<# Module Mixed by BarTender A Framework for making PowerShell Modules Version: 6.1.22 Author: Adrian.Andersson Copyright: 2019 Domain Group Module Details: Module: bartender Description: A Framework for making PowerShell Modules Revision: Author: Adrian.Andersson Company: Domain Group Check Manifest for more details #> function get-btScriptText { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the text from file .DESCRIPTION Get the text from file Can do some clean-up for you based on parameters used .PARAMETER psfile Mandatory Accepts array Full filepath(s) to the script file to get the text from. .PARAMETER isFunction Tell the script to capture the function names as function-resources For building manifest .PARAMETER isDSCClass Tell the script to capture the class names as dsc-resources For building manifest .PARAMETER removeQuotes Remove single line quotes like this #quote quote quote .PARAMETER trimSpaces Get rid of horizontal space, trimming excess spaces around text and removing any spacing .PARAMETER RemoveEmptyLines Get rid of most empty lines .EXAMPLE $items = get-btScriptItems .\source\functions\ $text = get-btScriptText $items.fileList.fullname -isFunction $true #### DESCRIPTION Use the filelist provided by get-btScriptItems Grab the contents of all the ps1 files Ensure that we capture the function names for our Manifest use later #### OUTPUT TypeName: System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject Name MemberType Definition ---- ---------- ---------- dscResources NoteProperty Object[] dscResources=System.Object[] functionResources NoteProperty Object[] functionResources=System.Object[] output NoteProperty string output=... .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2018-05-17 Changelog: 2018-04-19 - AA - Initial Script - Added primary functionality 2018-04-24 - AA - Made it return object rather than just text-block 2018-04-26 - AA - Fixed the help - Fixed the way it grabbed file contents - Improved the capture of functions and dsc modules 2018-05-17 - AA - Updated help .COMPONENT Bartender .INPUTS null .OUTPUTS custom object #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]]$psfile, [bool]$isFunction = $false, [bool]$isDSCClass = $false, [bool]$removeQuotes = $true, [bool]$trimSpaces = $false, [bool]$RemoveEmptyLines = $true ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $$(MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $$($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" $outputObj = [pscustomobject]@{ output = "" functionResources = @() dscResources = @() } } process{ foreach($file in $psfile) { $content = get-content $file $lineNo = 1 $content = foreach($line in $content) { if($isFunction -eq $true) { if($line -like 'function *') { Write-Verbose "FOUND FUNCTION: $($file)`n`tLine:$lineNo" $functionName = $($line -split 'function ')[1] if($functionname -like '*{*') { $functionName = $($functionName -split '{')[0] } $functionName = $functionName.trim() $outputObj.functionResources += $functionName Write-Verbose "Adding $functionName to function resources" remove-variable functionName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } if($isDSCClass -eq $true) { if($line -like 'class *') { Write-Verbose "FOUND CLASS: $($file)`n`tLine:$lineNo" $dscClassName = $($line -split 'class ')[1] write-verbose $dscClassName if($dscClassName -like '*{*') { $dscClassName = $($dscClassName -split '{')[0] } $dscClassName = $dscClassName.trim() $outputObj.dscResources += $dscClassName Write-Verbose "Adding $dscClassName to dscResources resources" remove-variable functionName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } if($removeQuotes -eq $true) { if($line -like '*#*' -and (($line -notlike '*<#*') -and ($line -notlike '*#>*'))) { Write-Verbose 'Scrubbing quotes' $line = $($line -split '#')[0] } } if($trimSpaces -eq $true) { $line = $line.trim() } if($RemoveEmptyLines -eq $true) { if($line.length -gt 0) { $line } }else{ $line } $lineNo++ } if($RemoveEmptyLines -eq $true) { $content = $content | where-object {$_ -ne "^\s+" -and $_ -ne ''} } $outputObj.output += "`n$($content|out-string)" } $outputObj } } function publish-btModule { <# .SYNOPSIS Grab the latest version from the bin folder Push it to a nuget repository .DESCRIPTION Grab the latest version from the bin folder Push it to a nuget repository Will pull the details from the btconfig.xml if params not supplied .PARAMETER Repository What repository are we publishing to .PARAMETER token Nuget API token Will use the publishToken.txt if this is not supplied Will only warn if not provided in case you dont need one i.e. you are pushing to a fileshare repository .PARAMETER configFile The Config File to pull the details from Will use btconfig.xml by default .EXAMPLE publish-btModule #### DESCRIPTION Grab the details from btconfig.xml Use the nuget api token in publishtoken.txt if there is one Grab the latest version of the module from the bin folder Initiate a publish-module command with these details #### OUTPUT Hopefully, your module has been pushed to your repository .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2018-05-17 Changelog: 2018-04-19 - AA - Added token and repository details - Initial Script - Tested working 2018-04-26 - AA - Fixed the help 2018-05-17 - AA - Updated help 2019-02-04 - AA - Use the saved Repository settings if available - Do it in such a way that it can be overwritten - Removed the secrets loader - Made the repository paramater required - No longer grab the repository from the config - This will now be passed with a forEach in the start-btBuild .COMPONENT Bartender #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Alias("repo")] [string]$Repository, [string]$token, [pscredential]$credential, [string]$configFile = 'btconfig.xml' ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $$(MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $$($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" $invocationPath = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName Write-Verbose "Working directory: $invocationPath" write-verbose 'Checking if we need to import repository credentials' if(($token -eq $null) -or ($credential -eq $null)) { write-verbose 'Token and/Or Credential not supplied, checking saved repository settings' $btRepository = get-btRepository -repository $repository if($btRepository) { if((!$token) -and ($btRepository.NuGetApiKey -ne $null)) { write-verbose 'Using saved Nuget API Token' $token = $btRepository.NuGetApiKey }else{ write-verbose 'Using supplied token' write-verbose "Supplied Token: $token" write-verbose "repo Token: $($btRepository.NuGetApiKey)" } if(($credential -eq $null) -and ($btRepository.credential -ne $null)) { write-verbose 'Using saved credential' $credential = $btRepository.credential }else{ write-verbose 'Using supplied credential' write-verbose "Supplied Username: $($credential.username)" write-verbose "Repo Username: $($btRepository.credential.username)" } }else{ write-verbose "Saved repository settings not found for: $repository" write-verbose 'You can save credentials and nuget API token with the save-btRepository cmdlet' } } write-verbose 'Checking token' if(!$token -or $token.length -lt 1) { Write-Warning 'Token invalid or not provided, may be ok if publishing to a fileshare' } if(!$credential -or $($credential.GetType().name) -ne 'PSCredential') { Write-Warning 'Invalid Credential, may be ok if there are no module dependancies, or your repository does not require credentials for read access' } $configFilePath = "$invocationPath\$($configFile)" $throwExceptions = @{} #NoConfig $errCat = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData $errMsg = [System.Exception]::new("Config file was not found.`nUse new-btproject for a new project.") $throwExceptions.noConfigError = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($errMsg,1,$errCat,$configFilePath) #BadConfig $errMsg = [System.Exception]::new('Config file contents unexpected or malformed.') $throwExceptions.badConfigError = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($errMsg,1,$errCat,$configFilePath) #NoRepository $errMsg = [System.Exception]::new('No repository specified. Unable to continue') $throwExceptions.noRepository = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($errMsg,1,$errCat,$configFilePath) } process{ write-verbose "InvocationPath: $invocationPath" write-verbose "configfile: $configfile" write-verbose 'Validating Config File' if(!$(test-path $configFilePath)) { throw $throwExceptions.noConfigError }else{ $config = Import-Clixml $configFilePath } if(!$repository) { throw 'No repository and/or ModuleName provided' } Write-Verbose "Repository specified as: $repository" #Check the repository is setup try{ $rep = get-psrepository $repository -ErrorAction Stop $rep|out-null }catch{ write-error "Repository $($repository) is not currently configured.`nPlease configure your publish repository first or specify a different one" return } Write-Verbose 'Finding the latest version' $version = $config.versionAsTag $moduleFolder = "$invocationPath\$($config.modulename)\$version" $manifestFile = "$moduleFolder\$($config.modulename).psd1" $moduleFile = "$moduleFolder\$($config.modulename).psm1" Write-Verbose 'Checking files/folders exist' Write-Verbose "Module should live in folder: $moduleFolder`n`tmanifest: $manifestFile`n`tmodule: $moduleFile" if(!$(test-path $moduleFolder) -or !$(test-path $manifestFile) -or !$(test-path $moduleFile)) { Write-Error 'Unable to find relevant build for current version. Unable to continue' return } Write-Verbose 'Finalising the command params' $splat = @{ Path = $moduleFolder Repository = $Repository } if($token) { $splat.NugetApiKey = $token } if($credential) { $splat.credential = $credential } Write-Verbose $($splat|Out-String) Publish-Module @splat } } function clear-btRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Find and remove a saved repository .DESCRIPTION Removes saved repository settings .PARAMETER repository Name of the repository to use the credentials against .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2019-03-04 Changelog: 2019-02-01 - AA - Initial Script 2019-02-01 - AA - Fixed help - Still had get-btRepository documentation by accident .COMPONENT What cmdlet does this script live in #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true)] [string]$repository, [switch]$force ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" #Where should we save the module $localPath = "$($env:userprofile)\AppData\local" $btSaveFolder = "$localPath\bartender" $btRepositoriesPath = "$btSaveFolder\btRepositories_$($env:computername).xml" } process{ write-verbose 'Importing existing saved repositories' if(test-path $btRepositoriesPath) { try{ $btRepositories = import-clixml $btRepositoriesPath -errorAction stop }catch{ write-warning 'File was found but unable to import' return } }else{ write-warning 'Repository not found' return } write-verbose 'Checking we have settings' if($btRepositories."$repository") { write-verbose "Repository $repository found" if(!$force) { $confirm = read-host "Are you sure you wish to remove the $repository repository`n(Use -force switch to suppress this message)`nEnter 'Y' to confirm:" if($confirm -eq 'y') { write-warning "$repository will be removed from save state" $btRepositories.remove("$repository") $btRepositories|export-clixml $btRepositoriesPath -force }else{ write-warning "Leaving $repository Repository in saved state" } }else{ write-warning "-force param used, removing repository" $btRepositories.remove("$repository") $btRepositories|export-clixml $btRepositoriesPath -force } }else{ write-warning 'Repository settings not found' return } } } function get-btChangeDetails { <# .SYNOPSIS Try and work out what function files changed, were created etc, from the last release .DESCRIPTION Gets the lastModified date of the previous release module manifest Check the source function folders with get-btFolderItems See what functions live in there See if the lastModified is after the previous release Note that the functions were potentially changed .PARAMETER modulePath Path to module .PARAMETER functionFolders What source folders do functions live in .PARAMETER configFile btconfig.xml .PARAMETER newRelease If this is set to true, will calculate the differences between previousrelease and lastrelease as configered in the config file By default, it will calculate the differences between the lastRelease and the last revision instead ------------ .EXAMPLE get-btChangeDetails .