.SYNOPSIS Update cd-extras option ('AUTO_CD', 'CD_PATH', ...etc). .PARAMETER Option The option to update. .PARAMETER Value The new value. .PARAMETER Options A dictionary of options and values to update. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> setocd AUTO_CD Enables AUTO_CD .EXAMPLE PS C:\> setocd AUTO_CD $false Disables AUTO_CD .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-CdExtrasOption -Option CD_PATH -Value @('/temp') Set the directory search paths to the single directory, '/temp' #> function Set-CdExtrasOption { [OutputType([void], [bool])] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Set')] param ( [ArgumentCompleter( { $global:cde | Get-Member -Type Property -Name "$($args[2])*" | % Name })] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Set', Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string] $Option, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Set', Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline)] $Value, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SetMany', Mandatory, Position = 0)] [Collections.IDictionary] $Options, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Validate', Mandatory)] [switch] $Validate ) # first update the $cde variable per the given settings if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Set' -or $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'SetMany') { $flags = @( 'AUTO_CD' 'CDABLE_VARS' 'ColorCompletion' 'IndexedCompletion' 'RecentDirsFallThrough' ) $completionTypes = @( 'PathCompletions' 'DirCompletions' 'FileCompletions' ) if ($null -eq $Value -and $Option -in $flags) { $Value = $true } $opts = if ($Option) { $Option } else { $Options.Keys } $opts | % { $opt = $_ $val = if ($Options -is [hashtable] -and $Options.Keys -contains $_) { $Options[$_] } else { $Value } if ($opt -in $completionTypes) { if ($Global:cde.$opt -notcontains $val) { $Global:cde.$opt += $val } } else { $Global:cde.$opt = $val } } } # then perform various side effects based on the current settings if ($cde.RECENT_DIRS_FILE) { $path = $cde.RECENT_DIRS_FILE -replace '~', $HOME $cde.RECENT_DIRS_FILE = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath( $path ) # save recent dirs from memory when dirs file set if (!(Test-Path $cde.RECENT_DIRS_FILE)) { PersistRecent } # load recent dirs into memory at startup elseif (Test-Path $cde.RECENT_DIRS_FILE) { ImportRecent } } $cde.RECENT_DIRS_EXCLUDE = $cde.RECENT_DIRS_EXCLUDE.ForEach{ Resolve-Path $_ } if ($cde.DirCompletions) { RegisterCompletions $cde.DirCompletions 'Path' { CompletePaths -dirsOnly @args } } if ($cde.FileCompletions) { RegisterCompletions $cde.FileCompletions 'Path' { CompletePaths -filesOnly @args } } if ($cde.PathCompletions) { RegisterCompletions $cde.PathCompletions 'Path' { CompletePaths @args } } $isUnderTest = { $Script:__cdeUnderTest -and !($Script:__cdeUnderTest = $false) } if ($cde.AUTO_CD) { CommandNotFound @(AutoCd) $isUnderTest } else { CommandNotFound @() $isUnderTest } # can be used to ensure side effects have run without actually changing any options # this is used when the $cde variable is updated irectly if ($Validate) { return $true } } |