$Modules = @( @{ Name = "xSmbShare" Version = "" }, @{ Name = "PowerShellAccessControl" Version = "" } ) Configuration DeployMDTServerContract { Param( [PSCredential] $Credentials ) #NOTE: Every Module must be constant, DSC Bug?! Import-DscResource –ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration Import-DscResource -ModuleName xSmbShare Import-DscResource -ModuleName PowerShellAccessControl Import-DscResource -ModuleName cMDT node $AllNodes.Where{$_.Role -match "MDT Server"}.NodeName { $SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $Node.MDTLocalPassword -AsPlainText -Force $UserName = $Node.MDTLocalAccount $Credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $UserName, $SecurePassword [string]$separator = "" [bool]$weblink = $false If ($Node.SourcePath -like "*/*") { $weblink = $true } LocalConfigurationManager { RebootNodeIfNeeded = $AllNodes.RebootNodeIfNeeded ConfigurationMode = $AllNodes.ConfigurationMode } cMDTPreReqs MDTPreReqs { Ensure = "Present" DownloadPath = $Node.TempLocation } User MDTAccessAccount { Ensure = "Present" UserName = $Node.MDTLocalAccount FullName = $Node.MDTLocalAccount Password = $Credentials PasswordChangeRequired = $false PasswordNeverExpires = $true Description = "Managed Client Administrator Account" Disabled = $false } WindowsFeature NET35 { Ensure = "Present" Name = "Net-Framework-Core" } WindowsFeature WDS { Ensure = "Present" Name = "WDS" IncludeAllSubFeature = $true LogPath = "C:\Windows\debug\DSC_WindowsFeature_WindowsDeploymentServices.log" } cWDSConfiguration wdsConfig { Ensure = "Present" RemoteInstallPath = "C:\RemoteInstall" } Package ADK { Ensure = "Present" Name = "Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit - Windows 10" Path = "$($Node.TempLocation)\Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit\adksetup.exe" ProductId = "82daddb6-d4e0-42cb-988d-1e7f5739e155" Arguments = "/quiet /features OptionId.DeploymentTools OptionId.WindowsPreinstallationEnvironment" ReturnCode = 0 } Package MDT { Ensure = "Present" Name = "Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 Update 2 (6.3.8330.1000)" Path = "$($Node.TempLocation)\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit2013_x64.msi" ProductId = "F172B6C7-45DD-4C22-A5BF-1B2C084CADEF" ReturnCode = 0 } Service WDSServer { Name = "WDSServer" State = "Running" StartUpType = "Automatic" DependsOn = "[WindowsFeature]WDS" } cMDTDirectory TempFolder { Ensure = "Present" Name = $Node.TempLocation.Replace("$($Node.TempLocation.Substring(0,2))\","") Path = $Node.TempLocation.Substring(0,2) } cMDTDirectory DeploymentFolder { Ensure = "Present" Name = $Node.PSDrivePath.Replace("$($Node.PSDrivePath.Substring(0,2))\","") Path = $Node.PSDrivePath.Substring(0,2) DependsOn = "[Package]MDT" } xSmbShare FolderDeploymentShare { Ensure = "Present" Name = $Node.PSDriveShareName Path = $Node.PSDrivePath FullAccess = "$env:COMPUTERNAME\$($Node.MDTLocalAccount)" FolderEnumerationMode = "AccessBased" DependsOn = "[cMDTDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } cAccessControlEntry AssignPermissions { Path = $Node.PSDrivePath ObjectType = "Directory" AceType = "AccessAllowed" Principal = "$env:COMPUTERNAME\$($Node.MDTLocalAccount)" AccessMask = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]::FullControl DependsOn = "[cMDTDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } cMDTPersistentDrive DeploymentPSDrive { Ensure = "Present" Name = $Node.PSDriveName Path = $Node.PSDrivePath Description = $Node.PSDrivePath.Replace("$($Node.PSDrivePath.Substring(0,2))\","") NetworkPath = "\\$($env:COMPUTERNAME)\$($Node.PSDriveShareName)" DependsOn = "[cMDTDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } ForEach ($OSDirectory in $Node.OSDirectories) { [string]$Ensure = "" [string]$OSVersion = "" $OSDirectory.