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2019-03-06 Changelog: 2019-03-06 - AA - Initial Script 2019-03-11 - AA - Changed to read the lastrelease and previousrelease from the config module - Broke the summary into smaller portions was getting a bit hectic .COMPONENT What cmdlet does this script live in #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [string]$modulePath = $(get-location).path, [string[]]$functionFolders = @('functions','private'), [string]$configFile = 'btConfig.xml', [switch]$newRelease ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" if($modulePath -like '*\') { Write-Verbose 'Superfluous \ found in path, removing' $modulePath = $modulePath.Substring(0,$($modulePath.Length-1)) Write-Verbose "New path = $modulePath" } $sourcePath = get-item "$modulePath\source" -ErrorAction Ignore } process{ write-verbose 'Getting config settings' $configSettings = import-clixml "$modulePath\$configFile" if(!$configSettings) { throw 'Unable to find config file' } write-verbose 'Validating Module path' if(!$(test-path $modulePath) -or !$(test-path $sourcePath)) { throw 'modulePath invalid' } if($newRelease) { write-verbose 'Comparing last Release to previous release' if($configSettings.lastrelease.version -and $ { $currentRelease = $configSettings.lastrelease.version.toString(3) $currentReleaseDate = $ $currentReleaseModulePath = $(get-item "$modulePath\$($configSettings.moduleName)\$currentRelease\$($configSettings.moduleName).psm1"-ErrorAction ignore).FullName }else{ write-warning 'lastrelease not found, exiting' return } if($configSettings.previousrelease.version -and $ { write-verbose 'Using previous release as comparison' $previousRelease = $configSettings.previousrelease.version.toString(3) $previousReleaseDate = $ $previousReleaseModulePath = $(get-item "$modulePath\$($configSettings.moduleName)\$previousRelease\$($configSettings.moduleName).psm1" -ErrorAction ignore).FullName }else{ write-warning 'Previous Release not found, using empty version and old date' $previousRelease = [version]'0.0.0' $previousReleaseDate = $null $previousReleaseModulePath = $null } }else{ write-verbose 'comparing last revision to last release' $currentRelease = $(get-childitem "$modulePath\rev" |where-object{$_.PsIsContainer -eq $true}|sort-object -Property lastWriteTime -Descending|select-object -first 1).basename $currentReleaseDate = $(get-date) $currentReleaseModulePath = $(get-item "$modulePath\rev\$currentRelease\$($configSettings.moduleName).psm1"-ErrorAction ignore).FullName if($configSettings.lastrelease.version -and $ { write-verbose 'Using lastRelease as comparison' $previousRelease = $configSettings.lastrelease.version.toString(3) $previousReleaseDate = $ $previousReleaseModulePath = $(get-item "$modulePath\$($configSettings.moduleName)\$previousRelease\$($configSettings.moduleName).psm1" -ErrorAction ignore).FullName }else{ write-warning 'Previous Release not found, using empty version and old date' $previousRelease = [version]'0.0.0' $previousReleaseDate = $null $previousReleaseModulePath = $null } } $functions = foreach($folder in $functionFolders) { write-verbose "Checking folder: $folder" $folderPath = "$sourcePath\$folder" write-verbose "FullPath: $folderPath" if(!(test-path $folderPath)) { throw "function path for $folder folder invalid" } $folderScripts = get-btFolderItems -path $folderPath if($newRelease) { write-verbose 'Working out markdown path' $markdownPath = $(get-item "$modulePath\documentation\$currentRelease\functions" -ErrorAction Ignore).FullName }else{ $markdownPath -eq $null } #Get the markdowns if($currentRelease) { if($markdownPath) { $markdownItems = get-childitem $markdownPath -Filter *.md }else{ write-warning 'Markdown items not found' $markdownItems = $null } } write-verbose "PreviousReleaseDate: $previousReleaseDate" foreach($file in $folderScripts) { write-verbose "Checking file: $($file.path)" $fileFunctions = get-btScriptFunctions -path $($file.path) write-verbose "Checking Functions Functions" foreach($function in $fileFunctions) { $fileItem = get-item $($file.path) $fileIsNew = if(($fileItem.CreationTime -gt $previousReleaseDate) -and ($fileItem.LastWriteTime -gt $previousReleaseDate)){$true}else{$false} $fileIsModified = if(($fileItem.LastWriteTime -gt $previousReleaseDate) -and ($fileIsNew -eq $false)){$true}else{$false} $markdownList = $($markdownItems|where-object{$_.length -gt 400}).basename $hasMarkdown = if($function -in $markdownList) { $true }else{ $false } [psCustomObject] @{ fileLastModified = $fileItem.LastWriteTime fileCreated = $fileItem.CreationTime filename = $fileItem.Name filePath = ".\source\$folder$($file.relativePath.replace('.\','\'))" relativePath = $file.relativePath fileIsNew = $fileIsNew fileIsModified = $fileIsModified function = $function folder = $folder hasmarkdown = $hasMarkdown } } } } $fileSelector = @( 'name', 'extension', 'basename', 'lastwritetime', 'creationtime', @{ name = 'relativepath' expression = {$($_.fullname).replace("$sourcePath",'.')} }, @{ name = 'fileIsNew' expression = {$_.CreationTime -gt $previousReleaseDate -and $_.lastWritetime -gt $previousReleaseDate} }, @{ name = 'fileIsModified' expression = {$_.lastWriteTime -gt $previousReleaseDate -and $_.creationTime -lt $previousReleaseDate} }, @{ name = 'sourceDirectory' expression = {$($"$sourcePath\",'').split('\')[0]} }, 'length' ) $files = get-childitem -path $sourcePath -file -Recurse -Exclude @('.btorderend','.btorderstart','.btignore','.gitignore')|select-object $fileSelector -unique if($currentReleaseModulePath -and $previousReleaseModulePath) { write-verbose 'Check if the module files are similar' $fileCompare = $(get-btStringComparison -string1 $(get-content $currentReleaseModulePath|out-string) -string2 $(get-content $previousReleaseModulePath|out-string)).DiffPercent }else{ $fileCompare = 'na' } write-verbose 'Getting Summary Details' $publicFunctions = $($functions|where-object{$_.folder -ne 'private'}) $publicFunctionsCount = $($publicFunctions |measure-object).count $publicFunctionsWithMarkdown = $($publicFunctions|where-object{$_.hasMarkdown -eq $true}|measure-object ).count if($publicFunctionsCount -ge 1) { $commentBasedHelpCoverage = [math]::round($($publicFunctionsWithMarkdown/$publicFunctionsCount)*100,0) }else{ $commentBasedHelpCoverage = 0 } $summary = [ordered]@{ commentBasedHelpCoverage = $commentBasedHelpCoverage version = $currentRelease comparisonVersion = $previousRelease estimatedChangePercent = "$fileCompare %" } $fileSummary = @{ totalFiles = $($files|measure-object).Count newFiles = $($files|where-object{$_.fileIsNew -eq $true}|measure-object).Count modifiedFiles = $($files|where-object{$_.fileIsModified -eq $true}|measure-object).Count totalFileSize = "$([math]::Round($($($files|measure-object -Property length -Sum).sum),2) / 1kb) kb" } $functionSummary = @{ totalFunctions = $($functions|measure-object).Count newFunctions = $($functions|where-object{$_.fileIsNew -eq $true}|measure-object).Count modifiedFunctions = $($functions|where-object{$_.fileIsModified -eq $true}|measure-object).Count privateFunctions = $($functions|where-object{$_.folder -eq 'private'}|measure-object).Count publicFunctions = $publicFunctionsCount } [pscustomObject]@{ summary = $summary files = $files functions = $functions functionSummary = $functionSummary fileSummary = $fileSummary } } } function get-btDefaultSettings { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the current users default BT Settings .DESCRIPTION Retrieve the current users default BT Settings .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: yyyy-mm-dd Changelog: 2019-02-01 - AA - Initial Script - Unsure what to do about LINUX and PSCORE - Obviously the save path is less than ideal - Also unsure what will happen with roaming profiles - What if we include _this_ computername in the filename .COMPONENT What cmdlet does this script live in #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" } process{ #Where should we save the module write-verbose 'Getting Save location' $localPath = "$($env:userprofile)\AppData\local" if(test-path $localPath) { $btSaveFolder = "$localPath\bartender" $btDefaultsPath = "$btSaveFolder\btDefaults_$($env:computername).xml" if(!$(test-path $btSaveFolder)) { write-verbose 'bt path not found, no settings saved' }else{ write-verbose 'bt path exists' } }else{ throw 'Local Profile unavailable' } write-verbose 'Importing existing default settings' if(test-path $btDefaultsPath) { try{ $btDefaultSettings = import-clixml $btDefaultsPath -errorAction stop write-verbose 'Existing saved defaults imported' return $btDefaultSettings }catch{ write-error $error[0] throw 'Unable to import defaults settings' } }else{ write-verbose 'Previous settings not found' } } } function get-btFolderItems { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of files from a folder - whilst processing the .btignore and .btorder files .DESCRIPTION Get the files out of a folder. Adds a bit of smarts to it such as: - Ignore anything in the .btignore file - Order files in the .btorderStart folder first - Order any files in the .btOrderEnd folder - Randomly add any files that are not in either in between - Filter out anything that isn't a PS1 file by default if required - Copy the items to a new location Notes: A filename can be in both .btOrderStart and .btOrderEnd This can be useful if you would like to process a file twice, once at the start of a workflow and once at the end Will always return a full path name .PARAMETER path The path of your bartender module Defaults to current working directory .PARAMETER psScriptsOnly Filter out any file that is not a ps1 file .PARAMETER copy If specified, will copy any found files to the location specified in Destination .PARAMETER Destination If specified with the copy switch, will copy any found files to this location .EXAMPLE get-btFolderItems -path .\source\functions ##### DESCRIPTION Get all files in the path .\source\functions, that are not in the .btIgnorefile, order by .btOrderStart and .btOrderEnd respectively .EXAMPLE get-btFolderItems -path .\source\functions -psScriptsOnly ##### DESCRIPTION Get PS1 files in the path .\source\functions, that are not in the .btIgnorefile order by .btOrderStart and .btOrderEnd respectively .EXAMPLE get-btFolderItems -path .\source\functions -psScriptsOnly -copy -destination 'c:\temp\functions' ##### DESCRIPTION Get PS1 files in the path .\source\functions, that are not in the .btIgnorefile order by .btOrderStart and .btOrderEnd respectively Copy them (inclusive of directory structure) to 'c:\temp\functions' .OUTPUTS Should return an object with a list of files in their ordered version. By default will have values of: - Path : Full path to file - relativePath : dot Source notatio for file If Copy is used, it will also have values for: - NewPath : The full path to where it was copied - NewFolder : New folder path .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2018-05-17 Changelog: 2018-04-19 - AA - Initial Script - Added primary functionality 2018-04-24- AA - Added .btOrder file - Added ability to copy files 2018-05-16 - AA - Added inline help - Included in pester tests 2018-05-17 - AA - Improved inline help - Added ability to process .btorderEnd and .btOrderStart - Removed .btOrder processing - Fixed a bug with empty lines in the .btOrder* files 2019-03-11 - AA - Changed a warning to a write-verbose .COMPONENT Bartender .INPUTS null .OUTPUTS custom object #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Default')] PARAM( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Default',Mandatory=$true,Position=1)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SetDestination',Mandatory=$true,Position=1)] [string]$Path, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Default',Position=2)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SetDestination',Position=2)] [switch]$psScriptsOnly, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Default',Position=3)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SetDestination',Mandatory=$true,Position=3)] [string]$Destination, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SetDestination',DontShow=$true,Position=6)] [switch]$SetDestination = $(if($destination){$true}else{$false}), [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SetDestination',Position=4)] [switch]$copy ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" if($path[-1] -eq '\') { write-verbose 'Removing extra \ from path' $path = $path.Substring(0,$($path.length-1)) write-verbose "New Path $path" } if($Destination[-1] -eq '\') { write-verbose 'Removing extra \ from path' $Destination = $Destination.Substring(0,$($Destination.length-1)) write-verbose "New destination: $destination" } } process{ try{ $folder = get-item $path -erroraction stop }catch{ Write-Error 'Unable to retrieve folder' return } if($Destination) { try{ $destinationFolder = get-item $Destination -erroraction stop $destinationFolder = $destinationFolder.FullName }catch{ Write-verbose 'Unable to verify destination folder - using assigned variable as path ' $destinationFolder = $Destination } Write-Verbose "Destination set to $destination" } $folderPath = $folder.FullName $exclude = @('.btignore','.btorderStart','.btorderEnd','.gitignore') if(test-path "$folderPath\.btignore") { write-verbose 'Adding the exclude content' $exclude += get-content "$folderPath\.btignore"|where-object {$_.length -gt 1} }else{ if($psScriptsOnly) { write-warning 'NO .btignore found. All PS1 scripts will be included' }else{ write-warning 'NO .btignore found. All files will be included' } } write-verbose "Exclude:`n`n $($($exclude|format-list|Out-String))" Write-Verbose 'Getting all files' if($psScriptsOnly) { $filelist = get-childitem -Path $folderPath -Recurse -Filter *.ps1|Where-Object{$_.PSIsContainer -eq $false } }else{ $filelist = get-childitem -Path $folderPath -Recurse|Where-Object{$_.PSIsContainer -eq $false} } write-verbose "Checking: $($($filelist|measure-object).Count) files" #Crack this today. Fix the destination, give it a new folder path write-verbose "FolderFullname`n$("$($folder.FullName)\")" foreach($file in $fileList) { if($SetDestination) { $file|Add-Member -Name 'newPath' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $($file.fullname.ToString()).replace($folder.FullName,$destinationFolder) $file|Add-Member -name 'newFolder' -memberType NoteProperty -value $($$folder.FullName,$destinationFolder) } $file|Add-Member -Name 'relativePath' -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $($file.fullname.ToString()).replace("$($folder.FullName)\",'.