](https://codecov.io/gh/nickcox/cd-extras) [![cd-extras](https://img.shields.io/powershellgallery/v/cd-extras.svg?style=flat&label=cd-extras) ](https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/cd-extras) ![Overview](./assets/overview.svg) cd-extras =========== <!-- TOC --> - [cd-extras](#cd-extras) - [Navigation commands](#navigation-commands) - [Parameters](#parameters) - [Frecency](#frecency) - [Database](#database) - [Bookmarks](#bookmarks) - [Output](#output) - [Completions](#completions) - [Listing available navigation targets](#listing-available-navigation-targets) - [cd enhancements](#cd-enhancements) - [Path shortening](#path-shortening) - [Multi-dot cd](#multi-dot-cd) - [No argument cd](#no-argument-cd) - [Two argument cd](#two-argument-cd) - [Enhanced completion for cd and others](#enhanced-completion-for-cd-and-others) - [Single and double periods](#single-and-double-periods) - [Multi-dot completions](#multi-dot-completions) - [Variable based completions](#variable-based-completions) - [Extending completion to other commands](#extending-completion-to-other-commands) - [Colourised completions](#colourised-completions) - [AUTO CD](#auto-cd) - [Tilde](#tilde) - [Multi-dot](#multi-dot) - [CD PATH](#cd-path) - [CDABLE VARS](#cdable-vars) - [Related commands](#related-commands) - [Get-Up gup](#get-up-gup) - [Get-Stack dirs](#get-stack-dirs) - [Clear-Stack dirsc](#clear-stack-dirsc) - [Expand-Path xpa](#expand-path-xpa) - [Compatibility](#compatibility) - [OS X & Linux](#os-x--linux) - [Alternative providers](#alternative-providers) - [Install](#install) - [Configure](#configure) - [cd-extras options](#cd-extras-options) - [Navigation helper key handlers](#navigation-helper-key-handlers) - [Using a different alias](#using-a-different-alias) <!-- /TOC --> # Navigation commands *Quickly navigate backwards, forwards, upwards or into recently used directories* <details> <summary>[<i>Watch</i>]<p/></summary> ![Navigation Helpers](assets/navigation-helpers.svg) </details> _cd-extras_ provides the following navigation commands and corresponding aliases (shown in parens): - `Undo-Location`, (`cd-` or `~`) - `Redo-Location`, (`cd+` or `~~`) - `Step-Up`, (`up`or `..`) - `Set-RecentLocation`, (`cdr`) - `Set-FrecentLocation`, (`cdf`) ```powershell [C:/Windows/System32]> up # or .. [C:/Windows]> cd- # or ~ [C:/Windows/System32]> cd+ # or ~~ [C:/Windows]> cdr [C:/Windows/System32]> cdr [C:/Windows]> ▁ ``` :point_right: That's `cd-` and `cd+`, without a space. `cd -` and `cd +`, with a space, also work but you won't get [auto-completion](#completions). :point_right: Repeated uses of `cd-` keep moving backwards towards the beginning of the stack rather than toggling between the two most recent directories as in vanilla bash, neither will it echo the path of the target directory. Use `Set-RecentLocation` (`cdr`) to toggle between directories and the `-PassThru` switch if you need to output the new directory path. ```powershell [C:/Windows/System32]> cd .. [C:/Windows]> cd .. [C:/]> cd- [C:/Windows]> cd- [C:/Windows/System32]> cd+ [C:/Windows]> cd+ [C:/]> cdr [C:/Windows]> cdr -PassThru Path ---- C:\ [C:/]> ▁ ``` ## Parameters `up`, `cd+`, `cd-`, `cdr` and `cdf` each take an optional argument, `n` which navigates by the given number of steps. ```powershell [C:/Windows/System32]> .. 