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Ensure") { $Ensure = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "OperatingSystem") { $OSVersion = $_.value } } cMDTDirectory $OSVersion.Replace(' ','') { Ensure = $Ensure Name = $OSVersion Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):\Operating Systems" PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath DependsOn = "[cMDTDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } cMDTDirectory "OOB$($OSVersion.Replace(' ',''))" { Ensure = $Ensure Name = "$($OSVersion) x64" Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):\Out-of-Box Drivers" PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath DependsOn = "[cMDTDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } cMDTDirectory "TS$($OSVersion.Replace(' ',''))" { Ensure = $Ensure Name = $OSVersion Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):\Task Sequences" PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath DependsOn = "[cMDTDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } ForEach ($CurrentVendor in $Node.Vendors) { [string]$EnsureVendor = "" [string]$Vendor = "" $CurrentVendor.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Ensure") { $EnsureVendor = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Vendor") { $Vendor = $_.value } } If ($Ensure -eq "Absent") { $EnsureVendor = "Absent" } cMDTDirectory "OOB$($OSVersion.Replace(' ',''))$($Vendor.Replace(' ',''))" { Ensure = $EnsureVendor Name = $Vendor Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):\Out-of-Box Drivers\$OSVersion x64" PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath DependsOn = "[cMDTDirectory]OOB$($OSVersion.Replace(' ',''))" } } } ForEach ($CurrentApplicationFolder in $Node.ApplicationFolderStructure) { [string]$EnsureApplicationFolder = "" [string]$ApplicationFolder = "" $CurrentApplicationFolder.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Ensure") { $EnsureApplicationFolder = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Folder") { $ApplicationFolder = $_.value } } If ($Ensure -eq "Absent") { $EnsureApplicationFolder = "Absent" } cMDTDirectory "AF$($ApplicationFolder.Replace(' ',''))" { Ensure = $EnsureApplicationFolder Name = $ApplicationFolder Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):\Applications" PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath DependsOn = "[cMDTDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } ForEach ($CurrentApplicationSubFolder in $CurrentApplicationFolder.SubFolders) { [string]$EnsureApplicationSubFolder = "" [string]$ApplicationSubFolder = "" $CurrentApplicationSubFolder.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Ensure") { $EnsureApplicationSubFolder = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "SubFolder") { $ApplicationSubFolder = $_.value } } If ($Ensure -eq "Absent") { $EnsureApplicationSubFolder = "Absent" } cMDTDirectory "ASF$($ApplicationSubFolder.Replace(' ',''))" { Ensure = $EnsureApplicationSubFolder Name = $ApplicationSubFolder Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):\Applications\$ApplicationFolder" PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath DependsOn = "[cMDTDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } } } ForEach ($SelectionProfile in $Node.SelectionProfiles) { cMDTDirectory "SP$($SelectionProfile.Replace(' ',''))" { Ensure = "Present" Name = $SelectionProfile Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):\Selection Profiles" PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath DependsOn = "[cMDTDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } } ForEach ($OperatingSystem in $Node.OperatingSystems) { [string]$Ensure = "" [string]$Name = "" [string]$Version = "" [string]$Path = "" [string]$SourcePath = "" $OperatingSystem.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Ensure") { $Ensure = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Name") { $Name = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Version") { $Version = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Path") { $Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):$($_.value)" } If ($_.key -eq "SourcePath") { If (($_.value -like "*:*") -or ($_.value -like "*\\*")) { $SourcePath = $_.value } Else { If ($weblink) { $SourcePath = "$($Node.SourcePath)$($_.value.Replace("\","/"))" } Else { $SourcePath = "$($Node.SourcePath)$($_.value.Replace("/","\"))" } } } } cMDTOperatingSystem $Name.Replace(' ','') { Ensure = $Ensure Name = $Name Version = $Version Path = $Path SourcePath = $SourcePath PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath TempLocation = $Node.TempLocation DependsOn = "[cMDTDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } } ForEach ($TaskSequence in $Node.TaskSequences) { [string]$Ensure = "" [string]$Name = "" [string]$Path = "" [string]$OperatingSystemPath = "" [string]$WIMFileName = "" [string]$ID = "" $TaskSequence.