# Fallback message strings in en-US DATA localizedData { # same as culture = "en-US" ConvertFrom-StringData @' NoHyperVModule=Hyper-V PowerShell Module not found. SwitchWithNameExists=Another switch with specified name already exists. It is not recommeded to use the same name for mulitple switches. CheckSwitchExists=Checking if NAT Switch already exists. SwitchConfigPresentNoAction=NAT Switch configuration present as desired. No action needed. SwitchConfigNotPresent=VM Switch is avaialble but not the net NAT configuration. It will be created. SwitchPresentRemove=NAT Switch is present while it should not. It will be removed. SwitchNotPresentCreate=NAT Switch does not exist. It will be created. SwitchNotPresentNoAction=NAT Switch exists. No action needed. SwitchNotPresent=NAT Switch is not present. SwitchPresent=NAT Switch is present. CheckNetNat=Checking if there is an existing Net NAT configuration that matches the VM switch. CreateNetNat=Creating Net Nat configuration to match with the VM switch. CreateVMSwitch=Creating VM switch with requested configuration. RemoveVMSwitch=Removing NAT VM Switch. '@ } if (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot\$PSCulture") { Import-LocalizedData LocalizedData -filename "cNatSwitch.psd1" -BaseDirectory "$PSScriptRoot\$PSCulture" } function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$Name, [parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$NATSubnetAddress ) # Check if Hyper-V module is present for Hyper-V cmdlets if(!(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Hyper-V)) { Throw $localizedData.NoHyperVModule } Write-Verbose $localizedData.CheckSwitchExists $Switch = (Get-VMSwitch -Name $Name -SwitchType NAT -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Where({$_.NATSubnetAddress -eq $NATSubnetAddress}) $configuration = @{ Name = $Name NatSubnetAddress = $NATSubnetAddress } if ($switch) { $configuration.Add('Ensure','Present') } $configuration } function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$Name, [parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$NATSubnetAddress, [ValidateSet("Present","Absent")] [String]$Ensure = "Present" ) # Check if Hyper-V module is present for Hyper-V cmdlets if(!(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Hyper-V)) { Throw $localizedData.NoHyperVModule } if($Ensure -eq 'Present') { Write-Verbose $localizedData.CheckSwitchExists $Switch = (Get-VMSwitch -Name $Name -SwitchType NAT -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Where({$_.NATSubnetAddress -eq $NATSubnetAddress}) if($Switch) { Write-Verbose $localizedData.SwitchPresent Write-Verbose $localizedData.CheckNetNat $NetNat = (Get-NetNat -Name $Name).Where({$_.InternalIPInterfaceAddressPrefix -eq $NATSubnetAddress}) if (-not $NetNat) { Write-Verbose $localizedData.CreateNetNat $NetNat = New-NetNat -Name $Name -InternalIPInterfaceAddressPrefix $NATSubnetAddress -Verbose } } else { try { Write-Verbose $localizedData.CreateVMSwitch $VmSwitch = New-VMSwitch -SwitchType NAT -Name $Name -NATSubnetAddress $NATSubnetAddress -Verbose Write-Verbose $localizedData.CreateNetNat $NetNat = New-NetNat -Name $Name -InternalIPInterfaceAddressPrefix $NATSubnetAddress -Verbose } catch { Write-Error $_ } } } else { Write-Verbose $localizedData.RemoveVMSwitch $VmSwitch = Get-VMSwitch -Name $Name -SwitchType NAT | Where-Object { $_.NATSubnetAddress -eq $NATSubnetAddress } Remove-VMSwitch -VMSwitch $VmSwitch -Verbose } } function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$Name, [parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$NATSubnetAddress, [ValidateSet("Present","Absent")] [String]$Ensure = "Present" ) # Check if Hyper-V module is present for Hyper-V cmdlets if(!(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Hyper-V)) { Throw $localizedData.NoHyperVModule } try { Write-Verbose $localizedData.CheckSwitchExists $Switch = (Get-VMSwitch -Name $Name -SwitchType NAT -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Where({$_.NATSubnetAddress -eq $NATSubnetAddress}) if($Switch) { Write-Verbose $localizedData.SwitchPresent if($Ensure -eq 'Present') { Write-Verbose $localizedData.CheckNetNat $NetNat = (Get-NetNat -Name $Name).Where({$_.InternalIPInterfaceAddressPrefix -eq $NATSubnetAddress}) if (-not $NetNat) { Write-Verbose $localizedData.SwitchConfigNotPresent return $false } else { Write-Verbose $localizedData.SwitchConfigPresentNoAction return $true } } else { Write-Verbose $localizedData.SwitchPresentRemove return $false } } else { if ($Ensure -eq 'Present') { Write-Verbose $localizedData.SwitchNotPresentCreate return $false } else { Write-Verbose $localizedData.SwitchNotPresentNoAction return $true } } } catch [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreferenceStopException] { Write-Verbose $localizedData.SwitchNotPresent return $false } } Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource |