.Synopsis ImageFactory 3.1 .DESCRIPTION Run this script for build Windows Reference Images on remote Hyper-V host .EXAMPLE Edit config ImageFactoryV3.xml with your settings: <Settings> <ReportFrom>AutoBuild@build.lab</ReportFrom> <ReportTo>AutoBuild@build.lab</ReportTo> <ReportSmtp>smtp.build.lab</ReportSmtp> <MDT> <DeploymentShare>E:\MDTBuildLab</DeploymentShare> <RefTaskSequenceFolderName>REF</RefTaskSequenceFolderName> </MDT> <HyperV> <StartUpRAM>4</StartUpRAM> <VLANID>0</VLANID> <Computername>HV01</Computername> <SwitchName>Network Switch</SwitchName> <VMLocation>E:\Build</VMLocation> <ISOLocation>E:\Build\ISO</ISOLocation> <VHDSize>60</VHDSize> <NoCPU>2</NoCPU> </HyperV> </Settings> Run ImageFactoryV3-Build.ps1 at MDT host .NOTES Created: 2016-11-24 Version: 3.1 Author : Mikael Nystrom Twitter: @mikael_nystrom Blog : http://deploymentbunny.com Disclaimer: This script is provided 'AS IS' with no warranties, confers no rights and is not supported by the authors or Deployment Artist. Modyfy : Pavel Andreev E-mail : pvs043@outlook.com Date : 2016-11-29 Project: cMDTBuildLab (https://github.com/pvs043/cMDTBuildLab/wiki) Changes: * Remove dependency for PsIni module * Remove cleaning of MDT Captures folder: each new captured WIM is builded with timestamp date at file name for history tracking, you can delete or move old images from external scripts * Run Reference VMs as Job at Hyper-V host: it's faster * Remove "ConcurrentRunningVMs" param from config: cMDTBuildLab build maximum to 8 concurrent VMs. Tune need count with count of reference Task Sequences in REF folder * Remove cleaning of CusomSettings.ini after build: this is a job for DSC configuration. Configure DSCLocalConfigurationManager on MDT server with ConfigurationMode = "ApplyAndAutoCorrect" ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins = 60 * Possibility of sending build results to E-mail .LINK http://www.deploymentbunny.com https://github.com/pvs043/cMDTBuildLab/wiki #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True)] Param( ) Function Get-VIARefTaskSequence { Param( $RefTaskSequenceFolder ) $RefTaskSequences = Get-ChildItem $RefTaskSequenceFolder Foreach ($RefTaskSequence in $RefTaskSequences) { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ TaskSequenceID = $RefTaskSequence.ID Name = $RefTaskSequence.Name Comments = $RefTaskSequence.Comments Version = $RefTaskSequence.Version Enabled = $RefTaskSequence.enable LastModified = $RefTaskSequence.LastModifiedTime } } } Function Test-VIAHypervConnection { Param( $Computername, $ISOFolder, $VMFolder, $VMSwitchName ) #Verify SMB access $Result = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $Computername -CommonTCPPort SMB If ($Result.TcpTestSucceeded -eq $true) {Write-Verbose "SMB Connection to $Computername is ok"} else {Write-Warning "SMB Connection to $Computername is NOT ok"; BREAK} #Verify WinRM access $Result = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $Computername -CommonTCPPort WINRM If ($Result.TcpTestSucceeded -eq $true) {Write-Verbose "WINRM Connection to $Computername is ok"} else {Write-Warning "WINRM Connection to $Computername is NOT ok"; BREAK} #Verify that Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-PowerShell is installed Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Computername -ScriptBlock { $Result = (Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-PowerShell) Write-Verbose "$($Result.DisplayName) is $($Result.State)" If ($($Result.State) -ne "Enabled") {Write-Warning "$($Result.DisplayName) is not Enabled"; BREAK} } #Verify that Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-PowerShell is installed Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Computername -ScriptBlock { $Result = (Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V) If ($($Result.State) -ne "Enabled") {Write-Warning "$($Result.DisplayName) is not Enabled"; BREAK} } #Verify that Hyper-V is running Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Computername -ScriptBlock { $Result = (Get-Service -Name vmms) Write-Verbose "$($Result.DisplayName) is $($Result.Status)" If ($($Result.Status) -ne "Running") {Write-Warning "$($Result.DisplayName) is not Running"; BREAK} } #Verify that the ISO Folder is created Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Computername -ScriptBlock { Param( $ISOFolder ) $result = New-Item -Path $ISOFolder -ItemType Directory -Force } -ArgumentList $ISOFolder #Verify that the VM Folder is created Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Computername -ScriptBlock { Param( $VMFolder ) $result = New-Item -Path $VMFolder -ItemType Directory -Force } -ArgumentList $VMFolder #Verify that the VMSwitch exists Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Computername -ScriptBlock { Param( $VMSwitchName ) if (((Get-VMSwitch | Where-Object -Property Name -EQ -Value $VMSwitchName).count) -eq "1") {Write-Verbose "Found $VMSwitchName"} else {Write-Warning "No swtch with the name $VMSwitchName found"; Break} } -ArgumentList $VMSwitchName Return $true } #Inititial Settings Write-Output "Imagefactory 3.1 (Hyper-V)" $XMLFile = "$($PSScriptRoot)\ImageFactoryV3.xml" Import-Module 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Bin\MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit.psd1' # Read Settings from XML Write-Verbose "Reading from $XMLFile" [xml]$Settings = Get-Content $XMLFile -ErrorAction Stop -WarningAction Stop #Verify Connection to DeploymentRoot $Result = Test-Path -Path $Settings.Settings.MDT.DeploymentShare If ($Result -ne $true) {Write-Warning "Cannot access $($Settings.Settings.MDT.DeploymentShare), will break"; break} #Connect to MDT $Root = $Settings.Settings.MDT.DeploymentShare if ( !(Get-PSDrive -Name 'MDTBuild' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) ) { $MDTPSDrive = New-PSDrive -Name MDTBuild -PSProvider MDTProvider -Root $Root -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "Connected to $($MDTPSDrive.Root)" } #Get MDT Settings $MDTSettings = Get-ItemProperty 'MDTBuild:' #Verify access to boot image $MDTImage = $($Settings.Settings.MDT.DeploymentShare) + "\boot\" + $($MDTSettings.'Boot.x86.LiteTouchISOName') if ((Test-Path -Path $MDTImage) -eq $true) {Write-Verbose "Access to $MDTImage is ok"} #Get TaskSequences $RefTaskSequences = Get-VIARefTaskSequence -RefTaskSequenceFolder "MDTBuild:\Task Sequences\$($Settings.Settings.MDT.RefTaskSequenceFolderName)" | where Enabled -EQ $true #Get TaskSequencesIDs $RefTaskSequenceIDs = $RefTaskSequences.TasksequenceID Write-Output "Found $($RefTaskSequenceIDs.count) TaskSequences to work on" #check task sequence count if ($RefTaskSequenceIDs.count -eq 0) {Write-Warning "Sorry, could not find any TaskSequences to work with"; BREAK} #Get detailed info $RefTaskSequences #Verify Connection to Hyper-V host $Result = Test-VIAHypervConnection -Computername $Settings.Settings.HyperV.Computername -ISOFolder $Settings.Settings.HyperV.ISOLocation -VMFolder $Settings.Settings.HyperV.VMLocation -VMSwitchName $Settings.Settings.HyperV.SwitchName If ($Result -ne $true) {Write-Warning "$($Settings.Settings.HyperV.Computername) is not ready, will break"; break} #Upload boot image to Hyper-V host $DestinationFolder = "\\" + $($Settings.Settings.HyperV.Computername) + "\" + $($Settings.Settings.HyperV.ISOLocation -replace ":","$") Copy-Item -Path $MDTImage -Destination $DestinationFolder -Force #Create the VM's on Host Foreach ($Ref in $RefTaskSequenceIDs) { $VMName = $ref $VMMemory = [int]$($Settings.Settings.HyperV.StartUpRAM) * 1GB $VMPath = $($Settings.Settings.HyperV.VMLocation) $VMBootimage = $($Settings.Settings.HyperV.ISOLocation) + "\" + $($MDTImage | Split-Path -Leaf) $VMVHDSize = [int]$($Settings.Settings.HyperV.VHDSize) * 1GB $VMVlanID = $($Settings.Settings.HyperV.VLANID) $VMVCPU = $($Settings.Settings.HyperV.NoCPU) $VMSwitch = $($Settings.Settings.HyperV.SwitchName) Invoke-Command -ComputerName $($Settings.Settings.HyperV.Computername) -ScriptBlock { Param( $VMName, $VMMemory, $VMPath, $VMBootimage, $VMVHDSize, $VMVlanID, $VMVCPU, $VMSwitch ) Write-Verbose "Hyper-V host is $env:COMPUTERNAME" Write-Verbose "Working on $VMName" #Check if VM exist if (!