enum Ensure { Absent Present } [DscResource()] class cMDTApplication { [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure] $Ensure [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Path [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Name [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$ShortName [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$Version [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$Publisher [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$Language [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$CommandLine [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$WorkingDirectory [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$ApplicationSourcePath [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$TempLocation [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$DestinationFolder [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$Enabled [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$PSDriveName [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$PSDrivePath [void] Set() { [string]$separator = "" If ($this.ApplicationSourcePath -like "*/*") { $separator = "/" } Else { $separator = "\" } $filename = "$($this.ApplicationSourcePath.Split($separator)[-1])_$($this.Version).zip" $foldername = $filename.Replace(".$($filename.Split(".")[-1])","") [bool]$download = $True If (($separator -eq "/") -Or ($this.ApplicationSourcePath.Substring(0,2) -eq "\\")) { $targetdownload = "$($this.TempLocation)\$($filename)" } Else { $targetdownload = "$($this.ApplicationSourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip" ; $download = $False } $extractfolder = "$($this.TempLocation)\$($foldername)" $referencefile = "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Applications\$($this.Name)\$($this.ApplicationSourcePath.Split($separator)[-1]).version" if ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath if ($present) { If ($download) { Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.ApplicationSourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip" -Target $targetdownload } Invoke-ExpandArchive -Source $targetdownload -Target "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Applications\$($" If ($download) { Invoke-RemovePath -Path $targetdownload } } else { If ($download) { Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.ApplicationSourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip" -Target $targetdownload } Invoke-ExpandArchive -Source $targetdownload -Target $extractfolder If ($download) { Invoke-RemovePath -Path $targetdownload } $this.ImportApplication($extractfolder) Invoke-RemovePath -Path $extractfolder New-ReferenceFile -Path $referencefile -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath } Set-Content -Path $referencefile -Value "$($this.Version)" } else { Invoke-RemovePath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose } } [bool] Test() { [string]$separator = "" If ($this.ApplicationSourcePath -like "*/*") { $separator = "/" } Else { $separator = "\" } $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath if (($present) -and ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)) { $match = Compare-Version -Source "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Applications\$($this.Name)\$($this.ApplicationSourcePath.Split($separator)[-1]).version" -Target $this.Version if (-not ($match)) { Write-Verbose "$($this.Name) version has been updated on the pull server" $present = $false } } if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { return $present } else { return -not $present } } [cMDTApplication] Get() { return $this } [void] ImportApplication($Source) { Import-MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule New-PSDrive -Name $this.PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false Import-MDTApplication -Path $this.Path -Enable $this.Enabled -Name $this.Name -ShortName $this.ShortName -Version $this.Version ` -Publisher $this.Publisher -Language $this.Language -CommandLine $this.CommandLine -WorkingDirectory $this.WorkingDirectory ` -ApplicationSourcePath $Source -DestinationFolder $this.DestinationFolder -Verbose } } [DscResource()] class cMDTBootstrapIni { [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure]$Ensure [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Path [DscProperty()] [string]$Content [void] Set() { if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { $this.SetContent() } else { $this.SetDefaultContent() } } [bool] Test() { $present = $this.TestFileContent() if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { return $present } else { return -not $present } } [cMDTBootstrapIni] Get() { return $this } [bool] TestFileContent() { $present = $false $existingConfiguration = Get-Content -Path $this.Path -Raw #-Encoding UTF8 if ($existingConfiguration -eq $this.Content.Replace("`n","`r`n")) { $present = $true } return $present } [void] SetContent() { Set-Content -Path $this.Path -Value $this.Content.Replace("`n","`r`n") -NoNewline -Force #-Encoding UTF8 } [void] SetDefaultContent() { $defaultContent = @" [Settings] Priority=Default [Default] "@ Set-Content -Path $this.Path -Value $defaultContent -NoNewline -Force #-Encoding UTF8 } } [DscResource()] class cMDTCustomize { [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure] $Ensure [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$Version [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Name [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Path [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$SourcePath [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$TempLocation [bool]$Protected [DscProperty(NotConfigurable)] [string]$Directory [void] Set() { [string]$separator = "" If ($this.SourcePath -like "*/*") { $separator = "/" } Else { $separator = "\" } $filename = "$($this.SourcePath.Split($separator)[-1])_$($this.Version).zip" $foldername = $filename.Replace(".$($filename.Split(".")[-1])","") [bool]$download = $True If (($separator -eq "/") -Or ($this.SourcePath.Substring(0,2) -eq "\\")) { $targetdownload = "$($this.TempLocation)\$($filename)" } Else { $targetdownload = "$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip" ; $download = $False } $extractfolder = "$($this.path)\$($" $referencefile = "$($this.path)\$($\$($this.SourcePath.Split($separator)[-1]).version" if ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" if ($present) { If ($download) { Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip" -Target $targetdownload } if (-not $this.Protected) { Invoke-RemovePath -Path $referencefile } Invoke-ExpandArchive -Source $targetdownload -Target $extractfolder -Verbose If ($download) { Invoke-RemovePath -Path $targetdownload } if ($this.Protected) { New-ReferenceFile -Path $referencefile } } else { If ($download) { Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip" -Target $targetdownload } Invoke-ExpandArchive -Source $targetdownload -Target $extractfolder -Verbose If ($download) { Invoke-RemovePath -Path $targetdownload } New-ReferenceFile -Path $referencefile } Set-Content -Path $referencefile -Value "$($this.Version)" } else { Invoke-RemovePath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -Verbose } } [bool] Test() { [string]$separator = "" If ($this.SourcePath -like "*/*") { $separator = "/" } Else { $separator = "\" } $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" $this.Protected if (($present) -and ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)) { If (Test-Path -Path "$($this.path)\$($\$($this.SourcePath.Split($separator)[-1]).version" -ErrorAction Ignore) { $match = Compare-Version -Source "$($this.path)\$($\$($this.SourcePath.Split($separator)[-1]).version" -Target $this.Version if (-not ($match)) { Write-Verbose "$($this.Name) version has been updated on the pull server" $present = $false } } else { $present = $false } } if (($present) -and ($this.Protected) -and ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent)) { Write-Verbose "Folder protection override mode defined" Write-Verbose "$($this.Name) folder will not be removed" return $true } if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { return $present } else { return -not $present } } [cMDTCustomize] Get() { return $this } } [DscResource()] class cMDTCustomSettingsIni { [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure]$Ensure [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Path [DscProperty()] [string]$Content [void] Set() { if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { $this.SetContent() } else { $this.SetDefaultContent() } } [bool] Test() { $present = $this.TestFileContent() if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { return $present } else { return -not $present } } [cMDTCustomSettingsIni] Get() { return $this } [bool] TestFileContent() { $present = $false $existingConfiguration = Get-Content -Path $this.Path -Raw #-Encoding UTF8 if ($existingConfiguration -eq $this.Content.Replace("`n","`r`n")) { $present = $true } return $present } [void] SetContent() { Set-Content -Path $this.Path -Value $this.Content.Replace("`n","`r`n") -NoNewline -Force #-Encoding UTF8 } [void] SetDefaultContent() { $defaultContent = @" [Settings] Priority=Default Properties=MyCustomProperty [Default] OSInstall=Y SkipCapture=YES SkipAdminPassword=NO SkipProductKey=YES "@ Set-Content -Path $this.Path -Value $defaultContent -NoNewline -Force #-Encoding UTF8 } } [DscResource()] class cMDTDirectory { [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure] $Ensure [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Path [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Name [DscProperty()] [string]$PSDriveName [DscProperty()] [string]$PSDrivePath [void] Set() { if ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { $this.CreateDirectory() } else { if (($this.PSDrivePath) -and ($this.PSDriveName)) { Invoke-RemovePath -Path "$($this.path)\$($this.Name)" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose } Else { Invoke-RemovePath -Path "$($this.path)\$($this.Name)" -Verbose } } } [bool] Test() { if (($this.PSDrivePath) -and ($this.PSDriveName)) { $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.path)\$($this.Name)" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose } Else { $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.path)\$($this.Name)" -Verbose } if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { return $present } else { return -not $present } } [cMDTDirectory] Get() { return $this } [void] CreateDirectory() { if (($this.PSDrivePath) -and ($this.PSDriveName)) { Import-MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule New-PSDrive -Name $this.PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false | ` New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$($this.path)\$($this.Name)" -Verbose } else { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$($this.path)\$($this.Name)" -Verbose } } } [DscResource()] class cMDTDriver { [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure] $Ensure [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$Version [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Name [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Path [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$Enabled [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$Comment [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$SourcePath [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$TempLocation [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$PSDriveName [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$PSDrivePath [void] Set() { [string]$separator = "" If ($this.SourcePath -like "*/*") { $separator = "/" } Else { $separator = "\" } $filename = "$($this.SourcePath.Split($separator)[-1])_$($this.Version).zip" $foldername = $filename.Replace(".$($filename.Split(".")[-1])","") [bool]$download = $True If (($separator -eq "/") -Or ($this.SourcePath.Substring(0,2) -eq "\\")) { $targetdownload = "$($this.TempLocation)\$($filename)" } Else { $targetdownload = "$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip" ; $download = $False } $extractfolder = "$($this.TempLocation)\$($foldername)" $referencefile = "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Out-of-Box Drivers\$($($this.Path.Split("\")[-2]).Replace(' ',''))$($($this.Path.Split("\")[-1]).Replace(' ',''))$($($this.Name).Replace(' ',''))$($this.SourcePath.Split($separator)[-1]).version" if ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath if ($present) { If ($download) { Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip" -Target $targetdownload } Invoke-ExpandArchive -Source $targetdownload -Target $extractfolder Invoke-RemovePath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose If ($download) { Invoke-RemovePath -Path $targetdownload } $this.ImportDriver($extractfolder) Invoke-RemovePath -Path $extractfolder } else { If ($download) { Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip" -Target $targetdownload } Invoke-ExpandArchive -Source $targetdownload -Target $extractfolder If ($download) { Invoke-RemovePath -Path $targetdownload } $this.ImportDriver($extractfolder) Invoke-RemovePath -Path $extractfolder New-ReferenceFile -Path $referencefile } Set-Content -Path $referencefile -Value "$($this.Version)" } else { Invoke-RemovePath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose Invoke-RemovePath -Path $referencefile } } [bool] Test() { [string]$separator = "" If ($this.SourcePath -like "*/*") { $separator = "/" } Else { $separator = "\" } $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath if (($present) -and ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)) { $match = Compare-Version -Source "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Out-of-Box Drivers\$($($this.Path.Split("\")[-2]).Replace(' ',''))$($($this.Path.Split("\")[-1]).Replace(' ',''))$($($this.Name).Replace(' ',''))$($this.SourcePath.Split($separator)[-1]).version" -Target $this.Version if (-not ($match)) { Write-Verbose "$($this.Name) version has been updated on the pull