try { [Ensure] } catch { enum Ensure { Present Absent } } try { [Reason] } catch { # Support for DSC v3, for what it's worth class Reason { [DscProperty()] [string] $Code [DscProperty()] [string] $Phrase } } try { [Role] } catch { enum Role { FirstManagementServer AdditionalManagementServer ReportServer WebConsole NativeConsole } } <# .SYNOPSIS Return a formatted command line to install SCOM .DESCRIPTION Return a formatted command line to install SCOM .EXAMPLE Get-cScomParameter @parameters /install /silent /components:OMConsole /AcceptEndUserLicenseAgreement:"1" /EnableErrorReporting:"Never" /InstallLocation:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center\Operations Manager" /SendCEIPReports:"0" /UseMicrosoftUpdate:"0" #> function Get-cScomParameter { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PsAvoidUsingPlaintextForPassword", "", Justification = "Nope")] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingUsernameAndPasswordParams", "", Justification = "Nope")] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSReviewUnusedParameter", "", Justification = "Parameters used programmatically")] [OutputType([string])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Role] $Role, [string] $ManagementGroupName, [uint16] $ManagementServicePort, [string] $SqlServerInstance, [string] $SqlInstancePort, [string] $DatabaseName, [string] $DwSqlServerInstance, [string] $InstallLocation, [string] $DwSqlInstancePort, [string] $DwDatabaseName, [string] $ActionAccountUser, [string] $ActionAccountPassword, [string] $DASAccountUser, [string] $DASAccountPassword, [string] $DataReaderUser, [string] $DataReaderPassword, [string] $DataWriterUser, [string] $DataWriterPassword, [string] $ManagementServer, [string] $WebSiteName, [string] $WebConsoleAuthorizationMode, [uint16] $WebConsoleUseSSL, [string] $SRSInstance, [uint16] $UseMicrosoftUpdate = 0, [switch] $Uninstall ) $parameters = @{ FirstManagementServer = @{ ManagementGroupName = 'SCOM2019' ManagementServicePort = '5723' SqlServerInstance = '' SqlInstancePort = '1433' DatabaseName = 'OperationsManager' DwSqlServerInstance = '' InstallLocation = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center\Operations Manager' DwSqlInstancePort = '1433' DwDatabaseName = 'OperationsManagerDW' ActionAccountUser = 'OM19AA' ActionAccountPassword = '' DASAccountUser = 'OM19DAS' DASAccountPassword = '' DataReaderUser = 'OM19READ' DataReaderPassword = '' DataWriterUser = 'OM19WRITE' DataWriterPassword = '' EnableErrorReporting = 'Never' SendCEIPReports = '0' UseMicrosoftUpdate = '0' AcceptEndUserLicenseAgreement = '1' } AdditionalManagementServer = @{ SqlServerInstance = '' SqlInstancePort = '1433' ManagementServicePort = '5723' DatabaseName = 'OperationsManager' InstallLocation = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center\Operations Manager' ActionAccountUser = 'OM19AA' ActionAccountPassword = '' DASAccountUser = 'OM19DAS' DASAccountPassword = '' DataReaderUser = 'OM19READ' DataReaderPassword = '' DataWriterUser = 'OM19WRITE' DataWriterPassword = '' EnableErrorReporting = 'Never' SendCEIPReports = '0' AcceptEndUserLicenseAgreement = '1' UseMicrosoftUpdate = '0' } NativeConsole = @{ EnableErrorReporting = 'Never' InstallLocation = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center\Operations Manager' SendCEIPReports = '0' UseMicrosoftUpdate = '0' AcceptEndUserLicenseAgreement = '1' } WebConsole = @{ ManagementServer = '' WebSiteName = 'Default Web Site' WebConsoleAuthorizationMode = 'Mixed' WebConsoleUseSSL = '0' SendCEIPReports = '0' UseMicrosoftUpdate = '0' AcceptEndUserLicenseAgreement = '1' } ReportServer = @{ ManagementServer = '' SRSInstance = '' DataReaderUser = 'OM19READ' DataReaderPassword = '' SendODRReports = '0' UseMicrosoftUpdate = '0' AcceptEndUserLicenseAgreement = '1' } } $arguments = $parameters[$Role.ToString()].GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Key | ForEach-Object { $value = $_.Value if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($value) -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($_.Key)) { $value = $PSBoundParameters[$_.Key] } '/{0}:"{1}"' -f $_.Key, $value } switch ($Role) { { $Role -in 'FirstManagementServer', 'AdditionalManagementServer' } { if ($Uninstall.IsPresent) { '/uninstall /silent /components:OMServer'; break } "/install /silent /components:OMServer $arguments" } 'NativeConsole' { if ($Uninstall.IsPresent) { '/uninstall /silent /components:OMConsole'; break } "/install /silent /components:OMConsole $arguments" } 'WebConsole' { if ($Uninstall.IsPresent) { '/uninstall /silent /components:OMWebConsole'; break } "/install /silent /components:OMWebConsole $arguments" } 'ReportServer' { if ($Uninstall.IsPresent) { '/uninstall /silent /components:OMReporting'; break } "/install /silent /components:OMReporting $arguments" } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Locate and import OperationsManager module .DESCRIPTION Locate and import OperationsManager module .EXAMPLE Resolve-cScomModule Imports module or writes an error if not present #> function Resolve-cScomModule { [CmdletBinding()] param () if (Get-Module -Name OperationsManager) { return } $module = Get-Module -Name OperationsManager -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ListAvailable if (-not $module) { $module = Get-Module (Get-ChildItem -Path $env:ProgramFiles -Recurse -Filter OperationsManager.psd1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -First 1) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } if (-not $module) { Write-Error -Exception ([System.IO.FileNotFoundException]::new('OperationsManager module not available.')) return } Import-Module -ModuleInfo $module -Force } <# .SYNOPSIS Test if SCOM components are installed .DESCRIPTION Test if SCOM components are installed .EXAMPLE Test-cScomInstallationStatus -ScomComponent @{Role = 'NativeConsole'} returns boolean result indicating status. .PARAMETER ScomComponent Hashtable resembling the DSC class ScomComponent. #> function Test-cScomInstallationStatus { [OutputType([Bool])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [hashtable] $ScomComponent ) if ($ScomComponent.Role -eq [Role]::FirstManagementServer -or $ScomComponent.Role -eq [Role]::FirstManagementServer) { if (Get-Command -Name Get-Package -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { return [bool](Get-Package -Name 'System Center Operations Manager Server' -ProviderName msi -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) } return (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $ScomComponent.InstallLocation -ChildPath Server)) } if ($ScomComponent.Role -eq [Role]::NativeConsole) { if (Get-Command -Name Get-Package -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { return [bool](Get-Package -Name 'System Center Operations Manager Console' -ProviderName msi -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) } return (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $ScomComponent.InstallLocation -ChildPath Console)) } if ($ScomComponent.Role -eq [Role]::WebConsole) { $website = Get-Website -Name $ScomComponent.WebSiteName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not $website) { return $false } return $true } if ($ScomComponent.Role -eq [Role]::ReportServer) { if (Get-Command -Name Get-Package -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { return [bool](Get-Package -Name 'System Center Operations Manager Reporting Server' -ProviderName msi -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) } return (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $ScomComponent.InstallLocation -ChildPath Reporting)) } } |