[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("cMsmqQueuePermissionEntry")] class cMsmqQueuePermissionEntry : OMI_BaseResource { [Write, Description("Indicates whether the permission entry exists. The default value is Present. Set this property to Absent to ensure that any access rights the principal has are revoked."), ValueMap{"Absent","Present"}, Values{"Absent","Present"}] String Ensure; [Key, Description("Indicates the name of the queue.")] String Name; [Key, Description("Indicates the identity of the principal. Valid name formats: Down-Level Logon Name; User Principal Name; sAMAccountName; Security Identifier.")] String Principal; [Write, Description("Indicates the access rights to be granted to the principal. Specify one or more values from the System.Messaging.MessageQueueAccessRights enumeration type. Multiple values can be specified by using a comma-separated string.")] String AccessRights[]; }; |