server" $present = $false } } if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { return $present } else { return -not $present } } [cMDTDriver] Get() { return $this } [void] ImportDriver($Driver) { Import-MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule New-PSDrive -Name $this.PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false New-Item -Path $this.Path -enable $this.Enabled -Name $this.Name -Comments $this.Comment -ItemType "folder" �Verbose Import-MDTDriver -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -SourcePath $Driver -ImportDuplicates -Verbose } } [DscResource()] class cMDTOperatingSystem { [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure] $Ensure [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$Version [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Path [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Name [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$SourcePath [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$TempLocation [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$PSDriveName [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$PSDrivePath [void] Set() { [string]$separator = "" If ($this.SourcePath -like "*/*") { $separator = "/" } Else { $separator = "\" } $filename = "$($this.SourcePath.Split($separator)[-1])_$($this.Version).wim" $foldername = $filename.Replace(".$($filename.Split(".")[-1])","") [bool]$download = $True If (($separator -eq "/") -Or ($this.SourcePath.Substring(0,2) -eq "\\")) { $targetdownload = "$($this.TempLocation)\$($this.SourcePath.Split($separator)[-1]).wim" } Else { $targetdownload = "$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).wim" ; $download = $False } $referencefile = "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$($this.SourcePath.Split($separator)[-1]).version" $extractfolder = "$($this.TempLocation)\$($foldername)" if ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$($this.SourcePath.Split($separator)[-1]).wim" if ($present) { If ($download) { Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).wim" -Target $targetdownload } Invoke-RemovePath -Path "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$($this.SourcePath.Split($separator)[-1]).wim" -Verbose $oldname = $targetdownload $newname = $targetdownload.Replace("_$($this.Version)","") If ($download) { Copy-Item $targetdownload -Destination "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$($this.SourcePath.Split($separator)[-1]).wim" -Force -Verbose } Else { Rename-Item -Path $oldname -NewName $newname -Verbose:$False Copy-Item $newname -Destination "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$($this.SourcePath.Split($separator)[-1]).wim" -Force -Verbose Rename-Item -Path $newname -NewName $oldname -Verbose:$False } Set-Content -Path $referencefile -Value "$($this.Version)" -Verbose:$false } else { $oldname = $targetdownload $newname = $targetdownload.Replace("_$($this.Version)","") If ($download) { Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).wim" -Target $targetdownload $this.ImportOperatingSystem($targetdownload) } Else { Rename-Item -Path $oldname -NewName $newname -Verbose:$False $this.ImportOperatingSystem($newname) Rename-Item -Path $newname -NewName $oldname -Verbose:$False } New-ReferenceFile -Path $referencefile -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath Set-Content -Path $referencefile -Value "$($this.Version)" } } else { Invoke-RemovePath -Path "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose } } [bool] Test() { [string]$separator = "" If ($this.SourcePath -like "*/*") { $separator = "/" } Else { $separator = "\" } $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$($this.SourcePath.Split($separator)[-1]).wim" if (($present) -and ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)) { $match = Compare-Version -Source "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$($this.SourcePath.Split($separator)[-1]).version" -Target $this.Version if (-not ($match)) { Write-Verbose "$($this.Name) version has been updated on the pull server" $present = $false } } if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { return $present } else { return -not $present } } [cMDTOperatingSystem] Get() { return $this } [void] ImportOperatingSystem($OperatingSystem) { Import-MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule New-PSDrive -Name $this.PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false Try { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" Import-MDTOperatingSystem -Path $this.Path -SourceFile $OperatingSystem -DestinationFolder $this.Name -Verbose $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue" } Catch [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimException] { If ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -notlike "*ItemAlreadyExists*") { throw $_ } } Finally { } } } [DscResource()] class cMDTPersistentDrive { [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure] $Ensure [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Path [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Name [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$Description [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$NetworkPath [void] Set() { if ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { $this.CreateDirectory() } else { $this.RemoveDirectory() } } [bool] Test() { $present = $this.TestDirectoryPath() if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { return $present } else { return -not $present } } [cMDTPersistentDrive] Get() { return $this } [bool] TestDirectoryPath() { $present = $false Import-MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule if (Test-Path -Path $this.Path -PathType Container -ErrorAction Ignore) { $mdtShares = (GET-MDTPersistentDrive -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) If ($mdtShares) { ForEach ($share in $mdtShares) { If ($share.Name -eq $this.Name) { $present = $true } } } } return $present } [void] CreateDirectory() { Import-MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule New-PSDrive -Name $this.Name -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.Path -Description $this.Description -NetworkPath $this.NetworkPath -Verbose:$false | ` Add-MDTPersistentDrive -Verbose } [void] RemoveDirectory() { Import-MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule Write-Verbose -Message "Removing MDTPersistentDrive $($this.Name)" New-PSDrive -Name $this.Name -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.Path -Description $this.Description -NetworkPath $this.NetworkPath -Verbose:$false | ` Remove-MDTPersistentDrive -Verbose } } [DscResource()] class cMDTPreReqs { [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure] $Ensure [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$DownloadPath [DscProperty(NotConfigurable)] [hashtable] $downloadFiles = @{ MDT = "" #Version: MDT 2013 Update 1 (Build: 6.3.8330.1000) ADK = "" #Version: Windows 10 (Build: 10.1.10586.0) C01 = "" #Community file for model alias handling } #SQL = "" #Version: SQL 2014 x64 (Build:12.0.2000.8) [void] Set() { Write-Verbose "Starting Set MDT PreReqs..." if ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { $present = $this.TestDownloadPath() if ($present){ Write-Verbose " Download folder present!" } else{ New-Item -Path $this.DownloadPath -ItemType Directory -Force } [string]$separator = "" If ($this.DownloadPath -like "*/*") { $separator = "/" } Else { $separator = "\" } #Set all files: ForEach ($file in $this.downloadFiles) { if($file.MDT){ if(Test-Path -Path "$($this.DownloadPath)\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit"){ Write-Verbose " MDT already present!" } Else{ Write-Verbose " Creating MDT folder..." New-Item -Path "$($this.DownloadPath)\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit" -ItemType Directory -Force $this.WebClientDownload($file.MDT, "$($this.DownloadPath)\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit2013_x64.msi") } } if($file.ADK){ if(Test-Path -Path "$($this.DownloadPath)\Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit"){ Write-Verbose " ADK folder already present!" } Else{ Write-Verbose " Creating ADK folder..." New-Item -Path "$($this.DownloadPath)\Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit" -ItemType Directory -Force $this.WebClientDownload($file.ADK,"$($this.DownloadPath)\Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit\adksetup.exe") #Run setup to prepp files... } } <# if($file.SQL){ if(Test-Path -Path "$($this.DownloadPath)\Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express"){ Write-Verbose " SQL folder already present!" } Else{ Write-Verbose " Creating SQL folder..." New-Item -Path "$($this.DownloadPath)\Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express" -ItemType Directory -Force $this.WebClientDownload($file.SQL,"$($this.DownloadPath)\Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe") } } #> if(Test-Path -Path "$($this.DownloadPath)\Community"){ Write-Verbose " Community folder already present!" } Else{ Write-Verbose " Creating Community folder..." New-Item -Path "$($this.DownloadPath)\Community" -ItemType Directory -Force New-Item -Path "$($this.DownloadPath)\Community\Scripts" -ItemType Directory -Force New-Item -Path "$($this.DownloadPath)\Community\Control" -ItemType Directory -Force New-Item -Path "$($this.DownloadPath)\Community\PEextraFiles" -ItemType