
class ScomErrorReportingSetting : ResourceBase
    [DscProperty(Key)] [ValidateSet('yes')] [string] $IsSingleInstance
    [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [ScomReportSetting] $ReportSetting
    [DscProperty(NotConfigurable)] [Reason[]] $Reasons

    [ScomErrorReportingSetting] Get()
        $reasonList = @()
        $setting = (Get-ScomErrorReportingSetting).ErrorReportingSetting
        if ($setting -ne $this.ReportSetting)
            $reasonList += @{
                Code   = 'ScomErrorReportingSetting:ScomErrorReportingSetting:WrongApprovalSetting'
                Phrase = "Approval setting is $setting but should be $($this.ReportSetting)"
        return @{
            IsSingleInstance = $this.IsSingleInstance
            ReportSetting    = $setting
            Reasons          = $reasonList

    [void] Set()
        $parameters = @{
            ErrorAction    = 'Stop'
            $this.ReportSetting = $true
            Confirm        = $false
        if ($parameters.Contains('OptOut'))
            $parameters['DoNotSend'] = $true
        Set-ScomErrorReportingSetting @parameters

    [bool] Test()
        return ($this.Get().Reasons.Count -eq 0)

    [Hashtable] GetConfigurableDscProperties()
        # This method returns a hashtable of properties with two special workarounds
        # The hashtable will not include any properties marked as "NotConfigurable"
        # Any properties with a ValidateSet of "True","False" will beconverted to Boolean type
        # The intent is to simplify splatting to functions
        # Source:
        $DscProperties = @{}
        foreach ($property in [ScomErrorReportingSetting].GetProperties().Name)
            # Checks if "NotConfigurable" attribute is set
            $notConfigurable = [ScomErrorReportingSetting].GetProperty($property).GetCustomAttributes($false).Where({ $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.DscPropertyAttribute] }).NotConfigurable
            if (!$notConfigurable)
                $value = $this.$property
                # Gets the list of valid values from the ValidateSet attribute
                $validateSet = [ScomErrorReportingSetting].GetProperty($property).GetCustomAttributes($false).Where({ $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute] }).ValidValues
                if ($validateSet)
                    # Workaround for boolean types
                    if ($null -eq (Compare-Object @('True', 'False') $validateSet))
                        $value = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($this.$property)
                # Add property to new
                $DscProperties.add($property, $value)
        return $DscProperties