############################################################################################################## ######## IBM Installation Manager CmdLets ######### ############################################################################################################## # Global Variables / Resource Configuration $IIM_PATH = "HKLM:\Software\IBM\Installation Manager" $IIM_PATH_64 = "HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\IBM\Installation Manager" $IIM_PATH_USER = "HKCU:\Software\IBM\Installation Manager" $IIM_PATH_USER_64 = "HKCU:\Software\Wow6432Node\IBM\Installation Manager" ############################################################################################################## # Get-IBMInstallationManagerRegistryPath # Returns the registry path for IBM Installation Manager or $null if there isn't any ############################################################################################################## Function Get-IBMInstallationManagerRegistryPath() { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$False)] Param() $iimPath = $null if ([IntPtr]::Size -eq 8) { $iimPath = $IIM_PATH_64 if (!(Test-Path($iimPath))) { $iimPath = $IIM_PATH_USER_64 if (!(Test-Path($iimPath))) { $iimPath = $IIM_PATH if (!(Test-Path($iimPath))) { $iimPath = $IIM_PATH_USER if (!(Test-Path($iimPath))) { $iimPath = $null } } } } } else { $iimPath = $IIM_PATH if (!(Test-Path($iimPath))) { $iimPath = $IIM_PATH_USER if (!(Test-Path($iimPath))) { $iimPath = $null } } } Write-Debug "Get-IBMInstallationManagerRegistryPath returning path: $iimPath" Return $iimPath } ############################################################################################################## # Get-IBMInstallationManagerHome # Returns the location where IBM Installation Manager is installed ############################################################################################################## Function Get-IBMInstallationManagerHome() { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$False)] Param() $iimPath = Get-IBMInstallationManagerRegistryPath if (($iimPath) -and (Test-Path($iimPath))) { $iimHome = (Get-ItemProperty($iimPath)).location if (Test-Path $iimHome) { Write-Verbose "Get-IBMInstallationManagerHome returning $iimHome" Return $iimHome } } Return $null } ################################################################################################################################ # Install-IBMInstallationManager # Installs IBM Installation Mananger ################################################################################################################################ Function Install-IBMInstallationManager() { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$False)] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $iimHome, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $iimMedia, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $iimMediaCredential ) Write-Verbose "Installing IBM Installation Manager" $sevenZipExe = Get-SevenZipExecutable if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sevenZipExe)) -and (Test-Path($sevenZipExe))) { Set-Alias zip $sevenZipExe #Make temp directory for IIM files $iimTempDir = Join-Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath "iim_install" Write-Verbose "Creating/Resteting temporary folder: $iimTempDir" if (Test-Path -Path $iimTempDir) { Remove-Item $iimTempDir -Recurse -Force } New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $iimTempDir | Out-Null $networkShare = $false if (($iimMedia.StartsWith("\\")) -and (!(Test-Path($iimMedia)))) { Write-Verbose "Network Share detected, need to map" Set-NetUse -SharePath $iimMedia -SharePathCredential $iimMediaCredential -Ensure "Present" | Out-Null $networkShare = $true } try { if (!