.SYNOPSIS Undo the previous n changes to the current location .EXAMPLE PS C:\Windows\System32> # Move backwards to the previous location PS C:\Windows\System32> cd .. PS C:\Windows> Undo-Location PS C:\Windows\System32> _ .EXAMPLE PS C:\Windows\System32> # Move backwards to the 2nd last location PS C:\Windows\System32> cd .. PS C:\Windows\> cd .. PS C:\> Undo-Location 2 PS C:\Windows\System32> _ .LINK Redo-Location #> function Undo-Location { [CmdletBinding()] param([byte]$n = 1) 1..$n | % { if ((Get-Location -StackName $fwd -ea Ignore) -ne $null) { Push-Location -StackName $back Pop-Location -StackName $fwd } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Move back to a location previously navigated away from using Undo-Location .EXAMPLE C:\Windows\System32> # Move backward using Undo-Location, then forward using Redo-Location C:\Windows\System32> cd .. C:\Windows> Undo-Location C:\Windows\System32> Redo-Location C:\Windows> _ .LINK Undo-Location #> function Redo-Location { [CmdletBinding()] param([byte]$n = 1) 1..$n | % { if ((Get-Location -StackName $back -ea Ignore) -ne $null) { Push-Location -StackName $fwd Pop-Location -StackName $back } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Navigate upward by n levels (one level by default) or to the first parent directory matching a given search term .EXAMPLE C:\Windows\System32> Raise-Location C:\Windows> _ .EXAMPLE C:\Windows\System32> Raise-Location 2 C:\> _ .EXAMPLE C:\Windows\System32> Raise-Location win C:\Windows> _ #> function Raise-Location { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'levels')] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'levels', Position = 0)] [byte]$n = 1, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'named', Position = 0)] [string]$name ) if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'levels' -and $n -ge 1) { Push-Location -StackName $fwd 1..$n | % { $parent = Get-Location | Split-Path -Parent if ($parent) { Set-Location $parent } } } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'named') { $next = Get-Location | Get-Item while ($next = $next.Parent) { if ($next.Name -match $name) { Set-LocationEx $next.FullName break } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Attempt to replace all instances of 'replace' with 'with' in the current path, changing to the resulting directory if it exists .EXAMPLE ~\Modules\Unix\Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility> Transpose-Location unix shared ~\Modules\Shared\Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility> _ #> function Transpose-Location { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$Replace, [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$With) if (-not ($PWD.Path -match $Replace)) { throw "String '$Replace' isn't in '$PWD'" } if (Test-Path ($path = $PWD.Path -replace $Replace, $With) -PathType Container) { Set-LocationEx $path } else { throw "No such directory: '$path'" } } <# .SYNOPSIS Attempts to expand a given candidate path by appending a wildcard character (*) to the end of each path segment. .EXAMPLE PS> Expand-Path /win/sys/dr/et Expands to @( C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc, C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ETD.sys, C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ETDSMBus.sys) #> function Expand-Path { [CmdletBinding()] param ($Candidate, [array]$SearchPaths = @()) [string]$wildcardedPath = $Candidate -replace '(\w/|\w\\|\w$)', '$0*' ` -replace '(/\*|\\\*)', ('*' + [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar) ` -replace '(/$|\\$)', '$0*' ` -replace '(\.\w|\.$)', '*$0' if ($SearchPaths -and -not (IsRootedOrRelative $Candidate)) { # always include the local path, regardeless of whether it was passed # in the searchPaths parameter (this differs from the behaviour in bash) $wildcardedPaths = @($wildcardedPath) + ( $SearchPaths |% { Join-Path $_ $wildcardedPath }) } else { $wildcardedPaths = $wildcardedPath } Write-Verbose "Expanding $Candidate to: $wildcardedPaths" return Get-ChildItem $wildcardedPaths -Force -ErrorAction Ignore } <# .SYNOPSIS See the items in the cd-extras history stack (wraps Get-Location -Stack in the context of the cd-extras module) #> function Peek-Stack { [CmdletBinding()] param() @{ Undo = (Get-Location -StackName $fwd -ea Ignore) Redo = (Get-Location -StackName $back -ea Ignore) } } <# .SYNOPSIS Update cd-extras option ('AUTO_CD' or 'CD_PATH') .EXAMPLE PS C:\> # disable AUTO_CD PS C:\> Set-CdExtrasOption -Option AUTO_CD -Value $true #> function Set-CdExtrasOption { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [ValidateSet( 'AUTO_CD', 'CD_PATH', 'NOARG_CD')] $Option, $Value) $Global:cde.$option = $value $Script:fwd = 'forward' $Script:back = 'back' $helpers = @{ raiseLocation = {Raise-Location @args} setLocation = {Set-LocationEx @args} expandPath = {Expand-Path @args} transpose = {Transpose-Location @args} isUnderTest = {$Global:__cdeUnderTest -and !($Global:__cdeUnderTest = $false)} } $commandsToComplete = @('Push-Location', 'Set-Location') $commandsToAutoExpand = @('cd', 'Set-Location') RegisterArgumentCompleter $commandsToComplete PostCommandLookup $commandsToAutoExpand $helpers if ($cde.AUTO_CD) { CommandNotFound @(AutoCd $helpers) $helpers } else { CommandNotFound @() @() } } |