@{ AllNodes = @( @{ #Global Settings for the configuration of Desired State Local Configuration Manager: NodeName = "*" PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword = $true RebootNodeIfNeeded = $true ConfigurationMode = "ApplyAndAutoCorrect" ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins = 120 RefreshFrequencyMins = 120 }, @{ #Node Settings for the configuration of an MDT Server: NodeName = "$env:computername" Role = "MDT Server" #Sources for download/Prereqs SourcePath = "E:\Source" #MDT deoployment share paths PSDriveName = "MDT001" PSDrivePath = "E:\MDTBuildLab" PSDriveShareName = "MDTBuildLab$" #Operating system MDT directory information OSDirectories = @( @{OperatingSystem = "Windows 7"} @{OperatingSystem = "Windows 8.1"} @{OperatingSystem = "Windows 10"} @{OperatingSystem = "Windows 2012 R2"} @{OperatingSystem = "Windows 2016"} ) #Packages Folder Structure PackagesFolderStructure = @( @{Folder = "Windows 7 x86"} @{Folder = "Windows 7 x64"} @{Folder = "Windows 8.1 x86"} @{Folder = "Windows 8.1 x64"} @{Folder = "Windows 10 x86"} @{Folder = "Windows 10 x64"} ) #MDT Application Folder Structure ApplicationFolderStructure = @( @{ Folder = "Core" SubFolders = @( @{SubFolder = "Configure"} @{SubFolder = "Microsoft"} ) } @{ Folder = "Common Applications" } ) #Selection profile creation SelectionProfiles = @( @{ Name = "Windows 7 x86" Comments = "Packages for Windows 7 x86" IncludePath = "Packages\Windows 7 x86" } @{ Name = "Windows 7 x64" Comments = "Packages for Windows 7 x64" IncludePath = "Packages\Windows 7 x64" } @{ Name = "Windows 8.1 x86" Comments = "Packages for Windows 8.1 x86" IncludePath = "Packages\Windows 8.1 x86" } @{ Name = "Windows 8.1 x64" Comments = "Packages for Windows 8.1 x64" IncludePath = "Packages\Windows 8.1 x64" } @{ Name = "Windows 10 x86" Comments = "Packages for Windows 10 x86" IncludePath = "Packages\Windows 10 x86" } @{ Name = "Windows 10 x64" Comments = "Packages for Windows 10 x64" IncludePath = "Packages\Windows 10 x64" } ) #Operating systems to import to MDT OperatingSystems = @( @{ Name = "Windows 7 x86" Path = "Windows 7" SourcePath = "$SourcePath\Windows7x86" } @{ Name = "Windows 7 x64" Path = "Windows 7" SourcePath = "$SourcePath\Windows7x64" } @{ Name = "Windows 8.1 x86" Path = "Windows 8.1" SourcePath = "$SourcePath\Windows81x86" } @{ Name = "Windows 8.1 x64" Path = "Windows 8.1" SourcePath = "$SourcePath\Windows81x64" } @{ Name = "Windows 10 x86" Path = "Windows 10" SourcePath = "$SourcePath\Windows10x86" } @{ Name = "Windows 10 x64" Path = "Windows 10" SourcePath = "$SourcePath\Windows10x64" } @{ Name = "Windows 2012 R2" Path = "Windows 2012 R2" SourcePath = "$SourcePath\Windows2012R2" } @{ Name = "Windows 2016" Path = "Windows 2016" SourcePath = "$SourcePath\Windows2016" } ) #Applications to import Applications = @( @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft Visual C++" Path = "\Applications\Core\Microsoft" CommandLine = "cscript.exe Install-MicrosoftVisualCx86x64.wsf" ApplicationSourcePath = "VC++" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft Silverlight - x86" Path = "\Applications\Core\Microsoft" CommandLine = "Silverlight.exe /Q" ApplicationSourcePath = "Silverlight_x86" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft Silverlight - x64" Path = "\Applications\Core\Microsoft" CommandLine = "Silverlight_x64.exe /Q" ApplicationSourcePath = "Silverlight_x64" } @{ Name = "Install - Convenience rollup update for Windows 7 SP1 - x86" Path = "\Applications\Core\Microsoft" CommandLine = "wusa.exe windows6.1-kb3125574-v4-x86_ba1ff5537312561795cc04db0b02fbb0a74b2cbd.msu /quiet /norestart" ApplicationSourcePath = "KB3125574-x86" } @{ Name = "Install - Convenience rollup update for Windows 7 SP1 - x64" Path = "\Applications\Core\Microsoft" CommandLine = "wusa.exe windows6.1-kb3125574-v4-x64_2dafb1d203c8964239af3048b5dd4b1264cd93b9.msu /quiet /norestart" ApplicationSourcePath = "KB3125574-x64" } @{ Name = "Install - July 2016 update rollup for Windows 7 SP1 - x86" Path = "\Applications\Core\Microsoft" CommandLine = "wusa.exe windows6.1-kb3172605-x86_ae03ccbd299e434ea2239f1ad86f164e5f4deeda.msu /quiet /norestart" ApplicationSourcePath = "KB3172605-x86" } @{ Name = "Install - July 2016 update rollup for Windows 7 SP1 - x64" Path = "\Applications\Core\Microsoft" CommandLine = "wusa.exe