\') } Write-Verbose 'Checking File Order' $orderedList = [ordered]@{} $i=0 if(test-path "$folderPath\.btorderStart") { $order = get-content "$folderPath\.btorderStart"|where-object {$_.length -gt 1} foreach($file in $order) { $listItem = $fileList |Where-Object {($ -eq $file -or $_.BaseName -eq $file -or $_.relativePath -eq $file)-and($ -notin $exclude -and $_.BaseName -notin $exclude -and $_.relativePath -notin $exclude)}|select-object -first 1 if($listItem) { $orderedList."$i" = $listItem $i++ } } }else{ write-warning 'NO .btorderStart found. Start Order will be random' } if(test-path "$folderpath\.btOrderEnd") { $orderEnd = get-content "$folderPath\.btOrderEnd"|where-object {$_.length -gt 1} }else{ write-warning 'NO .btorderEnd found. End Order will be random' } Write-Verbose 'Excluding any items and adding to list' foreach($listItem in $($fileList|where-object {($ -notin $order -and $_.BaseName -notin $order -and $_.relativePath -notin $order)-and($ -notin $orderEnd -and $_.BaseName -notin $orderEnd -and $_.relativePath -notin $orderEnd)-and($ -notin $exclude -and $_.BaseName -notin $exclude -and $_.relativePath -notin $exclude)}|sort-object)) { $orderedList."$i" = $listItem $i++ } foreach($file in $orderEnd) { $listItem = $fileList |Where-Object {($ -eq $file -or $_.BaseName -eq $file -or $_.relativePath -eq $file)-and($ -notin $exclude -and $_.BaseName -notin $exclude -and $_.relativePath -notin $exclude)}|select-object -first 1 if($listItem) { $orderedList."$i" = $listItem $i++ } } $fileListValues = if($SetDestination) { $orderedList.Values|Select-Object @{Name = 'Path'; Expression = {$_.FullName} },relativePath,newPath,newFolder }else{ $orderedList.Values|Select-Object @{Name = 'Path'; Expression = {$_.FullName} },relativePath } if($copy) { Write-Verbose 'Copying new files' foreach($file in $fileListValues) { write-verbose "Checking file $($file.relativepath)" write-verbose "Destination Folder: $($file.newFolder)" if(!(test-path $file.newFolder)) { write-verbose 'Destination folder does not exist' try{ new-item -ItemType Directory -Path $file.newFolder -Force |Out-Null write-verbose "Made new directory at: `n`t$($file.newFolder)" }catch{ write-error "Unable to make directory at: `n`t$($file.newFolder)" return } } copy-item -Path $file.Path -Destination $file.newPath -Force|Out-Null } Write-Verbose 'Copy Complete' } return $fileListValues } } function get-btGitDetails { <# .SYNOPSIS Simple description .DESCRIPTION Detailed Description .PARAMETER modulePath Where does the module live? ------------ .EXAMPLE verb-noun param1 #### DESCRIPTION Line by line of what this example will do #### OUTPUT Copy of the output of this line .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2019-06-03 Changelog: 2019-03-06 - AA - Initial Script 2019-03-07 - AA - Fixed the git commands to run as a job - Trim the returned data .COMPONENT What cmdlet does this script live in #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [string]$modulePath = $(get-location).path ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" if($modulePath -like '*\') { Write-Verbose 'Superfluous \ found in path, removing' $modulePath = $modulePath.Substring(0,$($modulePath.Length-1)) Write-Verbose "New path = $modulePath" } } process{ if(!$(test-path $modulePath)) { throw "Module path not found" }else{ $modulePath = $(get-item $modulePath).fullname } $gitDetailsHash = @{} $branchSB = [scriptblock]::Create("set-location $modulePath;git branch") $commitSB = [scriptblock]::Create("set-location $modulePath;git rev-parse HEAD") $commitShortSB = [scriptblock]::Create("set-location $modulePath;git rev-parse --short HEAD") $originSB = [scriptblock]::create("set-location $modulePath;git config --get remote.origin.url") write-verbose $branchSB.ToString() try{ $branch = $($($j = start-job $branchSb;wait-job $j|out-null;Receive-Job $j -ErrorAction Stop)|out-string).trim() }catch{ write-warning 'Not a git folder' $branch = $null } if($branch) { $gitDetailsHash.branch = $branch $gitDetailsHash.commit = $($($j = start-job $commitSB;wait-job $j|out-null;Receive-Job $j)|out-string).trim() $gitDetailsHash.commitShort = $($($j = start-job $commitShortSB;wait-job $j|out-null;Receive-Job $j)|out-string).trim() $gitDetailsHash.origin = $($($j = start-job $originSB;wait-job $j|out-null;Receive-Job $j)|out-string).trim() [pscustomobject]$gitDetailsHash } } } function get-btInstalledModule { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the name and version of an already installed module .DESCRIPTION Get the name and version of an already installed module If moduleVersion is specified, ensures its installed Otherwise, return the latest version of the module Return as a moduleSpecification object .PARAMETER moduleName Name of the module to find .PARAMETER moduleVersion If you want to find a specific version of a module ------------ .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2019-02-01 Changelog: 2019-02-01 - AA - Initial Script 2019-03-04 - AA - Fixed the documentation - Changed the returned object to a modulespecification object - Ensured fed correct hashtable .COMPONENT What cmdlet does this script live in #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=0)] [string]$moduleName, [version]$moduleVersion ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" } process{ #Array of what we want to select #Easier to do this when we want custom params $modSelect = @( 'GUID', @{ Name='ModuleName' Expression = {$_.Name} }, @{ Name='ModuleVersion' Expression={$_.Version} } ) $allVersions = get-module -listAvailable -name $moduleName|select-object $modSelect if($($allVersions|measure-object).count -ge 1) { write-verbose 'Modules found' if($ModuleVersion) { write-verbose 'Checking for specific version' $found = $allVersions|Where-Object{$_.ModuleVersion -eq $moduleVersion}|Select-Object -first 1 if($found) { write-verbose 'Found specific Version' $selectedMod = $found }else{ Throw "Module $moduleName was found on this machine but the version: $moduleVersion is not present" } }else{ write-verbose 'Getting Latest Version' $selectedMod = $allVersions|Sort-Object ModuleVersion -Descending|Select-Object -first 1 } }else{ throw "No Modules found with the name $moduleName. Please install them first" } if($selectedMod) { Write-Debug "$($selectedMod|format-list|out-string)" $hashtable = @{ guid = $selectedMod.guid modulename = $selectedMod.moduleName requiredversion = $selectedMod.moduleVersion #moduleVersion = $selectedMod.moduleVersion # Use moduleVersion or RequiredVersion, but not both } [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ModuleSpecification]::new($hashtable) } } } function get-btRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Find repository settings, return as a splatable hashtable .DESCRIPTION Find repository settings, return as a splatable hashtable. If no repository is found, return null Also check the repository still exists .PARAMETER repository Name of the repository to use the credentials against .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: yyyy-mm-dd Changelog: 2019-02-01 - AA - Initial Script .COMPONENT What cmdlet does this script live in #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='single')] PARAM( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName='single')] [string]$repository, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='listAvailable')] [switch]$listAvailable ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" #Where should we save the module $localPath = "$($env:userprofile)\AppData\local" $btSaveFolder = "$localPath\bartender" $btRepositoriesPath = "$btSaveFolder\btRepositories_$($env:computername).xml" } process{ write-verbose 'Importing existing saved repositories' if(test-path $btRepositoriesPath) { try{ $btRepositories = import-clixml $btRepositoriesPath -errorAction stop }catch{ write-warning 'File was found but unable to import' return } }else{ write-warning 'No repositories found' return } if($($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) -eq 'listAvailable') { write-verbose 'Getting all repositories' foreach($repo in $btRepositories.keys) { $hash = @{ Repository = $repo NuGetApiKey = $($($btRepositories."$repo").token.getNetworkCredential().password) } if($($btRepositories."$repo".credential)) { $hash.credential = $btRepositories."$repo".credential } [pscustomobject]$hash remove-variable hash -erroraction 'silentlyContinue' } }else{ write-verbose 'Checking we have settings' if($btRepositories."$repository") { write-verbose 'Converting to psget splat hashtable' $hash = @{ Repository = $repository NuGetApiKey = $($($btRepositories."$repository").token.getNetworkCredential().password) } if($($btRepositories."$repository".credential)) { $hash.credential = $btRepositories."$repository".credential } return $hash }else{ write-warning 'Repository settings not found' return } } } } function new-btProject { <# .SYNOPSIS Start a new bartender project Make sure you are in a decent folder location as it uses root .DESCRIPTION Will build out the folder structure for a new bt project and make a btConfig.xml file with all the settings set in the parameters .PARAMETER moduleName Mandatory The name of your module .PARAMETER moduleDescription Mandatory Description of your module .PARAMETER modulePath Path of your module Will use the current path by default .PARAMETER moduleAuthor Module Author Will use $env:USERNAME by default Used in module manifest .PARAMETER companyName Company name Used in module manifest .PARAMETER majorVersion Major version to start at Default is 1 Only required if you want to start at something other than 1 coz your special .PARAMETER minorVersion Minor version to start at Default is 0 .PARAMETER buildVersion Build version to start at Default is 0 .PARAMETER minimumPsVersion PS Version for your module Used in making the manifest and restricting its use Default is .PARAMETER AutoIncrementRevision Default True Increment the Revision version when running start-btBuild command .PARAMETER RemoveSingleLineQuotes Default True Remove any single line quotes when compiling scripts .PARAMETER RemoveEmptyLines Default True Remove any extra empty lines when compiling scripts .PARAMETER trimSpaces Default False Remove any extra spaces Breaks your function spacing, so only use if you want a flat file .PARAMETER publishOnBuild Default True When incrementing build version, will push to the repository specified .PARAMETER runPesterTests Default True Add the basic module pester tests to the pester folder .PARAMETER repository Default powershelf The Powershell repository to automatically publish to .PARAMETER RequiredModules Array of modules you want to include as mandatory when building the manifest If a string is supplied, then the version will be whatever latest version is installed If a hashtable is supplied it should be constructed as such: @{moduleName='myModule';moduleVersion='1.2.3'} .PARAMETER Tags The tags to apply in the manifest, helping when searching repositories .PARAMETER configFile The file to save the config file as Defaults to 'btConfig.xml' Don't change this, I havent really written it to deal with poor names .PARAMETER autoDocument Default True Specify that when running start-btBuild, you want to automatically run get-btDocumentation as well .PARAMETER useGitDetails Try and get the license, project URIs from GIT .PARAMETER licenseUri Override the licenseUri .PARAMETER iconUri Override the iconUri .PARAMETER projectUri Override the projectUri .EXAMPLE new-btProject -moduleName myModule -moduleDescription 'A new module' #### DESCRIPTION Make a new powershell module project, include the repository token, use the defaults for everything else #### OUTPUT Will make the following folder structure: - dist - documentation - source - classes - dscClasses - enums - filters - functions - pester - private - resource - bin - lib Will include a default .gitignore, .btOrderStart, .btOrderEnd Will make a new publishtoken.txt that _should_ not be tracked by GIT .