configuration Sample_cMsmq { Import-DscResource �ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration Import-DscResource -ModuleName cMsmq # Ensure the Message Queueing is installed. WindowsFeature MSMQ { Ensure = 'Present' Name = 'MSMQ' } # Ensure the MSMQ service is running. Service MsmqService { Name = 'MSMQ' State = 'Running' DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]MSMQ' } # Ensure the specified private queue exists. # All the parameters will be either left unchanged or, if the queue is to be created, set to their default values. cMsmqQueue Queue1 { Ensure = 'Present' Name = 'Queue-1' DependsOn = '[Service]MsmqService' } # Ensure the specified transactional private queue exists. # If there is already a private queue with the same name but of different type, an error will be thrown. cMsmqQueue Queue2 { Ensure = 'Present' Name = 'Queue-2' Transactional = $true Authenticate = $true Journaling = $true JournalQuota = 65536 Label = 'Created by the cMsmqQueue DSC resource' PrivacyLevel = 'Body' QueueQuota = 262144 DependsOn = '[Service]MsmqService' } # Ensure the specified private queue does not exist. # If provided, all the other non-mandatory properties will be ignored. cMsmqQueue Queue3 { Ensure = 'Absent' Name = 'Queue-3' DependsOn = '[Service]MsmqService' } # Grant Full Control permission level for the specified principal. cMsmqQueuePermissionEntry QueuePermission1 { Ensure = 'Present' Name = 'Queue-1' Principal = $Env:UserDomain, $Env:UserName -join '\' AccessRights = 'FullControl' DependsOn = '[cMsmqQueue]Queue1' } # Grant multiple access rights for the specified principal. cMsmqQueuePermissionEntry QueuePermission2 { Ensure = 'Present' Name = 'Queue-2' Principal = 'BUILTIN\Administrators' AccessRights = 'ChangeQueuePermissions', 'DeleteQueue' DependsOn = '[cMsmqQueue]Queue2' } # Revoke all permissions for the specified principal. cMsmqQueuePermissionEntry QueuePermission3 { Ensure = 'Absent' Name = 'Queue-2' Principal = 'BUILTIN\Users' DependsOn = '[cMsmqQueue]Queue2' } } Sample_cMsmq -OutputPath "$Env:SystemDrive\Sample_cMsmq" Start-DscConfiguration -Path "$Env:SystemDrive\Sample_cMsmq" -Force -Verbose -Wait Get-DscConfiguration |