2 # or `up 2` [C:/]> cd temp [C:/temp]> cd- 2 # `cd -2`, `~ 2` or just `~2` also work [C:/Windows/System32]> cd+ 2 [C:/temp]> cdr 2 # cdr ignores the current directory [C:/]> ▁ ``` `up`, `cd+` and `cd-` also accept a string, `NamePart`, used to select the nearest matching directory from the available locations. Given a `NamePart`, _cd-extras_ will match the first directory whose leaf name contains the given string⁽¹⁾. If none is found then it will attempt to match against the full path of each candidate directory⁽²⁾. `cdr` and `cdf` use a slightly different name matching logic which is cribbed from [Zoxide][3]. Each command takes one or more `Terms` where each term must match part of a target directory, in order, and the _last_ (or only) term must match the target's leaf name. ```powershell [C:/Windows]> cd system32 [C:/Windows/System32]> cd drivers [C:/Windows/System32/drivers]> cd- win # [ex. 1] by leaf name [C:/Windows/]> cd+ 32/dr # [ex. 2] by full name [C:/Windows/System32/drivers]> up win # by leaf name [C:/Windows]> cdr drivers # by leaf [C:/Windows/System32/drivers]> cdr [C:/Windows]> cdr sys,dr # in sequence [C:/Windows/System32/drivers]> ▁ ``` ## Frecency While `Get-RecentLocation` (`cdr -l`) and `Set-RecentLocation` (`cdr`) work with the recent directories list in the order that they were most recently visited, `Get-FrecentLocation` (`cdf -l`) and `Set-FrecentLocation` (`cdf`) use a frecency algorithm as described in the [Zoxide docs][4]. ## Database Recent locations, frecent locations, and bookmarks share a datastore which is not persisted between sessions by default. You can opt in to persisting to a CSV file by setting the `RECENT_DIRS_FILE` [option](#configure). ```powershell setocd RECENT_DIRS_FILE $env:APPDATA/.recent-dirs ``` The size of the datastore - whether persisted or not - is configured with the `MaxRecentDirs` option. Once the limit is reached, the least recently entered directories are discarded after every directory change although bookmarked directories are never dropped. You can manually remove entries with the `Remove-RecentLocation` command or by using the `-Prune` switch with `Set-RecentLocation` and `Set-FrecentLocation`. This command expects a parameter, `Pattern`, which is a PowerShell wildcard pattern used to match against the directory path or a complete directory leaf name. If no pattern is given then the current working directory is removed. ```powershell [~]> Set-Alias z Set-FrecentLocation [~]> z -l # z -List n Name Path - ---- ---- 1 abc C:\Temp\abc1 2 abc2 C:\Temp\abc2 3 def C:\Temp\def [~]> z -prune *abc* [~]> z -l n Name Path - ---- ---- 1 def C:\Temp\def [~]> z -p def [~]> z -l [~]> ▁ ``` ## Bookmarks Directories may be bookmarked with the `Add-Bookmark` command (`mark`), boosting those directories to the top of the frecency list. `Add-Bookmark` takes a `Path` parameter which can be omitted when bookmarking the current directory. `Set-RecentLocation` (`cdr`) and `Set-FrecentLocation` (`cdf`) provide a `-Mark` or `-m` switch with the same functionality. ``` [~]> Set-Alias z Set-FrecentLocation [~]> z -mark C:\Temp\abc1 [~]> z a [C:\Temp\abc1]> ▁ ``` ## Output Each navigation command includes a `-PassThru` switch to return a `PathInfo` value in case you need a reference to the resulting directory. The value will be `$null` if the action wasn't completed - for example, if there was nothing in the stack or you attempted to navigate up from the root. ```powershell [C:/Windows/System32]> up -PassThru Path ---- C:\Windows [C:/Windows]> cd- -PassThru Path ---- C:\Windows\System32 [C:/Windows/System32]> ▁ ``` ## Completions Auto-completions are provided for each of `cd-`, `cd+`, `cdr`, `cdf` and `up`. Assuming the [_PSReadLine_][0] `MenuComplete` function is bound to tab... ```powershell [C:]> Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Bound | Where Function -eq MenuComplete ``` ``` Completion functions ==================== Key Function Description --- -------- ----------- Tab MenuComplete Complete the input if there is a single completion ... ... ``` ...then