# Defines the values for the resource's Ensure property. enum Ensure { # The resource must be absent. Absent # The resource must be present. Present } enum Swarm { # The Swarm must be active Active # The Swarm must be inactive Inactive } enum SwarmManagement { # Manage Manager Count Automatic # Only join as worker WorkerOnly } enum DownloadChannel { Stable Edge Test Get DockerProject EE } # [DscResource()] indicates the class is a DSC resource. [DscResource()] class cDockerBinaries { #Ensure binaries are installed or not [DscProperty(Key)] [Ensure]$Ensure #Docker Version in the form of "17.06.0-ce" [DscProperty()] [string]$version #Download Channel for different CE Builds, or EE for microsoft provided [DscProperty()] [DownloadChannel]$DownloadChannel # Sets the desired state of the resource. [void] Set() { $dlURL ="" switch ($this.DownloadChannel) { Stable {$dlURL = ""} Edge {$dlURL = ""} Test {$dlURL = ""} Get {$dlURL = ""} DockerProject {$dlURL = ""} EE {} } $GetVersion = $this.version if ($this.DownloadChannel -eq "EE") { #Use DockerMsftProvider Write-Verbose "Using DockerMsftProvider" if ((Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable).Name -notcontains "NuGet") { Write-Verbose "Installing NuGet" Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force } if (!(get-module DockerMsftProvider -listavailable)) { Write-Verbose "Installing DockerMsftProvider " Install-Module -Name DockerMsftProvider -Repository PSGallery -Force } #Attempt installation try { Install-Package -Name docker -RequiredVersion $this.version -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider -Force -verbose } catch { Write-Verbose "Could not install Docker $($this.version); $($_.Exception)" } } else { Write-Verbose "Using $($this.DownloadChannel) channel URL $dlURL" Write-Verbose "Updating Docker binaries from $($dlURL)/docker-$" Invoke-WebRequest "$dlURL/docker-$" -UseBasicParsing -OutFile "$($env:temp)\" $DockerRegistered = (Get-Service).Name -contains "Docker" if ($DockerRegistered) { Stop-Service docker start-sleep 2 } Expand-Archive -Path "$($env:temp)\" -DestinationPath $Env:ProgramFiles -Force Remove-Item -Force "$($env:temp)\" if (!$DockerRegistered) { Write-Verbose "Registering Docker Service" $Env:Path += ";$($Env:ProgramFiles)\docker" [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', $env:Path, 'Machine') . "$($Env:ProgramFiles)\docker\dockerd.exe" --register-service } } Write-Verbose "Starting Docker Service" Start-Service docker } # Tests if the resource is in the desired state. [bool] Test() { if ($this.DownloadChannel -eq "EE") { try { $dockerPackage = Get-Package docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider -errorAction Stop if ($dockerPackage.version -match $this.version) { Write-Verbose "Correct Version Installed" return $true } else { Write-Verbose "Wrong Version of Docker is installed: $($dockerPackage.version) should be $($this.version)" return $false } } catch { Write-Verbose "Failed to find docker package" return $false } } else { $service = (Get-Service).Name -contains "Docker" $exeExists = Test-Path $env:ProgramFiles\docker\dockerd.exe if ($exeExists){ $CurrentVersion = (Get-Item $env:ProgramFiles\docker\dockerd.exe).VersionInfo.ProductVersion } else { $CurrentVersion = $null } if ($service -and ($CurrentVersion -eq $this.version)) { Write-Verbose "desired version $($this.version) is installed" return $true } elseif ($service -and ($CurrentVersion -ne $this.version)) { Write-Verbose "Desired version $($this.version) is not installed" return $false } else { Write-Verbose "Docker is not installed" return $false } } } # Gets the resource's current state. [cDockerBinaries] Get() { $exeExists = Test-Path $env:ProgramFiles\docker\dockerd.exe $DockerRegistered = (Get-Service).Name -contains "Docker" if ($exeExists -and $DockerRegistered) { $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present $this.version = (Get-Item $env:ProgramFiles\docker\dockerd.exe).VersionInfo.ProductVersion } else { $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent $this.version = $null } return $this } } [DscResource()] class cInsecureRegistryCert { # Registry URI in format "registry:5000" [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$registryURI #Certificate text or read content from file [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [string]$Certificate #Ensure Present or Absent [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Ensure] $ensure # Sets the desired state of the resource. [void] Set() { $CertPath = "$($env:ProgramData)\docker\certs.d\$($this.registryURI -replace ':','')" if ($this.ensure -eq [ensure]::Present) { Write-Verbose "Writing Certificate" if (-not (Test-Path $CertPath)) { mkdir $CertPath } $this.Certificate | Out-File "$CertPath\ca.crt" -Encoding ascii -Force } else { if (Test-Path $CertPath) { Write-Verbose "Removing Certificate" Remove-Item $CertPath -Force -Recurse } } } # Tests if the resource is in the desired state. [bool] Test() { $CertPath = "$($env:ProgramData)\docker\certs.d\$($this.registryURI -replace ':','')" if ($this.ensure -eq [ensure]::Present) { if(test-path "$CertPath\ca.crt") { try { $currentCert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $currentCert.Import("$CertPath\ca.crt") } catch { Write-Verbose "Invalid Current Cert; could not be imported to test" return $false } try { $enc = [system.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 $desiredCert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $desiredCert.Import($enc.GetBytes($this.Certificate)) } catch { Write-Verbose "Invalid Desired Certificate defined in configuration; could not be imported to test" return $false } if($currentCert.Thumbprint -eq $desiredCert.Thumbprint) { Write-Verbose "valid certificate installed" return $true } else { write-verbose "Wrong registry Certificate" return $false } } else { Write-Verbose "Missing CA Cert for Registry" return $false } } else { if(test-path "$($env:ProgramData)\docker\certs.d\$($this.registryURI -replace ':','')\ca.crt") { Write-Verbose "CA Cert for Registry Exists that should not" return $false } else { return $true } } } # Gets the resource's current state. [cInsecureRegistryCert] Get() { if(test-path "$($env:ProgramData)\docker\certs.d\$($this.registryURI -replace ':','')\ca.crt") { $this.ensure = [ensure]::Present } else { $this.ensure = [ensure]::Absent } return $this } } [DscResource()] class cDockerConfig { #Ensure present or absent [DscProperty(Key)] [Ensure]$Ensure #JSON format string of general configuration opstions, not including labels, hosts, and registries [DscProperty()] [string]$BaseConfigJson='{}' #Array of registries to be added to the configuration [DscProperty()] [string[]] $InsecureRegistries #Array of labels to be added to the configuration [DscProperty()] [string[]] $Labels #Daemon binings, defaults to all interfaces. Specify in format of 'tcp://' [DscProperty()] [string]$DaemonBinding #Adds named pipe and TCP bindings to configuration, allowing external access. This is required for Swarm mode [DscProperty()] [boolean] $ExposeAPI #Restart docker on any chane of the configuration [DscProperty()] [boolean] $RestartOnChange #Enable TLS [DscProperty()] [bool]$EnableTLS=$false # Sets the desired state of the resource. [void] Set() { if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { $pendingConfiguration = $this.GetPendingConfiguration() #Does a config exist at all? $ConfigExists = $this.ConfigExists() Write-Verbose "Config Exists: $ConfigExists" #Write Configuration $pendingConfiguration | Out-File "$($env:ProgramData)\docker\config\daemon.json" -Encoding ascii -Force #Restart docker service if the configuration changed, or if this is the initial configuration if ($this.RestartOnChange -or !