
Attempts to expand a given candidate path by appending a wildcard character (*)
to the end of each path segment.
.PARAMETER Candidate
Candidate search string.
.PARAMETER SearchPaths
Set of paths to search in addition to the current directory. $cde.CD_PATH by default.
Limits search results to leaf items.
.PARAMETER Directory
Limits search results to container items.
PS> Expand-Path /win/sys/dr/et -Directory
    Directory: C:\Windows\System32\drivers
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 21/12/2017 11:50 PM etc

function Expand-Path {

  param (
    [string] $Candidate,
    [array]  $SearchPaths = $cde.CD_PATH,
    [switch] $File,
    [switch] $Directory

  [string]$wildcardedPath = $Candidate `
    -replace '(\w/|\w\\|\w$)', '$0*' `
    -replace '(/\*|\\\*)', ('*' + ${/}) `
    -replace '(/$|\\$)', '$0*' `
    -replace '(\.\w|\.$)', '*$0'

  if ($SearchPaths -and -not ($Candidate | IsRootedOrRelative)) {
    # always include the local path, regardeless of whether it was passed
    # in the searchPaths parameter (this differs from the behaviour in bash)
    $wildcardedPaths = @($wildcardedPath) + (
      $SearchPaths | % { Join-Path $_ $wildcardedPath })
  else { $wildcardedPaths = $wildcardedPath }

  $targetDrive = if (
    ($Candidate | Split-Path -IsAbsolute) -and
    ($driveName = $Candidate | Split-Path -Qualifier -ErrorAction Ignore)) {
    $driveName | % {Get-PSDrive $_.Replace(':', '')}
  else {

  # registry provider cannot filter by type so check provider capabilities
  $type = if ($targetDrive.Provider.Capabilities.HasFlag(
      [Management.Automation.Provider.ProviderCapabilities]::Filter)) {
    @{File = $File; Directory = $Directory}
  else { @{}

  WriteLog "`nExpanding $Candidate to: $wildcardedPaths"
  Get-ChildItem $wildcardedPaths @type -Force -ErrorAction Ignore