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2018-05-17 Changelog: 2018-04-19 - AA - Initial Script - Added primary functionality - Based off the combine scripts 2018-04-23 - AA - Added token and repository details 2018-04-26 - AA - Fixed the help 2018-05-17 - AA - Updated help - Ensure we error out if we already have a config - Cleaned up no longer needed comments 2018-12-03 - AA - Remove the folder and file creation - Execute the update-btFileStructure to make them instead 2019-02-04 - AA - Changed all the boolean params - They can now be null - Defaults are now, as a result, in the begin block - Will read from a saved config if one exists - Will then fall-back to an appropriate default - Made the RequiredModules an array - The array will check for HashTable or String entries - Strings need to be the name of an installed module - Hashtable requires moduleVersion and moduleName strings - Where a hashtable is supplied, the version must be installed on the machine - Makes use of new get-btInstalledModules function - Will lock-down the version to the latest at build time as a result - This should allow updated modules to push the latest required package to the repository as a result - Updated repository to allow multiple arguments - Updated -start-btbuild and publish-btModule cmdlets as a result - Allows you to set multiple default repositories to publish to 2019-03-06 - AA - Updated to allow useGitDetails - Updated to store licenseUri,projectUri,inconUri .COMPONENT Bartender .INPUTS null .OUTPUTS null #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$moduleName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$moduleDescription, [string[]]$repository, [string[]]$moduleAuthor, [string]$companyName, [version]$minimumPsVersion, [Nullable[boolean]]$AutoIncrementRevision, [Nullable[boolean]]$RemoveSingleLineQuotes, [Nullable[boolean]]$RemoveEmptyLines, [Nullable[boolean]]$trimSpaces, [Nullable[boolean]]$publishOnBuild, [Nullable[boolean]]$runPesterTests, [Nullable[boolean]]$autoDocument, [Nullable[boolean]]$useGitDetails, [array]$RequiredModules, [string[]]$Tags, [int]$majorVersion = 1, [int]$minorVersion = 0, [int]$buildVersion = 0, [string]$modulePath = $(get-location).path, [string]$configFile = 'btConfig.xml', [string]$licenseUri, [string]$projectUri, [string]$iconUri ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $$(MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $$($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" if($modulePath -like '*\') { Write-Verbose 'Superfluous \ found in path, removing' $modulePath = $modulePath.Substring(0,$($modulePath.Length-1)) Write-Verbose "New path = $modulePath" } write-verbose 'Loading user defaults' $userDefaults = get-btDefaultSettings write-verbose 'Setting parameter defaults' if(!$userDefaults) { write-warning 'You can save your default module preferences by using the save-btDefaultSettings cmdlet' } write-verbose 'Populating default Params where missing' if(!$moduleAuthor) { if($ { $moduleAuthor = $ }else{ $moduleAuthor = $($env:USERNAME) } } if(!$repository) { if($userDefaults.repository) { $repository = $userDefaults.repository }else{ write-warning 'Repository not configured' } } if(!$companyName) { if($ { $companyName = $ }else{ write-warning 'companyName not configured' $companyName = ' ' } } if(!$Tags) { if($userDefaults.Tags) { $Tags = $userDefaults.Tags } } if(!$minimumPsVersion) { if($userDefaults.minimumPsVersion) { $minimumPsVersion = $userDefaults.minimumPsVersion }else{ $minimumPsVersion = [version]::new(5,0,0,0) } } if($AutoIncrementRevision -eq $null) { if($userDefaults.AutoIncrementRevision -ne $null) { $AutoIncrementRevision = $userDefaults.AutoIncrementRevision }else{ $AutoIncrementRevision = $true } } if($RemoveSingleLineQuotes -eq $null) { if($userDefaults.RemoveSingleLineQuotes -ne $null) { $RemoveSingleLineQuotes = $userDefaults.RemoveSingleLineQuotes }else{ $RemoveSingleLineQuotes = $true } } if($RemoveEmptyLines -eq $null) { if($userDefaults.RemoveEmptyLines -ne $null) { $RemoveEmptyLines = $userDefaults.RemoveEmptyLines }else{ $RemoveEmptyLines = $true } } if($trimSpaces -eq $null) { if($userDefaults.trimSpaces -ne $null) { $trimSpaces = $userDefaults.trimSpaces }else{ $trimSpaces = $false } } if($publishOnBuild -eq $null) { if($userDefaults.publishOnBuild -ne $null) { $publishOnBuild = $userDefaults.publishOnBuild }else{ $publishOnBuild = $true } } if($runPesterTests -eq $null) { if($userDefaults.runPesterTests -ne $null) { $runPesterTests = $userDefaults.runPesterTests }else{ $runPesterTests = $true } } if($autoDocument -eq $null) { if($userDefaults.autoDocument -ne $null) { $autoDocument = $userDefaults.autoDocument }else{ $autoDocument = $true } } if($useGitDetails -eq $null) { if($userDefaults.useGitDetails -ne $null) { $useGitDetails = $userDefaults.useGitDetails }else{ $useGitDetails = $true } } write-verbose 'Configuring config file' $configPath = "$modulePath\$configFile" $throwExceptions = @{} $errCat = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData $errMsg = [System.Exception]::new("configfile found.`nUse update-btFileStructure to ensure folder structure is compliant with btVersion.") $throwExceptions.existingConfigErr = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($errMsg,1,$errCat,$configPath) $errCat = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData $errMsg = [System.Exception]::new("Unable to validate path for $modulePath") $throwExceptions.invalidPathErr = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($errMsg,1,$errCat,$configPath) } process{ write-debug 'starting process' write-verbose 'Validating path' if(!$(test-path $modulePath)) { throw $throwExceptions.invalidPathErr } if(test-path $configPath) { throw $throwExceptions.existingConfigErr } #Create the gitIgnore and the tokenFile #"publishtoken.txt" | Out-File "$modulePath\.gitignore" -Force -Encoding utf8 write-verbose 'Checking repository viability' if($repository) { foreach($repo in $repository) { try{ $rep = get-psrepository $repository -ErrorAction Stop $rep|out-null }catch{ write-error "Repository $($repo) is not currently configured.`nPlease configure your publish repository first or specify a different one" return } } } write-verbose 'Testing the required modules' if($requiredModules) { foreach($reqModule in $requiredModules) { $reqModuleType = $reqModule.getType().name if($reqModuleType -eq 'String') { write-verbose "Checking Required module: $reqModule is available on this machine" try{ $reqModFound = get-btInstalledModule -moduleName $reqModule -errorAction 'Stop' write-verbose "Module $reqModule was Found" }catch{ $error[0] throw 'Unable to complete new-btProject due to required module error (See Above)' } }elseIf($reqModuleType -eq 'Hashtable') { if($($reqModule.keys) -contains 'moduleName' -and $($reqModule.keys) -contains 'moduleVersion' -and $($reqModule.keys.count) -eq 2) { write-verbose "Hashtable well formed for $($reqModule.ModuleName) required module" try{ $reqModFound = get-btInstalledModule @reqModule -errorAction 'Stop' write-verbose "Module $($reqModule.ModuleName) was Found with version $($reqModule.ModuleVersion)" }catch{ $error[0] throw 'Unable to complete new-btProject due to required module error (See Above)' } }else{ throw "Hashtable poorly formed. Required Module Hashtables should contain 2 keys only, moduleName and moduleVersion" } }else{ throw 'Required Modules should be a string or a Hashtable' } } } #Create the folder structure for support items write-verbose '***CREATE THE FILES AND FOLDERS***' add-btFilesAndFolders -path $modulePath -force #> #Create the config file write-verbose 'Creating Config File' $config = [pscustomobject] @{ moduleAuthor = $moduleAuthor moduleName = $moduleName moduleDescription = $moduleDescription companyName = $companyName version = [version]::new($majorVersion,$minorVersion,$buildVersion,0) guid = $(new-guid).guid AutoIncrementRevision = $AutoIncrementRevision RemoveSingleLineQuotes = $RemoveSingleLineQuotes RemoveEmptyLines = $RemoveEmptyLines minimumPsVersion = $minimumPsVersion RequiredModules = [array]$RequiredModules Tags = $Tags Repository = $repository trimSpaces = $trimSpaces publishOnBuild = $publishOnBuild runPesterTests = $runPesterTests bartenderVersion = $($(get-module -name Bartender).version.tostring()) autoDocument = $autoDocument useGitDetails = $useGitDetails licenseUri = $licenseUri projectUri = $projectUri iconUri = $iconUri } Write-Debug "Your Config Object:`n`n$($config|Out-String)" if(!$config.version -or !$config.moduleName -or !$config.moduleAuthor -or !$config.companyName) { Write-Error 'Invalid Config' return }else{ Write-Verbose 'Exporting Config' Export-Clixml -Path $configPath -InputObject $config } } } function save-btDefaultSettings { <# .SYNOPSIS Save API token and, if supplied, Repository Credentials .DESCRIPTION Save API token and credentials, in order to provide the ability to publish/find modules without having to enter this stuff all the time .PARAMETER author Default Module Author .PARAMETER repository Default repositories to publish to .PARAMETER company Default Company to publish as .PARAMETER Tags Default Tags to use .PARAMETER minimumPsVersion The default minimumPsVersion to use .PARAMETER AutoIncrementRevision The default AutoIncrementRevision value .PARAMETER RemoveSingleLineQuotes Default RemoveSingleLineQuotes value .PARAMETER RemoveEmptyLines Default RemoveEmptylines Value .PARAMETER trimSpaces Default trimSpaces value .PARAMETER publishOnBuild Default publishOnBuild value .PARAMETER autoDocument Default autoDocument Value .PARAMETER useGitDetails Grab the license and project URI from Git details Use them on manifest creation .PARAMETER update Use to overwrite any existing saved default settings .EXAMPLE save-btDefaultSettings -author -repositories @('myrepo1','psgallery') #### DESCRIPTION Will save the repository myRepo with the token, and prompt once for credentials. .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: yyyy-mm-dd Changelog: 2019-02-01 - AA - Initial Script - Unsure what to do about LINUX and PSCORE - Obviously the save path is less than ideal - Also unsure what will happen with roaming profiles - What if we include _this_ computername in the filename 2019-03-07 - AA - Added way to save useGitDetails .COMPONENT What cmdlet does this script live in #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [string]$author, [string]$repository, [string]$company, [string[]]$Tags, [version]$minimumPsVersion, [Nullable[boolean]]$AutoIncrementRevision, [Nullable[boolean]]$RemoveSingleLineQuotes, [Nullable[boolean]]$RemoveEmptyLines, [Nullable[boolean]]$trimSpaces, [Nullable[boolean]]$publishOnBuild, [Nullable[boolean]]$autoDocument, [Nullable[boolean]]$runPesterTests, [Nullable[boolean]]$useGitDetails, [switch]$update ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" } process{ #Where should we save the module write-verbose 'Getting Save location' $localPath = "$($env:userprofile)\AppData\local" if(test-path $localPath) { $btSaveFolder = "$localPath\bartender" $btDefaultsPath = "$btSaveFolder\btDefaults_$($env:computername).xml" if(!