[DSCResource()] class cEPRSLoadXml { [DscProperty(Key)] [String] $ConfigFilePath [cEPRSLoadXml] Get() { $config = @{FilePath = $this.FilePath; } return $config } [bool] Test() { $curentDir = Get-Location if($this.ConfigFilePath) { return $false } else { return $true } } [void] Set() { try { [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $xd = new-object System.Xml.XmlDocument $xd.load($this.ConfigFilePath) } Catch [system.exception] { Write-Output $_.exception.message } Finally { "Executed Successfully" } } } [DSCResource()] class cEPRSReadXml { [DscProperty(Key)] [String] $Path [DscProperty(Key)] [String] $FileName [cEPRSReadXml] Get() { $config = @{FileName = $this.FileName; } return $config } [bool] Test() { if(Test-Path -isvalid "$($this.Path)\$($this.FileName)") { $result=$false } else { Write-Verbose "The specified file/path does not exist. Please pass valid file name and path" $result=$true } return $result } [void] Set() { try { Write-Verbose "Placing contents of text file into a variable - START $($this.Path)\$($this.FileName)" -Verbose $FileContent = Get-Content "$($this.Path)\$($this.FileName)" Write-Verbose "Placing contents of text file into a variable - END" -Verbose if($FileContent) { Write-Verbose "Displaying content of file $($this.FileName) -START" -Verbose foreach($line in $FileContent) { Write-Verbose $line -Verbose } Write-Verbose "Displaying content of file $($this.FileName) -END" -Verbose } } Catch [system.exception] { Write-Verbose $_.exception.message } } } [DSCResource()] class cEPRSXMLRemoveNodeSingle { [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $ConfigPath [DscProperty(Key)] [ValidateSet("Absent","Present")] [string] $Ensure [DscProperty(Mandatory = $true)] [bool] $IsSinglenode [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $Configurationpath [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $Innertext [cEPRSXMLRemoveNodeSingle] Get() { $returnValue = @{ ConfigPath = [System.String] Ensure = [System.String] } return $returnValue } [void] Set() { [Bool]$SingleNode = $this.IsSinglenode Write-Verbose "set function execution starts......." -Verbose if(Test-Path $this.ConfigPath) { $xml=New-Object XML $xml.load($this.ConfigPath) if($SingleNode) { $nodes=$xml.SelectSingleNode($this.Configurationpath) foreach($node in $nodes) { if($node.InnerText -eq $this.Innertext) { [Void]$node.ParentNode.RemoveChild($node) Write-Verbose "Single node $node removed successfully" -Verbose } } } $xml.Save($this.ConfigPath) } Write-Verbose "set function execution ends......." } [bool] Test() { if(!(Test-Path $this.ConfigPath)) { Write-Warning "$($this.ConfigPath) doesn't exist" return $true } else { return $false } } } [DSCResource()] class cEPRSXMLRemoveNodeKeyValuePair { [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $ConfigPath [DscProperty(Key)] [ValidateSet("Absent","Present")] [string] $Ensure [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $Tagname [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $AttributekeyName [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $AttributekeyValue [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $AttibutenodetoUpdate [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $AttributenodeValue [cEPRSXMLRemoveNodeKeyValuePair] Get() { $returnValue = @{ ConfigPath = [System.String] Ensure = [System.String] } return $returnValue } [void] Set() { $AttributeName = $this.AttributekeyName $AttributeValue = $this.AttributekeyValue $tag = $this.Tagname Write-Verbose "set function execution starts......." -Verbose if(Test-Path $this.ConfigPath) { $xml=New-Object XML $xml.load($this.ConfigPath) Write-Verbose "Tag $tag" -Verbose $Count = $null $nodes = $xml.GetElementsByTagName($tag) Write-Verbose "In else part: $nodes" -Verbose if($nodes.Count -gt 0) { Write-Verbose "Nodes: $nodes" -Verbose foreach($node in $nodes) { Write-Verbose "$node : $AttributeName" -Verbose if($node.$AttributeName -eq "$AttributeValue") { [Void]$node.ParentNode.RemoveChild($node) Write-Verbose "$node.$AttributeName node removed successfully" -Verbose $Count=1 break; } } } if(!$Count) { Write-Verbose "No node exists in configuration file with $AttributeName" -Verbose } $xml.Save($this.ConfigPath) } Write-Verbose "set function execution ends......." } [bool] Test() { if(!