Configuration DeployMDTServerContract { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage = "Enter password for MDT Local Account")] [PSCredential]$Credentials ) Import-Module -Name PSDesiredStateConfiguration, xSmbShare, cNtfsAccessControl, cMDTBuildLab Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration Import-DscResource -ModuleName xSmbShare Import-DscResource -ModuleName cNtfsAccessControl Import-DscResource -ModuleName cMDTBuildLab node $AllNodes.Where{$_.Role -match "MDT Server"}.NodeName { LocalConfigurationManager { RebootNodeIfNeeded = $AllNodes.RebootNodeIfNeeded ConfigurationMode = $AllNodes.ConfigurationMode ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins = $AllNodes.ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins RefreshFrequencyMins = $AllNodes.RefreshFrequencyMins } cMDTBuildPreReqs MDTPreReqs { DownloadPath = $Node.SourcePath } User MDTAccessAccount { Ensure = "Present" UserName = $Credentials.UserName FullName = $Credentials.UserName Password = $Credentials PasswordChangeRequired = $false PasswordNeverExpires = $true Description = "Managed Client Administrator Account" Disabled = $false } WindowsFeature DataDeduplication { Ensure = "Present" Name = "FS-Data-Deduplication" } Package ADK { Ensure = "Present" Name = "Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit - Windows 10" Path = "$($Node.SourcePath)\ADK\adksetup.exe" ProductId = "3dec9467-d9ad-42df-8e84-888057bac8f1" Arguments = "/Features OptionId.DeploymentTools /norestart /quiet /ceip off" ReturnCode = 0 } Package WinPE { Ensure = "Present" Name = "Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit Windows Preinstallation Environment Add-ons - Windows 10" Path = "$($Node.SourcePath)\WindowsPE\adkwinpesetup.exe" ProductId = "d5163028-7863-4874-9e37-2284427b76fb" Arguments = "/Features OptionId.WindowsPreinstallationEnvironment /norestart /quiet /ceip off" ReturnCode = 0 } Package MDT { Ensure = "Present" Name = "Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (6.3.8456.1000)" Path = "$($Node.SourcePath)\MDT\MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit_x64.msi" ProductId = "2E6CD7B9-9D00-4B04-882F-E6971BC9A763" ReturnCode = 0 } cMDTBuildDirectory DeploymentFolder { Name = $Node.PSDrivePath.Replace("$($Node.PSDrivePath.Substring(0,2))\","") Path = $Node.PSDrivePath.Substring(0,2) DependsOn = "[Package]MDT" } # Set FullAccess rights for MDT Deployment Share to Everyone $objSID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier("S-1-1-0") $objUser = $objSID.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]) $userName = $objUser.Value xSmbShare FolderDeploymentShare { Ensure = "Present" Name = $Node.PSDriveShareName Path = $Node.PSDrivePath FullAccess = $userName FolderEnumerationMode = "AccessBased" DependsOn = "[cMDTBuildDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } cMDTBuildPersistentDrive DeploymentPSDrive { Name = $Node.PSDriveName Path = $Node.PSDrivePath Description = $Node.PSDrivePath.Replace("$($Node.PSDrivePath.Substring(0,2))\","") NetworkPath = "\\$($Node.NodeName)\$($Node.PSDriveShareName)" DependsOn = "[cMDTBuildDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } ForEach ($OSDirectory in $Node.OSDirectories) { [string]$OSVersion = "" $OSDirectory.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "OperatingSystem") { $OSVersion = $_.value } } cMDTBuildDirectory $OSVersion.Replace(' ','') { Name = $OSVersion Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):\Operating Systems" PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath DependsOn = "[cMDTBuildDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } cMDTBuildDirectory "TS$($OSVersion.Replace(' ',''))" { Name = $OSVersion Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):\Task Sequences" PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath DependsOn = "[cMDTBuildDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } } # Task Sequence folder for autobuild cMDTBuildDirectory "TSREF" { Name = "REF" Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):\Task Sequences" PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath DependsOn = "[cMDTBuildDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } ForEach ($PkgFolder in $Node.PackagesFolderStructure) { [string]$Folder = "" $PkgFolder.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Folder") { $Folder = $_.value } } cMDTBuildDirectory "PKG$($Folder.Replace(' ',''))" { Name = $Folder Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):\Packages" PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath DependsOn = "[cMDTBuildDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } } ForEach ($CurrentApplicationFolder in $Node.ApplicationFolderStructure) { [string]$ApplicationFolder = "" $CurrentApplicationFolder.