(Test-Path($iimMedia))) { Write-Error "Unable to access media: $iimMedia" Return $null } #Unzip in temp install folder Write-Verbose "Extracting installation files to $iimTempDir from $iimMedia" zip x "-o$iimTempDir" $iimMedia | Out-Null $installLog = Join-Path -Path $iimTempDir -ChildPath "IIM_install_log.txt" #Setup IIM Install Process $iim_install = New-object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo $iim_install.CreateNoWindow = $true $iim_install.UseShellExecute = $false $iim_install.RedirectStandardOutput = $true $iim_install.RedirectStandardError = $true $iim_install.WorkingDirectory = $iimTempDir $iim_install.FileName = (Join-Path -Path $iimTempDir -ChildPath "install.exe") $iim_install.Arguments = @("--launcher.ini","silent-install.ini","-installationDirectory",$iimHome,"-log",$installLog,"-acceptLicense") #Start installation $process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process $process.StartInfo = $iim_install [void]$process.Start() $output = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() $process.WaitForExit() Write-Debug $output if((Test-Path($iimHome)) -and (Get-IBMInstallationManagerRegistryPath)) { Write-Verbose "IBM Installation Manager installed successfully" # Clean up / Workaround for AntiVirus issue - hangs while deleting files Write-Verbose "Attempting to remove temporary installation files, after 1 minute the job will timeout and you may need to delete $iimTempDir directory manually." $rmjob = Start-Job { param($tdir) Remove-Item $tdir -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } -ArgumentList $iimTempDir Wait-Job $rmjob -Timeout 60 | Out-Null Stop-Job $rmjob | Out-Null Receive-Job $rmjob | Out-Null Remove-Job $rmjob | Out-Null } else { Write-Error "IBM Installation Manager was not installed. Please check the installation logs" } } finally { if ($networkShare) { Set-NetUse -SharePath $iimMedia -SharePathCredential $iimMediaCredential -Ensure "Absent" | Out-Null } } } else { Write-Error "IBM Installation Manager installation/update depends on 7-Zip, please ensure 7-Zip is installed first" } } ################################################################################################################################ # Update-IBMInstallationManager # Updates IBM Installation Mananger to a newer version ################################################################################################################################ Function Update-IBMInstallationManager() { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$False)] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $iimHome, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $iimMedia, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Version, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $iimMediaCredential ) Write-Verbose "Updating IBM Installation Manager" $sevenZipExe = Get-SevenZipExecutable if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sevenZipExe)) -and (Test-Path($sevenZipExe))) { Set-Alias zip $sevenZipExe #Make temp directory for IIM files $iimTempDir = Join-Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath "iim_update" Write-Verbose "Creating/Resteting temporary folder: $iimTempDir" if (Test-Path -Path $iimTempDir) { Remove-Item $iimTempDir -Recurse -Force } New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $iimTempDir | Out-Null $networkShare = $false try { if (($iimMedia.StartsWith("\\")) -and (!(Test-Path($iimMedia)))) { Write-Verbose "Network Share detected, need to map" Set-NetUse -SharePath (Split-Path($iimMedia)) -SharePathCredential $iimMediaCredential -Ensure "Present" | Out-Null $networkShare = $true } } catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] { Write-Verbose "Network Share detected, need to map" Set-NetUse -SharePath (Split-Path($iimMedia)) -SharePathCredential $iimMediaCredential -Ensure "Present" | Out-Null $networkShare = $true } try { if (!(Test-Path($iimMedia))) { Write-Error "Unable to access media: $iimMedia" Return $null } #Unzip in temp install folder Write-Verbose "Extracting installation files to $iimTempDir from $iimMedia" zip x "-o$iimTempDir" $iimMedia | Out-Null $updateLog = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path($iimTempDir)) -ChildPath "IIM_update_log.txt" $repoFile = Join-Path -Path $iimTempDir -ChildPath "repository.config" $iimupdate_args = @("install", "", "-repositories", ($repoFile), "-preferences", "offering.service.repositories.areUsed=false", "-log", $updateLog, "-acceptLicense") # Update IIM $iimToolsDir = Join-Path -Path $iimTempDir -ChildPath "tools" $iimCLExe = Join-Path -Path $iimToolsDir -ChildPath "imcl.exe" #Setup IIM Update Process $iim_update = New-object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo $iim_update.CreateNoWindow = $true $iim_update.UseShellExecute = $false $iim_update.RedirectStandardOutput = $true $iim_update.RedirectStandardError = $true $iim_update.WorkingDirectory = $iimToolsDir $iim_update.FileName = $iimCLExe $iim_update.Arguments = $iimupdate_args #Start installation $process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process $process.StartInfo = $iim_update [void]$process.Start() $output = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() $process.WaitForExit() Write-Debug $output $updatedVersion = (Get-ItemProperty(Get-IBMInstallationManagerRegistryPath)).version if($Version -eq $updatedVersion) { Write-Verbose "IBM Installation Manager updated successfully" # Clean up / Workaround for AntiVirus issue - hangs while deleting files Write-Verbose "Attempting to remove temporary installation files, after 1 minute the job will timeout and you may need to delete $iimTempDir directory manually." $rmjob = Start-Job { param($tdir) Remove-Item $tdir -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } -ArgumentList $iimTempDir Wait-Job $rmjob -Timeout 60 | Out-Null Stop-Job $rmjob | Out-Null Receive-Job $rmjob | Out-Null Remove-Job $rmjob | Out-Null } else { Write-Error "IBM Installation Manager was not updated. Please check the update logs" } } finally { if ($networkShare) { Set-NetUse -SharePath (Split-Path($iimMedia)) -SharePathCredential $iimMediaCredential -Ensure "Absent" | Out-Null } } } else { Write-Error "IBM Installation Manager installation/update depends on 7-Zip, please ensure 7-Zip is installed first" } } ############################################################################################################## # Set-IBMInstallationManagerTempDir # Updates the temporary directory that IBM Installation Manager ############################################################################################################## Function Set-IBMInstallationManagerTempDir() { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$False)] Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,position=0)] [string] $tempDir ) if (Test-Path($tempDir)) { $iimHome = Get-IBMInstallationManagerHome $iimIniPath = Join-Path -Path $iimHome -ChildPath "eclipse\IBMIM.ini" if (Test-Path $iimIniPath) { [string] $updatedIniFile = "" [bool] $afterVMArgs = $false [bool] $hasTempDir = $false $iniFile = gc $iimIniPath foreach($line in $iniFile) { if ($afterVMArgs) { if ($line.Contains("")) { # Replace Temp Dir setting $line = "$tempDir" } else { # Append temp dir setting $updatedIniFile += "$tempDir`n" } $afterVMArgs = $false } if ($line.StartsWith("-vmargs")) { $afterVMArgs = $true } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($line)) { $updatedIniFile += "$line" } else { $updatedIniFile += "$line`n" } } $updatedIniFile | out-file "$iimIniPath" -encoding "ASCII" } else { Write-Error "$iimIniPath could not be located" } } else { Write-Error "The temp directory specified: $tempDir is invalid" } } ############################################################################################################## # ConvertTo-HashedPassword # Generates a hashed password from password specified using the IBM Installation Manager Command Line ############################################################################################################## Function ConvertTo-HashedPassword() { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$False)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $UserCredential ) Write-Verbose "ConvertTo-HashedPassword called" if (Test-Path($IIM_PATH)) { $iimHome = (Get-ItemProperty($IIM_PATH)).location $iimcPath = Join-Path -Path $iimHome -ChildPath "eclipse\IBMIMc.exe" if (Test-Path($iimcPath)) { $plainpwd = $UserCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password $iimExpression = '& ' + $iimcPath + ' -noSplash -silent encryptstring ' + $plainpwd $hashedPwd = Invoke-Expression $iimExpression Write-Verbose "ConvertTo-HashedPassword returning hashed password" Return $hashedPwd } } Write-Verbose "ConvertTo-HashedPassword did not return anything" } ############################################################################################################## # Get-SevenZipExecutable # Gets the path to the 7-zip executable if present, otherwise returns null ############################################################################################################## Function Get-SevenZipExecutable { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$False)] Param() $sevenZipExe = $null if (Test-Path("HKLM:\Software\7-Zip")) { $sevenZipExe = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\7-Zip").Path + "7z.exe" } else { if (Test-Path("HKCU:\Software\7-Zip")) { $sevenZipExe = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\7-Zip").Path + "7z.exe" } } return $sevenZipExe } ############################################################################################################## # Set-NetUse # Mounts or Unmounts a file share via "net use" using the specified credentials ############################################################################################################## Function Set-NetUse { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$False)] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $SharePath, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [PSCredential] $SharePathCredential, [string] $Ensure = "Present", [switch] $MapToDrive ) [string] $randomDrive = $null Write-Verbose -Message "NetUse set share $SharePath ..." if ($Ensure -eq "Absent") { $cmd = 'net use "' + $SharePath + '" /DELETE' } else { $credCmdOption = "" if ($SharePathCredential) { $cred = $SharePathCredential.GetNetworkCredential() $pwd = $cred.Password $user = $cred.UserName if ($cred.Domain) { $user = $cred.Domain + "\" + $cred.UserName } $credCmdOption = " $pwd /user:$user" } if ($MapToDrive) { $randomDrive = Get-AvailableDrive $cmd = 'net use ' + $randomDrive + ' "' + $SharePath + '"' + $credCmdOption } else { $cmd = 'net use "' + $SharePath + '"' + $credCmdOption } } Invoke-Expression $cmd | Out-Null Return $randomDrive } ############################################################################################################## # Expand-IBMInstallationMedia # Utility cmdlet for expanding IBM media files. Supports files in local drive as well as network share. # Depends on 7-Zip being installed ############################################################################################################## Function Expand-IBMInstallationMedia() { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$False)] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string[]] $MediaPath, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $TargetPath, [switch] $Cleanup, [switch] $ExpandChildren, [string] $ExpandChildrenPattern = $null, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $MediaCredential ) $RetExpendedDir = $null if (!(Test-Path alias:zip)) { #Setup 7-Zip Alias $sevenZipExe = Get-SevenZipExecutable if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sevenZipExe)) -and (Test-Path($sevenZipExe))) { Set-Alias zip $sevenZipExe } else { Write-Error "Expand-IBMInstallationMedia depends on 7-Zip, please ensure 7-Zip is installed first" Return } } if (($Cleanup) -and (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TargetPath))) -and (Test-Path($TargetPath))) { Write-Verbose "Cleaning up existing target path for installation media: $TargetPath" Remove-Item $TargetPath -Recurse -Force } New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $TargetPath | Out-Null #Make sure media is available, map to random drive if network drive $networkShare = $false try { if (($MediaPath.StartsWith("\\")) -and (!(Test-Path($MediaPath)))) { Write-Verbose "Network Share detected, need to map" Set-NetUse -SharePath (Split-Path($MediaPath)) -SharePathCredential $MediaCredential -Ensure "Present" | Out-Null $networkShare = $true } } catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] { Write-Verbose "Network Share detected, need to map" Set-NetUse -SharePath (Split-Path($MediaPath)) -SharePathCredential $MediaCredential -Ensure "Present" | Out-Null $networkShare = $true } try { if (Test-Path($MediaPath)) { Write-Verbose "Extracting installation media from: $MediaPath" zip x "-o$TargetPath" $MediaPath | Out-Null $RetExpendedDir = $TargetPath if ($ExpandChildren) { $childItemPattern = "*.zip" if ($ExpandChildrenPattern) { $childItemPattern = $ExpandChildrenPattern } Get-ChildItem $childItemPattern -Path $TargetPath | % { $childPath = Join-Path -Path $TargetPath -ChildPath ($_.BaseName) zip x "-o$childPath" $_.FullName | Out-Null Remove-Item $_.FullName -force $RetExpendedDir = $childPath } } Write-Verbose "Completed extracting media files to directory: $TargetPath" } else { Write-Error "Unable to access media files. Media Path is: $MediaPath" } } finally { if ($networkShare) { Set-NetUse -SharePath (Split-Path($MediaPath)) -SharePathCredential $MediaCredential -Ensure "Absent" | Out-Null } } Return $RetExpendedDir } |