ # Username = "user1" # Password = "pass1" # CloudFoundryAPI = "" # } # } # Context "API call" { # It "is called with the correct URLs" { # $Content = "{'name': 'foo'}" # Mock -Command Invoke-WebRequest { # if ($Uri -eq "$($CloudFoundryAPI)/v2/info") { # return @{ # StatusCode=200 # Content="{'authorization_endpoint': 'http://auth'}" # } # } # if ($Uri -Match "http://auth/oauth/token") { # return @{ # StatusCode=200 # Content=$Content # } # } ` # } # (Get-Token @params) | Should MatchHashtable $Content # Should -Invoke Invoke-WebRequest -ParameterFilter { # $matchHeader = @{ # "Authorization"="Basic Y2Y6" # "Accept"="application/json" # "Content-Type"="application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" # } # if ($Uri -eq "$($CloudFoundryAPI)/v2/info") { # return $Method -eq "Get" -and (Compare-Hashtable $Header $matchHeader) -eq $null # } # if ($Uri -Match "http://auth/oauth/token") { # return $Method -eq "Post" -and (Compare-HashTable $Header $matchHeader) -eq $null -and $Body -eq "grant_type=password&password=$($Password)&scope=&username=$($Username)" # } # $false # } # } # } # Context "failed API call" { # It "fails" { # Mock -Command Invoke-WebRequest { # if ($Uri -eq "$($CloudFoundryAPI)/v2/info") { # return @{ # StatusCode=400 # } # } # } # {Get-Token @params} | Should -Throw "400" # } # } # Context "fail API auth" { # It "fail" { # $Content = "{'name': 'foo'}" # Mock -Command Invoke-WebRequest { # if ($Uri -eq "$($CloudFoundryAPI)/v2/info") { # return @{ # StatusCode=200 # Content="{'authorization_endpoint': 'http://auth'}" # } # } # if ($Uri -Match "http://auth/oauth/token") { # return @{ # StatusCode=400 # Content=$Content # } # } ` # } # {Get-Token @params} | Should -Throw "400" # } # } # } |