tabbing (`⇥`) through any of the navigation helpers will display a menu based completion. ```powershell [C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc]> up ⇥⇥ [C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc]> up 2 1. drivers 2. System32 3. Windows 4. C:\ ──────────── C:\Windows\System32 ``` The _`IndexedCompletion`_ option controls how completion text is displayed. When _IndexedCompletion_ is on and more than one completion is available, the completions offered are the *indices* of each corresponding directory; the directory name is displayed in the menu below. The full directory path is given in the tooltip if you have _PSReadLine_ tooltips enabled. _cd-extras_ detects _PSReadLine_ options in order to set _IndexedCompletion_ at startup. If the _PSReadLine_ `MenuComplete` option is bound to at least one key combination then _IndexedCompletion_ is turned on by default. You can turn it off if you prefer. ```powershell [C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc]> setocd IndexedCompletion 0 [C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc]> up ⇥⇥ [C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc]> up C:\Windows\System32 <--- full path shown 1. drivers 2. System32 3. Windows 4. C:\ ──────────── C:\Windows\System32 ``` It's also possible to tab-complete `cd-`, `cd+`, `cdr`, `cdf` and `up` using a partial directory name (i.e. the [`NamePart` parameter](#parameters)). ```powershell [~/projects/PowerShell/src/Modules/Shared]> up pr⇥ [~/projects/PowerShell/src/Modules/Shared]> up '~\projects' [~/projects]> ▁ ``` ## Listing available navigation targets As an alternative to menu completion you retrieve a list of available targets with: - `Get-Stack -Undo` (`dirs -u`) - `Get-Stack -Redo` (`dirs -r`) - `Get-RecentLocations` (`cdr -l`) - `Get-FrecentLocations` (`cdf -l`) - `Get-Ancestors` (`xup`) ```powershell [C:/Windows/System32/drivers]> Get-Ancestors # xup n Name Path - ---- ---- 1 System32 C:\Windows\System32 2 Windows C:\Windows 3 C:\ C:\ [C:/Windows/System32/drivers]> up 2 [C:/Windows]> up 1 [C:/]> dirs -u # dirs -v also works n Name Path - ---- ---- 1 Windows C:\Windows 2 drivers C:\Windows\System32\drivers [C:/]> cd- 2 [C:/Windows/System32/drivers]> cdr -l -First 3 n Name Path - ---- ---- 1 C:\ C:\ 2 Windows C:\Windows 3 drivers C:\Windows\System32\drivers ``` # `cd` enhancements **Shortcuts and tab completions for the `cd` command** <details> <summary>[<i>Watch</i>]<p/></summary> ![Navigation Helpers](assets/cd-enhancements.svg) </details> `cd-extras` provides a proxy to `Set-Location` - called `Set-LocationEx` - and aliases it to `cd` by default, giving it several new abilities: * [Path shortening](#Path-shortening) * [Multi-dot `cd`](#Multi-dot-cd) * [No argument `cd`](#No-argument-cd) * [Two argument `cd`](#Two-argument-cd) * [Enhanced tab completions](#Enhanced-completion-for-cd-and-others) ## Path shortening If an unambiguous match is available then `cd` can change directory using an abbreviated path. This effectively changes a path given as, `p` into `p*` or `~/pr/pow/src` into `~/pr*/pow*/src*`. If you're not sure whether an unambiguous match is available then just hit tab to pick from a [list of potential matches](#enhanced-completion-for-cd-and-others) instead. ```powershell [~]> cd pr [~/projects]> cd cd-e [~/projects/cd-extras]> cd ~ [~]> cd pr/cd [~/projects/cd-extras]> ▁ ``` Word delimiters (`.