
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    GettingFilterToConsumerBinding="Retreiving any avilable bindings for {0} and {1} of type {2}".
    BindingFound="Binding found for filter {0}, consumer {1} of type {2}".
    BindingNotFound="Binding found for filter {0}, consumer {1} of type {2}".
    GettingFilterAndConsumer="Retrieving Filter and Consumer instances for {0} and {1}".
    FilterAndConsumerCannotBeCreated="Filter and Consumer instances cannot be created for filter {0} and consumer {1}".
    CreatingFilterToConsumerBinding="Creating event binding for filter {0} and consumer {1} of type {2}".
    CreatedEventBinding="Created event binding for filter {0} and consumer {1} of type {2}".
    RemovingEventBinding="Removing event binding for filter {0} and consumer {1} of type {2}".
    RemovedEventBinding="Removed event binding for filter {0} and consumer {1} of type {2}".
    EventBindingExistsNoAction="Event binding for filter {0} and consumer {1} of type {2} exists. No action needed.".
    EventBindingDoesNotExistShouldCreate="Event binding for filter {0} and consumer {1} of type {2} does not exist. It will be created".
    EventBindingExistsShouldDelete="Event binding for filter {0} and consumer {1} of type {2} exits. It should be deleted".
    EventBindingDoesNotExistNoAction="Event binding for filter {0} and consumer {1} of type {2} does not exist. No action needed".