Write-DSCResource <#-ResourceName cMonitorDiskSpace -ModuleRoot $sysModules\cFg #>-Property @{ FreeSpace = 'The amount of free space on the disk, in bytes', [Uint64] Size = 'The size of the disk, in bytes', [Uint64] VolumeName = 'The name of the volume' Timestamp = 'The timestamp', [DateTime] FileSystem = 'The filesystem of the disk' PercentFree = 'The percentage of free disk space', [Double] DeviceID = 'The device ID' } -Set { $DscDataClass = Get-WmiObject -Namespace Root\Microsoft\Windows\DesiredStateConfiguration -List cMonitorDiskSpace Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk | ForEach-Object { $WmiInfo = $_ $newInstance = $DscDataClass.CreateInstance() $newInstance.FreeSpace = $WmiInfo.FreeSpace $newInstance.volumeName = $WmiInfo.VolumeName $newInstance.FileSystem = $WmiInfo.Filesystem $newInstance.DeviceID = $WmiInfo.DeviceID $newInstance.Size = $WmiInfo.Size $newInstance.Timestamp = [Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDmtfDateTime([Datetime]::Now) try { $newInstance.PercentFree = ($WmiInfo.FreeSpace / $WmiInfo.Size) * 100 } catch { } $null = $newInstance.Put() } } -KeyProperty DeviceID, Timestamp |