`, `_`, `-` by [default](#configure)) are expanded around so a segment containing `.sdk` is expanded into `*.sdk*`. ```powershell [~]> cd proj/pow/s/.sdk [~/projects/powershell/src/Microsoft.PowerShell.SDK]> ▁ ``` :point_right: Powershell interprets a hyphen at the start of an argument as a parameter name. So while you can do this... ```powershell [~/projects/powershell]> cd src/-unix [~/projects/PowerShell/src/powershell-unix]> ▁ ``` ... you need to escape this: ```powershell [~/projects/powershell/src]> cd -unix Set-LocationEx: A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'unix'. [~/projects/powershell/src]> cd `-unix # backtick escapes the hyphen [~/projects/PowerShell/src/powershell-unix]> ▁ ``` Pairs of periods are expanded between so, for example, a segment containing `s..32` is expanded into `s*32`. ```powershell [~]> cd /w/s..32/d/et [C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc]> ▁ ``` Directories in [`CD_PATH`](#cd-path) will be also be shortened. ```powershell [C:/]> setocd CD_PATH ~/projects [C:/]> cd p..shell [~/projects/PowerShell/]> ▁ ``` [`AUTO_CD`](#auto-cd) uses the same expansion algorithm when enabled. ```powershell [~]> $cde.AUTO_CD True [~]> /w/s/d/et [C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc]> ~/pr/pow/src [~/projects/PowerShell/src]> .sdk [~/projects/PowerShell/src/Microsoft.PowerShell.SDK]> ▁ ``` ## Multi-dot `cd` In the same way that you can navigate up one level with `cd ..`, `Set-LocationEx` supports navigating multiple levels by adding additional dots. [`AUTO_CD`](#multi-dot) works the same way if enabled. ```powershell [C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc]> cd ... # same as `up 2` or `.. 2` [C:/Windows/System32]> cd- [C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc>] cd .... # same as `up 3` or `.. 3` [C:/Windows]> ▁ ``` ## No argument `cd` If the _`NOARG_CD`_ [option](#configure) is defined then `cd` without arguments navigates into that directory (`~` by default). This overrides the out of the box behaviour of PowerShell >=6.0, where no-arg `cd` _always_ navigates to `~` and of PowerShell < 6.0, where no-argument `cd` does nothing at all. ```powershell [~/projects/powershell]> cd [~]> setocd NOARG_CD / [~]> cd [C:/]> ``` ## Two argument `cd` Replaces all instances of the first argument in the current path with the second argument, changing to the resulting directory if it exists, using the `Switch-LocationPart` function. You can also use the alias `cd:` or the explicit `ReplaceWith` parameter of `Set-LocationEx`. ```powershell [~/Modules/Unix/Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility]> cd unix shared [~/Modules/Shared/Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility]> cd: -Replace shared -With unix [~/Modules/Unix/Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility]> cd unix -ReplaceWith shared [~/Modules/Shared/Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility]> ▁ ``` # Enhanced completion for `cd` and others `cd-extras` provides enhanced completion for `cd`, `pushd`, `ls`, `Get-Item` and `Invoke-Item` by default, expanding all path segments in one go so that you don't have to individually tab (⇥) through each one. The path shortening logic is provided by `Expand-Path` and works as [described above](#path-shortening). ```powershell [~]> cd /w/s/dr⇥⇥ [~]> cd C:\Windows\System32\DriverState\ drivers DriverState DriverStore ─────────── C:\Windows\System32\DriverState ``` Paths within [`$cde.CD_PATH`](#cd-path) are included in the completion results. ```powershell [~]> $cde.CD_PATH += '~\Documents\' [~]> cd win/mod⇥ [~]> ~\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\▁ ``` :point_right: The total number of completions offered is limited by the `MaxCompletions` [option](#configure) or calculated dynamically to fit the screen if `MaxCompletions` is falsy. Although the completions are sorted by type (folders first) and then by name for ease of reading, that sort is applied _after_ the limit has been applied to the original results. Those original results are sorted breadth first in order to keep the completion as responsive as possible. :point_right: If the number of available completions is greater than `MaxCompletions`, causing the list to be truncated, then that is noted in the completion tooltip by default. ## Single and double periods Word delimiters (`.