$(test-path $btSaveFolder)) { write-verbose "Creating bartender folder at $btSaveFolder" new-item -itemtype directory -path $btSaveFolder }else{ write-verbose 'bt path exists' } }else{ throw 'Local Profile unavailable' } write-verbose 'Importing existing default settings' if(test-path $btDefaultsPath) { try{ $btDefaultSettings = import-clixml $btDefaultsPath -errorAction stop write-verbose 'Existing saved default imported' }catch{ write-error $error[0] throw 'Unable to import defaults settings' } }else{ write-verbose 'Previous settings not found, creating' $btDefaultSettings = @{} } write-verbose 'Checking we do not already have settings' write-verbose "$($btDefaultSettings.keys.count)" if(($btDefaultSettings.keys.count -ge 1) -and ($update -ne $true)) { throw 'Default settings already exist. To overwrite use the -update switch' } if($author) { write-verbose "Setting default author as $author" $ = $author } if($repository) { write-verbose 'Setting default repository' $btDefaultSettings.repository = $repository } if($company) { write-verbose 'Setting default company' $ = $company } if($Tags) { write-verbose 'Setting default Tags' $btDefaultSettings.Tags = $tags } if($minimumPsVersion) { write-verbose 'Setting default minimumPsVersion' $btDefaultSettings.minimumPsVersion = $minimumPsVersion } if($AutoIncrementRevision -ne $null) { write-verbose 'Setting default AutoIncrementRevision' $btDefaultSettings.AutoIncrementRevision = $AutoIncrementRevision } if($RemoveSingleLineQuotes -ne $null) { write-verbose 'Setting default RemoveSingleLineQuotes' $btDefaultSettings.RemoveSingleLineQuotes = $RemoveSingleLineQuotes } if($RemoveEmptyLines -ne $null) { write-verbose 'Setting default RemoveEmptyLines' $btDefaultSettings.RemoveEmptyLines = $RemoveEmptyLines } if($trimSpaces -ne $null) { write-verbose 'Setting default trimSpaces' $btDefaultSettings.trimSpaces = $trimSpaces } if($publishOnBuild -ne $null) { write-verbose 'Setting default publishOnBuild' $btDefaultSettings.publishOnBuild = $publishOnBuild } if($autoDocument -ne $null) { write-verbose 'Setting default autoDocument' $btDefaultSettings.autoDocument = $autoDocument } if($useGitDetails -ne $null) { write-verbose 'Setting default autoDocument' $btDefaultSettings.useGitDetails = $useGitDetails } write-debug 'Save the file' write-verbose 'Updating saved repositories file' $btDefaultSettings|export-clixml $btDefaultsPath -force } } function save-btRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Save API token and, if supplied, Repository Credentials .DESCRIPTION Save API token and credentials, in order to provide the ability to publish/find modules without having to enter this stuff all the time .PARAMETER repository Name of the repository to use the credentials against Requires repository to already be registered .PARAMETER token The Repository API Token to use to publish the module .PARAMETER credential The Repository Credential to use If no credentials are supplied only the token will be saved. If your repository requires credentials for saving/listing modules, Then you will need to supply the credentials here. They are used to verify whether any dependant modules need to be uploaded when publishing .PARAMETER update Use to overwrite any existing saved repo settings .EXAMPLE save-btRepository -repository myRepo -token MyAPIToken -credentail get-credential #### DESCRIPTION Will save the repository myRepo with the token, and prompt once for credentials. #### OUTPUT Copy of the output of this line .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: yyyy-mm-dd Changelog: 2019-02-01 - AA - Initial Script - Unsure what to do about LINUX and PSCORE - Obviously the save path is less than ideal - Also unsure what will happen with roaming profiles - What if we include _this_ computername in the filename .COMPONENT What cmdlet does this script live in #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$repository, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$token, [pscredential]$credential, [switch]$update ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" } process{ #Where should we save the module write-verbose 'Getting Save location' $localPath = "$($env:userprofile)\AppData\local" if(test-path $localPath) { $btSaveFolder = "$localPath\bartender" $btRepositoriesPath = "$btSaveFolder\btRepositories_$($env:computername).xml" if(!$(test-path $btSaveFolder)) { write-verbose "Creating bartender folder at $btSaveFolder" new-item -itemtype directory -path $btSaveFolder }else{ write-verbose 'bt path exists' } }else{ throw 'Local Profile unavailable' } write-verbose 'Checking for valid repository' if($repository -notIn $(get-psrepository).name) { throw "Repository not found with name $repository!`nPlease register a repository first with the 'Register-PSRepository' cmdlet" } write-verbose 'Importing existing saved repositories' if(test-path $btRepositoriesPath) { try{ write-verbose 'Importing existing repository settings' $btRepositories = import-clixml $btRepositoriesPath -errorAction stop }catch{ write-error $error[0] throw 'unable to import repository settings' } }else{ write-verbose 'Previous settings not found, creating' $btRepositories = @{} } write-verbose 'Checking we do not already have settings' if(($btRepositories."$repository") -and ($update -ne $true)) { throw 'Repository settings already exist. To overwrite use the -update switch' } write-verbose "Creating new entry for $repository" $btRepositories."$repository" = @{} $btRepositories."$repository".token = $(new-object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('apiToken',$($token|convertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -force))) if($credential) { $btRepositories."$repository".credential = $credential }else{ write-warning "No credentials supplied.`nIf your repository requires credentials for saving, you will need to provide them here as well.`nFailure to do so will cause errors when including required/dependant modules" } write-debug 'Save the file' write-verbose 'Updating saved repositories file' $btRepositories|export-clixml $btRepositoriesPath -force } } function start-btbuild { <# .SYNOPSIS Increment the version. Grab all the scripts. Compile into a single module file. Create a manifest. .DESCRIPTION - Increment the version depending on the switch used - Grab any scripts, dsc resources etc from the source file - Compile into a single module file - Create a preload.ps1 file - to ensure classes and enums are available - Will allow using-module and import-module to function similarly - Will allow user-substantiation of classes - Kick off start-btTestPhase - If enabled, kick off get-btDocumentation - If tests pass & - If incrementing build,major,minor version and autopublish in config OR - If publish is true with switch - Push to the repository specified .PARAMETER configFile Default 'btconfig.xml' The config file to use .PARAMETER ReleaseNotes Any release notes to add to the manifest .PARAMETER incrementMajorVersion Switch, increments the major version Will trigger a publish based on the config file .PARAMETER incrementMinorVersion Switch, increments the minor version Will trigger a publish based on the config file .PARAMETER incrementBuildVersion Switch, increments the build version Will trigger a publish based on the config file .PARAMETER test Override the config files settings One day, might actually trigger a test .PARAMETER publish Boolean value Override the config files settings Run the Publish-btmodule on complete .PARAMETER ignoreBtVersion Run even if there is a difference in bartender versions .EXAMPLE start-btbuild #### DESCRIPTION Increment the revision version, good way to ensure everything works #### OUTPUT New module manifest and module file, or overright the existing build version. Test the module Create documentation if enabled .EXAMPLE start-btbuild -verbose -incrementbuildversion #### DESCRIPTION Increment the build version Depending on the btconfig.xml, push to a repository #### OUTPUT New module manifest and module file, or overright the existing build version. Test the module Create documentation if enabled Publish the module if required .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2018/05/17 Changelog: 2018-04-19 - AA - Initial Script - Added primary functionality - Based off the combine scripts 2018-04-23 - AA - Many, Many things fixed 2018-04-26 - AA - Fixed the help - Changed the add-files to use get-btscripttext - Improved dscresource gathering - Improved function resource gathering 2018-05-11 - Added publish switch - Made the publish switch work - Actually made the publish switch work 2018-05-16 - Really Really I promise made the publish switch work - Added start-btTestPhase - Tested it all out 2018-05-17 - Tested it all out - Added switch for ignoreBtVersion - Added failover if btVersions drifted - Fixed the help - Added get-btDocumentation - Tested it again 2018-05-18 - Moved the get-btDocumentation to inside the publish block - Should mean we don't inadvertantly update documentation prematurely - Tried to make the pester result the only output 2018-05-22 - Attempted to fix the way arrays were added to the manifest - Then reverted it back since it made it worse - Stop adding Preload script to manifest when DSCClasses exist, causes funky stuff to happen - Fixed issue where btversion was always being flagged as incorrect 2018-05-23 - Moved the btVersion check to the right place, it was checking before importing, which is dumb - Moved the preloadFileContents switch to the right if block as well, coz I must have been drunk when I put it in 2018-08-13 - Made the folder pass section a switch from an if - Segmented the preload into seperate files for ENUMS,CLASSES,VALIDATORS - Added the preloads to nested-modules as well 2018-08-30 - Added privateDataFile 2018-10-08 - Removed nested modules for when using DSC, still not the best when dealing with Dsc - Brute force added the enums to the main module when using DSC, its not ideal but I'm out of ideas 2018-10-30 - Added postbuildscripts - Need to check if the path is ok (it is) - Seems the folder does not get created on new-btproject, need to check that 2019-01-30 - 2019-02-04 - AA - Changed the version output to no longer be the dist folder - Tried to simplify a bit - Still need the project name as the root folder, since the parent folder is used when importing and publishing - Added rev folder - Keep all the non-build versions separate from our build versions - For BT Projects, revisions should be considered separate for builds - Have discovered that Artifactory/Nuget does some _nasty_ things when you build with a revision version - Especially if that revision version is a 0 - Force use of platyps and configuration - Made as required modules - Clone Rev to Release - No longer need to run tests 2 times for the same module - Will then use config to update the version in the module manifest - Added Pester details to module manifest Under Private Data/Pester - Changed the publish-btModule call - Now does a forEach so you can have multiple repositories in your config 2019-03-04 - Fixed bugs with update-btproject 2019-03-06 - Changed code-coverage to be an int - Added way to get git details for license, project, icon urls - Added override where these are set in the module config 2019-03-10 - Add a lastRelease hashtable to btconfig on release build complete - Add version and date - Also clone lastRelease to previous Release 2019-03-12 - Fix the icon link when generating from git 2019-03-14 - Move the postBuildScript step to after release .COMPONENT Bartender #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='revisionVersion')] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='minorVersion')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='majorVersion')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='buildVersion')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='revisionVersion')] [string]$configFile = 'btconfig.xml', [Parameter(ParameterSetName='minorVersion')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='majorVersion')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='buildVersion')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='revisionVersion')] [string]$ReleaseNotes, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='majorVersion')] [Alias("majorver")] [switch]$incrementMajorVersion, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='minorVersion')] [Alias("minorver")] [switch]$incrementMinorVersion, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='buildVersion')] [Alias("buildver")] [switch]$incrementBuildVersion, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='minorVersion')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='majorVersion')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='buildVersion')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='revisionVersion')] [switch]$ignoreBtVersion, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='minorVersion')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='majorVersion')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='buildVersion')] [nullable[bool]]$publish, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='minorVersion')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='majorVersion')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='buildVersion')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='revisionVersion')] [string]$privateDataFile = 'privateData.xml', [Parameter(ParameterSetName='minorVersion')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='majorVersion')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='buildVersion')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='revisionVersion')] [switch]$ignoreTest ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" #Remove last pester result remove-variable -Scope global -Name lastPesterResult -Force -ErrorAction ignore $invocationPath = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName #Subfunction function add-header{ [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$header, [hashtable]$scriptVars ) Write-Verbose "Adding header: $header" $divide = '####################################' $content = "`n<#$divide`n$header`n$divide#>" $content|Out-File $scriptVars.moduleFile -Append } #Need to install the module first though $btModule = get-module bartender if(!