($ConfigExists)) { Write-Verbose "Restarting the Docker service" Restart-Service Docker start-sleep 5 } } else { Remove-Item "$($env:ProgramData)\docker\config\daemon.json" -Force } } # Tests if the resource is in the desired state. [bool] Test() { if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { if($this.ConfigExists()){ $currentConfiguration = Get-Content "$($env:ProgramData)\docker\config\daemon.json" -raw $pendingConfigurationJS = $this.GetPendingConfiguration() | Out-String if ($currentConfiguration -eq $pendingConfigurationJS) { Write-Verbose "Configuration Matches" return $true } else{ Write-Verbose "Configuration Does not Match" return $false } } else{ Write-Verbose "Missing daemon.json" return $false } } else { #Make sure the config is absent if($this.ConfigExists()){ Write-Verbose "daemon.json Exists but should not" return $false } else { Write-Verbose "daemon.json does not exist" return $true } } return $false } # Gets the resource's current state. [cDockerConfig] Get() { $ConfigExists = $this.ConfigExists() if($ConfigExists){ $currentConfiguration = Get-Content "$($env:ProgramData)\docker\config\daemon.json" -raw $pendingConfigurationJS = $this.GetPendingConfiguration() | Out-String if ($currentConfiguration -eq $pendingConfigurationJS) { $this.Ensure = [ensure]::Present } else { $this.Ensure = [ensure]::Absent } } else { $this.Ensure = [ensure]::Absent } return $this } [bool]ConfigExists() { if (Test-Path "$($env:ProgramData)\docker\config\daemon.json") { return $true } else { return $false } } [string]GetPendingConfiguration() { $pendingConfiguration = $this.BaseConfigJson | ConvertFrom-json if ($this.InsecureRegistries) { $pendingConfiguration | Add-Member -Name "insecure-registries" -Value $this.InsecureRegistries -MemberType NoteProperty } if ($this.Labels) { $pendingConfiguration | Add-Member -Name "labels" -Value $this.Labels -MemberType NoteProperty } $CertExists = Test-Path $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\docker\certs.d\cert.pem $KeyExists = Test-Path $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\docker\certs.d\key.pem if ($this.EnableTLS -and $CertExists -and $KeyExists) { #Add TLS $pendingConfiguration | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "tlscacert" -Value "C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\ca.pem" $pendingConfiguration | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "tlscert" -Value "C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\cert.pem" $pendingConfiguration | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "tlskey" -Value "C:\ProgramData\docker\certs.d\key.pem" $pendingConfiguration | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "tlsverify" -Value $true #Adjust port for TLS if($this.exposeApi -eq $true){ if ($this.DaemonBinding) { $binding = $this.DaemonBinding } else { $binding = "tcp://" } $pendingConfiguration | Add-Member -Name "hosts" -MemberType NoteProperty -Value @($binding, "npipe://") } } else{ if($this.exposeApi -eq $true){ if ($this.DaemonBinding) { $binding = $this.DaemonBinding } else { $binding = "tcp://" } $pendingConfiguration | Add-Member -Name "hosts" -MemberType NoteProperty -Value @($binding, "npipe://") } } return $pendingConfiguration | ConvertTo-Json } } # [DscResource()] indicates the class is a DSC resource. [DscResource()] class cDockerSwarm { #Swarm Master URl in the format of "" [DscProperty(Key)] [string]$SwarmMasterURI #Activate swarm mode on the host and connect to swarm master. Must be Active or Inactive [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [Swarm] $SwarmMode #Number of managers to attempt of SwarmManagement is automatic. The nodes will join as managers until the number specified is met. [DscProperty()] [int] $ManagerCount=3 #Automatic will manage the number of managers in the swarm. WorkerOnly will join only as worker nodes [DscProperty(Mandatory)] [SwarmManagement]$SwarmManagement # Sets the desired state of the resource. [void] Set() { Write-Verbose "Using Swarm Master: $($this.SwarmMasterURI)" $SwarmDockerHost = $($this.SwarmMasterURI).Split(':')[0] $SwarmManagerIsMe = (Get-NetIPAddress).IPAddress -contains $SwarmDockerHost Write-Verbose "Getting Local Docker info" $LocalInfo = $this.GetLocalDockerInfo() Write-Verbose "Getting Swarm info from $SwarmDockerHost" if ((test-netconnection $SwarmDockerHost -Port 