.Synopsis Utility function for executing processes with advance output/error handling options .Description Utility function for executing processes with advance output/error handling options. This function leverages the System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo and System.Diagnostics.Process for invoking an executable/batch file. .Parameter ProcessFileName The path to the executable that will be invoked. .Parameter ProcessArguments The arguments that will be passed to the process if applicable. .Parameter WorkingDirectory The directory from which to invoke the process. It may be useful for batch files with relative paths. .Parameter LogToFile Determines whether or not the standard output/error should be logged to a file. Default is to output to console/in-memory. .Parameter TempDirectory Path to a temporary directory to dump the standard out/err output. Used when switch LogToFile is specified. .Parameter DiscardStandardOut If specified, the standard out will not be captured/returned. .Parameter DiscardStandardErr If specified, the standard err will not be captured/returned. .Parameter RunasAdmin If specified, the verb runas will be set on the ProcessStartInfo object. .Example # Get the version information of IBM Installation Manager using their command line tool Invoke-ProcessHelper "C:\IBM\IIM\eclipse\tools\imcl.exe" @("-version") .Example # Log the version information of IBM Installation Manager to a temp file Invoke-ProcessHelper "C:\IBM\IIM\eclipse\tools\imcl.exe" @("-version") -LogToFile #> Function Invoke-ProcessHelper() { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$False)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)] [String] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $ProcessFileName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=1)] [String[]] $ProcessArguments, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=2)] [String] $WorkingDirectory, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=3)] [String] $TempDirectory, [switch] $DiscardStandardOut, [switch] $DiscardStandardErr, [switch] $LogToFile, [switch] $RunasAdmin ) $currentLocation = Get-Location #Validate Parameters if (!(Test-Path($ProcessFileName) -PathType Leaf)) { Write-Error "Parameter ProcessFileName with value=$ProcessFileName could not be found or is not a valid process path" } #Compose procStartInfo $procStartInfo = New-object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo $procStartInfo.FileName = $ProcessFileName $procStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = $true $procStartInfo.WindowStyle = "Hidden" $procStartInfo.UseShellExecute = $false if (!($LogToFile.isPresent)) { $procStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = (!($DiscardStandardOut.IsPresent)) $procStartInfo.RedirectStandardError = (!($DiscardStandardErr.IsPresent)) } if ($RunasAdmin.isPresent) { if (([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) { Write-Verbose("Invoke-ProcessHelper Run as Administrator") $procStartInfo.Verb = "runas" } else { Write-Warning("Current User doesn't have administrator privillages") } } #Log handling if ($LogToFile.isPresent) { $tempDir = (&{if($TempDirectory) {$TempDirectory} else {$env:TEMP}}) $tmpLog = Join-Path $tempDir "Invoke-Process-$(get-date -f yyyyMMddHHmmss)-$(Get-Random).tmp" $stdLog = ($tmpLog + ".std") $errLog = ($tmpLog + ".err") $ProcessArguments += @("1> $stdLog","2> $errLog") } if (($null -ne $ProcessArguments) -and ($ProcessArguments.Count -gt 0)) { $procStartInfo.Arguments = $ProcessArguments } if ($WorkingDirectory -and (Test-Path $WorkingDirectory)) { Set-Location $WorkingDirectory $procStartInfo.WorkingDirectory = $WorkingDirectory } Write-Verbose ("Invoke-ProcessHelper executing: $WorkingDirectory>$ProcessFileName") $exitcode = $null $stdout = $null $stderr = $null Try { $process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process Write-Debug ("procStartInfo:"+($procStartInfo | Out-String)) $process.StartInfo = $procStartInfo $process.Start() | Out-Null if (!($LogToFile.isPresent)) { if (!($DiscardStandardOut)) { $stdout = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() } if (!($DiscardStandardErr)) { $stderr = $process.StandardError.ReadToEnd() } } $process.WaitForExit() $exitcode = $process.ExitCode } Catch { Write-Error "Invoke-ProcessHelper FAILED $($_.Exception | Out-String)" } finally { # Set location back if ($WorkingDirectory -and (Test-Path $WorkingDirectory)) { Set-Location $currentLocation } if ($LogToFile.isPresent) { if (Test-Path($stdLog)) { $stdout = Get-Content $stdLog | Out-String Remove-Item $stdLog -Force } if (Test-Path($errLog)) { $stderr = Get-Content $errLog | Out-String Remove-Item $errLog -Force } } } return [PSCustomObject] @{ PSTypeName = "BlueShell.Process.Info" StdOut = $stdout StdErr = $stderr ExitCode = $exitcode } } |