$btModule) { import-module -name bartender $btModule = get-module bartender } write-verbose 'Got BtModule version' $metaData = @{ version = $btmodule.version author = $ copyright = $btmodule.Copyright name = $btmodule.Name description = $btmodule.Description } if(test-path "$invocationPath\$($privateDataFile)") { write-warning 'Importing privateDataFile, if this is a hashtable it will be added to the module manifest' $privateDataHash = import-clixml $privateDataFile if($privateDataHash.getType().name -eq 'hashtable') { $metaData.manifestPrivateData = $privateDataHash }else{ write-warning "$privateDataFile does not contain a single hashtable and therefore will be ignored" write-verbose 'Generating a clean privateData hashtable' $metaData.manifestPrivateData = @{} } }else{ write-verbose 'Generating a clean privateData hashtable' $metaData.manifestPrivateData = @{} } #Add our own privateData stuff as well $metaData.manifestPrivateData.moduleCompiledBy = "Bartender | $($btmodule.Description)" $metaData.manifestPrivateData.bartenderVersion = $btmodule.version $metaData.manifestPrivateData.bartenderCopyright = $btmodule.Copyright $metaData.manifestPrivateData.builtBy = $env:USERNAME $metaData.manifestPrivateData.builtOn = $(get-date -format s) write-verbose "PrivateData debug type: $($metaData.manifestPrivateData.GetType().name)" write-verbose "PrivateData debug Data:`n $($metaData.manifestPrivateData|out-string)" #Where was this command run from $scriptVars = @{} $scriptVars.configFilePath = "$invocationPath\$($configFile)" [array]$scriptVars.folders = @('enums','functions','filters','validationClasses','dscClasses','classes','private') <# Need to deal with Classes slightly differently Need to present them in the psd1 file as a script to run SO, we need an extras step that adds a classes.ps1 file Then grabs and compiles all the classes to that file THEN executes that script via the ScriptsToProcess item in the psd file This _should_ then make all the classes freely available after importing. E.g. ScriptsToProcess = @('Classes.ps1') #> $throwExceptions = @{} #NoConfig $errCat = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData $errMsg = [System.Exception]::new("Config file was not found.`nUse new-btproject for a new project.") $throwExceptions.noConfigError = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($errMsg,1,$errCat,$scriptVars.configFile) #BadConfig $errMsg = [System.Exception]::new('Config file contents unexpected or malformed.') $throwExceptions.badConfigError = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($errMsg,1,$errCat,$scriptVars.configFile) $errMsg = [System.Exception]::new('Bartender version deprecated.') $throwExceptions.badBartender = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($errMsg,1,$errCat,$scriptVars.configFile) #EmptyFunctionsArray $scriptVars.functionsToExport = @() $scriptVars.DscResourcesToExport = @() } process{ write-verbose "InvocationPath: $invocationPath" write-verbose "configfile: $configfile" write-verbose 'Validating Config File' if(!$(test-path $scriptVars.configFilePath)) { throw $throwExceptions.noConfigError } try{ $scriptVars.config = Import-Clixml $scriptVars.configFilePath -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "$($scriptvars.config|Out-String)" write-verbose "$($scriptvars|out-string)" if(!$scriptVars.config.version -or !$scriptVars.config.moduleName -or !$scriptVars.config.moduleAuthor -or !$scriptVars.config.companyName) { throw $throwExceptions.badConfigError }else{ if(!$ignoreBtVersion) { write-verbose 'Confirming BarTender Version' $currentBtVersion = $btModule.version write-verbose "String: $($scriptVars.config.bartenderVersion)" $configBtVersion = [version]$($scriptVars.config.bartenderVersion) Write-Verbose "Config: $($configBtVersion.ToString())" Write-Verbose "module: $($currentBtVersion.ToString())" write-verbose "module: $($currentBtVersion.ToString()) vs config $($configBtVersion.ToString()) " if($configBtVersion -lt $currentBtVersion) { write-error 'Bartender version in config file is deprecated' 'Please update your Bartender Module with the update-btFileStructure command' throw $throwExceptions.badBartender }elseif($configBtVersion -gt $currentBtVersion){ write-error 'Bartender version in config file is newer than the one installed' 'Please update your Bartender Version with the update-module command' throw $throwExceptions.badBartender } } #Increment the revision version if($scriptVars.config.AutoIncrementRevision -eq $true) { Write-Verbose 'Incrementing Revision Version' $scriptVars.newVersion = [version]::new($($scriptVars.config.version.Major),$($scriptVars.config.version.Minor),$($scriptVars.config.version.Build),$($scriptVars.config.version.revision + 1)) write-verbose $scriptVars.newVersion }else{ write-warning 'Skipping revision incrementation' } write-verbose 'Checking if we need to build a release version' switch ($($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)) { 'minorVersion' { $ = $true write-verbose 'Push Minor Release' $scriptVars.newReleaseVersion = [version]::new($($scriptVars.config.version.Major),$($scriptVars.config.version.Minor + 1),0,0) $scriptVars.newVersionAsTag = "$($scriptVars.newReleaseVersion.Major).$($scriptVars.newReleaseVersion.Minor).$($scriptVars.newReleaseVersion.Build)" } 'majorVersion' { write-verbose 'Push Major Release' $ = $true $scriptVars.newReleaseVersion = [version]::new($($scriptVars.config.version.Major + 1),0,0,0) $scriptVars.newVersionAsTag = "$($scriptVars.newReleaseVersion.Major).$($scriptVars.newReleaseVersion.Minor).$($scriptVars.newReleaseVersion.Build)" } 'buildVersion' { write-verbose 'Push Build Release' $ = $true $scriptVars.newReleaseVersion = [version]::new($($scriptVars.config.version.Major),$($scriptVars.config.version.Minor),$($scriptVars.config.version.Build + 1),0) $scriptVars.newVersionAsTag = "$($scriptVars.newReleaseVersion.Major).$($scriptVars.newReleaseVersion.Minor).$($scriptVars.newReleaseVersion.Build)" } } if($scriptVars.newVersion) { write-verbose "Incremented Version: $($scriptVars.newVersion)" $scriptVars.config.version = $scriptVars.newVersion #We should also add this bartender version to the config write-verbose 'New bt version incremented in config' write-verbose "Adding this Bartender Version: $($btModule.version.tostring())" #$scriptVars.config.bartenderVersion = $($(get-module -name Bartender).version.tostring()) if($scriptVars.config.bartenderVersion) { $scriptVars.config.bartenderVersion = $($btModule.version.tostring()) }else{ $scriptVars.config | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name bartenderVersion -Value $($btModule.version.tostring()) } write-verbose 'Working out version tag' $scriptVars.versionAsTag = $scriptVars.config.version.toString() #Save the versionAsTag to the config write-verbose 'Adding versionAsTag to config' try{ $scriptVars.config.versionAsTag = $scriptVars.versionAsTag }catch{ $scriptVars.config | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name versionAsTag -Value $scriptVars.versionAsTag } write-verbose 'Updating Config file' Export-Clixml -Path $scriptVars.configFilePath -InputObject $scriptVars.config write-verbose 'Config file updated' }else{ write-verbose "Not Incrementing Version $($scriptVars.config.version)" } } }catch{ write-error $Error[0].Exception throw $throwExceptions.badConfigError } write-verbose 'Config Settings:' Write-Verbose "$($scriptvars.config|Out-String)" write-debug "Config Updated" #Start compiling the items #Check we should be compiling for DSC #This is important as we need to save the classes as DSC resources #Check the folders, paths, tags, versions $scriptVars.functionResources = @() write-verbose 'Creating in revision directory' $scriptVars.moduleOutputFolder = "$invocationPath\rev\$($scriptVars.versionAsTag)" write-verbose "Module will be saved to $($scriptVars.moduleOutputFolder)" if(!(test-path $scriptVars.moduleOutputFolder)) { write-verbose 'Making module folder since it does not exist' new-item $scriptVars.moduleOutputFolder -ItemType Directory | out-null } $scriptVars.manifestFile = "$($scriptVars.moduleOutputFolder)\$($scriptVars.config.moduleName).psd1" write-verbose "Manifest File: $($scriptVars.manifestFile)" if(! $(test-path $scriptVars.manifestFile)) { #Should pretty much always create a new one Write-Verbose 'New Manifest will be created' $updateManifest = $false }else{ #Legacy, change to warning from verbose as a test Write-warning 'Existing manifest will be updated' $updateManifest = $true } $scriptVars.moduleFile = "$($scriptVars.moduleOutputFolder)\$($scriptVars.config.moduleName).psm1" write-verbose "Module File: $($scriptVars.moduleFile)" if(test-path $scriptVars.moduleFile) { Write-warning 'Module file will be replaced' remove-item $scriptVars.moduleFile -Force #should basically never see this #Making this a warning as well } $scriptVars.preloadFileContents = $false $scriptVars.preloadFiles = @() foreach($preFile in @('enums.ps1','validators.ps1','classes.ps1')) { write-verbose "Checking $preFile" $preFilePath = "$($scriptVars.moduleOutputFolder)\$preFile" if(test-path $preFilePath) { write-warning "Removing previous prefile: $prefile" remove-item $preFilePath #Should also never see this } } remove-variable preFile -ErrorAction ignore write-debug 'Manifest, Preload and Module files checked' #Add the module Header $metadata.moduleHeader = "<#`nModule Mixed by BarTender`n`t$($metaData.description)`n`tVersion: $($metaData.version)`n`tAuthor: $($`n`tCopyright: $($metaData.copyright)`n`nModule Details:`n`tModule: $($scriptVars.config.moduleName)`n`tDescription: $($scriptVars.config.moduleDescription)`n`tRevision: $($scriptVars.config.version)`n`tAuthor: $($scriptVars.config.moduleAuthor)`n`tCompany: $($scriptVars.config.companyName)`n`nCheck Manifest for more details`n#>" $metadata.moduleHeader|Out-File $scriptVars.moduleFile -Force #Add the required script folder items to the module foreach($folder in $scriptVars.folders) { Write-Verbose "Processing folder $folder" $folderItems = get-btfolderItems -Path "$invocationPath\source\$folder" -psScriptsOnly if($($folderItems | measure-object).Count -ge 1) { write-verbose "$($folderItems.Count) Files found, getting content" write-verbose 'Getting script text, functions etc' $textSplat = @{ psFile = $folderItems.Path removeQuotes = $scriptVars.config.RemoveSingleLineQuotes trimSpaces = $scriptVars.config.trimSpaces RemoveEmptyLines = $scriptVars.config.RemoveEmptyLines } if($folder -eq 'functions') { write-verbose 'Will flag scripts as functions' $textSplat.isFunction = $true } if($folder -eq 'private') { write-verbose 'Private functions detected' #Do not splat with isFunction so we don't add them to be exported $textSplat.isFunction = $false } if($folder -eq 'dscClasses') { write-verbose 'Will flag scripts as dsc Classes' $textSplat.isDSCClass = $true } $textOutput = get-btScriptText @textSplat if($textOutput.output.length -gt 10) { switch ($folder) { 'enums' { write-debug 'Processing Enums' write-verbose 'Outputting contents to Enums file' $textOutput.output|Out-File "$($scriptVars.moduleOutputFolder)\enums.ps1" -Append #We only need this if there are classes $scriptVars.preloadFileContents = $false $scriptVars.preloadFiles += 'enums.ps1' } 'validationClasses' { write-debug 'Processing validation classes' write-verbose 'Outputting contents to Validators file' $textOutput.output|Out-File "$($scriptVars.moduleOutputFolder)\validators.ps1" -Append #We only need this if there are classes $scriptVars.preloadFileContents = $true $scriptVars.preloadFiles += 'validators.ps1' } 'classes' { write-debug 'Processing std classes' write-verbose 'Outputting contents to Classes file' $textOutput.output|Out-File "$($scriptVars.moduleOutputFolder)\classes.ps1" -Append $scriptVars.preloadFileContents = $true $scriptVars.preloadFiles += 'classes.ps1' } Default { write-debug "Processing folder: $folder" $textOutput.output|Out-File $scriptVars.moduleFile -Append if($textOutput.functionResources.count -ge 1) { $scriptVars.functionsToExport += $textOutput.functionResources } if($textOutput.dscResources.count -ge 1) { $scriptVars.DscResourcesToExport += $textOutput.dscResources } } } }else{ write-verbose 'No script contents to include' } }else{ write-verbose 'No PS1 files found, ignoring' } } remove-variable folder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }end{ write-verbose 'Copying Static Files' $folders = @('lib','bin','resource') foreach($folder in $folders) { $copiedItems = get-btfolderItems -path "$invocationPath\source\$folder" -destination "$($scriptVars.moduleOutputFolder)\$folder" -Copy Write-Verbose "Copied $($copiedItems.count) static items" } write-verbose "Version: $($scriptVars.config.version)" #By making the hashtable ordered #And declaring the things we want null AS Actually null #It should actually make them null #New-ModuleManifest seems to CARE what order the params are set, #if you export functions it sets * to aliases and cmdlets $splatManifest = [ordered]@{ Path = $scriptVars.manifestFile RootModule = $(get-item $scriptVars.moduleFile).name Author = $($scriptVars.config.moduleAuthor -join ',') Copyright = "$(get-date -f yyyy) $($scriptVars.config.companyName)" CompanyName = $scriptVars.config.companyName Description = $scriptVars.config.moduleDescription ModuleVersion = $scriptVars.versionAsTag Guid = $scriptVars.config.guid PowershellVersion = $scriptVars.config.minimumPsVersion FunctionsToExport = @() ScriptsToProcess = @() NestedModules = $null CmdletsToExport = @() AliasesToExport = @() VariablesToExport = $null } Write-debug $($splatManifest | Out-String) if($scriptVars.DscResourcesToExport.count -ge 1){ write-verbose "PreloadFileContents: $($scriptvars.preloadFileContents)" Write-Verbose 'Adding DSC Resources' $splatManifest.DscResourcesToExport = $scriptVars.DscResourcesToExport write-warning 'Since DSC resources are included, will not include preload.ps1. It causes some odd behaviour with DSC' $scriptvars.preloadFileContents = $false write-verbose "PreloadFileContents: $($scriptvars.preloadFileContents)" write-verbose 'Need to add the enums to the top of the file' $enumsContent = $(get-content "$($scriptVars.moduleOutputFolder)\enums.ps1") $moduleContent = get-content $scriptVars.moduleFile $enumsContent | out-file $scriptVars.moduleFile -Force $moduleContent | out-file $scriptVars.moduleFile -Append } if($scriptVars.config.Tags){ Write-Verbose 'Adding Tags' $splatManifest.tags = $scriptVars.config.Tags } if($($scriptVars.config.RequiredModules|measure-object).count -ge 1){ write-verbose 'Finding Appropriate Module Versions' $scriptVars.Modules = foreach($reqModule in $scriptVars.config.RequiredModules) { $reqModuleType = $reqModule.getType().name if($reqModuleType -eq 'String') { write-verbose "Checking Required module: $reqModule is available on this machine" try{ get-btInstalledModule -moduleName $reqModule -errorAction 'Stop' write-verbose "Module $reqModule was Found" }catch{ $error[0] throw 'Unable to complete build due to required module error (See Above)' } }elseIf($reqModuleType -eq 'Hashtable') { if($($reqModule.keys) -contains 'moduleName' -and $($reqModule.keys) -contains 'moduleVersion' -and $($reqModule.keys.count) -eq 2) { write-verbose "Hashtable well formed for $($reqModule.ModuleName) required module" try{ get-btInstalledModule @reqModule -errorAction 'Stop' write-verbose "Module $($reqModule.ModuleName) was Found with version $($reqModule.ModuleVersion)" }catch{ $error[0] throw 'Unable to complete build due to required module error (See Above)' } }else{ throw "Hashtable poorly formed. Required Module Hashtables should contain 2 keys only, moduleName and moduleVersion" } } } $splatManifest.RequiredModules = $scriptVars.Modules } if($ReleaseNotes) { Write-Verbose 'Adding Release Notes' $splatManifest.ReleaseNotes = $ReleaseNotes } if($scriptVars.config.useGitDetails -eq $true) { write-verbose 'Adding Git Details' $scriptVars.gitSettings = get-btGitDetails -modulePath $invocationPath if($scriptVars.gitSettings) { write-verbose 'Retrieved git details, to splatManifest' #Use origin as projectUri if($scriptVars.gitSettings.origin -and $scriptVars.gitSettings.origin.length -gt 5) { $splatManifest.projectUri = $scriptVars.gitSettings.origin } #See if we have a license file, if we do add the license URI #Could be done with a web-request, but then what do we do with private repos if($(test-path "$invocationPath\LICENSE")) { $splatManifest.licenseUri = "$($scriptVars.gitSettings.origin)/blob/$($($($scriptVars.gitSettings.branch).replace('*','')).trim())/LICENSE" } #See if icon.png exists and if it does, add it in as well if($(test-path "$invocationPath\icon.png")) { $splatManifest.iconUri = "$($scriptVars.gitSettings.origin)/blob/$($($($scriptVars.gitSettings.branch).replace('*','')).trim())/icon.png" } }else{ write-warning 'useGitDetails is set to true, but was unable to get the repository settings' } } if($scriptVars.config.licenseUri -and $scriptVars.config.licenseUri.length -gt 5) { write-verbose 'Adding config LicenseUri' $splatManifest.licenseUri = $scriptVars.config.licenseUri } if($scriptVars.config.projectUri -and $scriptVars.config.projectUri.length -gt 5) { write-verbose 'Adding config projectUri' $splatManifest.projectUri = $scriptVars.config.projectUri } if($scriptVars.config.iconUri -and $scriptVars.config.iconUri.length -gt 5) { write-verbose 'Adding config iconUri' $splatManifest.iconUri = $scriptVars.config.iconUri } if($scriptVars.functionsToExport.Count -ge 1) { Write-Verbose 'Adding Function Resources' $splatManifest.FunctionsToExport = $scriptVars.functionsToExport } if($metaData.manifestPrivateData) { $metaData.manifestPrivateData.moduleRevision = $scriptVars.config.version [hashtable]$splatManifest.privateData = $metaData.manifestPrivateData write-verbose "Adding privateData;`n`tDebug - privateDataType: $($splatManifest.privatedata.gettype().name)" } write-verbose "PreloadFileContents: $($scriptvars.preloadFileContents)" if($scriptvars.preloadFileContents -eq $true -and $scriptVars.preloadFiles.count -ge 1) { write-verbose 'Adding Preload to scriptsToProcess' $splatManifest.ScriptsToProcess = $scriptVars.preloadFiles write-verbose 'Adding nestedModules' $splatManifest.NestedModules = $scriptVars.preloadFiles } Write-Verbose "$updateManifest" if($updateManifest -eq $true) { write-verbose 'Checking for, and removing, old Manifest file' remove-item -Path $($scriptVars.manifestFile) -force -ErrorAction Ignore New-ModuleManifest @splatManifest }else{ New-ModuleManifest @splatManifest } #work out whether we should publish write-verbose "Script config publish default: $($scriptVars.config.publishOnBuild)" if($scriptVars.config.publishOnBuild -eq $true) { $scriptVars.defaultPublish = $true }else{ $scriptVars.defaultPublish = $false } switch ($publish) { $true { $scriptVars.shouldPublish = $true} $false { $scriptVars.shouldPublish = $false } $null { if($ { $scriptVars.shouldPublish = $scriptVars.defaultPublish }else{ $scriptVars.shouldPublish = $false } } Default { if($ { $scriptVars.shouldPublish = $scriptVars.defaultPublish }else{ $scriptVars.shouldPublish = $false } } } write-debug 'Continue with Pester Tests?' if($ignoreTest) { write-warning 'Skipping test phase' }else{ write-verbose 'Starting test phase' try{ $scriptvars.testResults = start-btTestPhase -path $invocationPath -configFile $configFile -modulePath "$($scriptVars.moduleOutputFolder)" }catch{ throw 'Unable to initiate Test Phase' } } if(($scriptvars.testResults.success -eq $true) -or ($ignoreTest -eq $true)) { if($scriptvars.testResults.pesterDetails) { write-verbose 'Build Results Returned:' $scriptvars.testResults $global:lastPesterResult = $scriptvars.testResults.pesterDetails write-warning 'PesterResults Saved to global variable $global:lastPesterResult' }else{ write-warning 'Tests explicitely ignored' } #$ if($ -eq $true) { write-debug 'Continue with publish?' Write-Verbose 'Publish triggered - cloning revision folder and updating version' #This is where we clone the revision if($scriptVars.newReleaseVersion -and $scriptVars.newVersionAsTag) { write-verbose 'Incrementing version and cloning to release' #make new directory write-verbose 'creating release directory' $scriptVars.releaseDirectory = "$invocationPath\$($scriptVars.config.moduleName)\$($scriptVars.newVersionAsTag)" new-item -itemtype Directory -Path $scriptVars.releaseDirectory|out-null write-verbose 'Cloning' copy-item -Path "$($scriptVars.moduleOutputFolder)\*" -Destination "$($scriptVars.releaseDirectory)\" -recurse write-verbose 'Creating new module manifest' write-verbose 'Checking for Manifest file' $scriptVars.newManifestPath = "$($scriptVars.releaseDirectory)\$($scriptVars.config.moduleName).psd1" if(!$(test-path $scriptVars.newManifestPath)) { throw 'Unable to find new Manifest file' } #Check for configuration module and import it write-verbose 'Checking configuration module to update manifest' if(!$(get-module configuraton)) { try{ import-module -name configuration -ErrorAction Stop }catch{ throw 'Configuration module not on this machine. Please install it first' } } #Using the metadata write-verbose 'Updating manifest file version' $metadata = import-metadata $scriptVars.newManifestPath #Update the version $metadata.ModuleVersion = $scriptVars.newVersionAsTag #Add pester details if($global:lastPesterResult) { write-verbose 'Adding Pester details to manifest' $codeCoverage = [math]::round($($global:lastPesterResult.codecoverage.numberOfCommandsExecuted/$global:lastPesterResult.codecoverage.numberofCommandsAnalyzed)*100,0) $passed = [math]::round($($($global:lastPesterResult.PassedCount / $global:lastPesterResult.TotalCount)*100),0) $metadata.privatedata.pester = @{} $metadata.privatedata.pester.codecoverage = $codeCoverage $metadata.privatedata.pester.time = $global:lastPesterResult.time.ToString() $metadata.privatedata.pester.passed = "$passed %" } #Save the file write-verbose 'Saving manifest file' try{ $metadata|export-metadata -Path $scriptVars.newManifestPath }catch{ throw 'Error updating Manifest file' } #Test write-verbose 'Ensuring Manifest still valid' try{ $scriptVars.manifestTest = Test-ModuleManifest $scriptVars.newManifestPath -ErrorAction stop }catch{ throw 'Error: Updated Manifest is invalid' } write-verbose 'Updating Config file' write-verbose 'Adding versionAsTag to module config' $scriptVars.config.versionAsTag = $scriptVars.newVersionAsTag write-verbose 'Adding new version to module config' $scriptVars.config.version = $scriptVars.newReleaseVersion if(!$($scriptVars.config.previousRelease)){ write-verbose 'lastRelease property missing from config, creating it' $scriptVars.config|add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -name previousRelease -Value @{} } if(!$($scriptVars.config.lastrelease)){ write-verbose 'lastRelease property missing from config, creating it' $scriptVars.config|add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -name lastRelease -Value @{} }else{ write-verbose 'Setting previous details from last release' $scriptVars.config.previousRelease = $scriptVars.config.lastrelease.clone() } write-verbose 'Adding lastRelease items to config' $scriptVars.config.lastRelease = @{ version = $scriptVars.newReleaseVersion date = $(get-date) } Export-Clixml -Path $scriptVars.configFilePath -InputObject $scriptVars.config write-verbose 'Config file updated' if($scriptVars.shouldPublish) { write-verbose 'Ok to publish' foreach($repo in $scriptVars.config.repository) { publish-btmodule -Repository $repo } } } if($scriptVars.config.autoDocument -eq $true) { write-verbose 'Updating Documentation' get-btDocumentation -path $invocationPath -configFile $configFile }else{ write-verbose 'Skipping documentation update' } #PostBuildScripts go here $postBuildScripts = get-btFolderItems -psScriptsOnly -Path "$invocationPath\postbuildscripts" write-debug 'Execute any postbuild scripts' foreach($postbuildscript in $postbuildscripts) { write-verbose "Executing postbuild script $($postbuildscript.relativepath)" . $postBuildScripts.Path } }else{ Write-Verbose 'No publish triggered' } }else{ #Write-Verbose 'Failed the testing phase' Write-Error 'Failed the testing phase' if($scriptvars.testResults.pesterDetails) { write-warning "Build Results Returned:" $scriptvars.testResults $global:lastPesterResult = $scriptvars.testResults.pesterDetails write-warning 'PesterResults Saved to global variable $global:lastPesterResult' }else{ write-warning 'No pester results returned' } } #Last step, cleanup vars write-debug 'Clean up old revisions' write-verbose 'Cleaning up old revisions' start-btRevisionCleanup -path $invocationPath remove-variable splatManifest,scriptvars -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue write-verbose 'Finished btbuild run' write-information 'Finished btbuild run' } } function start-btTestPhase { <# .SYNOPSIS Run a test of the module .DESCRIPTION - Create a new runspace - Run the module in as a job - If pester is installed, include in the job any tests in the source\pester folder - Return a custom result of what occured Running as a job ensures we are on a clean powershell process, hopefully with no modules loading Will respect the .btIgnore, .btOrder* files .PARAMETER path The path of your bartender module Defaults to current working directory .PARAMETER configFile The bartender configfile to use Defaults to btconfig.xml .EXAMPLE start-btTestPhase .