Configuration CertificateUpdate { cLCMCertUpdate CertUpdateBase { OutPath = $Node.OutPath OutputName = "Computer" TemplateName = "Lab Computer" } } $Nodes = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword=$true NodeName = "SCCM01" OutPath = '\\DSC-01\CertStore' } ); } #Build Configuration CertificateUpdate -ConfigurationData $Nodes #Apply Configuration Start-DscConfiguration .\CertificateUpdate -wait -verbose <# .SUMMARY This module is designed to compare the configured thumbprint in the LCM to one that best matches the filter cireteria provided to the resource in the local computer certificate store. In the event that a "better" certificate is found, the public key is copied to the "outpath" configured, so that it can be used by machines that actually build the configuration. .PARAMETERS OUTPATH = The UNC\FilePath that the "updated cert" will copy to OUTPUTNAME ("Computer","FQDN","GUID") = chooses the filename for the certificate file OUTPATHCredential = Provide crednetials to path incase system account isn't sufficient TemplateName = filter the available certificates by issued template CERTNAME = filter the available certificates by Subjectname SUBJECTALTERNATIVENAME = filter the available certificates by SAN (include "DNS Name=") EXPIREAFTER = filter by a minimum expiration date .OTHERNOTES This resource should be used in tandem with your build process so that certificates can be identified and updated dynamically as long as the mof generation process is more frequent than your certificate generation. By using a predictable #> |