windows6.1-kb3172605-x64_2bb9bc55f347eee34b1454b50c436eb6fd9301fc.msu /quiet /norestart" ApplicationSourcePath = "KB3172605-x64" } @{ Name = "Install - July 2016 update rollup for Windows 8.1 - x86" Path = "\Applications\Core\Microsoft" CommandLine = "wusa.exe windows8.1-kb3172614-x86_d11c233c8598b734de72665e0d0a3f2ef007b91f.msu /quiet /norestart" ApplicationSourcePath = "KB3172614-x86" } @{ Name = "Install - July 2016 update rollup for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 - x64" Path = "\Applications\Core\Microsoft" CommandLine = "wusa.exe windows8.1-kb3172614-x64_e41365e643b98ab745c21dba17d1d3b6bb73cfcc.msu /quiet /norestart" ApplicationSourcePath = "KB3172614-x64" } @{ Name = "Install - Windows Management Framework 3.0 - x86" Path = "\Applications\Core\Microsoft" CommandLine = "wusa.exe Windows6.1-KB2506143-x86.msu /quiet /norestart" ApplicationSourcePath = "WMF30x86" } @{ Name = "Install - Windows Management Framework 3.0 - x64" Path = "\Applications\Core\Microsoft" CommandLine = "wusa.exe Windows6.1-KB2506143-x64.msu /quiet /norestart" ApplicationSourcePath = "WMF30x64" } @{ Name = "Install - Windows Management Framework 5.1 - x86" Path = "\Applications\Core\Microsoft" CommandLine = "wusa.exe Win8.1-KB3191564-x86.msu /quiet /norestart" ApplicationSourcePath = "WMF51w81x86" } @{ Name = "Install - Windows Management Framework 5.1 - x64" Path = "\Applications\Core\Microsoft" CommandLine = "wusa.exe Win8.1AndW2K12R2-KB3191564-x64.msu /quiet /norestart" ApplicationSourcePath = "WMF51w81x64" } @{ Name = "Configure - Set Control+Shift Keyboard Toggle" Path = "\Applications\Core\Configure" CommandLine = "reg import Toggle.reg" ApplicationSourcePath = "KeyboardToggle" } @{ Name = "Action - CleanupBeforeSysprep" Path = "\Applications\Core\Configure" CommandLine = "cscript.exe Action-CleanupBeforeSysprep.wsf" ApplicationSourcePath = "CleanupBeforeSysprep" } @{ Name = "Configure - Firewall rules" Path = "\Applications\Core\Configure" CommandLine = "powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\Config-NetFwRules.ps1" ApplicationSourcePath = "ConfigureFirewall" } @{ Name = "Configure - Set Start Layout" Path = "\Applications\Core\Configure" CommandLine = "powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\Customize-DefaultProfile.ps1" ApplicationSourcePath = "Set-Startlayout" } @{ Name = "Install - APP-V Client 5.1 - x86-x64" Path = "\Applications\Common Applications" CommandLine = "appv_client_setup.exe /ACCEPTEULA /q /ENABLEPACKAGESCRIPTS=1" ApplicationSourcePath = "APPV51x86x64" } ) #Packages Packages = @( # Servicing stack update for Windows 7 SP1 x86 @{ Name = "Package_for_KB3177467 neutral x86" Path = "\Packages\Windows 7 x86" PackageSourcePath = "KB3177467-x86" } # Servicing stack update for Windows 7 SP1 x86 @{ Name = "Package_for_KB3177467 neutral amd64" Path = "\Packages\Windows 7 x64" PackageSourcePath = "KB3177467-x64" } <### Not needed for Windows 10 Version 1607 and Windows Server 2016 latest ISO (November 2016) # Servicing stack update for Windows 10 Version 1607 x86 @{ Name = "Package_for_KB3211320 neutral x86" Path = "\Packages\Windows 10 x86" PackageSourcePath = "KB3211320-x86" } # Servicing stack update for Windows 10 Version 1607 x64 and Windows Server 2016 @{ Name = "Package_for_KB3211320 neutral amd64" Path = "\Packages\Windows 10 x64" PackageSourcePath = "KB3211320-x64" } # Cumulative update for Windows 10 Version 1607 x86 @{ Name = "Package_for_RollupFix neutral x86 14393.693.1.1" Path = "\Packages\Windows 10 x86" PackageSourcePath = "KB3213986-x86" } # Cumulative update for Windows 10 Version 1607 x64 and Windows Server 2016 @{ Name = "Package_for_RollupFix neutral amd64 14393.693.1.1" Path = "\Packages\Windows 10 x64" PackageSourcePath = "KB3213986-x64" } #> ) #Task sqeuences; are dependent on imported Operating system and Applications in MDT TaskSequences = @( @{ Name = "Windows 7 x86" Path = "Windows 7" OSName = "Windows 7\Windows 7 ENTERPRISE in Windows 7 x86 install.wim" OrgName = "BuildLab" Template = "Client.xml" ID = "REFW7X86-001" Customize = @( # Set Product Key needed for MSDN/Evalution Windows distributives only. Skip this step if your ISO sources is VLSC. @{ Name = "Set Product Key" Type = "Set Task Sequence Variable" GroupName = "Initialization" Description = "KMS Client Setup Keys:" TSVarName = "ProductKey" TSVarValue = "33PXH-7Y6KF-2VJC9-XBBR8-HVTHH" } @{ Name = "Apply Patches" Type = "Install Updates Offline" GroupName = "Preinstall" SelectionProfile = "Windows 7 x86" } @{ Name = "Windows Update (Pre-Application Installation)" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "State Restore" Disable = "false" } @{ Name = "Windows Update (Post-Application Installation)" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "State Restore" Disable = "false" } @{ Name = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Tattoo" } @{ Name = "Custom Tasks" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" NewName = "Custom Tasks (Post-Windows Update)" } @{ Name = "Cleanup before Sysprep" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Apply Local GPO Package" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft NET Framework 3.5.1" Type = "Install Roles and Features" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" OSName = "Windows 7" OSFeatures = "InboxGames,NetFx3,TelnetClient" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft Visual C++" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Configure - Remove Windows Default Applications" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft Silverlight - x86" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - Microsoft Visual C++" } @{ Name = "Configure - Set Control+Shift Keyboard Toggle" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - Microsoft Silverlight - x86" } @{ Name = "Install - Convenience rollup update for Windows 7 SP1 - x86" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Configure - Set Control+Shift Keyboard Toggle" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - Convenience rollup update for Windows 7 SP1 - x86" } @{ Name = "Install - July 2016 update rollup for Windows 7 SP1 - x86" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Restart Computer" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer 1" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - July 2016 update rollup for Windows 7 SP1 - x86" } @{ Name = "Install APP-V 5.1" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Install Applications" } @{ Name = "Install - Windows Management Framework 3.0 - x86" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Install APP-V 5.1" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer 2" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Install APP-V 5.1" AddAfter = "Install - Windows Management Framework 3.0 - x86" } @{ Name = "Install - APP-V Client 5.1 - x86-x64" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Install APP-V 5.1" Disable = "true" AddAfter = "Restart Computer 2" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer 3" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Install APP-V 5.1" Disable = "true" AddAfter = "Install - APP-V Client 5.1 - x86-x64" } @{ Name = "Suspend" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "State Restore" Disable = "true" Command = 'cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\LTISuspend.wsf"' AddAfter = "Opt In to CEIP and WER" } @{ Name = "Action - CleanupBeforeSysprep" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Cleanup before Sysprep" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer 4" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Cleanup before Sysprep" AddAfter = "Action - CleanupBeforeSysprep" } ) } @{ Name = "Windows 7 x64" Path = "Windows 7" OSName = "Windows 7\Windows 7 ENTERPRISE in Windows 7 x64 install.wim" OrgName = "BuildLab" Template = "Client.xml" ID = "REFW7X64-001" Customize = @( # Set Product Key needed for MSDN/Evalution Windows distributives only. Skip this step if your ISO sources is VLSC. @{ Name = "Set Product Key" Type = "Set Task Sequence Variable" GroupName = "Initialization" Description = "KMS Client Setup Keys:" TSVarName = "ProductKey" TSVarValue = "33PXH-7Y6KF-2VJC9-XBBR8-HVTHH" } @{ Name = "Apply Patches" Type = "Install Updates Offline" GroupName = "Preinstall" SelectionProfile = "Windows 7 x64" } @{ Name = "Windows Update (Pre-Application Installation)" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "State Restore" Disable = "false" } @{ Name = "Windows Update (Post-Application Installation)" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "State Restore" Disable = "false" } @{ Name = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Tattoo" } @{ Name = "Custom Tasks" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" NewName = "Custom Tasks (Post-Windows Update)" } @{ Name = "Cleanup before Sysprep" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Apply Local GPO Package" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft NET Framework 3.5.1" Type = "Install Roles and Features" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" OSName = "Windows 7" OSFeatures = "InboxGames,NetFx3,TelnetClient" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft Visual C++" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Configure - Remove Windows Default Applications" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft Silverlight - x64" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - Microsoft Visual C++" } @{ Name = "Configure - Set Control+Shift Keyboard Toggle" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - Microsoft Silverlight - x64" } @{ Name = "Install - Convenience rollup update for Windows 7 SP1 - x64" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Configure - Set Control+Shift Keyboard Toggle" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - Convenience rollup update for Windows 7 SP1 - x64" } @{ Name = "Install - July 2016 update rollup for Windows 7 SP1 - x64" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Restart Computer" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer 1" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - July 2016 update rollup for Windows 7 SP1 - x64" } @{ Name = "Install APP-V 5.1" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Install Applications" } @{ Name = "Install - Windows Management Framework 3.0 - x64" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Install APP-V 5.1" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer 2" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Install APP-V 5.1" AddAfter = "Install - Windows Management Framework 3.0 - x64" } @{ Name = "Install - APP-V Client 5.1 - x86-x64" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Install APP-V 5.1" Disable = "true" AddAfter = "Restart Computer 2" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer 3" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Install APP-V 5.1" Disable = "true" AddAfter = "Install - APP-V Client 5.1 - x86-x64" } @{ Name = "Suspend" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "State Restore" Disable = "true" Command = 'cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\LTISuspend.wsf"' AddAfter = "Opt In to CEIP and WER" } @{ Name = "Action - CleanupBeforeSysprep" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Cleanup before Sysprep" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer 4" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Cleanup before Sysprep" AddAfter = "Action - CleanupBeforeSysprep" } ) } @{ Name = "Windows 8.1 x86" Path = "Windows 8.1" OSName = "Windows 8.1\Windows 8.1 Enterprise in Windows 8.1 x86 install.wim" OrgName = "BuildLab" Template = "Client.xml" ID = "REFW81X86-001" Customize = @( # Set Product Key needed for MSDN/Evalution Windows distributives only. Skip this step if your ISO sources is VLSC. @{ Name = "Set Product Key" Type = "Set Task Sequence Variable" GroupName = "Initialization" Description = "KMS Client Setup Keys:" TSVarName = "ProductKey" TSVarValue = "MHF9N-XY6XB-WVXMC-BTDCT-MKKG7" } @{ Name = "Apply Patches" Type = "Install Updates Offline" GroupName = "Preinstall" SelectionProfile = "Windows 8.1 x86" } @{ Name = "Configure - Remove Windows Default Applications" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "Postinstall" Command = 'powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "%SCRIPTROOT%\RemoveApps.ps1"' StartIn = "%SCRIPTROOT%" AddAfter = "Inject Drivers" } @{ Name = "Windows Update (Pre-Application Installation)" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "State Restore" Disable = "false" } @{ Name = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Tattoo" } @{ Name = "Custom Tasks" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" NewName = "Custom Tasks (Post-Windows Update)" } @{ Name = "Cleanup before Sysprep" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Apply Local GPO Package" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft NET Framework 3.5.1" Type = "Install Roles and Features" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" OSName = "Windows 8.1" OSFeatures = "NetFx3,TelnetClient" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft Visual C++" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - Microsoft NET Framework 3.5.1" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft Silverlight - x86" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - Microsoft Visual C++" } @{ Name = "Configure - Set Control+Shift Keyboard Toggle" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - Microsoft Silverlight - x64" } @{ Name = "Configure - Set Start Layout" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Configure - Set Control+Shift Keyboard Toggle" } @{ Name = "Install - July 2016 update rollup for Windows 8.1 - x86" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Configure - Set Start Layout" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - July 2016 update rollup for Windows 8.1 - x86" } @{ Name = "Install WMF 5.1 and APP-V 5.1" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Install Applications" } @{ Name = "Install - Windows Management Framework 5.1 - x86" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Install WMF 5.1 and APP-V 5.1" Disable = "true" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer 1" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Install WMF 5.1 and APP-V 5.1" Disable = "true" AddAfter = "Install - Windows Management Framework 5.1 - x86" } @{ Name = "Install - APP-V Client 5.1 - x86-x64" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Install WMF 5.1 and APP-V 5.1" Disable = "true" AddAfter = "Restart Computer 1" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer 2" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Install WMF 5.1 and APP-V 5.1" Disable = "true" AddAfter = "Install - APP-V Client 5.1 - x86-x64" } @{ Name = "Suspend" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "State Restore" Disable = "true" Command = 'cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\LTISuspend.wsf"' AddAfter = "Opt In to CEIP and WER" } @{ Name = "Action - CleanupBeforeSysprep" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Cleanup before Sysprep" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer 3" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Cleanup before Sysprep" AddAfter = "Action - CleanupBeforeSysprep" } ) } @{ Name = "Windows 8.1 x64" Path = "Windows 8.1" OSName = "Windows 8.1\Windows 8.1 Enterprise in Windows 8.1 x64 install.wim" OrgName = "BuildLab" Template = "Client.xml" ID = "REFW81X64-001" Customize = @( # Set Product Key needed for MSDN/Evalution Windows distributives only. Skip this step if your ISO sources is VLSC. @{ Name = "Set Product Key" Type = "Set Task Sequence Variable" GroupName = "Initialization" Description = "KMS Client Setup Keys:" TSVarName = "ProductKey" TSVarValue = "MHF9N-XY6XB-WVXMC-BTDCT-MKKG7" } @{ Name = "Apply Patches" Type = "Install Updates Offline" GroupName = "Preinstall" SelectionProfile = "Windows 8.1 x64" } @{ Name = "Configure - Remove Windows Default Applications" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "Postinstall" Command = 'powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "%SCRIPTROOT%\RemoveApps.ps1"' StartIn = "%SCRIPTROOT%" AddAfter = "Inject Drivers" } @{ Name = "Windows Update (Pre-Application Installation)" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "State Restore" Disable = "false" } @{ Name = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Tattoo" } @{ Name = "Custom Tasks" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" NewName = "Custom Tasks (Post-Windows Update)" } @{ Name = "Cleanup before Sysprep" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Apply Local GPO Package" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft NET Framework 3.5.1" Type = "Install Roles and Features" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" OSName = "Windows 8.1" OSFeatures = "NetFx3,TelnetClient" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft Visual C++" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - Microsoft NET Framework 3.5.1" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft Silverlight - x64" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - Microsoft Visual C++" } @{ Name = "Configure - Set Control+Shift Keyboard Toggle" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - Microsoft Silverlight - x64" } @{ Name = "Configure - Set Start