############################################################################################################## # Update-IBMInstallationManager # Updates IBM Installation Mananger to a newer version ############################################################################################################## Function Update-IBMInstallationManager() { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True,ConfirmImpact="Medium")] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $iimHome, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $iimMedia, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Version, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $iimMediaCredential, [System.String] $TempDir ) PROCESS { if ($PSCmdLet.ShouldProcess($Path)) { Write-Verbose "Updating IBM Installation Manager" #Make temp directory for IIM files $iimTempDir = $null if ($TempDir -and (Test-Path $TempDir)) { $iimTempDir = Join-Path $TempDir -ChildPath "iim_update" } else { $iimTempDir = Join-Path (Get-IBMTempDir) -ChildPath "iim_update" } $localMediaPath = Copy-RemoteItemLocally $iimMedia (Split-Path($iimTempDir)) $iimMediaCredential if ($localMediaPath -and (Test-Path $localMediaPath)) { if (!(Test-Path $iimTempDir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $iimTempDir | Out-Null } $iimTempDir = Expand-ZipFile $localMediaPath $iimTempDir -Force -Clean $updateLog = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path($iimTempDir)) -ChildPath "IIM_update_log.txt" $repoFile = Join-Path -Path $iimTempDir -ChildPath "repository.config" $iimupdate_args = @("install", "", "-repositories", ($repoFile), "-preferences", "offering.service.repositories.areUsed=false", "-log", $updateLog, "-acceptLicense") # Update IIM $iimToolsDir = Join-Path -Path $iimTempDir -ChildPath "tools" $iimCLExe = Join-Path -Path $iimToolsDir -ChildPath "imcl.exe" $updateProc = Invoke-ProcessHelper $iimCLExe $iimupdate_args $iimToolsDir if ($updateProc -and ($updateProc.ExitCode -eq 0)) { $updatedVersion = (Get-ItemProperty(Get-IBMInstallationManagerRegistryPath)).version if($Version -eq $updatedVersion) { Write-Verbose "IBM Installation Manager updated successfully" Remove-ItemBackground -Path $iimTempDir } else { Write-Error "IBM Installation Manager was not updated. Please check the update logs" } } else { $errorMsg = (&{if($updateProc) {$updateProc.StdOut} else {$null}}) Write-Error "An error occurred while updating IBM Installation Manager: $errorMsg" } } } } } |