BeforeAll { Remove-Module brickBOX -Force Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\brickBOX.psm1 -Force $PSDefaultParameterValues = $null $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues = $null } Describe 'Test TestEnvironment' { It 'Test module should be loaded' { (Get-Module brickBOX ).count | Should -Be 1 (Get-Module brickBOX ).Version | Should -Be '0.0' } } Describe 'Test ScriptProcessing' { Context 'Format-Bytes' { It 'should be converted correctly' { 20 | Format-Bytes | Should -Be '20 B' 1kb | Format-Bytes | Should -Be '1.00 KB' 1kb + 512 | Format-Bytes | Should -Be '1.50 KB' 1mb | Format-Bytes | Should -Be '1.00 MB' 1gb | Format-Bytes | Should -Be '1.00 GB' 1tb | Format-Bytes | Should -Be '1.00 TB' 1pb | Format-Bytes | Should -Be '1.00 PB' 1pb | Format-Bytes | Should -Be '1.00 PB' } } Context 'Test-Admin' { It 'Should be of type Boolean' { Test-Admin | Should -BeOfType Boolean } } Context 'Start-Elevated' { It 'should not throw' { Mock -ModuleName brickBOX -CommandName Test-Admin -MockWith {return $false} Mock -ModuleName brickBOX -CommandName Start-Process {Start-Elevated 'notepad' -NoExit} | Should -Not -Throw } } Context 'Set-Secret' { It 'Set-Secret with -WhatIf' { Set-Secret 'pester' 'keyWhatIf' 'password' -WhatIf (Get-ItemProperty 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\pageBOX\Secret\pester\' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'keyWhatIf' | Should -BeFalse } It 'should not throw' { {Set-Secret 'pester' 'key' 'test'} | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Saved secret in the registry should exist as type of SecureString and not PlainText' { (Get-ItemProperty 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\pageBOX\Secret\pester\' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'key' | Should -BeTrue $pw = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\pageBOX\Secret\pester" -Name 'key' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).'key' {$pw | ConvertTo-SecureString} | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Set-Secret without name parameter' { Mock -ModuleName brickBOX -CommandName Read-Host -MockWith {return (ConvertTo-SecureString "test" -AsPlainText -Force)} Set-Secret 'pester' 'keyPrompt' $pw = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\pageBOX\Secret\pester" -Name 'keyPrompt' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).'keyPrompt' {$pw | ConvertTo-SecureString} | Should -Not -Throw } } Context 'Get-Secret' { It 'Loaded secret should be of type SecureString and decrypted value should be "test"' { $pw = Get-Secret 'pester' 'key' $pw | Should -BeOfType System.Security.SecureString (New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential 0, $pw).GetNetworkCredential().Password | Should -Be "test" } It 'Reloaded secret with parameter -AsPlainText should be of type string and value should be "test"' { $pw = Get-Secret 'pester' 'key' -AsPlainText $pw | Should -BeOfType string $pw | Should -Be "test" } It 'Trying to get a missing secret should throw an exception' { {Get-Secret 'pester' 'missing'} | Should -Throw } It 'Missing parameter "name" should throw an exception' { {Get-Secret 'pester' '' } | Should -Throw } It 'Missing parameter "projectName" should throw an exception' { {Get-Secret '' 'key' } | Should -Throw } } Context 'Clear-Secret' { It 'Removal of single Secret should succeed.' { Clear-Secret 'pester' 'key' (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\pageBOX\Secret\pester" -Name 'key' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).'key' | Should -BeNullOrEmpty {Get-Item -Path "HKCU:\Software\pageBOX\Secret\pester" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Removal