.SYNOPSIS Remove one or more directories from the recent locations list. Note that the list is shared by both the Get-RecentLocation and Get-FrecentLocation commands, so removing a location will make it unavailable in both commands. .PARAMETER Pattern The pattern to match. This should either be a leaf name of directories to remove or a PowerShell wildcard pattern to be matched against the full directory path. ($PWD by default.) .EXAMPLE PS C:\temp> # remove the current directory PS C:\temp> Remove-RecentLocation .EXAMPLE PS C:\temp> # remove all recent locations PS C:\temp> Remove-RecentLocation * .LINK Get-RecentLocation Set-RecentLocation Get-FrecentLocation Set-FrecentLocation #> function Remove-RecentLocation { [OutputType([void])] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)] [SupportsWildcards()] [string] $Pattern = $PWD ) Begin { $recents = @(GetRecent $cde.MaxRecentDirs) + @($PWD) $accepted = @() } Process { $accepted += $recents.Where{ !($_ -in $accepted) -and ($_ -like $Pattern -or (Split-Path -Leaf $_) -eq $Pattern) -and ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($_)) } } End { if ($accepted) { RemoveRecent $accepted } } } |