`, `_`, `-` [by default](#configure)) are expanded around so, for example, a segment containing `.sdk` is expanded into `*.sdk*`. ```powershell [~]> cd proj/pow/s/.sdk⇥ [~]> cd ~\projects\powershell\src\Microsoft.PowerShell.SDK\▁ ``` or ```powershell [~]> ls pr/pow/t/ins.sh⇥ [~]> ls ~\projects\powershell\tools\install-powershell.sh [~]> ls ~\projects\powershell\tools\install-powershell.sh | cat #!/bin/bash ... [~]> ``` A double-dot (`..`) token is expanded inside, so `s..32` becomes `s*32`. ```powershell [~]> ls /w/s..32⇥ [~]> ls C:\Windows\System32\▁ ``` ## Multi-dot completions The [multi-dot syntax](#multi-dot-cd) provides tab completion into ancestor directories. ```powershell [~/projects/powershell/docs/git]> cd ...⇥ [~/projects/powershell/docs/git]> cd ~\projects\powershell\▁ ``` ```powershell [C:/projects/powershell/docs/git]> cd .../⇥ .git .vscode demos docs test ───── .github assets docker src tools ~\projects\powershell\.git ``` ## Variable based completions When [CDABLE_VARS](#cdable-vars) is enabled, completions are available for the names of variables that contain file paths. This can be combined with the `-Export` option of `Get-Ancestors` (`xup`), which recursively exports each parent directory's path into a global variable with a corresponding name. ```powershell [C:/projects/powershell/src/Modules/Unix]> xup -Export -ExcludeRoot n Name Path - ---- ---- 1 Modules C:\projects\powershell\src\Modules 2 src C:\projects\powershell\src 3 powershell C:\projects\powershell 4 projects C:\projects [C:/projects/powershell/src/Modules/Unix]> up pow [C:/projects/powershell]> cd mod⇥ [C:/projects/powershell]> cd .\src\modules\ ``` ## Extending completion to other commands You can extend the list of commands that participate in enhanced completion for either *directories* or *files*, or for both *files and directories*, using the `DirCompletions` `FileCompletions` and `PathCompletions` [options](#configure) respectively. (`FileCompletions` is the least useful of the three since you can't tab through intermediate directories to get to the file you're looking for.) ```powershell [~]> setocd DirCompletions md [~]> md ~/pow/src⇥ [~]> md ~\powershell\src\▁ [~]> setocd PathCompletions Copy-Item [~]> cp /t/⇥ [~]> cp C:\temp\subdir\▁ subdir txtFile.txt txtFile2.txt ────── C:\temp\subdir ``` In each case, completions work against the target's `Path` parameter; if you want enhanced completion for a native executable or for a cmdlet without a `Path` parameter then you'll need to provide a wrapper. Either the wrapper or the target itself should handle expanding `~` where necessary. ```powershell [~]> function Invoke-VSCode($path) { &code (rvpa $path) } [~]> setocd PathCompletions Invoke-VSCode [~]> Set-Alias co Invoke-VSCode [~]> co ~/pr/po⇥ [~]> co ~\projects\powershell\▁ ``` An alternative to registering a bunch of aliases is to create a tiny wrapper to pipe input from `ls`, `gi` or `xpa`. ```powershell [~]> function to($target) { &$target $input } [~]> xpa ~/pr/po/r.md⇥ [~]> xpa ~/projects/powershell/readme.md | to bat ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── File: C:\Users\Nick\projects\PowerShell\README.md ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 1 | ... 