of whole Secret project should succeed.' { Clear-Secret 'pester' Get-Item -Path "HKCU:\Software\pageBOX\Secret\pester" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } } Context 'ConvertTo-Markdown' { BeforeAll { $oMD = @( [PSCustomObject]@{ID = 1;Name = 'page'} [PSCustomObject]@{ID = 2;} [PSCustomObject]@{ID = 3;Name = $null} [PSCustomObject]@{ID = 4;Name = "Name`r`nNewLine"} ) if ($oMD){} # ⚠️ false positive warning: variable assigned, but never used } It 'Should not throw' { { ConvertTo-Markdown $oMD } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should render perfectly' { $md = ConvertTo-Markdown $oMD $md | Should -Contain 'ID | Name ' $md | Should -Contain '-: | ------------' $md | Should -Contain ' 1 | page ' $md | Should -Contain ' 2 | ' $md | Should -Contain ' 3 | ' $md | Should -Contain ' 4 | Name NewLine' } } Context 'ConvertTo-Base64' { It 'simple convert' { ConvertTo-Base64 'Chuchichäschtli' | Should -be 'Q2h1Y2hpY2jDpHNjaHRsaQ==' } It 'convert with -Encoding Unicode' { ConvertTo-Base64 'Chuchichäschtli' -Encoding ([text.encoding]::Unicode) | Should -be 'QwBoAHUAYwBoAGkAYwBoAOQAcwBjAGgAdABsAGkA' } } Context 'ConvertFrom-Base64' { It 'simple revert' { ConvertFrom-Base64 'Q2h1Y2hpY2jDpHNjaHRsaQ==' | Should -be 'Chuchichäschtli' } It 'simple revert' { ConvertFrom-Base64 'QwBoAHUAYwBoAGkAYwBoAOQAcwBjAGgAdABsAGkA' -Encoding ([text.encoding]::Unicode) | Should -be 'Chuchichäschtli' } } Context 'Set-RepeatingScheduledTask' { It 'Create TaskSchedule' { Mock -ModuleName brickBOX -CommandName Register-ScheduledTask -MockWith {return ''} { Set-RepeatingScheduledTask -ScriptFile (Get-Item $PSScriptRoot\..\brickBOX.psm1) -TaskPath 'test' -User "$env:COMPUTERNAME\$env:USERNAME" -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString "chuchichäschtli" -AsPlainText) } | Should -Not -Throw } } AfterAll { Remove-Item HKCU:\SOFTWARE\pageBOX\Secret\pester\ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } Describe 'Test FileSystemObject' { BeforeAll { $iniSample = @" #This is a comment Name=unknown #City=nowhere first=second=off [colors] Favorite=Black "@ if ($iniSample){} # ⚠️ false positive warning: variable assigned, but never used } Context 'Set-IniContent: Simple content, without Section' { It 'Change Value' { $iniSample = Set-IniContent $iniSample 'Name' 'Page' $iniSample | Should -BeLike '*Name=Page*' } It 'Adding Key-Value' { $iniSample = Set-IniContent $iniSample 'Zip' '6340' $iniSample | Should -BeLike '*Zip=6340*' } It 'Adding Key-Value without uncommenting' { $iniSample = Set-IniContent $iniSample 'City' 'Baar' $iniSample | Should -BeLike '*City=Baar*' $iniSample | Should -BeLike '*#City=nowhere*' } It 'Adding Key-Value with uncommenting' { $iniSample = Set-IniContent $iniSample 'City' 'Baar' -uncomment $iniSample | Should -BeLike '*City=Baar*' $iniSample | Should -Not -BeLike '*#City=nowhere*' } It 'Changing double equation' { $iniSample = Set-IniContent $iniSample 'first=second' 'on' $iniSample | Should -Not -BeLike '*first=second=off*' $iniSample | Should -BeLike '*first=second=on*' } } Context 'Set-IniContent: Content in Section' { It 'Change Value in section where no change is needed' { $iniSample = Set-IniContent $iniSample 'Favorite' 'Black' 'colors' $iniSample -imatch '\[colors](?s)(.*)Favorite=Black' | Should -BeTrue } It 'Change Value in section' { $iniSample = Set-IniContent $iniSample 'Favorite' 'Red' 'colors' $iniSample -imatch '\[colors](?s)(.*)Favorite=Red' | Should -BeTrue } It 'Add Value in section' { $iniSample = Set-IniContent $iniSample 'Sky' 'Blue' 'colors' $iniSample -imatch '\[colors](?s)(.