(Test-Path $this.ConfigPath)) { Write-Warning "$($this.ConfigPath) doesn't exist" return $true } else { return $false } } } [DscResource()] class cEPRSAddConfigNodes { [DscProperty(Key)] [String] $ConfigPath [DscProperty(Key)] [String] $Ensure [DscProperty(Key)] [String] $TagName [DscProperty(Key)] [String] $AttributeKeyName [DscProperty(Key)] [String] $AttributeKeyValue [DscProperty(Key)] [String] $AttributeNodeToUpdate [DscProperty(Key)] [String] $AttributeNodeValue [DscProperty(Key)] [String] $ConfigurationSectionPath [DscProperty(Key)] [String] $LogFile [cEPRSAddConfigNodes] Get() { $returnValue = @{ ConfigPath = $this.ConfigPath Ensure = $this.Ensure TagName = $this.TagName AttributeKeyName = $this.AttributeKeyName AttributeKeyValue = $this.AttributeKeyValue AttributeNodeToUpdate = $this.AttributeNodeToUpdate AttributeNodeValue = $this.AttributeNodeValue ConfigurationSectionPath = $this.ConfigurationSectionPath LogFile = $this.LogFile } return $returnValue } [bool] Test() { if($this.Ensure -eq "Present") { $result = $false } else { $result = $true } return $result } [void] Set() { Write-Verbose "Set function starts" if(Test-Path "$($this.ConfigPath)") { $xml = New-Object XML $xml.Load($this.ConfigPath) $node = $xml.SelectSingleNode("$($this.ConfigurationSectionPath)") if($node) { $xmlElt = $xml.CreateElement($this.Tagname) $xmlElt.SetAttribute("$($this.AttributeKeyName)","$($this.AttributeKeyValue)") $xmlElt.SetAttribute("$($this.AttributeNodeToUpdate)","$($this.AttributeNodeValue)") $node.appendchild($xmlElt) } else { Write-Output "Configuration section $this.ConfigurationSectionPath does not exists in config file" Write-Output "Configuration section $this.ConfigurationSectionPath does not exists in config file" | Out-File $this.Logfile -Append } $xml.save("$($this.ConfigPath)") } Write-Verbose "Set Execution Ends" } } [DscResource()] class cEPRSXmlEditSingleNode { [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $ConfigPath [DscProperty(Key)] [ValidateSet("Absent","Present")] [string] $Ensure [DscProperty(Mandatory = $true)] [bool] $IsSinglenode [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $Configurationpath [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $Innertext [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $InnertexttoUpdate [cEPRSXmlEditSingleNode] Get() { $returnValue = @{ ConfigPath = [System.String] Ensure = [System.String] } return $returnValue } [void] Set() { [Bool]$SingleNode = $this.IsSinglenode Write-Verbose "set function execution starts......." -Verbose if(Test-Path $this.ConfigPath) { $xml=New-Object XML $xml.load($this.ConfigPath) if($SingleNode) { $nodes=$xml.SelectSingleNode($this.Configurationpath) foreach($node in $nodes) { if($node.InnerText -eq $this.Innertext) { $node.InnerText=$this.InnertexttoUpdate Write-Verbose "Single node $node updated successfully" -Verbose } } } else { Throw "single node set to false! Please make it true" } $xml.Save($this.ConfigPath) } Write-Verbose "set function execution ends......." } [bool] Test() { if(!(Test-Path $this.ConfigPath)) { Write-Warning "$($this.ConfigPath) doesn't exist" return $true } else { return $false } } } [DscResource()] class cEPRSXmlEditKeyvaluePair { [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $ConfigPath [DscProperty(Key)] [ValidateSet("Absent","Present")] [string] $Ensure [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $Tagname [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $AttributekeyName [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $AttributekeyValue [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $AttibutenodetoUpdate [DscProperty(Key)] [string] $AttributenodeValue [cEPRSXmlEditKeyvaluePair] Get() { $returnValue = @{ ConfigPath = [System.String] Ensure = [System.String] } return $returnValue } [void] Set() { $AttributeName = $this.AttributekeyName $AttributeValue = $this.AttributekeyValue $AttibutenodetoUpdate_xml=$this.AttibutenodetoUpdate $AttributenodeValue_new=$this.AttributenodeValue $tag = $this.Tagname Write-Verbose "set function execution starts......." -Verbose if(Test-Path $this.ConfigPath) { $xml=New-Object XML $xml.load($this.ConfigPath) Write-Verbose "Tag $tag" -Verbose $Count = $null $nodes = $xml.GetElementsByTagName($tag) if($nodes.Count -gt 0) { Write-Verbose "Nodes: $nodes" -Verbose foreach($node in $nodes) { Write-Verbose "$node : $AttributeName" -Verbose if($node.$AttributeName -eq "$AttributeValue") { $node.$AttibutenodetoUpdate_xml=$AttributenodeValue_new Write-Verbose "$node.$AttibutenodetoUpdate_xml node updated successfully" -Verbose $Count=1 break; } } } if(!$Count) { Write-Verbose "No node exists in configuration file with $AttributeName" -Verbose } $xml.Save($this.ConfigPath) } Write-Verbose "set function execution ends......." } [bool] Test() { if(!(Test-Path $this.ConfigPath)) { Write-Warning "$($this.ConfigPath) doesn't exist" return $true } else { return $false } } } |