2 | ... ``` :point_right: You can skip tab completion altogether and use [Expand-Path](#expand-path-xpa) directly if you know exactly what you're looking for. ```powershell [~]> xpa ~/pr/po/r.md | to bat ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── File: C:\Users\Nick\projects\PowerShell\README.md ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 1 | ... 2 | ... ``` ## Colourised completions The _`ColorCompletion`_ [option](#configure) enables colourisation of completions in the filesystem provider via [_DirColors_][1] or via your own global `Format-ColorizedFilename` function of type `[System.IO.FileSystemInfo] -> [String]`. :point_right: _ColorCompletion_ is off by default. Enable it on with `setocd ColorCompletion`. # AUTO CD **Change directory without typing `cd`** <details> <summary>[<i>Watch</i>]<p/></summary> ![AUTO_CD](assets/auto-cd.svg) </details> ```powershell [~]> projects [~/projects]> cd-extras [~/projects/cd-extras]> / [C:/]> ▁ ``` As with the [enhanced `cd`](#cd-enhancements) command, [abbreviated paths](#path-shortening) and [multi-dot syntax](#multi-dot-cd) are supported. ```powershell [~]> pr [~/projects]> cd-e [~/projects/cd-extras]> cd [~]> pr/cd [~/projects/cd-extras]> ▁ ``` ## Tilde `AUTO_CD` supports a shorthand syntax for `cd-` using tilde (`~`). You can use this with or without a space between tilde and the number, although [tab completion](#completions) only works after a space (`~ ⇥`). ```powershell [C:/Windows/System32]> / [C:/]> temp [C:/temp]> dirs -u n Name Path - ---- ---- 0 temp C:\temp 1 C:\ C:\ 2 System32 C:\Windows\System32 [C:/temp]> ~2 # or ~ 2 [C:/Windows/System32]> ~~2 # or ~~ 2 [C:/temp]> ▁ ``` ## Multi-dot [Multi-dot syntax](#multi-dot-cd) works with `AUTO_CD` as an alternative to `up [n]`. ```powershell [C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc]> ... # same as `up 2` or `.. 2` [C:/Windows/System32]> cd- [C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc>] .... # same as `up 3` or `.. 3` [C:/Windows]> ▁ ``` # CD PATH **Additional base directories for the `cd` command** ```powershell [~]> setocd CD_PATH ~/documents [~]> # or $cde.CD_PATH = ,'~/documents' [~]> cd WindowsPowerShell [~/documents/WindowsPowerShell]> ▁ ``` [Tab-completion](#enhanced-completion-for-cd-and-others), [path shortening](#path-shortening) and [Expand-Path](#expand-path-xpa) work with `CD_PATH` directories. `CD_PATH`s are _not_ searched when an absolute or relative path is given. ```powershell [~]> setocd CD_PATH ~/documents [~]> cd ./WindowsPowerShell Set-Location : Cannot find path '~\WindowsPowerShell'... ``` :point_right: Unlike bash, the current directory is always included when a relative path is used. If a child with the same name exists in both the current directory and a `CD_PATH` directory then `cd` will prefer the former. ```powershell [~]> md -f child, someDir/child [~]> resolve-path someDir | setocd CD_PATH [~]> cd child [~/child]> cd child [~/someDir/child]> ▁ ``` :point_right: The value of `CD_PATH` is an array, not a delimited string as it is in bash. ```powershell [~]> setocd CD_PATH ~/Documents/, ~/Downloads [~]> $cde.CD_PATH ~/Documents ~/Downloads ``` # CDABLE VARS **`cd` into variables without the `$` and enable tab completion into child directories** Given a variable containing a folder path (configured in your `$PROFILE`, perhaps, or by invoking [`Get-Ancestors -Export`](#variable-based-completions)), you can `cd` into it using the variable name. :point_right: CDABLE_VARS is off by default; enable it with, [`setocd CDABLE_VARS`](#configure). ```powershell [~/projects/powershell]> setocd CDABLE_VARS [~/projects/powershell]> $bk1 = $pwd [~/projects/powershell]> cd [~]> cd bk1 [~/projects/powershell]> ▁ ``` It works with relative paths too, so if you find