*)Sky=Blue' | Should -BeTrue } } Context 'Set-IniContent: Content in New Section' { It 'Add Value in New Section' { $iniSample = Set-IniContent $iniSample 'Favorite' 'Raspberry' 'Flavor' $iniSample -imatch '\[Flavor](?s)(.*)Favorite=Raspberry' | Should -BeTrue $iniSample -imatch 'Favorite=Raspberry(?s)(.*)\[Flavor]' | Should -Not -BeTrue } } Context 'Get-LatestWriteTime' { It 'should not throw' { {Get-LatestWriteTime '.'} | Should -Not -Throw } } } Describe 'Test Network' { Context 'Convert-IPCalc' { It 'Simple calc' { $ip = Convert-IPCalc $ip.Address | Should -be '' $ip.Netmask | Should -be '' $ip.Wildcard | Should -be '' $ip.Network | Should -be '' $ip.Broadcast | Should -be '' $ip.HostMin | Should -be '' $ip.HostMax | Should -be '' $ip.'Hosts/Net' | Should -be '254' $ip.AddressBinary | Should -Be $null } It 'Simple calc with /32' { $ip = Convert-IPCalc $ip.Address | Should -be '' $ip.Netmask | Should -be '' $ip.Wildcard | Should -be '' $ip.Network | Should -be '' $ip.Broadcast | Should -be '' $ip.HostMin | Should -be '' $ip.HostMax | Should -be '' $ip.'Hosts/Net' | Should -be '1' $ip.AddressBinary | Should -Be $null } It 'Calc with IncludeBinaryOutput' { $ip = Convert-IPCalc -IncludeBinaryOutput $ip.AddressBinary | Should -Be '00001010000010100110010000000101' $ip.NetmaskBinary | Should -Be '11111111111111111111111100000000' $ip.WildcardBinary | Should -Be '00000000000000000000000011111111' $ip.NetworkBinary | Should -Be '00001010000010100110010000000000' $ip.HostMinBinary | Should -Be '00001010000010100110010000000001' $ip.HostMaxBinary | Should -Be '00001010000010100110010011111110' $ip.BroadcastBinary | Should -Be '00001010000010100110010011111111' } It 'Calc with IncludeHostList' { $ip = Convert-IPCalc -IncludeHostList $ip.'Hosts/Net' -eq $ip.HostList.Count | Should -BeTrue $ip.HostList[2] | Should -be '' } It 'Test Subnet Mask' { { Convert-IPCalc } | Should -Throw { Convert-IPCalc } | Should -Throw { Convert-IPCalc } | Should -Throw { Convert-IPCalc } | Should -Throw { Convert-IPCalc -Netmask '' } | Should -Throw { Convert-IPCalc -Netmask '' } | Should -Throw #{ Convert-IPCalc -Netmask 'abc.0.0.0' } | Should -Throw } It 'Test IP Address' { { Convert-IPCalc } | Should -Throw { Convert-IPCalc } | Should -Throw } } } Describe 'Test API' { Context 'Get-BasicAuthForHeader' { It 'Get predictable AuthString' { Get-BasicAuthForHeader -username 'user' -password (ConvertTo-SecureString "password" -AsPlainText -Force) | Should -be 'Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==' } } Context 'Invoke-API' { It 'Invoke simple GET to public api' { $apiContent = Invoke-API get "https://api.ipify.org?format=json" $apiContent.ip -imatch '^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$' | Should -BeTrue } It 'Invoke simple POST to public api' { $apiContent = Invoke-API post "https://httpbin.org/post" -Payload '{"Id": 12345 }' $apiContent.data | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } It 'Invoke simple POST to public api with $PSDefaultParameterValues' { $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues = @{ "Invoke-RestMethod:Headers"= @{ 'Accept' = "application/json" 'customHeader' = 'byDefParam' } "Invoke-RestMethod:ContentType"="application/json; charset=utf-8" } $apiContent = Invoke-API post "https://httpbin.org/post" -Payload '{"Id": 12345 }' $apiContent.headers.customHeader | Should -be 'byDefParam' $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues = $null } It 'Mock ServiceNow payload' { Mock -ModuleName brickBOX -CommandName Invoke-RestMethod -MockWith {return @{'result' = 'ServiceNow'}} $apiContent = Invoke-API get "https://ServiceNow" $apiContent | Should -Be 'ServiceNow' } } } |