${Script:/} = [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar $Script:undoStack = [System.Collections.Stack]::new() $Script:redoStack = [System.Collections.Stack]::new() enum CycleDirection { Undo; Redo } $Script:cycleDirection = [CycleDirection]::Undo # used by Step-Between function DefaultIfEmpty([scriptblock] $default) { Begin { $any = $false } Process { if ($_) { $any = $true; $_ } } End { if (!$any) { &$default } } } filter IsRootedOrRelative { ($_ | IsRooted) -or ($_ | IsRelative) } filter IsRooted { [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($_) -or $_ -match '~(/|\\)*' # also consider the path rooted if it's relative to home } filter IsRelative { $_ -match '^+\.' # e.g. starts with ./, ../, ... } filter IsDescendedFrom($maybeAncestor) { (Resolve-Path $_ -ErrorAction Ignore) -like "$(Resolve-Path $maybeAncestor)*" } filter NormaliseAndEscape { $_ | Normalise | Escape } filter Normalise { $_ -replace '/|\\', ${/} } filter Escape { [regex]::Escape($_) } filter RemoveSurroundingQuotes { ($_ -replace "^'", '') -replace "'$", '' } filter SurroundAndTerminate($trailChar) { if ($_ -notmatch ' |\[|\]') { "$_$trailChar" } else { "'$_$trailChar'" } } filter RemoveTrailingSeparator { $_ -replace "[/\\]$", '' } filter EscapeWildcards { [WildcardPattern]::Escape($_) } function GetStackIndex([array]$stack, [string]$namepart) { ( $items = $stack -eq $namepart # full path match ) -or ( $items = $stack |? { ($_ | Split-Path -Leaf) -eq $namepart } # full leaf match ) -or ( $items = $stack |? { ($_ | Split-Path -Leaf).StartsWith($namepart) } # leaf starts with ) -or ( $items = $stack -match ($namepart | NormaliseAndEscape) # anything... ) | Out-Null [array]::indexOf($stack, ($items | select -First 1)) } function IndexedComplete() { Begin { $items = @() } Process { $items += $_ } End { $items | % { $itemText = if ($cde.MenuCompletion -and @($items).Count -gt 1) { "$($_.index)" } else { $_.long | SurroundAndTerminate } [Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new( $itemText, "$($_.index). $($_.short)" , "ParameterValue", "$($_.index). $($_.long)" ) } } } function RegisterCompletions([array] $commands, $param, $target) { Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName $commands -ParameterName $param -ScriptBlock $target } function WriteLog($message) { if ((Get-Variable cde) -and ($cde | Get-Member _logger)) { &$cde._logger $message } else { Write-Verbose $message } } |