
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    HyperVModuleNotFound=Hyper-V Module was not found on this system.
    FoundSetTeam=VM Switch is an embedded team.
    NoSwitchFound=No VM Switch provided details found.
    FoundSwitch=Found a VM switch with provided details.
    FoundExternalSwitch=VM switch is an external switch.
    InternalPrivateWithAllowManagementOS=AllowManagementOS cannot be specified when the switch type is set to Internal or Private.
    NetAdapterNameForExternal=For external switch type, NetAdapterName must be specified.
    NoNetAdapterInternalPrivate=For Internal or Private switch type, NetAdapterName should not be specified.
    NoSETForInternalPrivate=In this release, TeamingMode and/or LoadBalancingAlgorithm can be set only when Switch type is external.
    IOVPDTogether=EnablePacketDirect and EnableIoV cannot specified together.
    IOVMBwithSET=EnableIOV and SET cannot be cannot specified when using MinimumBandwidthMode.
    PDMBwithSET=EnablePacketDirect and EnableEmbeddedTeaming cannot specified when using MinimumBandwidthMode.
    FoundIntORPvtSwitch=Found a VM switch of type {0}
    NeedASET=Multiple Network Adapters specified. We need a SET Team.
    ReCreateSET=Switch found is not a SET Team. We need to recreate it.
    CreateSwitch=Creating a new VM switch.
    SETFoundCheckNetAdapter=SET Team found. Checking network adapter members.
    SETMembersDontMatch=SET Team members not matching. We need to update the VM Switch.
    UpdateSETTeam=Updating SET Team.
    NeedANormalSwitch=A SET team was found. We need a normal switch.
    RemovingSwitch=Removing VM switch.
    UpdateSwitch=Updating VM Switch properties.
    WeShouldNeverReachHere=VM Switch is either internal or private. The control should never reach here.
    LBDifferent=Load Balancing mode different.
    TeamingDifferent=Teaming mode is different.
    NetAdapterDifferent=Network adapter did not match.
    AllowMgmtOSDifferent=Allow Management OS property does not match.
    EPDCannotChange=PacketDirect is not enabled and this configuration cannot be updated once switch is created unless we destroy and re-create. Consider doing this manually.
    IOVCannotChange=IOV is not enabled and this configuration cannot be updated once switch is created unless we destroy and re-create. Consider doing this manually.
    MBCannotChange=MinimumBandwidthMode is not matching and this configuration cannot be updated once switch is created unless we destroy and re-create. Consider doing this manually.
    SwitchExistsNoAction=Switch exists. No action needed.
    SwitchExistsItShouldnot=Switch exists while it should not.
    SwitchShouldExist=Switch does not exist while it should.
    SwitchDoesNotExistNoAction=Switch does not exist. No action needed.