${Script:/} = [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar $Script:Multidot = '^\.{3,}$' $Script:fwd = 'fwd' $Script:back = 'back' $Script:OLDPWD # used by Step-Back $Script:setLocation = {SetLocationEx @args} function SetLocationEx { [CmdletBinding()] param([string]$Path, [switch]$PassThru) # discard any existing forward (redo) stack $Script:fwd = 'fwd' + [Guid]::NewGuid() # don't push consecutive dupes onto stack if ( (@((Get-Location -StackName $back -ea Ignore )) | Select -First 1).Path -ne (Get-Location).Path ) { if (Get-Item $path -ea Ignore) { Push-Location -StackName $back } } $Script:OLDPWD = $PWD Set-Location @PSBoundParameters } function IsRootedOrRelative($path) { (IsRooted $path) -or (IsRelative $path) } function IsRooted($path) { return [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($path) -or $path -match '~(/|\\)*' # also consider the path rooted if it's relative to home } function IsRelative($path) { return $path -match '^+\.(/|\\)' # e.g. starts with ./, ../ } function NormaliseAndEscape($pathPart) { $normalised = $pathPart -replace '/|\\', ${/} return [regex]::Escape($normalised) } function GetStackIndex([array]$stack, [string]$namepart) { $index = [array]::FindIndex( $stack, [Predicate[System.Management.Automation.PathInfo]] { ($leafName = $args[0] | Split-Path -Leaf) -and $leafName -match [regex]::Escape($namePart) }) if ($index -ge 0) { return $index } return [array]::FindIndex( $stack, [Predicate[System.Management.Automation.PathInfo]] { $args[0] -match (NormaliseAndEscape $namepart) }) } function PathIsDescendedFrom($maybeAncestor, $maybeDescendant) { (Resolve-Path $maybeDescendant) -like "$(Resolve-Path $maybeAncestor)*" } function IndexedComplete($items) { filter IndexedCompletion { $itemText = if ($cde.MenuCompletion -and $items.Count -gt 1) {"$($_.index)"} else {"'$($_.long)'"} [Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new( $itemText, "$($_.index). $($_.short)" , "ParameterValue", "$($_.index). $($_.long)" ) } $items | IndexedCompletion } function RegisterCompletions([array] $commands, $param, $target) { Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName $commands -ParameterName $param -ScriptBlock $target } function DoUnderTest($block) { $Global:__cdeUnderTest = $true &$block } |