[cmdletbinding] function Get-ConfigFile( [string] $Path = "." ) { $configname = "web.config" if (!(test-path (join-path $path $configname))) { $files = gci $Path -Filter "*.exe.config" | ? { $_.Name -notlike "*.vshost.exe.config" } if ($files -ne $null) { $configname = $files[0].Name write-verbose "Chosen config $configname for path $((get-item $path).FullName)" } } if (!(test-path (Join-Path $path $configname))) { write-verbose "config $configname not found for path $((get-item $path).FullName)" return $null } return (get-item (Join-Path $path $configname)) } function Get-RemoteFile($path, $session) { $content = icm -Session $Session { param($Path, $enc) if ($enc -ne $null) { write-host "using encoding: $enc" # [Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding($enc) } write-host "getting '$($path)'" Get-Content ($path) -Encoding UTF8 | out-string write-host "getting '$($path)' DONE" } ` -ArgumentList $Path, $([Console]::OutputEncoding.bodyname) return $content } function Compare-Files { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $source, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $dest ) $stagingPath = $source $currentPath = $dest # $srcFilename = Split-Path -Leaf $source # $dstFilename = Split-Path -Leaf $dest # $stagingPath = (join-path $env:TEMP "$srcFilename.staging.config") # $currentPath = (join-path $env:TEMP "$dstFilename.current.config") # if ($source -ne $stagingPath) { Copy-Item $source $stagingPath -Force } # if ($dest -ne $currentPath) { Copy-Item $source $currentPath -Force } $areequal = $false if ($null -ne (pathutils\where-is "diff.exe")) { write-host "running diff" $r = Process\invoke diff.exe @($stagingPath, $currentPath) -nothrow -Verbose if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) { $areequal = $true } } else { Write-Warning "diff.exe not found on PATH." } if (!$areequal) { if ($promptpreference -ne "SilentlyContinue") { if ($null -ne (pathutils\where-is "kdiff3")) { write-host "running kdiff" $r = Process\invoke kdiff3 @($stagingPath, $currentPath) -nothrow -Verbose } else { Write-Warning "kdiff3 not found on PATH." } } } } function Compare-RemoteFiles { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $source, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $dest, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession] $Session = $null ) if ($source.StartsWith("local:")) { $source = $source.Substring("local:".Length) write-host "using source file '$source'" $stagingCfg = cat $source } else { Write-Host "downloading source file $source" $stagingCfg = Get-RemoteFile -path $source -session $session } Write-Host "downloading dest file $dest" $currentCfg = Get-RemoteFile -path $dest -session $session $srcFilename = Split-Path -Leaf $source $stagingPath = (join-path $env:TEMP "$srcFilename.staging.config") $dstFilename = Split-Path -Leaf $dest $currentPath = (join-path $env:TEMP "$dstFilename.current.config") $currentCfg | Out-File $currentPath $stagingCfg | Out-File $stagingPath Compare-Files -source $stagingPath -dest $currentPath } function Compare-StagingConfig { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $Path = ".", [string] $stagingdir = $null, [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession] $Session = $null ) write-host "comparing staging config at '$path', session $session" $projectName = split-path -leaf $Path if ($projectName -match [regex]"(.*)-staging") { $projectName = $Matches[1] } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($stagingDir)) { $stagingDir = "$Path\..\$projectName-staging" } if ($Session -ne $null) { if ($Path -eq ".") { $projectName = icm -Session $Session { param($Path) split-path -leaf $Path } -ArgumentList $Path $stagingDir = "$Path\..\$projectName-staging" } if ($path -eq $null) { throw "path cannot be null" } if ($stagingDir -eq $null) { throw "stagingdir cannot be null" } $configname = icm -Session $Session { param($Path) import-module require req beam.serverside -version 0.0.17.alpha1 (Get-ConfigFile $Path).Name } -ArgumentList $Path if ($configname -eq $null) { throw "could not determine config file in path '$path'" } Compare-RemoteFiles -source (join-path $stagingDir $configname) -dest (join-path $path $configname) -session $session } else { $configname = Get-ConfigFile $Path if ($configname -ne $null) { if ($promptpreference -ne "SilentlyContinue") { $exitCode = start-executable kdiff3 @((join-path $path $configname.Name), (join-path $stagingDir $configname.Name)) } } else { write-host "no config file found in $path" } } write-host "cmd exit code=$LASTEXITCODE. result=$exitCode" } |