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Folder") { $ApplicationFolder = $_.value } } cMDTBuildDirectory "AF$($ApplicationFolder.Replace(' ',''))" { Name = $ApplicationFolder Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):\Applications" PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath DependsOn = "[cMDTBuildDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } ForEach ($CurrentApplicationSubFolder in $CurrentApplicationFolder.SubFolders) { [string]$ApplicationSubFolder = "" $CurrentApplicationSubFolder.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "SubFolder") { $ApplicationSubFolder = $_.value } } cMDTBuildDirectory "ASF$($ApplicationSubFolder.Replace(' ',''))" { Name = $ApplicationSubFolder Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):\Applications\$ApplicationFolder" PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath DependsOn = "[cMDTBuildDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } } } ForEach ($SelectionProfile in $Node.SelectionProfiles) { [string]$Name = "" [string]$Comments = "" [string]$IncludePath = "" $SelectionProfile.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Name") { $Name = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Comments") { $Comments = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "IncludePath") { $IncludePath = $_.value } } cMDTBuildSelectionProfile $Name.Replace(' ','') { Name = $Name Comments = $Comments IncludePath = $IncludePath PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath DependsOn = "[cMDTBuildDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } } ForEach ($OperatingSystem in $Node.OperatingSystems) { [string]$Name = "" [string]$Path = "" [string]$SourcePath = "" $OperatingSystem.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Name") { $Name = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Path") { $Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):\Operating Systems\$($_.value)" } If ($_.key -eq "SourcePath") { $SourcePath = "$($Node.SourcePath)\$($_.value)" } } cMDTBuildOperatingSystem $Name.Replace(' ','') { Name = $Name Path = $Path SourcePath = $SourcePath PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath DependsOn = "[cMDTBuildDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } } ForEach ($Application in $Node.Applications) { [string]$Name = "" [string]$Path = "" [string]$CommandLine = "" [string]$ApplicationSourcePath = "" $Application.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Name") { $Name = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Path") { $Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):$($_.value)" } If ($_.key -eq "CommandLine") { $CommandLine = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "ApplicationSourcePath") { $ApplicationSourcePath = "$($Node.SourcePath)\$($_.value)" } } cMDTBuildApplication $Name.Replace(' ','') { Name = $Name Path = $Path CommandLine = $CommandLine ApplicationSourcePath = $ApplicationSourcePath Enabled = "True" PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath DependsOn = "[cMDTBuildDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } } ForEach ($Package in $Node.Packages) { [string]$Name = "" [string]$Path = "" [string]$PackageSourcePath = "" $Package.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Name") { $Name = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Path") { $Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):$($_.value)" } If ($_.key -eq "PackageSourcePath") { $PackageSourcePath = "$($Node.SourcePath)\$($_.value)" } } cMDTBuildPackage $Name.Replace(' ','') { Name = $Name Path = $Path PackageSourcePath = $PackageSourcePath PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath DependsOn = "[cMDTBuildDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } } ForEach ($TaskSequence in $Node.TaskSequences) { [string]$Name = "" [string]$Path = "" [string]$OSName = "" [string]$Template = "" [string]$ID = "" [string]$OrgName = "" $TaskSequence.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Name") { $Name = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Path") { $Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):\Task Sequences\$($_.value)" } If ($_.key -eq "OSName") { $OSName = "$($Node.PSDriveName):\Operating Systems\$($_.value)" } If ($_.key -eq "Template") { $Template = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "ID") { $ID = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "OrgName") { $OrgName = $_.value } } # Create Task Sequence for one OS image cMDTBuildTaskSequence $Name.Replace(' ','') { Name = $Name Path = $Path OSName = $OSName Template = $Template ID = $ID OrgName = $OrgName PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath DependsOn = "[cMDTBuildDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } # Customize Task Sequence for one OS image ForEach ($TSCustomize in $TaskSequence.Customize) { [string]$Name = "" [string]$NewName = "" [string]$Type = "" [string]$GroupName = "" [string]$SubGroup = "" [string]$Disable = "" [string]$AddAfter = "" [string]$Description = "" [string]$TSVarName = "" # for MDT variable only [string]$TSVarValue = "" # for MDT variable only [string]$OSName = "" # for OS features only [string]$OSFeatures = "" # for OS features only [string]$Command = "" # for Run Command line only [string]$StartIn = "" # for Run Command line only [string]$PSCommand = "" # for Run PowerShell Script only [string]$PSParameters = "" # for Run PowerShell Script only [string]$SelectionProfile = "" # for Install Updates Offline only $TSCustomize.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Name") { $Name = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "NewName") { $NewName = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Type") { $Type = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "GroupName") { $GroupName = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "SubGroup") { $SubGroup = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Disable") { $Disable = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "AddAfter") { $AddAfter = $_.value } if ($_.key -eq "Description") { $Description = $_.value } if ($_.key -eq "TSVarName") { $TSVarName = $_.value } if ($_.key -eq "TSVarValue") { $TSVarValue = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "OSName") { $OSName = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "OSFeatures") { $OSFeatures = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Command") { $Command = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "StartIn") { $StartIn = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "PSCommand") { $PSCommand = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "PSParameters") { $PSParameters = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "SelectionProfile") { $SelectionProfile = $_.value } } # Current TS XML file name $TSFile = "$($Node.PSDrivePath)\Control\$($ID)\ts.xml" $CustomResource = $ID + '-' + $Name.Replace(' ','') cMDTBuildTaskSequenceCustomize $CustomResource { TSFile = $TSFile Name = $Name NewName = $NewName Type = $Type GroupName = $GroupName SubGroup = $SubGroup Disable = $Disable AddAfter = $AddAfter Description = $Description TSVarName = $TSVarName TSVarValue = $TSVarValue OSName = $OSName OSFeatures = $OSFeatures Command = $Command StartIn = $StartIn PSCommand = $PSCommand PSParameters = $PSParameters SelectionProfile = $SelectionProfile PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath } } } ForEach ($CustomSetting in $Node.CustomSettings) { [string]$Name = "" [string]$SourcePath = "" [string[]]$TestFiles = "" $CustomSetting.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Name") { $Name = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "SourcePath") { $SourcePath = "$($Node.SourcePath)\$($_.value)" } If ($_.key -eq "TestFiles") { $TestFiles = $_.value } } cMDTBuildCustomize $Name.Replace(' ','') { Name = $Name SourcePath = $SourcePath TargetPath = "Scripts" Path = $Node.PSDrivePath TestFiles = $TestFiles DependsOn = "[cMDTBuildDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } } ForEach ($IniFile in $Node.CustomizeIniFiles) { [string]$Name = "" [string]$Path = "" [string]$Company = "" [string]$TimeZomeName = "" [string]$WSUSServer = "" [string]$UserLocale = "" [string]$KeyboardLocale = "" $IniFile.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Name") { $Name = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Path") { $Path = "$($Node.PSDrivePath)$($_.value)" } If ($_.key -eq "Company") { $Company = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "TimeZoneName") { $TimeZoneName = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "WSUSServer") { $WSUSServer = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "UserLocale") { $UserLocale = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "KeyboardLocale") { $KeyboardLocale = $_.value } } If ($Company) { $Company = "_SMSTSORGNAME=$($Company)" } Else { $Company = ";_SMSTSORGNAME=" } If ($TimeZoneName) { $TimeZoneName = "TimeZoneName=$($TimeZoneName)" } Else { $TimeZoneName = ";TimeZoneName=" } If ($WSUSServer) { $WSUSServer = "WSUSServer=$($WSUSServer)" } Else { $WSUSServer = ";WSUSServer=" } If ($UserLocale) { $UserLocale = "UserLocale=$($UserLocale)" } Else { $UserLocale = ";UserLocale=" } If ($KeyboardLocale) { $KeyboardLocale = "KeyboardLocale=$($KeyboardLocale)" } Else { $KeyboardLocale = ";KeyboardLocale=" } If ($Name -eq "CustomSettingsIni") { cMDTBuildCustomSettingsIni ini { Path = $Path