
function Add-NuspecDependency
            Adds a dependency in a Nuspec manifest.
            Adds a dependency in a Nuspec manifest.
            This CmdLet supports PowerShell module manifest file (psd1) 'RequiredModules' property as an input object.
        .PARAMETER Name
            A string containing the name of the dependency to be added.
        .PARAMETER Version
            A string containing the version of the dependency to be added.
        .PARAMETER InputObject
            An object containing the dependencies Name(s) and Version(s) to be added.
        .PARAMETER Nuspec
            An XmlDocument containing the Nuspec manifest.
            Accepts an object containing the Name/Id and Version as an input from the pipeline.
            Returns an XmlDocument containing the manifest.
            Add-NuspecDependency -Name "MyPackage" -Version "1.0.0" -Nuspec $NuspecManifest
            This example will add a dependency on "MyPackage" minimum version "1.0.0" to the manifest, and return the XmlDocument.
            Add-NuspecDependency -Name "MyPackage" -Version "[1.0.0]" -Nuspec $NuspecManifest
            This example will add a dependency on "MyPackage" exact version "1.0.0" to the manifest, and return the XmlDocument.
            Add-NuspecDependency -InputObject @{ id = "MyPackage" ; version = "1.0.0" } -Nuspec $NuspecManifest
            This example will add a dependency on "MyPackage" version "1.0.0" to the manifest, and return the XmlDocument.
            Add-NuspecDependency -InputObject @( @{ id = "MyPackage" ; version = "1.0.0" } , @{ id = "MyPackage2" ; version = "2.0.0" } ) -Nuspec $NuspecManifest
            This example will add a dependency on "MyPackage" version "1.0.0" and a dependency on "MyPackage2" version "2.0.0" to the manifest, and return the XmlDocument.
            Add-NuspecDependency -InputObject @( "MyModule1", @{ ModuleName = "MyModule2" ; ModuleVersion = "1.0.0" }, @{ ModuleName = "MyModule3" ; RequiredVersion = "1.0.0" } ) -Nuspec $NuspecManifest
            This example will add a dependency on "MyModule1" implicitely on minimum version "0.0.0", a dependency on "MyModule2" version "1.0.0", and a dependency on "MyModule3" precise version "1.0.0" to the manifest, and return the XmlDocument.
            Add-NuspecDependency -InputObject (Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path .\MyModule.psd1).RequiredModules -Nuspec $NuspecManifest
            This example will add dependencies contained in the property RequiredModules of the file MyModule.psd1, and return the XmlDocument.

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromValue", Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Name,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromValue", Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $Version = "0.0.0",
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromObject", Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromValue", Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromObject", Mandatory = $true)]
        [xml] $Nuspec,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromObject", Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FromValue", Mandatory = $false)]

    $Dependencies = $Nuspec.GetElementsByTagName("dependencies")
    if (!$Dependencies.Name)
        $FilesNode = $Nuspec.CreateElement("dependencies", $Nuspec.package.xmlns)
        $Nuspec.GetElementsByTagName("metadata").AppendChild($FilesNode) | Out-Null

    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            if ($Name -match $Match)
                $CurrentDependency = $Nuspec.package.metadata.dependencies.dependency | Where-Object { $ -eq $Name }
                if ($CurrentDependency) { Write-Warning "Dependency on '$Name' already exists with version '$($CurrentDependency.version)'." }
                    $Dependency = $Nuspec.CreateElement("dependency", $Nuspec.package.xmlns)
                    $Dependency.SetAttribute("id", $Name)
                    $Dependency.SetAttribute("version", $Version)
                    Write-Verbose "Adding a dependency on '$($' (version '$($Dependency.version)')."
                    $Nuspec.GetElementsByTagName("dependencies").AppendChild($Dependency) | Out-Null
            else { Write-Warning "Dependency name '$Name' does not match the pattern '$Match', it will not be added." }
            $InputObject = $InputObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | ConvertFrom-Json
            $InputObject | ForEach-Object {
                if ($_.GetType().Name -eq "PSCustomObject")
                    if ($_.ModuleName -or $_.Name)
                        $Version = "0.0.0"
                        if ($_.ModuleName) { $Id = $_.ModuleName }
                        if ($_.Name) { $Id = $_.Name }
                        if ($_.Version) { $Version = $_.Version }
                        if ($_.ModuleVersion) { $Version = $_.ModuleVersion }
                        if ($_.RequiredVersion) { $Version = "[$($_.RequiredVersion)]" }
                        if ($_.MaximumVersion) { $Version = "(,$($_.MaximumVersion)]" }
                    elseif ($
                        $Id = $
                        if (!$_.version) { $Version = "0.0.0" }
                        else { $Version = $_.version }
                    elseif ($_.value)
                        Add-NuspecDependency -InputObject $_.Value -Match $Match -Nuspec $Nuspec
                        Write-Error -Message "Unsupported object format for value for dependency '$_' ($($_.GetType().Name))." -Category InvalidData -CategoryActivity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -TargetName $Name -TargetType "Nuspec Property" -Exception InvalidDataException
                elseif ($_.GetType().Name -eq "Object[]")
                    $_ | ForEach-Object { Add-NuspecDependency -Name $_ -Version "0.0.0" -Match $Match -Nuspec $Nuspec }
                elseif ($_.GetType().Name -eq "string")
                    $_.Replace(" ", "").Split(",") | ForEach-Object { Add-NuspecDependency -Name $_ -Version "0.0.0" -Match $Match -Nuspec $Nuspec }
                    Write-Verbose $_
                    $Id = $_
                    $Version = "0.0.0"
                if ($Id) { Add-NuspecDependency -Name $Id -Version $Version -Match $Match -Nuspec $Nuspec }