function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [ValidateSet('Present','Absent')] [String] $Ensure, [parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Url, [parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $SubscriptionId, [parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCredential] $Credential, [parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $VMRoleGIName, [String] $VMRoleGIVersion, [String] $VMRoleGIPublisher, [ValidateSet('Small','A7','ExtraSmall','Large','A6','Medium','ExtraLarge')] [String] $VMSize = 'Medium', [ValidateSet('LatestApplicable','LatestApplicableWithFamilyName','Specified')] [String] $OSDiskSearch = 'LatestApplicable', [String] $OSDiskFamilyName, [String] $OSDiskRelease, [parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $NetworkReference, [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]] $VMRoleParameters, [parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('ASPNET','ADFS')] [String] $TokenSource, [parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $TokenUrl, #do not define default as functions for ADFS and ASP have different defaults [UInt16] $TokenPort, [UInt16] $Port = 30006 ) Setup @PSBoundParameters if (Get-WAPVMRole -CloudServiceName $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $Ensure = 'Present' } else { $Ensure = 'Absent' } Add-Member -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Ensure' -Value $Ensure $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Verbose') $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Debug') Write-Output -InputObject $PSBoundParameters } function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [ValidateSet('Present','Absent')] [String] $Ensure, [parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Url, [parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $SubscriptionId, [parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCredential] $Credential, [parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $VMRoleGIName, [String] $VMRoleGIVersion, [String] $VMRoleGIPublisher, [ValidateSet('Small','A7','ExtraSmall','Large','A6','Medium','ExtraLarge')] [String] $VMSize = 'Medium', [ValidateSet('LatestApplicable','LatestApplicableWithFamilyName','Specified')] [String] $OSDiskSearch = 'LatestApplicable', [String] $OSDiskFamilyName, [String] $OSDiskRelease, [parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $NetworkReference, [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]] $VMRoleParameters, [parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('ASPNET','ADFS')] [String] $TokenSource, [parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $TokenUrl, #do not define default as functions for ADFS and ASP have different defaults [UInt16] $TokenPort, [UInt16] $Port = 30006 ) try { Setup @PSBoundParameters if ($Ensure -eq 'Absent') { Get-WAPCloudService -Name $Name | Remove-WAPCloudService -Force | Out-Null } else { #Get GI with Name $GI = Get-WAPGalleryVMRole -Name $VMRoleGIName #If Multiple GI's returned, check if user specified version and select on that if ($GI -is [array] -and $VMRoleGIVersion) { $GI = Get-WAPGalleryVMRole -Name $VMRoleGIName -Version $VMRoleGIVersion } #If Multiple GI's returned, and version not specified or also returned multiple object, check if user specified Publisher and select on that. if ($GI -is [array] -and $VMRoleGIPublisher) { $GI = $GI | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Publisher -eq $VMRoleGIPublisher} } #If No GI is left, throw error. if ($null -eq $GI) { throw 'No VM Role Gallery Item found matching user criteria' } else { $GI | Out-String | Write-Verbose } if ($OSDiskSearch -eq 'LatestApplicable') { $OSDisk = $GI | Get-WAPVMRoleOSDisk | Sort-Object Addedtime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 } elseif ($OSDiskSearch -eq 'LatestApplicableWithFamilyName') { $OSDisk = $GI | Get-WAPVMRoleOSDisk | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.FamilyName -eq $OSDiskFamilyName} | Sort-Object Addedtime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 } elseif ($OSDiskSearch -eq 'Specified') { $OSDisk = $GI | Get-WAPVMRoleOSDisk | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.FamilyName -eq $OSDiskFamilyName -and $_.Release -eq $OSDiskRelease} } if ($null -eq $OSDisk) { throw 'No valid OS disk was found matching User provided criteria' } $OSDisk | Out-String | Write-Verbose $Net = Get-WAPVMNetwork -Name $NetworkReference if ($null -eq $Net) { throw 'No valid virtual network was found' } $net | Out-String | Write-Verbose $VMProps = New-WAPVMRoleParameterObject -VMRole $GI -OSDisk $OSDisk -VMRoleVMSize $VMSize -VMNetwork $Net foreach ($P in $VMRoleParameters) { Add-Member -InputObject $VMProps -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $P.key -Value $P.value -Force } $VMProps | Out-String | Write-Verbose New-WAPVMRoleDeployment -VMRole $GI -ParameterObject $VMProps -CloudServiceName $Name | Out-Null } } catch { Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Stop } } function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name, [ValidateSet('Present','Absent')] [String] $Ensure, [parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Url, [parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $SubscriptionId, [parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCredential] $Credential, [parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $VMRoleGIName, [String] $VMRoleGIVersion, [String] $VMRoleGIPublisher, [ValidateSet('Small','A7','ExtraSmall','Large','A6','Medium','ExtraLarge')] [String] $VMSize = 'Medium', [ValidateSet('LatestApplicable','LatestApplicableWithFamilyName','Specified')] [String] $OSDiskSearch = 'LatestApplicable', [String] $OSDiskFamilyName, [String] $OSDiskRelease, [parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $NetworkReference, [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]] $VMRoleParameters, [parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('ASPNET','ADFS')] [String] $TokenSource, [parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $TokenUrl, [UInt16] $TokenPort, [UInt16] $Port ) try { Setup @PSBoundParameters $VMRole = Get-WAPVMRole -CloudServiceName $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($Ensure -eq 'Present') { if ($null -ne $VMRole) { return $true } else { return $false } } else { if ($null -eq $VMRole) { return $true } else { return $false } } } catch { Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Stop } } function Setup { param ( $TokenSource, $TokenUrl, $TokenPort, $Credential, $Url, $Port, $SubscriptionId ) try { if ($TokenSource -eq 'ADFS') { Write-Verbose "Acquiring ADFS token from $TokenUrl with credentials: $($Credential.username)" Get-WAPToken -Credential $Credential -URL $TokenUrl -Port $TokenPort -ADFS } else { Write-Verbose "Acquiring ASP.Net token from $TokenUrl" Get-WAPToken -Credential $Credential -URL $TokenUrl -Port $TokenPort } Connect-WAPAPI -URL $Url -Port $Port $Subscription = Get-WAPSubscription -Id $SubscriptionId if ($null -eq $SubscriptionId) { throw "Subscription with Id: $SubscriptionId was not found!" } $Subscription | Select-WAPSubscription } catch { Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Stop } } |