2375).tcpTestSucceeded) { $swarmConnString = $SwarmDockerHost $tls = $null } elseif ((test-netconnection $SwarmDockerHost -Port 2376).tcpTestSucceeded) { $swarmConnString = "$($SwarmDockerHost):2376" $tls = "--tlsverify" } else { write-error "no connection to remote swarm manager" } #Random seed to sleep to get better distribution, and prevent too many managers. Start-Sleep (get-random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 15) $SwarmInfo = . "$($Env:ProgramFiles)\docker\docker.exe" -H $swarmConnString $tls info -f '{{ json .Swarm }}' | ConvertFrom-Json $managers = $SwarmInfo.managers if ($LocalInfo.Swarm.LocalNodeState -eq "active") { $InRightSwarm = $LocalInfo.Swarm.RemoteManagers.Addr -contains $this.SwarmMasterURI if (!$InRightSwarm) { Write-Verbose "Server is in the wrong swarm; leaving" . "$($Env:ProgramFiles)\docker\docker.exe" swarm leave -f } elseif ($this.SwarmMode -eq [Swarm]::Inactive) { Write-Verbose "Server is in the a swarm and should be inactive; leaving" . "$($Env:ProgramFiles)\docker\docker.exe" swarm leave -f } elseif (($this.SwarmMode -eq [Swarm]::Active) -and ($managers -lt $this.ManagerCount)) { . "$($Env:ProgramFiles)\docker\docker.exe" -H $swarmConnString $tls node promote $env:COMPUTERNAME } } elseif ($this.SwarmMode -eq [Swarm]::Active) { if ($SwarmManagerIsMe) { Write-Verbose "Creating a new Swarm" . "$($Env:ProgramFiles)\docker\docker.exe" swarm init --advertise-addr $this.SwarmMasterURI } elseif (($this.SwarmManagement -eq [SwarmManagement]::Automatic) -and ($managers -lt $this.ManagerCount)) { Write-Verbose "Joining the Swarm as a manager" $this.JoinSwarm($swarmConnString, $tls, "manager") } else { Write-Verbose "Joining the Swarm as a worker" $this.JoinSwarm($swarmConnString, $tls,"worker") } } } # Tests if the resource is in the desired state. [bool] Test() { $LocalInfo = $this.GetLocalDockerInfo() if ($LocalInfo.Swarm.LocalNodeState -eq "active" -and ($this.SwarmMode -eq [Swarm]::Active)) { Write-Verbose "Swarm is Active" #Test for swarm membership $InRightSwarm = $LocalInfo.Swarm.RemoteManagers.Addr -contains $this.SwarmMasterURI if ($InRightSwarm) { Write-Verbose "In Correct Swarm" #Test for manager count if (($this.SwarmManagement -eq [SwarmManagement]::WorkerOnly) -or ($LocalInfo.Swarm.managers -ge $this.ManagerCount )) { Write-Verbose "Swarm State Good. Managers: $($LocalInfo.Swarm.managers)" return $true } else { if ($LocalInfo.Swarm.ControlAvailable -eq $true) { Write-Verbose "Not enough Managers: $($LocalInfo.Swarm.managers), but node is already a manager" return $true } else { Write-Verbose "Not enough Managers: $($LocalInfo.Swarm.managers), need to be promoted" return $false } } } else { Write-Verbose "In Wrong Swarm: $($LocalInfo.Swarm.RemoteManagers.Addr) vs $($this.SwarmMasterURI)" return $false } } elseif ($LocalInfo.Swarm.LocalNodeState -eq "inactive" -and ($this.SwarmMode -eq [Swarm]::Active)) { Write-Verbose "Swarm State $($LocalInfo.Swarm.LocalNodeState), should be $($this.SwarmMode)" return $false } elseif ($LocalInfo.Swarm.LocalNodeState -eq "active" -and ($this.SwarmMode -eq [Swarm]::Inactive)) { Write-Verbose "Swarm State $($LocalInfo.Swarm.LocalNodeState), should be $($this.SwarmMode)" return $false } elseif ($LocalInfo.Swarm.LocalNodeState -eq "inactive" -and ($this.SwarmMode -eq [Swarm]::Inactive)) { Write-Verbose "Swarm State Good" return $true } else { Write-Verbose "Default return: failure to determine state" return $false } } # Gets the resource's current state. [cDockerSwarm] Get() { $SwarmState = . "$($Env:ProgramFiles)\docker\docker.exe" info -f '{{ json .Swarm.LocalNodeState }}' | ConvertFrom-Json if ($SwarmState -eq "active"){ $this.SwarmMode = [Swarm]::Active } elseif ($SwarmState -eq "inactive") { $this.SwarmMode = [Swarm]::Inactive } return $this } [psobject]GetLocalDockerInfo(){ #Try in a loop, in case docker was just restarted and is not ready yet $info = $null $i = 0 while (!