enum Ensure { Present Absent } [DSCResource()] class InstallCertificate { [DscResourceKey()] [String] $PfxFile [DscResourceKey()] [String] $CertificateStorePath [DscResourceKey()] [String] $Password [DscResourceKey()] [String] $Logfile [DscResourceKey()] [Ensure] $Ensure [InstallCertificate] Get() { $config=@{} $mypwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $this.Password -Force –AsPlainText $pfxsplit = $this.PfxFile.Split("\") $certname = $pfxsplit[$pfxsplit.Count-1].Split(".")[0] Write-Verbose "Cerificate name: $certname" $cert = (Get-ChildItem $this.CertificateStorePath | Where-Object {$_.Subject -ilike "*$certname*"}) $certpath = "$this.CertificateStorePath\" + $cert.Thumbprint Write-Verbose "Cerificate path: $certpath" $certexists = (Test-Path -path $certpath -PathType Leaf) Write-Verbose "certexists: $certexists" $certensure = "Absent" switch ($certexists) { $true {$certensure = "Present"} $false {$certensure = "Absent"} } $config.Add("PfxFile", $this.PfxFile) $config.Add("CertificateStorePath", $certpath) $config.Add("Ensure", $certensure) return $config } [bool] Test() { $pfsfile = $this.PfxFile $certificatepath = $this.CertificateStorePath Write-Verbose "$pfsfile Pfxfile" $mypwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $this.Password -Force –AsPlainText $pfxsplit = $this.PfxFile.Split("\") $certname = $pfxsplit[$pfxsplit.Count-1].Split(".")[0] Write-Verbose "Cerificate name: $certname" -Verbose $cert = (Get-ChildItem $this.CertificateStorePath | Where-Object {$_.Subject -ilike "*$certname*"}) $certpath = "$certificatepath\" + $cert.Thumbprint Write-Verbose "Cerificate path: $certpath" -Verbose $certexists = (Test-Path -path $certpath -PathType Leaf) Write-Verbose "certexists: $certexists" $certensure = "Absent" switch ($certexists) { $true {$certensure = "Present"} $false {$certensure = "Absent"} } if($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { if($this.Ensure -eq $certensure) { return $true } else { return $false } } else { if($this.Ensure -eq $certensure) { return $true } else { return $false } } } [void] Set() { $CertStorePath = $this.CertificateStorePath if($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { $mypwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $this.Password -Force –AsPlainText New-Item -Path $this.Logfile -itemtype "file" -Force Write-Verbose "Ensuring the cerificate to be Present" -Verbose Write-Verbose $this.Ensure Import-PfxCertificate –FilePath $this.PfxFile -CertStoreLocation $this.CertificateStorePath -Password $mypwd -Exportable | Out-File -FilePath $this.Logfile } else { $pfxsplit = $this.PfxFile.Split("\") $certname = $pfxsplit[$pfxsplit.Count-1].Split(".")[0] $cert = (Get-ChildItem $this.CertificateStorePath | Where-Object {$_.Subject -ilike "*$certname*"}) $certthumbprint = (Get-ChildItem $this.CertificateStorePath | Where-Object {$_.Subject -ilike "*$certname*"}).Thumbprint $certpath = "$CertStorePath\" + "$certthumbprint" Write-Verbose "Ensuring the cerificate is Absent ..." -Verbose Remove-Item -Path "$certpath" -Verbose | Out-File -FilePath $this.Logfile } } } [DSCResource()] class MapCerttoUser { [DscResourceKey()] [String] $CertificateName [DscResourceKey()] [String] $CertificateStorePath [DscResourceKey()] [String] $UserName [DscResourceKey()] [Ensure] $Ensure [MapCerttoUser] Get() { $config=@{} $certname = $this.CertificateName $cert = (Get-ChildItem $this.CertificateStorePath | Where-Object {$_.Subject -ilike "*$certname*"}) $sslCertPrivKey = $cert.PrivateKey $privKeyCertFile = Get-Item -path "$ENV:ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys\*" | where {$_.Name -eq $sslCertPrivKey.CspKeyContainerInfo.UniqueKeyContainerName} $certkeypath = $privKeyCertFile.FullName Write-Verbose "Cerificate key file path: $certkeypath" -Verbose $privKeyAcl = (Get-Item -Path $certkeypath).GetAccessControl("Access") $users = $privKeyAcl.Access | Select-Object -ExpandProperty IdentityReference $accessexists = $false if($users -contains $this.UserName) { $accessexists = $true } Write-Verbose "User mapped?: $accessexists" -Verbose $access = If ($accessexists -eq $true) {'Present'} Else {'Absent'} $config.Add("CertificateName", $this.CertificateName) $config.Add("CertificateStorePath", $this.CertificateStorePath) $config.Add("UserName", $this.UserName) $config.Add("Ensure", $access) return $config } [bool] Test() { $certname = $this.CertificateName $cert = (Get-ChildItem $this.CertificateStorePath | Where-Object {$_.Subject -ilike "*$certname*"}) if ($cert -eq $null) { write-error "Certificate $certname does not exist" -Verbose return } $sslCertPrivKey = $cert.PrivateKey $privKeyCertFile = Get-Item -path "$ENV:ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys\*" | where {$_.Name -eq $sslCertPrivKey.CspKeyContainerInfo.UniqueKeyContainerName} $certkeypath = $privKeyCertFile.FullName Write-Verbose "Cerificate key file path: $certkeypath" -Verbose $privKeyAcl = (Get-Item -Path $certkeypath).GetAccessControl("Access") $users = $privKeyAcl.Access | Select-Object -ExpandProperty IdentityReference $accessexists = $false if($users -contains $this.UserName) { $accessexists = $true } Write-Verbose "User mapped?: $accessexists" -Verbose $access = If ($accessexists -eq $true) {'Present'} Else {'Absent'} if($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { if($this.Ensure -eq "$accessexists") { return $true } else { return $false } } else { if($this.Ensure -eq "$accessexists") { Write-Verbose "False" return $true } else { return $false } } } [void] Set() { $certname = $this.CertificateName $cert = (Get-ChildItem $this.CertificateStorePath | Where-Object {$_.Subject -ilike "*$certname*"}) $sslCertPrivKey = $cert.PrivateKey $privKeyCertFile = Get-Item -path "$ENV:ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys\*" | where {$_.Name -eq $sslCertPrivKey.CspKeyContainerInfo.UniqueKeyContainerName} $certkeypath = $privKeyCertFile.FullName Write-Verbose "Cerificate key file path: $certkeypath" -Verbose $privKeyAcl = (Get-Item -Path $certkeypath).GetAccessControl("Access") $permission = $this.UserName,"Read","Allow" $accessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule $permission if($this.Ensure -eq "Present") { Write-Verbose "Ensuring the cerificate is Present.." -Verbose $privKeyAcl.AddAccessRule($accessRule) Set-Acl $privKeyCertFile.FullName $privKeyAcl } Else { Write-Verbose "Ensure: $this.Ensure ..." -Verbose if($this.Ensure -eq "Absent") { Write-Verbose "Ensuring the cerificate is Absent" -Verbose $privKeyAcl.RemoveAccessRule($accessRule) Set-Acl $privKeyCertFile.FullName $privKeyAcl } } } } [DSCResource()] class MapCerttoWebsite { [DscResourceKey()] [String] $WebsiteName [DscResourceKey()] [String] $CertificateStorePath [DscResourceKey()] [String] $CertificateName [DscResourceKey()] [String] $SSLPort [DscResourceKey()] [string] $IP [DscResourceKey()] [Ensure] $Ensure [MapCerttoWebsite] Get() { $config=@{} $getTargetResourceResult = $null; $Website = Get-Website -Name $this.WebsiteName if($Website -ne $null) { $getTargetResourceResult = @{ WebsiteName = $Website.Name; HasFound = $true; } } else { $getTargetResourceResult = @{ WebsiteName = "WebSite Not Found"; HasFound = $false; } } $getTargetResourceResult; $config.Add("WebsiteName", $this.WebsiteName) $config.Add("CertificateStorePath", $this.CertificateStorePath) $config.Add("CertificateName", $this.CertificateName) $config.Add("SSLPort", $this.SSLPort) $config.Add("IP", $this.IP) $config.Add("Ensure", $this.Ensure) return $config } [bool] Test() { $Web = $this.WebsiteName $Website = Get-Website -Name $Web if($Website -eq $null) { Write-Error "Website doesnt exist" -Verbose return } if($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { if($Website) { $binding = Get-WebBinding -Name $Web -Protocol "https" -Port $this.SSLPort -IPAddress $this.IP if($binding -ne $null) { return $true } else { return $false } } else { return $false } } else { $binding = Get-WebBinding -Name $Web -Protocol "https" -Port $this.SSLPort -IPAddress $this.IP if($Website) { return $false } else { return $true } } } [void] Set() { $certname = $this.CertificateName $Port = $this.SSLPort $IPAdd = $this.IP $Web = $this.WebsiteName if($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { $cert = (Get-ChildItem $this.CertificateStorePath | Where-Object {$_.Subject -ilike "*$certname*"}) $binding = Get-WebBinding -Name "$Web" -Protocol https -Port $this.SSLPort -IPAddress $IPAdd -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($binding -eq $null) { Remove-WebBinding -Name "$Web" -Port $this.SSLPort -Protocol "https" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue New-WebBinding -Name "$Web" -Port $this.SSLPort -IP $IPAdd -Protocol "https" New-Item -Path IIS:SslBindings\$IPAdd!$Port -value $cert } } else { $binding = Get-WebBinding -Name "$Web" -Protocol "https" -Port $this.SSLPort -IPAddress $IPAdd if ($binding -ne $null) { Remove-Item -path "IIS:\SslBindings\$IPAdd!$Port" Remove-WebBinding -Name "$Web" -IPAddress $IPAdd -Port $this.SSLPort #-Protocol "https" -IPAddress $IPAdd } } } } |