.SYNOPSIS See the items in the cd-extras history stack. .PARAMETER Undo Show contents of the Undo stack. .PARAMETER Redo Show contents of the Redo stack. .EXAMPLE # Get contents of both stacks (default) C:\> cd windows C:\Windows> cd system32 C:\Windows\System32> cd- C:\Windows> Get-Stack Name Value ---- ----- Redo C:\windows\System32 Undo C:\ .EXAMPLE # Get indexed contents of undo stack C:\> cd windows C:\Windows> cd system32 C:\Windows\system32> Get-Stack -u n Name Path - ---- ---- 0 System32 C:\Windows\system32 1 Windows C:\Windows 2 C:\ C:\ #> function Get-Stack { [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] [OutputType([String])] [CmdletBinding()] param( [Alias("l", "p", "v")] [switch] $Undo, [switch] $Redo ) function indexed($xs) { $xs | select @{ l = 'n'; e = { [array]::IndexOf($xs, $_) + 1 } }, @{l = 'Name'; e = { $_ | Split-Path -Leaf } }, @{l = 'Path'; e = { $_ } } } if ($Undo -and -not $Redo) { indexed $undoStack } elseif ($Redo -and -not $Undo) { indexed $redoStack } else { @{ Undo = $undoStack Redo = $redoStack } } } |