#requires -Version 4.0 -Modules Pester $Global:DSCModuleName = 'cUserRightsAssignment' $Global:DSCResourceName = 'cUserRight' #region Header $ModuleRoot = Split-Path -Path $Script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent | Split-Path -Parent | Split-Path -Parent if ( (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests') -PathType Container)) -or (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1') -PathType Leaf)) ) { & git @('clone', 'https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResource.Tests.git', (Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests')) } else { & git @('-C', (Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests'), 'pull') } Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1') -Force $TestEnvironment = Initialize-TestEnvironment -DSCModuleName $Global:DSCModuleName -DSCResourceName $Global:DSCResourceName -TestType Unit #endregion # Begin Testing try { #region Unit Tests InModuleScope $Global:DSCResourceName { $TestParameters = [PSCustomObject]@{ Constant = 'SeBatchLogonRight' Principal = 'CONTOSO\John_Doe' } Describe "$Global:DSCResourceName\Get-TargetResource" { Context 'User right is granted' { Mock -CommandName Get-UserRight -MockWith { [PSCustomObject]@{ Principal = $TestParameters.Principal UserRights = [String[]]@($TestParameters.Constant) } } $Result = Get-TargetResource -Constant $TestParameters.Constant -Principal $TestParameters.Principal It 'Should call the Get-UserRight helper function once' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-UserRight -Exactly 1 } It 'Should return Ensure set to Present' { $Result.Ensure | Should Be 'Present' } It 'Should return Constant' { $Result.Constant | Should Be $TestParameters.Constant } It 'Should return Principal' { $Result.Principal | Should Be $TestParameters.Principal } } Context 'User right is not granted' { Mock -CommandName Get-UserRight -MockWith { [PSCustomObject]@{ Principal = $TestParameters.Principal UserRights = [String[]]@() } } $Result = Get-TargetResource -Constant $TestParameters.Constant -Principal $TestParameters.Principal It 'Should call the Get-UserRight helper function once' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-UserRight -Exactly 1 } It 'Should return Ensure set to Absent' { $Result.Ensure | Should Be 'Absent' } It 'Should return Constant' { $Result.Constant | Should Be $TestParameters.Constant } It 'Should return Principal' { $Result.Principal | Should Be $TestParameters.Principal } } } Describe "$Global:DSCResourceName\Test-TargetResource" { Context 'Ensure is set to Absent and user right is granted' { Mock -CommandName Get-UserRight -MockWith { [PSCustomObject]@{ Principal = $TestParameters.Principal UserRights = [String[]]@($TestParameters.Constant) } } $Result = Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Absent' -Constant $TestParameters.Constant -Principal $TestParameters.Principal It 'Should return False' { $Result | Should Be $false } } Context 'Ensure is set to Absent and user right is not granted' { Mock -CommandName Get-UserRight -MockWith { [PSCustomObject]@{ Principal = $TestParameters.Principal UserRights = [String[]]@() } } $Result = Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Absent' -Constant $TestParameters.Constant -Principal $TestParameters.Principal It 'Should return True' { $Result | Should Be $true } } Context 'Ensure is set to Present and user right is granted' { Mock -CommandName Get-UserRight -MockWith { [PSCustomObject]@{ Principal = $TestParameters.Principal UserRights = [String[]]@($TestParameters.Constant) } } $Result = Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Constant $TestParameters.Constant -Principal $TestParameters.Principal It 'Should return True' { $Result | Should Be $true } } Context 'Ensure is set to Present and user right is not granted' { Mock -CommandName Get-UserRight -MockWith { [PSCustomObject]@{ Principal = $TestParameters.Principal UserRights = [String[]]@() } } $Result = Test-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Constant $TestParameters.Constant -Principal $TestParameters.Principal It 'Should return False' { $Result | Should Be $false } } } Describe "$Global:DSCResourceName\Set-TargetResource" { Context 'Ensure is set to Absent' { Mock -CommandName Revoke-UserRight -ParameterFilter { $Principal -eq $TestParameters.Principal -and $UserRights -eq $TestParameters.Constant } Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Absent' -Constant $TestParameters.Constant -Principal $TestParameters.Principal It 'Should call the Revoke-UserRight helper function once' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Revoke-UserRight -Exactly 1 } } Context 'Ensure is set to Present' { Mock -CommandName Grant-UserRight -ParameterFilter { $Principal -eq $TestParameters.Principal -and $UserRights -eq $TestParameters.Constant } Set-TargetResource -Ensure 'Present' -Constant $TestParameters.Constant -Principal $TestParameters.Principal It 'Should call the Grant-UserRight helper function once' { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Grant-UserRight -Exactly 1 } } } Describe "$Global:DSCResourceName\Initialize-CustomType" { It 'Should not throw' { {Initialize-CustomType} | Should Not Throw } } } #endregion } finally { #region Footer Restore-TestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $TestEnvironment #endregion } |