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Ensure") { $Ensure = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Name") { $Name = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Path") { $Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):$($_.value)" } If ($_.key -eq "OperatingSystemPath") { $OperatingSystemPath = "$($Node.PSDriveName):$($_.value)" } If ($_.key -eq "WIMFileName") { $WIMFileName = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "ID") { $ID = $_.value } } If ($WIMFileName) { cMDTTaskSequence $Name.Replace(' ','') { Ensure = $Ensure Name = $Name Path = $Path WIMFileName = $WIMFileName ID = $ID PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath DependsOn = "[cMDTDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } } Else { cMDTTaskSequence $Name.Replace(' ','') { Ensure = $Ensure Name = $Name Path = $Path OperatingSystemPath = $OperatingSystemPath ID = $ID PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath DependsOn = "[cMDTDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } } } ForEach ($Driver in $Node.Drivers) { [string]$Ensure = "" [string]$Name = "" [string]$Version = "" [string]$Path = "" [string]$SourcePath = "" [string]$Comment = "" $Driver.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Ensure") { $Ensure = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Name") { $Name = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Version") { $Version = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Path") { $Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):$($_.value)" } If ($_.key -eq "SourcePath") { If (($_.value -like "*:*") -or ($_.value -like "*\\*")) { $SourcePath = $_.value } Else { If ($weblink) { $SourcePath = "$($Node.SourcePath)$($_.value.Replace("\","/"))" } Else { $SourcePath = "$($Node.SourcePath)$($_.value.Replace("/","\"))" } } } If ($_.key -eq "Comment") { $Comment = $_.value } } cMDTDriver $Name.Replace(' ','') { Ensure = $Ensure Name = $Name Version = $Version Path = $Path SourcePath = $SourcePath Comment = $Comment Enabled = "True" PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath TempLocation = $Node.TempLocation DependsOn = "[cMDTDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } } ForEach ($Application in $Node.Applications) { [string]$Ensure = "" [string]$Name = "" [string]$Version = "" [string]$Path = "" [string]$ShortName = "" [string]$Publisher = "" [string]$Language = "" [string]$CommandLine = "" [string]$WorkingDirectory = "" [string]$ApplicationSourcePath = "" [string]$DestinationFolder = "" $Application.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Ensure") { $Ensure = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Name") { $Name = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Version") { $Version = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Path") { $Path = "$($Node.PSDriveName):$($_.value)" } If ($_.key -eq "ShortName") { $ShortName = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Publisher") { $Publisher = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Language") { $Language = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "CommandLine") { $CommandLine = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "WorkingDirectory") { $WorkingDirectory = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "ApplicationSourcePath") { If (($_.value -like "*:*") -or ($_.value -like "*\\*")) { $ApplicationSourcePath = $_.value } Else { If ($weblink) { $ApplicationSourcePath = "$($Node.SourcePath)$($_.value.Replace("\","/"))" } Else { $ApplicationSourcePath = "$($Node.SourcePath)$($_.value.Replace("/","\"))" } } } If ($_.key -eq "DestinationFolder") { $DestinationFolder = $_.value } } cMDTApplication $Name.Replace(' ','') { Ensure = $Ensure Name = $Name Version = $Version Path = $Path ShortName = $ShortName Publisher = $Publisher Language = $Language CommandLine = $CommandLine WorkingDirectory = $WorkingDirectory ApplicationSourcePath = $ApplicationSourcePath DestinationFolder = $DestinationFolder Enabled = "True" PSDriveName = $Node.PSDriveName PSDrivePath = $Node.PSDrivePath TempLocation = $Node.TempLocation DependsOn = "[cMDTDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } } ForEach ($CustomSetting in $Node.CustomSettings) { [string]$Ensure = "" [string]$Name = "" [string]$Version = "" [bool]$Protected = $False [string]$SourcePath = "" $CustomSetting.