yourself frequently `cd`ing into the same subdirectories you could create a corresponding variable. ```powershell [~/projects/powershell]> $gh = './.git/hooks' [~/projects/powershell]> cd gh [~/projects/powershell/.git/hooks]> ▁ ``` You can combine it with [AUTO_CD](#auto-cd) for great good: ```powershell [C:/projects/powershell/src/Modules/Unix]> xup -Export | out-null [C:/projects/powershell/src/Modules/Unix]> projects [C:/projects]> src [C:/projects/powershell/src]> ▁ ``` # Related commands ## Get-Up (gup) Gets the path of an ancestor directory, either by name or by number of levels (`n`), returning the parent of the current directory by default. It supports consuming values from the pipeline so you can do things like: ```powershell [C:/projects]> # find git repositories [C:/projects]> ls .git -Force -Depth 2 | gup C:\projects\cd-extras C:\projects\work\app ... [C:/projects]> # find chocolatey root directory [C:/projects]> gcm choco | gup 2 C:\ProgramData\chocolatey ``` ## Get-Stack (dirs) View contents of undo (`cd-`) and redo (`cd+`) stacks. Use `dirs -u` for an indexed list of undo locations, `dirs -r` for a corresponding list of redo locations, or just `dirs` to see both. ## Clear-Stack (dirsc) Clear contents of undo (`cd-`) and/or redo (`cd+`) stacks. ## Expand-Path (xpa) Expands a candidate path by inserting wildcards between each segment. Use a trailing slash to expand *children* of the matched path(s). Contents of `CD_PATH` will be included. :point_right: The expansion may match more than you expect. Test the output before piping it into a potentially destructive command. # Compatibility ## OS X & Linux `cd-extras` works on non-Windows operating systems. The `IndexedCompletion` option is off by default unless you configured PSReadLine with a `MenuComplete` keybinding _before_ importing `cd-extras`. ```powershell Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Tab -Function MenuComplete ``` Otherwise you can enable `cd-extras` menu completions manually with: ```powershell setocd IndexedCompletion ``` ## Alternative providers _cd-extras_ is primarily intended to work against the filesystem provider but it should work with other providers too. ```powershell [~]> cd hklm:\ [HKLM:]> cd so/mic/win/cur/windowsupdate [HKLM:/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/WindowsUpdate]> .. [HKLM:/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion]> cd- [HKLM:/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/WindowsUpdate]> cd- 2 [~]> ▁ ``` # Install From the [gallery](https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/cd-extras/) ```powershell Install-Module cd-extras Import-Module cd-extras # add to profile. e.g: Add-Content $PROFILE `n, 'Import-Module cd-extras' ``` or get the latest from github ```powershell git clone https://github.com/nickcox/cd-extras.git Import-Module cd-extras/cd-extras/cd-extras.psd1 # yep, three :D ``` # Configure ## cd-extras options - _AUTO_CD_: `[bool] = $true` - Enables auto_cd. - _CDABLE_VARS_: `[bool] = $false` - Enables cdable_vars. - _NOARG_CD_: `[string] = '~'` - If specified, `cd` with no arguments will change into the given directory. - _CD_PATH_: `[string[]] = @()` - Paths to be searched by `cd` and tab completion. An array, not a delimited string. - _WordDelimiters_ : `[string[]] = '.', '_', '-'` - Word boundaries within path segments. For example, `.foo` will be expanded into `*.foo*`. - _ToolTip_ : `[ScriptBlock] = { param ($item, $isTruncated) ... }` - Information displayed in the menu-completion tooltip. This is passed two arguments: the current item, and a boolean indicating whether the list of completions has been truncated. It should return a string. - _IndexedCompletion_: `[bool] = $true (if MenuComplete key bound)` - If truthy, indexes are offered as completions for `up`, `cd+` and `cd-` with full paths displayed in the menu. - _DirCompletions_: `[string[]] = 'Set-Location', 'Set-LocationEx', 'Push-Location'` - Commands that participate in enhanced tab completion for directories. - _PathCompletions_: `[string[]] = 'Get-ChildItem', 'Get-Item', 'Invoke-Item', 'Expand-Path'` - Commands that participate in enhanced tab completion for any path (files or directories). - _FileCompletions_: `[string[]] = @()` - Commands that participate in enhanced tab completion for files. - _ColorCompletion_ : `[bool] = false` - When truthy, dir/path/file completions will be coloured by `Format-ColorizedFilename`, if available. - _MaxMenuLength_ : `[int] = 35` - Truncate completion menu items to this length. - _MaxCompletions_ : `[int] = 0` - Limit the number of menu completions offered. If falsy then _cd_extras_ will attempt to calculate the maximum number of completions that can fit on the screen given the current `$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize` and `$cde.MaxMenuLength`. Otherwise should be no greater than `(Get-PSReadLineOption).CompletionQueryItems`. To configure _cd-extras_ create a hashtable, `cde`, with one or more of these keys _before_ importing it: ```powershell $cde = @{ AUTO_CD = $false CD_PATH = '~/Documents/', '~/Downloads' } Import-Module cd-extras ``` or call the `Set-CdExtrasOption` (`setocd`) function after importing the module: ```powershell Import-Module cd-extras setocd PathCompletions Invoke-VSCode # appends PathCompletions setocd CDABLE_VARS # turns CDABLE_VARS on setocd AUTO_CD 0 # turns AUTO_CD off setocd MaxCompletions 0 # auto calculate the maximum number of completions to display # append the mode string for each item to the completion tooltip setocd ToolTip { "$($args[0]) ($($args[0].Mode))" } ``` :point_right: If you want to opt out of the default [completions](#enhanced-completion-for-cd-and-others) then you should do it before _cd-extras_ is loaded since PowerShell doesn't provide a way to deregister argument completers. ```powershell $cde = @{ DirCompletions = @() } Import-Module cd-extras ``` ## Navigation helper key handlers If you want to bind [navigation helpers](#navigation-helpers) to _PSReadLine_ [key handlers][2] then you'll probably want to redraw the prompt after navigation. ```powershell function invokePrompt() { [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::InvokePrompt() } @{ 'Alt+^' = { if (up -PassThru) { invokePrompt } } 'Alt+[' = { if (cd- -PassThru) { invokePrompt } } 'Alt+]' = { if (cd+ -PassThru) { invokePrompt } } 'Alt+Backspace' = { if (cdr -PassThru) { invokePrompt } } }.GetEnumerator() | % { Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler $_.Name $_.Value } ``` ## Using a different alias _cd-extras_ aliases `cd` to its proxy command, `Set-LocationEx`. If you want a different alias then you'll probably want to restore the original `cd` alias too. ```powershell [~]> set-alias cd set-location -Option AllScope [~]> set-alias cde set-locationex [~]> cde /w/s/d/et [C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc]> cd- # still cd-, not cde- [~]> ▁ ``` :point_right: `cd-extras` will only remember locations visited via `Set-LocationEx` or its alias. ```powershell [~]> dirs -u [~]> Set-Location code [~/code]> cd- [~/code]> ▁ ``` [0]: https://github.com/PowerShell/PSReadLine [1]: https://github.com/DHowett/DirColors [2]: https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/module/psreadline/set-psreadlinekeyhandler [3]: https://github.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide/wiki/Algorithm#maching |