$info -and $i -lt 5) { try{ $i++ $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop' Write-Verbose "Trying to get token from swarm manager" $info = . "$($Env:ProgramFiles)\docker\docker.exe" info -f '{{ json . }}' | ConvertFrom-Json break } catch { Write-Verbose "Waiting for local docker to come online" start-sleep 5 } } return $info } [void]JoinSwarm($host, $tls,$type) { $token = $null $i = 0 while (!$token -and $i -lt 5) { try{ $i++ $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop' Write-Verbose "Trying to get token from swarm manager" $token = . "$($Env:ProgramFiles)\docker\docker.exe" -H $host $tls swarm join-token $type -q break } catch { Write-Verbose "Waiting for manager to come online" start-sleep 15 } } if ($token) { . "$($Env:ProgramFiles)\docker\docker.exe" swarm join --token $token $this.SwarmMasterURI } else { write-verbose "Failed to Get token; can't join swarm" } } } # [DscResource()] indicates the class is a DSC resource. [DscResource()] class cDockerTLSAutoEnrollment { # A DSC resource must define at least one key property. [DscProperty(Key)] [Ensure]$Ensure [DscProperty()] [String]$EnrollmentServer # Sets the desired state of the resource. [void] Set() { Write-Verbose "Using Enrollment Server: $($this.EnrollmentServer)" $SwarmManagerIsMe = (Get-NetIPAddress).IPAddress -contains $this.EnrollmentServer Write-Verbose "Swarm Manager is this node: $SwarmManagerIsMe" if ($SwarmManagerIsMe -and $this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { #Prepare for Enrollment if (!(Test-Path $env:SystemDrive\DockerTLSCA)) { Write-Verbose "Create Folder $("$env:SystemDrive\DockerTLSCA")" mkdir $env:SystemDrive\DockerTLSCA } if (!(Test-Path $env:USERPROFILE\.docker)) { Write-Verbose "Create Folder $("$env:USERPROFILE\.docker")" mkdir $env:USERPROFILE\.docker } if (!(Test-Path $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\docker\certs.d)) { Write-Verbose "Create Folder $("$env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\docker\certs.d")" mkdir $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\docker\certs.d } #Pull enrollment container Write-Verbose "Getting Enrollment Container" . "$($Env:ProgramFiles)\docker\docker" pull pscripted/dsc-dockerswarm-tls:latest #Run TLS Enrollment Container #This will create local certs for the CA and running host, and allow other nodes to get their own signed certs from the CA Write-Verbose "Running Enrollment Container" #Double convert to JSON for IPs to escape json to prevent docker clobbering . "$($Env:ProgramFiles)\docker\docker" run --restart unless-stopped -dit ` -p 3000:3000 ` -e DockerHost=$env:computername ` -e DockerHostIPs=$((get-netipaddress -AddressFamily IPv4 -AddressState Preferred).IPaddress | convertto-json -Compress | convertto-json) ` -v "$env:SystemDrive\DockerTLSCA:C:\DockerTLSCA" ` -v "$env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\docker:$env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\docker" ` -v "$env:USERPROFILE\.docker:c:\users\containeradministrator\.docker" pscripted/dsc-dockerswarm-tls:latest $i = 0 while (!(Test-Path $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\docker\certs.d\cert.pem) -and $i -lt 5) { start-sleep 10 } } elseif ($this.Ensure -eq [ensure]::Present) { #Attempt enrollment from master $i = 0 while (!(Test-Path $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\docker\certs.d\cert.pem) -and $i -lt 10) { try{ $i++ $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop' Write-Verbose "Trying to enroll in TLS" Install-cDSCSwarmTLSCert -SwarmMasterIP $this.EnrollmentServer -port 3000 -serverCerts break } catch { Write-Verbose "Waiting for TLS container to come online" start-sleep 60 } } if (Test-Path $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\docker\certs.d\cert.pem) { write-verbose "Certificates Installed" } else { write-verbose "Failed to Get Certificates" } } elseif ($this.Ensure -eq [ensure]::Absent) { $containerID = . "$($Env:ProgramFiles)\docker\docker" ps -f "ancestor=cdscdockerswarm-tls:latest" -q if ($containerID) { . "$($Env:ProgramFiles)\docker\docker" stop $containerID . "$($Env:ProgramFiles)\docker\docker" rm $containerID } } } # Tests if the resource is in the desired state. [bool] Test() { Write-Verbose "Using Enrollment Server: $($this.EnrollmentServer)" $SwarmManagerIsMe = (Get-NetIPAddress).IPAddress -contains $this.EnrollmentServer if ($SwarmManagerIsMe -and $this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { if (. "$($Env:ProgramFiles)\docker\docker" ps -f "ancestor=pscripted/dsc-dockerswarm-tls:latest" -q) { Write-Verbose "Enrollment container already running" $running = $true } else { Write-Verbose "No Enrollment Container running" $running = $false } if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { return $running } else { return !$running } } else { Write-Verbose "Checking for Host Certificates" $CertExists = Test-Path $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\docker\certs.d\cert.pem $KeyExists = Test-Path $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\docker\certs.d\key.pem if ($CertExists -and $KeyExists) { return $true } else{ return $false } } } # Gets the resource's current state. [cDockerTLSAutoEnrollment] Get() { Write-Verbose "Using Enrollment Server: $($this.EnrollmentServer)" $SwarmManagerIsMe = (Get-NetIPAddress).IPAddress -contains $this.EnrollmentServer if ($SwarmManagerIsMe -and $this.TLSOpenEnrollment) { if (. "$($Env:ProgramFiles)\docker\docker" ps -f "ancestor=cdscdockerswarm-tls:latest" -q) { return $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present } else { return $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent } } else { $CertExists = Test-Path $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\docker\certs.d\cert.pem $KeyExists = Test-Path $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\docker\certs.d\key.pem if ($CertExists -and $KeyExists) { return $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present } else{ return $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent } } } } ##Functions ############################## #.SYNOPSIS #Install Docker daemon certs provided by cDSCDockerSwarm enrollment container # #.DESCRIPTION #Access the TLS AutoEnrollment Container for server and client certs for docker and download to appropriate directories # #.PARAMETER SwarmMasterIP #IP of the host with the container running. # #.PARAMETER port #Port the container is bound to. Default is 3000 # #.EXAMPLE #Install-cDSCSwarmTLSCert -SwarmMasterIP ############################## function Install-cDSCSwarmTLSCert { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$SwarmMasterIP, [int]$port=3000, [switch]$serverCerts ) begin { if (!(Test-Path $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\docker\certs.d)) { mkdir $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\docker\certs.d } if (!(Test-Path $env:USERPROFILE\.docker)) { mkdir $env:USERPROFILE\.docker } } process { [array]$ips = (get-netipaddress -AddressState Preferred -AddressFamily IPv4).IPAddress try { $Certs = Invoke-RestMethod "http://$($SwarmMasterIP):$port/swarmnode" -Method Post -Body (@{servername=$env:computername;ips=$ips} | Convertto-JSON) -ContentType "application/JSON" } catch { Write-Error "Unable to connect to TLS Enrollment Server. AutoEnroll must be enabled in the DSC Configuration" } try { $certs.clientCert | out-file -FilePath $env:USERPROFILE\.docker\cert.pem -Force -Encoding ascii $certs.clientKey | out-file -FilePath $env:USERPROFILE\.docker\key.pem -Force -Encoding ascii $certs.CACert | out-file -FilePath $env:USERPROFILE\.docker\ca.pem -Force -Encoding ascii if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('serverCerts')) { $certs.ServerCert | out-file -FilePath $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\docker\certs.d\cert.pem -Force -Encoding ascii $certs.ServerKey | out-file -FilePath $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\docker\certs.d\key.pem -Force -Encoding ascii $certs.CACert | out-file -FilePath $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\docker\certs.d\ca.pem -Force -Encoding ascii } } catch { Write-Error "Unable to save all certificates" } } end { } } |