Directory -Force } if($file.C01){ #ToDo: Need test for all files... $this.WebClientDownload($file.C01,"$($this.DownloadPath)\Community\") $this.ExtractFile("$($this.DownloadPath)\Community\","$($this.DownloadPath)\Community") Move-Item "$($this.DownloadPath)\Community\ModelAlias\ModelAliasExit.vbs" "$($this.DownloadPath)\Community\Scripts" Remove-Item -Path "$($this.DownloadPath)\Community\ModelAlias" -Force Remove-Item -Path "$($this.DownloadPath)\Community\" -Force } } } else { $this.RemoveDirectory("") } Write-Verbose "MDT PreReqs set completed!" } [bool] Test() { Write-Verbose "Testing MDT PreReqs..." $present = $this.TestDownloadPath() if ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { Write-Verbose " Testing for download path.." if($present){ Write-Verbose " Download path found!"} Else{ Write-Verbose " Download path not found!" return $present } ForEach ($File in $this.downloadFiles) { if($file.MDT){ Write-Verbose " Testing for MDT..." $present = (Test-Path -Path "$($this.DownloadPath)\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit2013_x64.msi") Write-Verbose " $present" if($Present){}Else{return $false} } if($file.ADK){ Write-Verbose " Testing for ADK..." $present = (Test-Path -Path "$($this.DownloadPath)\Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit\adksetup.exe") Write-Verbose " $present" if($Present){}Else{return $false} } <# if($file.SQL){ Write-Verbose " Testing for SQL..." $present = (Test-Path -Path "$($this.DownloadPath)\Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe") Write-Verbose " $present" if($Present){}Else{return $false} } #> if($file.C01){ Write-Verbose " Testing for Community Script: ModelAlias.vbs" $present = (Test-Path -Path "$($this.DownloadPath)\Community\Scripts\ModelAliasExit.vbs") Write-Verbose " $present" if($Present){}Else{return $false} } } } else{ if ($Present){ $present = $false } else{ $present = $true } } Write-Verbose "Test completed!" return $present } [cMDTPreReqs] Get() { return $this } [bool] TestDownloadPath() { $present = $false if (Test-Path -Path $this.DownloadPath -ErrorAction Ignore) { $present = $true } return $present } [bool] VerifyFiles() { [bool]$match = $false if (Get-ChildItem -Path $this.DownloadPath -Recurse) { #ForEach File, test... $match = $true } return $match } [void] WebClientDownload($Source,$Target) { $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient Write-Verbose " Downloading file $($Source)" Write-Verbose " Downloading to $($Target)" $WebClient.DownloadFile($Source, $Target) } [void] ExtractFile($Source,$Target) { Write-Verbose " Extracting file to $($Target)" Expand-Archive $Source -DestinationPath $Target -Force } [void] CleanTempDirectory($Object) { Remove-Item -Path $Object -Force -Recurse -Verbose:$False } [void] RemoveDirectory($referencefile = "") { Remove-Item -Path $this.DownloadPath -Force -Verbose } [void] RemoveReferenceFile($File) { Remove-Item -Path $File -Force -Verbose:$False } } [DscResource()] class cMDTTaskSequence { [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure] $Ensure [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Path [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Name [DscProperty()] [string]$OperatingSystemPath [DscProperty()] [string]$WIMFileName [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$ID [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$PSDriveName [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$PSDrivePath [void] Set() { if ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { $this.ImportTaskSequence() } else { Invoke-RemovePath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose } } [bool] Test() { $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { return $present } else { return -not $present } } [cMDTTaskSequence] Get() { return $this } [void] ImportTaskSequence() { Import-MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule New-PSDrive -Name $this.PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false $OperatingSystemFile = "" If ($this.OperatingSystemPath) { $OperatingSystemFile = $this.OperatingSystemPath } If ($this.WIMFileName) { $Directory = $this.Name.Replace(" x64","") $Directory = $Directory.Replace(" x32","") $OperatingSystemFiles = (Get-ChildItem -Path "$($this.PSDriveName):\Operating Systems\$($Directory)") ForEach ($OSFile in $OperatingSystemFiles) { If ($OSFile.Name -like "*$($this.WIMFileName)*") { $OperatingSystemFile = "$($this.PSDriveName):\Operating Systems\$($Directory)\$($OSFile.Name)" } } } Import-MDTTaskSequence -path $this.Path -Name $this.Name -Template "Client.xml" -Comments "" -ID $this.ID -Version "1.0" -OperatingSystemPath $OperatingSystemFile -FullName "Windows User" -OrgName "Addlevel" -HomePage "about:blank" -Verbose } } [DscResource()] class cMDTUpdateBootImage { [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$Version [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$PSDeploymentShare [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [bool]$Force [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [bool]$Compress [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$DeploymentSharePath [DscProperty()] [string]$ExtraDirectory [DscProperty()] [string]$BackgroundFile [DscProperty()] [string]$LiteTouchWIMDescription [void] Set() { $this.UpdateBootImage() } [bool] Test() { Return ($this.VerifyVersion()) } [cMDTUpdateBootImage] Get() { return $this } [bool] VerifyVersion() { [bool]$match = $false if ((Get-Content -Path "$($this.DeploymentSharePath)\Boot\CurrentBootImage.version" -ErrorAction Ignore) -eq $this.Version) { $match = $true } return $match } [void] UpdateBootImage() { Import-MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule New-PSDrive -Name $this.PSDeploymentShare -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.DeploymentSharePath -Verbose:$false If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($($this.ExtraDirectory))) { Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x64.ExtraDirectory -Value "" Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x86.ExtraDirectory -Value "" } ElseIf (Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.DeploymentSharePath)\$($this.ExtraDirectory)") { Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x64.ExtraDirectory -Value "$($this.DeploymentSharePath)\$($this.ExtraDirectory)" Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x86.ExtraDirectory -Value "$($this.DeploymentSharePath)\$($this.ExtraDirectory)" } If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($($this.BackgroundFile))) { Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x64.BackgroundFile -Value "" Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x86.BackgroundFile -Value "" } ElseIf(Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.DeploymentSharePath)\$($this.BackgroundFile)") { Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x64.BackgroundFile -Value "$($this.DeploymentSharePath)\$($this.BackgroundFile)" Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x86.BackgroundFile -Value "$($this.DeploymentSharePath)\$($this.BackgroundFile)" } If($this.LiteTouchWIMDescription) { Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x64.LiteTouchWIMDescription -Value "$($this.LiteTouchWIMDescription) x64 $($this.Version)" } Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x64.GenerateLiteTouchISO -Value $false If($this.LiteTouchWIMDescription) { Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x86.LiteTouchWIMDescription -Value "$($this.LiteTouchWIMDescription) x86 $($this.Version)" } Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x86.GenerateLiteTouchISO -Value $false #The Update-MDTDeploymentShare command crashes WMI when run from inside DSC. This section is a work around. $aPSDeploymentShare = $this.PSDeploymentShare $aDeploymentSharePath = $this.DeploymentSharePath $aForce = $this.Force $aCompress = $this.Compress $jobArgs = @($aPSDeploymentShare,$aDeploymentSharePath,$aForce,$aCompress) $job = Start-Job -Name UpdateMDTDeploymentShare -Scriptblock { Import-Module "$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Bin\MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit.psd1" -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false New-PSDrive -Name $args[0] -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $args[1] -Verbose:$false Update-MDTDeploymentShare -Path "$($args[0]):" -Force:$args[2] -Compress:$args[3] } -ArgumentList $jobArgs $job | Wait-Job -Timeout 900 $timedOutJobs = Get-Job -Name UpdateMDTDeploymentShare | ? {$_.State -eq 'Running'} | Stop-Job -PassThru If ($timedOutJobs) { Write-Error "Update-MDTDeploymentShare job exceeded timeout limit of 900 seconds and was aborted" } Else { Set-Content -Path "$($this.DeploymentSharePath)\Boot\CurrentBootImage.version" -Value "$($this.Version)" } } } [DscResource()] class cWDSBootImage { [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure]$Ensure [DscProperty()] [string]$Path [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$ImageName [void] Set() { if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { $this.AddBootImage() } else { $this.RemoveBootImage() } } [bool] Test() { $present = $this.DoesBootImageExist() if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { return $present } else { return -not $present } } [cWDSBootImage] Get() { return $this } [bool] DoesBootImageExist() { return ((Get-WdsBootImage -ImageName $this.ImageName) -ne $null) } [void] AddBootImage() { Import-WdsBootImage -Path $this.Path -NewImageName $this.ImageName �SkipVerify | Out-Null } [void] RemoveBootImage() { Get-WdsBootImage -ImageName $this.ImageName | Remove-WdsBootImage } } [DscResource()] class cWDSConfiguration { [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure]$Ensure [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$RemoteInstallPath [void] Set() { if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { $this.InitializeServer() } else { $this.UninitializeServer() } } [bool] Test() { $present = $this.DoesRemoteInstallFolderExist() if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { return $present } else { return -not $present } } [cWDSConfiguration] Get() { return $this } [bool] DoesRemoteInstallFolderExist() { return (Test-Path $this.RemoteInstallPath -ErrorAction Ignore) } [void] InitializeServer() { & WDSUTIL /Initialize-Server /RemInst:"$($this.RemoteInstallPath)" /Authorize & WDSUTIL /Set-Server /AnswerClients:All } [void] UninitializeServer() { & WDSUTIL /Uninitialize-Server } } Function Compare-Version { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$Source, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$Target ) [bool]$match = $false if ((Get-Content -Path $Source) -eq $Target) { $match = $true } return $match } Function Import-MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule { If (-Not(Get-Module MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit)) { Import-Module "$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Bin\MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit.psd1" -ErrorAction Stop -Global -Verbose:$False } } Function Invoke-ExpandArchive { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$Source, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$Target ) [bool]$Verbosity If($PSBoundParameters.Verbose) { $Verbosity = $True } Else { $Verbosity = $False } Write-Verbose "Expanding archive $($Source) to $($Target)" Expand-Archive $Source -DestinationPath $Target -Force -Verbose:$Verbosity } Function Invoke-RemovePath { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$Path, [Parameter()] [string]$PSDriveName, [Parameter()] [string]$PSDrivePath ) [bool]$Verbosity If($PSBoundParameters.Verbose) { $Verbosity = $True } Else { $Verbosity = $False } if (($PSDrivePath) -and ($PSDriveName)) { Import-MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule New-PSDrive -Name $PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $PSDrivePath -Verbose:$False | ` Remove-Item -Path $Path -Force -Verbose:$Verbosity } else { Remove-Item -Path $Path -Force -Verbose:$Verbosity } } Function Invoke-TestPath { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$Path, [Parameter()] [string]$PSDriveName, [Parameter()] [string]$PSDrivePath ) [bool]$present = $false if (($PSDrivePath) -and ($PSDriveName)) { Import-MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule if (New-PSDrive -Name $PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false | ` Test-Path -Path $Path -ErrorAction Ignore) { $present = $true } } else { if (Test-Path -Path $Path -ErrorAction Ignore) { $present = $true } } return $present } Function Invoke-WebDownload { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$Source, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$Target ) If ($Source -like "*/*") { If (Get-Service BITS | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "running"}) { Write-Verbose "Downloading file $($Source) via Background Intelligent Transfer Service" Import-Module BitsTransfer -Verbose:$false Start-BitsTransfer -Source $Source -Destination $Target -Verbose Remove-Module BitsTransfer -Verbose:$false } else { Write-Verbose "Downloading file $($Source) via System.Net.WebClient" $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $WebClient.DownloadFile($Source, $Target) } } Else { If (Get-Service BITS | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "running"}) { Write-Verbose "Downloading file $($Source) via Background Intelligent Transfer Service" Import-Module BitsTransfer -Verbose:$false Start-BitsTransfer -Source $Source -Destination $Target -Verbose } Else { Copy-Item $Source -Destination $Target -Force -Verbose } } } Function New-ReferenceFile { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$Path, [Parameter()] [string]$PSDriveName, [Parameter()] [string]$PSDrivePath ) if (($PSDrivePath) -and ($PSDriveName)) { Import-MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule New-PSDrive -Name $PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false | ` New-Item -Type File -Path $Path -Force -Verbose:$False } else { New-Item -Type File -Path $Path -Force -Verbose:$False } } |