((Get-VM | Where-Object -Property Name -EQ -Value $VMName).count -eq 0)) {Write-Warning -Message "VM exist"; Break} #Create VM $VM = New-VM -Name $VMName -MemoryStartupBytes $VMMemory -Path $VMPath -NoVHD -Generation 1 Write-Verbose "$($VM.Name) is created" #Connect to VMSwitch Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -VMNetworkAdapter (Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VM $VM) -SwitchName $VMSwitch Write-Verbose "$($VM.Name) is connected to $VMSwitch" #Set vCPU if ($VMVCPU -ne "1") { $Result = Set-VMProcessor -Count $VMVCPU -VM $VM -Passthru Write-Verbose "$($VM.Name) has $($Result.count) vCPU" } #Set VLAN If ($VMVlanID -ne "0") { $Result = Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VlanId $VMVlanID -Access -VM $VM -Passthru Write-Verbose "$($VM.Name) is configured for VLANid $($Result.NativeVlanId)" } #Create empty disk $VHD = $VMName + ".vhdx" $result = New-VHD -Path "$VMPath\$VMName\Virtual Hard Disks\$VHD" -SizeBytes $VMVHDSize -Dynamic -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "$($result.Path) is created for $($VM.Name)" #Add VHDx $result = Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $VMName -Path "$VMPath\$VMName\Virtual Hard Disks\$VHD" -Passthru Write-Verbose "$($result.Path) is attached to $VMName" #Connect ISO $result = Set-VMDvdDrive -VMName $VMName -Path $VMBootimage -Passthru Write-Verbose "$($result.Path) is attached to $VMName" #Set Notes Set-VM -VMName $VMName -Notes "REFIMAGE" } -ArgumentList $VMName,$VMMemory,$VMPath,$VMBootimage,$VMVHDSize,$VMVlanID,$VMVCPU,$VMSwitch } #Get BIOS Serialnumber from each VM and update the customsettings.ini file $IniFile = "$($Settings.settings.MDT.DeploymentShare)\Control\CustomSettings.ini" Foreach($Ref in $RefTaskSequenceIDs) { #Get BIOS Serailnumber from the VM $BIOSSerialNumber = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $($Settings.Settings.HyperV.Computername) -ScriptBlock { Param( $VMName ) $VMObject = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\virtualization\v2 -Class Msvm_ComputerSystem -Filter "ElementName = '$VMName'" $VMObject.GetRelated('Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData').BIOSSerialNumber } -ArgumentList $Ref #Update CustomSettings.ini $CustomSettings = Get-Content -Path $IniFile $CustomSettings += " [$BIOSSerialNumber] OSDComputerName=$Ref TaskSequenceID=$Ref BackupFile=#left(""$Ref"", len(""$Ref"")-3) & year(date) & right(""0"" & month(date), 2) & right(""0"" & day(date), 2)#.wim DoCapture=YES SkipTaskSequence=YES SkipCapture=YES" Set-Content -Path $IniFile -Value $CustomSettings } #Test for CustomSettings.ini changes #Read-Host -Prompt "Waiting" #Start VM's on Host Foreach ($Ref in $RefTaskSequences) { $VMName = $Ref.TasksequenceID $ImageName = $Ref.Name $ReportFrom = $($Settings.Settings.ReportFrom) $ReportTo = $($Settings.Settings.ReportTo) $ReportSmtp = $($Settings.Settings.ReportSmtp) Invoke-Command -ComputerName $($Settings.Settings.HyperV.Computername) -ScriptBlock { param( $VMName, $ImageName, $ReportFrom, $ReportTo, $ReportSmtp ) Write-Output "Starting VM: $($VmName)" Start-VM -Name $VMName Start-Sleep 60 $VM = Get-VM -Name $VMName $StartTime = Get-Date while ($VM.State -eq "Running") { Start-Sleep "90" $VM = Get-VM -Name $VMName } $EndTime = Get-Date $ElapsedTime = $EndTime - $StartTime $hours = [math]::floor($ElapsedTime.TotalHours) $mins = [int]$ElapsedTime.TotalMinutes - $hours*60 $report = "Image [$ImageName] was builded at $hours h. $mins min." Write-Output $report # Send Report If ($ReportFrom -and $ReportTo -and $ReportSmtp) { $subject = "Image $ImageName" $encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 Send-MailMessage -From $ReportFrom -To $ReportTo -Subject $subject -SmtpServer $ReportSmtp -Encoding $encoding -BodyAsHtml $report } # Remove reference VM Write-Output "Deleting $($VM.Name) on $($VM.Computername) at $($VM.ConfigurationLocation)" Remove-VM -VM $VM -Force Remove-Item -Path $VM.ConfigurationLocation -Recurse -Force } -ArgumentList $VMName,$ImageName,$ReportFrom,$ReportTo,$ReportSmtp -AsJob -JobName $VMName } |