DependsOn = "[cMDTBuildDirectory]DeploymentFolder" Content = @" [Settings] Priority=Serialnumber,Default [Default] $($Company) OSInstall=Y HideShell=YES ApplyGPOPack=NO UserDataLocation=NONE DoNotCreateExtraPartition=YES JoinWorkgroup=WORKGROUP $($TimeZoneName) $($WSUSServer) ;SLShare=%DeployRoot%\Logs FinishAction=SHUTDOWN ;Set keyboard layout $($UserLocale) $($KeyboardLocale) ;Exclude updates that are already included in W7 Convenience update, but flagged incorrectly on Microsoft Update WUMU_ExcludeKB1=2965788 WUMU_ExcludeKB2=2984976 WUMU_ExcludeKB3=3126446 WUMU_ExcludeKB4=3075222 WUMU_ExcludeKB5=3069762 WUMU_ExcludeKB6=3036493 WUMU_ExcludeKB7=3067904 WUMU_ExcludeKB8=3035017 WUMU_ExcludeKB9=3003743 WUMU_ExcludeKB10=3039976 WUMU_ExcludeKB11=2862330 WUMU_ExcludeKB12=2529073 ComputerBackupLocation=NETWORK BackupShare=\\$($Node.NodeName)\$($Node.PSDriveShareName) BackupDir=Captures ;BackupFile=#left("%TaskSequenceID%", len("%TaskSequenceID%")-3) & year(date) & right("0" & month(date), 2) & right("0" & day(date), 2)#.wim ;DoCapture=YES ;Disable all wizard pages SkipAdminPassword=YES SkipApplications=YES SkipBitLocker=YES SkipComputerBackup=YES SkipComputerName=YES SkipDomainMembership=YES SkipFinalSummary=YES SkipLocaleSelection=YES SkipPackageDisplay=YES SkipProductKey=YES SkipRoles=YES SkipSummary=YES SkipTimeZone=YES SkipUserData=YES SkipTaskSequence=NO SkipCapture=NO "@ } } If ($Name -eq "BootstrapIni") { cMDTBuildBootstrapIni ini { Path = $Path DependsOn = "[cMDTBuildDirectory]DeploymentFolder" Content = @" [Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DeployRoot=\\$($Node.NodeName)\$($Node.PSDriveShareName) SkipBDDWelcome=YES ;MDT Connect Account UserID=$($Credentials.UserName) UserPassword=$($Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().password) UserDomain=$($Node.NodeName) "@ } } } ForEach ($Image in $Node.BootImage) { [string]$Version = "" [string]$ExtraDirectory = "" [string]$BackgroundFile = "" [string]$LiteTouchWIMDescription = "" $Image.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Version") { $Version = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "ExtraDirectory") { $ExtraDirectory = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "BackgroundFile") { $BackgroundFile = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "LiteTouchWIMDescription") { $LiteTouchWIMDescription = $_.value } } cMDTBuildUpdateBootImage updateBootImage { Version = $Version PSDeploymentShare = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath ExtraDirectory = $ExtraDirectory BackgroundFile = $BackgroundFile LiteTouchWIMDescription = $LiteTouchWIMDescription DependsOn = "[cMDTBuildDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } } cNtfsPermissionEntry AssignPermissionsMDT { Ensure = "Present" Path = $Node.PSDrivePath Principal = "$($Node.NodeName)\$($Credentials.UserName)" AccessControlInformation = @( cNtfsAccessControlInformation { AccessControlType = "Allow" FileSystemRights = "ReadAndExecute" Inheritance = "ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles" NoPropagateInherit = $false } ) DependsOn = "[cMDTBuildPersistentDrive]DeploymentPSDrive" } cNtfsPermissionEntry AssignPermissionsCaptures { Ensure = "Present" Path = "$($Node.PSDrivePath)\Captures" Principal = "$($Node.NodeName)\$($Credentials.UserName)" AccessControlInformation = @( cNtfsAccessControlInformation { AccessControlType = "Allow" FileSystemRights = "Modify" Inheritance = "ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles" NoPropagateInherit = $false } ) DependsOn = "[cMDTBuildPersistentDrive]DeploymentPSDrive" } } } #Get password for MDT Local Account $Cred = Get-Credential -UserName SVCMDTConnect001 -Message "Enter password for Local MDT Account" #Get configuration data #[hashtable]$ConfigurationData = Get-ConfigurationData -ConfigurationData "$PSScriptRoot\Deploy_MDT_Server_ConfigurationData_Lite.psd1" # Only Windows 10 x86 Evaluation [hashtable]$ConfigurationData = Get-ConfigurationData -ConfigurationData "$PSScriptRoot\Deploy_MDT_Server_ConfigurationData.psd1" #Create DSC MOF job DeployMDTServerContract -OutputPath "$PSScriptRoot\MDT-Deploy_MDT_Server" -ConfigurationData $ConfigurationData -Credentials $Cred #Set DSC LocalConfigurationManager $winrmArgs = 'set winrm/config @{MaxEnvelopeSizekb="8192"}' start-process "winrm" -ArgumentList $winrmArgs -NoNewWindow Set-DscLocalConfigurationManager -Path "$PSScriptRoot\MDT-Deploy_MDT_Server" -Verbose #Start DSC MOF job Start-DscConfiguration -Wait -Force -Verbose -ComputerName "$env:computername" -Path "$PSScriptRoot\MDT-Deploy_MDT_Server" #Set data deduplication #Enable-DedupVolume -Volume "E:" #Set-DedupVolume -Volume "E:" -MinimumFileAgeDays 1 Write-Output "" Write-Output "Deploy MDT Server Builder completed!" |