function Set-NuspecRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the repository information in a Nuspec manifest. .DESCRIPTION Sets the repository information in a Nuspec manifest. .PARAMETER Uri An URI containing the URI of repository. .PARAMETER Type A string containing the type of repository. .Parameter Branch A string containing the branch. .PARAMETER commit A string containing the full commit SHA1. .PARAMETER Force A switch sepecifying whether or not to override repository if it already exists. .INPUTS System.Object Accepts an object containing the Name and Value as an input from the pipeline. .OUTPUTS System.Xml.XmlDocument Returns an XmlDocument containing the manifest. .NOTES .LINK Set-NuspecProperty .LINK #> [CmdLetBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("Url")] [uri] $Uri, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] $Type, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] $Branch, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidatePattern("^[a-f0-9]{40}$")] [string] $Commit, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [xml] $Nuspec, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Force ) try { $NameSpace = New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($Nuspec.NameTable) $NameSpace.AddNamespace("ns", $Nuspec.DocumentElement.xmlns) $Repository = $nuspec.SelectSingleNode("//ns:repository", $NameSpace) if (!$Repository -or $Force) { if ($Repository) { Write-Verbose "Removing existing repository node." $Nuspec.package.metadata.RemoveChild($Repository) | Out-Null } $Repository = $Nuspec.CreateElement("repository", $Nuspec.package.xmlns) $Repository.SetAttribute("url", $Uri.AbsoluteUri) if ($Type) { $Repository.SetAttribute("type", $Type.ToLower()) } if ($Branch) { $Repository.SetAttribute("branch", $Branch) } if ($Commit) { $Repository.SetAttribute("commit", $Commit) } $Nuspec.GetElementsByTagName("metadata").AppendChild($Repository) | Out-Null } else { Write-Warning "Repository already present ($($Repository.url)), use Force switch to override." } $Nuspec } catch { Write-Error $_ } } |