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Ensure") { $Ensure = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Name") { $Name = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Version") { $Version = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Protected") { If ($_.value) { $Protected = $_.value } } If ($_.key -eq "SourcePath") { If (($_.value -like "*:*") -or ($_.value -like "*\\*")) { $SourcePath = $_.value } Else { If ($weblink) { $SourcePath = "$($Node.SourcePath)$($_.value.Replace("\","/"))" } Else { $SourcePath = "$($Node.SourcePath)$($_.value.Replace("/","\"))" } } } } If ($Node.SourcePath -like "*/*") { $weblink = $true } cMDTCustomize $Name.Replace(' ','') { Ensure = $Ensure Name = $Name Version = $Version SourcePath = $SourcePath Path = $Node.PSDrivePath TempLocation = $Node.TempLocation #Protected = $Protected DependsOn = "[cMDTDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } } ForEach ($IniFile in $Node.CustomizeIniFiles) { [string]$Ensure = "" [string]$Name = "" [string]$Path = "" [string]$HomePage = "" [string]$SkipAdminPassword = "" [string]$SkipApplications = "" [string]$SkipBitLocker = "" [string]$SkipCapture = "" [string]$SkipComputerBackup = "" [string]$SkipComputerName = "" [string]$SkipDomainMembership = "" [string]$SkipFinalSummary = "" [string]$SkipLocaleSelection = "" [string]$SkipPackageDisplay = "" [string]$SkipProductKey = "" [string]$SkipRoles = "" [string]$SkipSummary = "" [string]$SkipTimeZone = "" [string]$SkipUserData = "" [string]$SkipTaskSequence = "" [string]$JoinDomain = "" [string]$DomainAdmin = "" [string]$DomainAdminDomain = "" [string]$DomainAdminPassword = "" [string]$MachineObjectOU = "" [string]$TimeZoneName = "" [string]$WSUSServer = "" [string]$UserLocale = "" [string]$KeyboardLocale = "" [string]$UILanguage = "" [string]$DeployRoot = "" [string]$KeyboardLocalePE = "" $IniFile.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Ensure") { $Ensure = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Name") { $Name = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Path") { $Path = "$($Node.PSDrivePath)$($_.value)" } If ($_.key -eq "HomePage") { $HomePage = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "SkipAdminPassword") { $SkipAdminPassword = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "SkipApplications") { $SkipApplications = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "SkipBitLocker") { $SkipBitLocker = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "SkipCapture") { $SkipCapture = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "SkipComputerBackup") { $SkipComputerBackup = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "SkipComputerName") { $SkipComputerName = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "SkipDomainMembership") { $SkipDomainMembership = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "SkipFinalSummary") { $SkipFinalSummary = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "SkipLocaleSelection") { $SkipLocaleSelection = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "SkipPackageDisplay") { $SkipPackageDisplay = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "SkipProductKey") { $SkipProductKey = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "SkipRoles") { $SkipRoles = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "SkipSummary") { $SkipSummary = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "SkipTimeZone") { $SkipTimeZone = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "SkipUserData") { $SkipUserData = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "SkipTaskSequence") { $SkipTaskSequence = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "JoinDomain") { $JoinDomain = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "DomainAdmin") { $DomainAdmin = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "DomainAdminDomain") { $DomainAdminDomain = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "DomainAdminPassword") { $DomainAdminPassword = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "MachineObjectOU") { $MachineObjectOU = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "TimeZoneName") { $TimeZoneName = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "WSUSServer") { $WSUSServer = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "UserLocale") { $UserLocale = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "KeyboardLocale") { $KeyboardLocale = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "UILanguage") { $UILanguage = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "DeployRoot") { $DeployRoot = "$($Node.SourcePath)$($_.value)" } If ($_.key -eq "KeyboardLocalePE") { $KeyboardLocalePE = $_.value } } If ($HomePage) { $HomePage = "Home_Page=$($HomePage)" } Else { $HomePage = ";Home_Page=" } If ($SkipAdminPassword) { $SkipAdminPassword = "SkipAdminPassword=$($SkipAdminPassword)" } Else { $SkipAdminPassword = ";SkipAdminPassword=" } If ($SkipApplications) { $SkipApplications = "SkipApplications=$($SkipApplications)" } Else { $SkipApplications = ";SkipApplications=" } If ($SkipBitLocker) { $SkipBitLocker = "SkipBitLocker=$($SkipBitLocker)" } Else { $SkipBitLocker = ";SkipBitLocker=" } If ($SkipCapture) { $SkipCapture = "SkipCapture=$($SkipCapture)" } Else { $SkipCapture = ";SkipCapture=" } If ($SkipComputerBackup) { $SkipComputerBackup = "SkipComputerBackup=$($SkipComputerBackup)" } Else { $SkipComputerBackup = ";SkipComputerBackup=" } If ($SkipComputerName) { $SkipComputerName = "SkipComputerName=$($SkipComputerName)" } Else { $SkipComputerName = ";SkipComputerName=" } If ($SkipDomainMembership) { $SkipDomainMembership = "SkipDomainMembership=$($SkipDomainMembership)" } Else { $SkipDomainMembership = ";SkipDomainMembership=" } If ($SkipFinalSummary) { $SkipFinalSummary = "SkipFinalSummary=$($SkipFinalSummary)" } Else { $SkipFinalSummary = ";SkipFinalSummary=" } If ($SkipLocaleSelection) { $SkipLocaleSelection = "SkipLocaleSelection=$($SkipLocaleSelection)" } Else { $SkipLocaleSelection = ";SkipLocaleSelection=" } If ($SkipPackageDisplay) { $SkipPackageDisplay = "SkipPackageDisplay=$($SkipPackageDisplay)" } Else { $SkipPackageDisplay = ";SkipPackageDisplay=" } If ($SkipProductKey) { $SkipProductKey = "SkipProductKey=$($SkipProductKey)" } Else { $SkipProductKey = ";SkipProductKey=" } If ($SkipRoles) { $SkipRoles = "SkipRoles=$($SkipRoles)" } Else { $SkipRoles = ";SkipRoles=" } If ($SkipSummary) { $SkipSummary = "SkipSummary=$($SkipSummary)" } Else { $SkipSummary = ";SkipSummary=" } If ($SkipTimeZone) { $SkipTimeZone = "SkipTimeZone=$($SkipTimeZone)" } Else { $SkipTimeZone = ";SkipTimeZone=" } If ($SkipUserData) { $SkipUserData = "SkipUserData=$($SkipUserData)" } Else { $SkipUserData = ";SkipUserData=" } If ($SkipTaskSequence) { $SkipTaskSequence = "SkipTaskSequence=$($SkipTaskSequence)" } Else { $SkipTaskSequence = ";SkipTaskSequence=" } If ($JoinDomain) { $JoinDomain = "JoinDomain=$($JoinDomain)" } Else { $JoinDomain = ";JoinDomain=" } If ($DomainAdmin) { $DomainAdmin = "DomainAdmin=$($DomainAdmin)" } Else { $DomainAdmin = ";DomainAdmin=" } If ($DomainAdminDomain) { $DomainAdminDomain = "DomainAdminDomain=$($DomainAdminDomain)" } Else { $DomainAdminDomain = ";DomainAdminDomain=" } If ($DomainAdminPassword) { $DomainAdminPassword = "DomainAdminPassword=$($DomainAdminPassword)" } Else { $DomainAdminPassword = ";DomainAdminPassword=" } If ($MachineObjectOU) { $MachineObjectOU = "MachineObjectOU=$($MachineObjectOU)" } Else { $MachineObjectOU = ";MachineObjectOU=" } If ($TimeZoneName) { $TimeZoneName = "TimeZoneName=$($TimeZoneName)" } Else { $TimeZoneName = ";TimeZoneName=" } If ($WSUSServer) { $WSUSServer = "WSUSServer=$($WSUSServer)" } Else { $WSUSServer = ";WSUSServer=" } If ($UserLocale) { $UserLocale = "UserLocale=$($UserLocale)" } Else { $UserLocale = ";UserLocale=" } If ($KeyboardLocale) { $KeyboardLocale = "KeyboardLocale=$($KeyboardLocale)" } Else { $KeyboardLocale = ";KeyboardLocale=" } If ($UILanguage) { $UILanguage = "UILanguage=$($UILanguage)" } Else { $UILanguage = ";UILanguage=" } If ($KeyboardLocalePE) { $KeyboardLocalePE = "KeyboardLocalePE=$($KeyboardLocalePE)" } Else { $KeyboardLocalePE = ";KeyboardLocalePE=" } If ($Name -eq "CustomSettingsIni") { cMDTCustomSettingsIni ini { Ensure = $Ensure Path = $Path DependsOn = "[cMDTDirectory]DeploymentFolder" Content = @" [Settings] Priority=SetModelAlias, Init, ModelAlias, Default Properties=ModelAlias, ComputerSerialNumber [SetModelAlias] UserExit=ModelAliasExit.vbs ModelAlias=#SetModelAlias()# [Init] ComputerSerialNumber=#Mid(Replace(Replace(oEnvironment.Item("SerialNumber")," ",""),"-",""),1,11)# [Default] OSInstall=Y _SMSTSORGNAME=Company HideShell=YES DisableTaskMgr=YES ApplyGPOPack=NO UserDataLocation=NONE DoCapture=NO OSDComputerName=CLI%ComputerSerialNumber% ;Local admin password AdminPassword=$($Node.LocalAdminPassword) SLShare=%DeployRoot%\Logs OrgName=Company $($HomePage) ;Enable or disable options: $($SkipAdminPassword) $($SkipApplications) $($SkipBitLocker) $($SkipCapture) $($SkipComputerBackup) $($SkipComputerName) $($SkipDomainMembership) $($SkipFinalSummary) $($SkipLocaleSelection) $($SkipPackageDisplay) $($SkipProductKey) $($SkipRoles) $($SkipSummary) $($SkipTimeZone) $($SkipUserData) $($SkipTaskSequence) ;DomainJoin $($JoinDomain) $($DomainAdmin) $($DomainAdminDomain) $($DomainAdminPassword) $($MachineObjectOU) ;TimeZone settings $($TimeZoneName) $($WSUSServer) ;Example keyboard layout. $($UserLocale) $($KeyboardLocale) $($UILanguage) ;Drivers DriverSelectionProfile=Nothing ;DriverInjectionMode=ALL FinishAction=RESTART "@ } } If ($Name -eq "BootstrapIni") { cMDTBootstrapIni ini { Ensure = $Ensure Path = $Path DependsOn = "[cMDTDirectory]DeploymentFolder" Content = @" [Settings] Priority=Default [Default] DeployRoot=\\$($Node.NodeName)\$($Node.PSDriveShareName) SkipBDDWelcome=YES ;MDT Connect Account UserID=$($Node.MDTLocalAccount) UserPassword=$($Node.MDTLocalPassword) UserDomain=$($env:COMPUTERNAME) ;Keyboard Layout $($KeyboardLocalePE) "@ } } } ForEach ($Image in $Node.BootImage) { [string]$Ensure = "" [string]$Name = "" [string]$Version = "" [string]$Path = "" [string]$ImageName = "" [string]$ExtraDirectory = "" [string]$BackgroundFile = "" [string]$LiteTouchWIMDescription = "" $Image.GetEnumerator() | % { If ($_.key -eq "Ensure") { $Ensure = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Name") { $Name = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Version") { $Version = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "Path") { $Path = "$($Node.PSDrivePath)$($_.value)" } If ($_.key -eq "ImageName") { $ImageName = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "ExtraDirectory") { $ExtraDirectory = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "BackgroundFile") { $BackgroundFile = $_.value } If ($_.key -eq "LiteTouchWIMDescription") { $LiteTouchWIMDescription = $_.value } } cMDTUpdateBootImage updateBootImage { Version = $Version PSDeploymentShare = $Node.PSDriveName Force = $true Compress = $true DeploymentSharePath = $Node.PSDrivePath ExtraDirectory = $ExtraDirectory BackgroundFile = $BackgroundFile LiteTouchWIMDescription = $LiteTouchWIMDescription DependsOn = "[cMDTDirectory]DeploymentFolder" } cWDSBootImage wdsBootImage { Ensure = $Ensure Path = $Path ImageName = $ImageName DependsOn = "[cMDTUpdateBootImage]updateBootImage" } } } } #Get configuration data $ConfigurationData = Invoke-Expression (Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot\Deploy_MDT_Server_ConfigurationData.psd1" -Raw) #Create DSC MOF job DeployMDTServerContract -OutputPath "$PSScriptRoot\MDT-Deploy_MDT_Server" -ConfigurationData $ConfigurationData #Set DSC LocalConfigurationManager Set-DscLocalConfigurationManager -Path "$PSScriptRoot\MDT-Deploy_MDT_Server" -Verbose #Start DSC MOF job Start-DscConfiguration -Wait -Force -Verbose -ComputerName "$env:computername" -Path "$PSScriptRoot\MDT-Deploy_MDT_Server" Write-Host "" Write-Host "AddLevel Deploy MDT Server Builder completed!" |