Layout" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Configure - Set Control+Shift Keyboard Toggle" } @{ Name = "Install - July 2016 update rollup for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 - x64" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Configure - Set Start Layout" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - July 2016 update rollup for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 - x64" } @{ Name = "Install WMF 5.1 and APP-V 5.1" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Install Applications" } @{ Name = "Install - Windows Management Framework 5.1 - x64" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Install WMF 5.1 and APP-V 5.1" Disable = "true" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer 1" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Install WMF 5.1 and APP-V 5.1" Disable = "true" AddAfter = "Install - Windows Management Framework 5.1 - x64" } @{ Name = "Install - APP-V Client 5.1 - x86-x64" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Install WMF 5.1 and APP-V 5.1" Disable = "true" AddAfter = "Restart Computer 1" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer 2" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Install WMF 5.1 and APP-V 5.1" Disable = "true" AddAfter = "Install - APP-V Client 5.1 - x86-x64" } @{ Name = "Suspend" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "State Restore" Disable = "true" Command = 'cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\LTISuspend.wsf"' AddAfter = "Opt In to CEIP and WER" } @{ Name = "Action - CleanupBeforeSysprep" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Cleanup before Sysprep" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer 3" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Cleanup before Sysprep" AddAfter = "Action - CleanupBeforeSysprep" } ) } @{ Name = "Windows 10 x86" Path = "Windows 10" OSName = "Windows 10\Windows 10 Enterprise in Windows 10 x86 install.wim" OrgName = "BuildLab" Template = "Client.xml" ID = "REFW10X86-001" Customize = @( # Set Product Key needed for MSDN/Evalution Windows distributives only. Skip this step if your ISO sources is VLSC. @{ Name = "Set Product Key" Type = "Set Task Sequence Variable" GroupName = "Initialization" Description = "KMS Client Setup Keys:" TSVarName = "ProductKey" TSVarValue = "NPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43" } @{ Name = "Apply Patches" Type = "Install Updates Offline" GroupName = "Preinstall" SelectionProfile = "Windows 10 x86" } @{ Name = "Configure - Remove Windows Default Applications" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "Postinstall" Command = 'powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "%SCRIPTROOT%\RemoveApps.ps1"' StartIn = "%SCRIPTROOT%" AddAfter = "Inject Drivers" } @{ Name = "Windows Update (Pre-Application Installation)" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "State Restore" Disable = "false" } @{ Name = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Tattoo" } @{ Name = "Custom Tasks" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" NewName = "Custom Tasks (Post-Windows Update)" } @{ Name = "Cleanup before Sysprep" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Apply Local GPO Package" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft NET Framework 3.5.1" Type = "Install Roles and Features" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" OSName = "Windows 10" OSFeatures = "NetFx3,TelnetClient" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft Visual C++" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - Microsoft NET Framework 3.5.1" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft Silverlight - x86" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - Microsoft Visual C++" } @{ Name = "Configure - Set Control+Shift Keyboard Toggle" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - Microsoft Silverlight - x86" } @{ Name = "Configure - Set Start Layout" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Configure - Set Control+Shift Keyboard Toggle" } @{ Name = "Configure - Enable App-V Client" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Configure - Set Start Layout" Command = 'powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -Command "Enable-Appv; Set-AppvClientConfiguration -EnablePackageScripts 1"' } @{ Name = "Suspend" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "State Restore" Disable = "true" Command = 'cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\LTISuspend.wsf"' AddAfter = "Opt In to CEIP and WER" } @{ Name = "Action - CleanupBeforeSysprep" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Cleanup before Sysprep" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Cleanup before Sysprep" AddAfter = "Action - CleanupBeforeSysprep" } ) } @{ Name = "Windows 10 x64" Path = "Windows 10" OSName = "Windows 10\Windows 10 Enterprise in Windows 10 x64 install.wim" OrgName = "BuildLab" Template = "Client.xml" ID = "REFW10X64-001" Customize = @( # Set Product Key needed for MSDN/Evalution Windows distributives only. Skip this step if your ISO sources is VLSC. @{ Name = "Set Product Key" Type = "Set Task Sequence Variable" GroupName = "Initialization" Description = "KMS Client Setup Keys:" TSVarName = "ProductKey" TSVarValue = "NPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43" } @{ Name = "Apply Patches" Type = "Install Updates Offline" GroupName = "Preinstall" SelectionProfile = "Windows 10 x64" } @{ Name = "Configure - Remove Windows Default Applications" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "Postinstall" Command = 'powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "%SCRIPTROOT%\RemoveApps.ps1"' StartIn = "%SCRIPTROOT%" AddAfter = "Inject Drivers" } @{ Name = "Windows Update (Pre-Application Installation)" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "State Restore" Disable = "false" } @{ Name = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Tattoo" } @{ Name = "Custom Tasks" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" NewName = "Custom Tasks (Post-Windows Update)" } @{ Name = "Cleanup before Sysprep" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Apply Local GPO Package" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft NET Framework 3.5.1" Type = "Install Roles and Features" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" OSName = "Windows 10" OSFeatures = "NetFx3,TelnetClient" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft Visual C++" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - Microsoft NET Framework 3.5.1" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft Silverlight - x64" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - Microsoft Visual C++" } @{ Name = "Configure - Set Control+Shift Keyboard Toggle" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - Microsoft Silverlight - x64" } @{ Name = "Configure - Set Start Layout" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Configure - Set Control+Shift Keyboard Toggle" } @{ Name = "Configure - Enable App-V Client" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Configure - Set Start Layout" Command = 'powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -Command "Enable-Appv; Set-AppvClientConfiguration -EnablePackageScripts 1"' } @{ Name = "Suspend" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "State Restore" Disable = "true" Command = 'cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\LTISuspend.wsf"' AddAfter = "Opt In to CEIP and WER" } @{ Name = "Action - CleanupBeforeSysprep" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Cleanup before Sysprep" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Cleanup before Sysprep" AddAfter = "Action - CleanupBeforeSysprep" } ) } @{ Name = "Windows 2012 R2" Path = "Windows 2012 R2" OSName = "Windows 2012 R2\Windows Server 2012 R2 SERVERSTANDARD in Windows 2012 R2 install.wim" OrgName = "BuildLab" Template = "Server.xml" ID = "REFW2012R2-001" Customize = @( # Set Product Key needed for MSDN/Evalution Windows distributives only. Skip this step if your ISO sources is VLSC. @{ Name = "Set Product Key" Type = "Set Task Sequence Variable" GroupName = "Initialization" Description = "KMS Client Setup Keys:" TSVarName = "ProductKey" TSVarValue = "D2N9P-3P6X9-2R39C-7RTCD-MDVJX" } @{ Name = "Apply Patches" Type = "Install Updates Offline" GroupName = "Preinstall" SelectionProfile = "Windows 8.1 x64" } @{ Name = "Windows Update (Pre-Application Installation)" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "State Restore" Disable = "false" } @{ Name = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Tattoo" } @{ Name = "Custom Tasks" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" NewName = "Custom Tasks (Post-Windows Update)" } @{ Name = "Install WMF 5.1" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Install Applications" } @{ Name = "Cleanup before Sysprep" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Apply Local GPO Package" } @{ Name = "Install - Microsoft NET Framework 3.5.1" Type = "Install Roles and Features" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" OSName = "Windows 2012 R2" OSFeatures = "NET-Framework-Features,Telnet-Client" } @{ Name = "Configure - Firewall rules" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - Microsoft NET Framework 3.5.1" } @{ Name = "Configure - Set Control+Shift Keyboard Toggle" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Configure - Firewall rules" } @{ Name = "Install - July 2016 update rollup for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 - x64" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Configure - Set Control+Shift Keyboard Toggle" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - July 2016 update rollup for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 - x64" } @{ Name = "Install - Windows Management Framework 5.1 - x64" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Install WMF 5.1" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer 1" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Install WMF 5.1" AddAfter = "Install - Windows Management Framework 5.1 - x64" } @{ Name = "Action - CleanupBeforeSysprep" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Cleanup before Sysprep" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer 2" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Cleanup before Sysprep" AddAfter = "Action - CleanupBeforeSysprep" } ) } @{ Name = "Windows 2016" Path = "Windows 2016" OSName = "Windows 2016\Windows Server 2016 SERVERSTANDARD in Windows 2016 install.wim" OrgName = "BuildLab" Template = "Server.xml" ID = "REFW2016-001" Customize = @( # Set Product Key needed for MSDN/Evalution Windows distributives only. Skip this step if your ISO sources is VLSC. @{ Name = "Set Product Key" Type = "Set Task Sequence Variable" GroupName = "Initialization" Description = "KMS Client Setup Keys:" TSVarName = "ProductKey" TSVarValue = "WC2BQ-8NRM3-FDDYY-2BFGV-KHKQY" } @{ Name = "Apply Patches" Type = "Install Updates Offline" GroupName = "Preinstall" SelectionProfile = "Windows 10 x64" } @{ Name = "Windows Update (Pre-Application Installation)" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "State Restore" Disable = "false" } @{ Name = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Tattoo" } @{ Name = "Custom Tasks" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" NewName = "Custom Tasks (Post-Windows Update)" } @{ Name = "Cleanup before Sysprep" Type = "Group" GroupName = "State Restore" AddAfter = "Apply Local GPO Package" } @{ Name = "Install - Telnet client" Type = "Run Command Line" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" Command = 'powershell.exe -Command "Add-WindowsFeature Telnet-Client"' } @{ Name = "Configure - Firewall rules" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Install - Telnet client" } @{ Name = "Configure - Set Control+Shift Keyboard Toggle" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update)" AddAfter = "Configure - Firewall rules" } @{ Name = "Action - CleanupBeforeSysprep" Type = "Install Application" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Cleanup before Sysprep" } @{ Name = "Restart Computer" Type = "Restart Computer" GroupName = "State Restore" SubGroup = "Cleanup before Sysprep" AddAfter = "Action - CleanupBeforeSysprep" } ) } ) #Custom folder/files to add to the MDT CustomSettings = @( @{ Name = "Scripts" SourcePath = "Scripts" TestFiles = @("RemoveApps.ps1", "RemoveApps81.xml", "RemoveApps10.xml" ) } ) #Custom settings and boot ini file management CustomizeIniFiles = @( @{ Name = "CustomSettingsIni" Path = "\Control\CustomSettings.ini" Company = "Build Lab" TimeZoneName = "Ekaterinburg Standard Time" WSUSServer = "http://fqdn:port" UserLocale = "en-US" KeyboardLocale = "en-US;ru-RU" } @{ Ensure = "Present" Name = "BootstrapIni" Path = "\Control\Bootstrap.ini" } ) #Boot image creation and management BootImage = @( @{ Version = "1.0" ExtraDirectory = "Extra" BackgroundFile = "%INSTALLDIR%\Samples\Background.bmp" LiteTouchWIMDescription = "MDT Build Lab" } ) } ) } |