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2018-05-17 Changelog: 2018-05-16 - AA - Initial Script - Tested ok - Improved job execution 2018-05-17 - AA - Added help - Allowed passing of variables to pester for basic module tests - Improved job execution - Improved the return object 2019-01-31 - AA - Rewrite to accept a path for the module - So we don't always use the dist path 2019-02-25 - Somehow this file disappeared - Pulled from the last commit with this file 2019-03-12 - Somehow this file disappeared - Change from using module to import-module 2019-09-20 - Removing the codeCoverage from pester coz its broken - - Fixed the pester import command since it does _NOT_ like having multiple imports 2020-05-25 - Added back codeCoverage, is fixed if you use PS 7 - Fixed the pester test location folder - Was not correctly loading the module when testing - Updated to use pester 4.10.1 and PlatyPS 0.14.0 .COMPONENT Bartender .INPUTS null .OUTPUTS custom object #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [Parameter(Position=0)] [string]$path = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName, [string]$configFile = 'btconfig.xml', [string]$modulePath ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" $invocationPath = $path $scriptVars = @{} $scriptVars.configFilePath = "$invocationPath\$($configFile)" $scriptVars.testsPath = "$invocationPath\source\pester" $throwExceptions = @{} #NoConfig $errCat = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData $errMsg = [System.Exception]::new("Config file was not found.`nUse new-btproject for a new project.") $throwExceptions.noConfigError = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($errMsg,1,$errCat,$scriptVars.configFile) #BadConfig $errMsg = [System.Exception]::new('Config file contents unexpected or malformed.') $throwExceptions.badConfigError = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($errMsg,1,$errCat,$scriptVars.configFile) $returnResult = [pscustomobject] @{ success = $false message = $null pesterDetails = $null pesterFails = $null pesterCodeCoverPercent = 0 pesterCommandsAnalyzed = 0 pesterResults = '0/0' } } process{ if(!$(test-path $scriptVars.configFilePath)) { throw $throwExceptions.noConfigError } $scriptVars.config = Import-Clixml $scriptVars.configFilePath -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "$($scriptvars.config|Out-String)" if(!$scriptVars.config.version -or !$scriptVars.config.moduleName -or !$scriptVars.config.moduleAuthor -or !$scriptVars.config.companyName) { throw $throwExceptions.badConfigError }else{ write-verbose 'Configuring Params' $scriptVars.versionAsTag = $scriptVars.config.versionAsTag if($modulePath) { write-verbose "Using module path of $modulePath" write-debug 'Using specified module path' $scriptVars.moduleFolder = $modulePath }else{ write-warning 'Testing last release' Write-Debug 'Testing last release' #Seems this was pretty wrong - needed a rebuild $scriptVars.moduleFolder = "$invocationPath\rev\$($scriptVars.versionAsTag)" } #$scriptVars.moduleFolder = "$invocationPath\dist\$($scriptVars.config.moduleName)\$($scriptVars.versionAsTag)" write-verbose 'Checking for Pester' $scriptVars.pesterModule = $(get-module -refresh -ListAvailable -Name Pester |sort-object -Property Version -Descending |select-object -First 1) if(!$scriptVars.pesterModule) { write-warning 'Pester not installed, no tests will be performed' }elseif(!$scriptVarspestermodule.Version.Major -lt 4) { Write-Verbose "Found pester Version: $($scriptVars.pesterModule.Version.ToString())" write-warning 'This version of Pester is deprecated. Please update to a version greater than 4' write-warning 'No tests will be performed' $scriptVars.pesterModule -eq $null }else{ Write-Verbose "Using pester Version: $($scriptVars.pesterModule.Version.ToString())" write-verbose 'Getting Pester Tests' $scriptVars.testScripts = get-btFolderItems -psScriptsOnly -Path $scriptVars.testsPath $scriptVars.testCount = $($scriptVars.testScripts | measure-object).count } if($scriptVars.testCount -ge 1 -and $($scriptVars.pesterModule)) { write-verbose "Found $($scriptVars.testCount) test files. Will process them with invoke" #$scriptVars.pesterResults = invoke-pester -Script $scriptVars.testScripts.path #`$pesterResult = invoke-pester -passthru -script @($($(foreach($script in $scriptVars.testScripts.path){"'$script'"}) -join ',')) -show None -codeCoverage '$($scriptVars.moduleFolder)\*' $scriptVars.myTestBlock = " import-module '$($scriptVars.moduleFolder)\$($scriptVars.config.moduleName).psd1' `$scriptsArray = @($($(foreach($script in $scriptVars.testScripts.path){"'$script'"}) -join ',')) `$pesterScriptsParameter = foreach(`$script in `$scriptsArray) { @{ path=`$script Parameters= @{ modulePath = '$($scriptVars.moduleFolder)' moduleVersion = '$($scriptVars.versionAsTag)' moduleName = '$($scriptVars.config.moduleName)' } } } if(!(get-module pester)){import-module pester} #Commenting out the code-coverage part #Need to add it back later #May 2020 - adding it back - cant remember Why I took it out #This thread maybe `$pesterResult = invoke-pester -passthru -script `$pesterScriptsParameter -show None -codeCoverage '$($scriptVars.moduleFolder)\$($scriptVars.config.moduleName).psm1' `$pesterResult " }else{ write-verbose 'No tests - just checking module' $scriptVars.myTestBlock =" using module $($scriptVars.moduleFolder) [psCustomObject] @{ TotalCount = 0 PassedCount = 0 FailedCount = 0 Time = `$([timespan]::new(0)).tostring() } " } try{ write-verbose 'Creating script block' $scriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($scriptVars.myTestBlock) write-verbose "ScriptBlock Contents:`n`n$($scriptVars.myTestBlock)" }catch{ write-error 'Unable to compile scriptblock. Module path could be missing' write-verbose "ScriptBlock Contents:`n`n$($scriptVars.myTestBlock)" $returnResult.message = 'Unable to compile scriptblock. Module path could be missing' } write-verbose 'Executing Scriptblock As Job' $job = start-job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock Wait-Job $job | Out-Null $pesterResults = receive-job $job $returnResult.message = 'Module loaded succesfully' if($pesterResults.FailedCount -eq 0) { $returnResult.success = $true }else{ $returnResult.pesterFails = $pesterResults.TestResult | where-object{$_.passed -eq $false} } $returnResult.pesterDetails = $pesterResults if($pesterResults.codecoverage) { $returnResult.pesterCommandsAnalyzed = $pesterResults.codecoverage.NumberOfCommandsAnalyzed $returnResult.pesterCodeCoverPercent = [math]::round($($($pesterResults.codecoverage.NumberOfCommandsExecuted)/$($pesterResults.codecoverage.NumberOfCommandsAnalyzed))*100,0) } if($pesterResults.PassedCount -ge 1) { $returnResult.pesterResults = "$($pesterResults.PassedCount)/$($pesterResults.TotalCount)" } $returnResult } } } function update-btFileStructure { <# .SYNOPSIS Update the current projects file and config to the installed version of bartender .DESCRIPTION Check the folder structer and files are what the installed version are expecting Add them if they are not present Add the bartender version to the module config Add the autodocument variable to the module config .PARAMETER path The path of your bartender module Defaults to current working directory .PARAMETER configFile The bartender configfile to use Defaults to btconfig.xml .PARAMETER force Ignore any differences in version and run anyway .EXAMPLE update-btFileStructure #### DESCRIPTION Check for differences in Bartender Versions Update if required .EXAMPLE update-btFileStructure -force #### DESCRIPTION Always update .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2018-05-17 Changelog: 2018-0 2018-05-17 - AA - Initial Script - Added Help - Updated Config file 2018-05-17 - AA - Added add-btBasicTests to the update function 2018-08-13 - Added validationClasses folder 2018-10-30 - Added postBuildScript folder - Fixed errormsg with btversion that could occur where the var was declared but empty 2018-12-03 - Added Revisions folder (rev) 2019-02-03 - Add a default setting for autodocument .COMPONENT Bartender .INPUTS null .OUTPUTS custom object #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [string]$path = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName, [string]$configFile = 'btconfig.xml', [switch]$force ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" $btModule = get-module bartender $invocationPath = $path $scriptVars = @{} $scriptVars.configFilePath = "$invocationPath\$($configFile)" $throwExceptions = @{} #NoConfig $errCat = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData $errMsg = [System.Exception]::new("Config file was not found.`nUse new-btproject for a new project.") $throwExceptions.noConfigError = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($errMsg,1,$errCat,$scriptVars.configFile) #BadConfig $errMsg = [System.Exception]::new('Config file contents unexpected or malformed.') $throwExceptions.badConfigError = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($errMsg,1,$errCat,$scriptVars.configFile) } process{ if(!$(test-path $scriptVars.configFilePath)) { throw $throwExceptions.noConfigError } $scriptVars.config = Import-Clixml $scriptVars.configFilePath -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "$($scriptvars.config|Out-String)" if(!$scriptVars.config.version -or !$scriptVars.config.moduleName -or !$scriptVars.config.moduleAuthor -or !$scriptVars.config.companyName) { throw $throwExceptions.badConfigError }else{ $currentBtVersion = $btModule.version $configBtVersion = [version]$scriptVars.config.bartenderVersion if($configBtVersion -eq $currentBtVersion -and (!$force)) { write-verbose 'Bartender version is already ok' }elseif($configBtVersion -gt $currentBtVersion -and (!$force)){ write-error 'Bartender version in config file is newer than the one installed' throw 'Please update your Bartender Version with the update-module command' }else{ write-verbose 'Need to upgrade' write-verbose "Adding this Bartender Version: $($btModule.version.tostring())" #$scriptVars.config.bartenderVersion = $($(get-module -name Bartender).version.tostring()) if($configBtVersion) { $scriptVars.config.bartenderVersion = $($btModule.version.tostring()) }else{ try{ $scriptVars.config | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name bartenderVersion -Value $($btModule.version.tostring()) -ErrorAction Stop }catch{ $scriptVars.config.bartenderVersion = $($btModule.version.tostring()) } } if($scriptVars.config.autoDocument -eq $null) { write-warning 'Adding the autoDocument and setting it to true, if this is undesired edit the config.xml' $scriptVars.config | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name autoDocument -Value $true add-btBasicTests } write-verbose 'Updating Config file updated' Export-Clixml -Path $scriptVars.configFilePath -InputObject $scriptVars.config write-verbose 'Config file updated' write-verbose '***CREATE THE FILES AND FOLDERS***' add-btFilesAndFolders -path $path -force } } } } function update-btProject { <# .SYNOPSIS Provide a way to update an existing module .DESCRIPTION Will build out the folder structure for a new bt project and make a btConfig.xml file with all the settings set in the parameters .PARAMETER moduleName If you want to update the name of your module Will not reset the versioning .PARAMETER moduleDescription Update the description of your module .PARAMETER moduleAuthor Will append to the authors list .PARAMETER minimumPsVersion PS Version for your module Used in making the manifest and restricting its use Default is .PARAMETER AutoIncrementRevision Default True Increment the Revision version when running start-btBuild command .PARAMETER RemoveSingleLineQuotes Default True Remove any single line quotes when compiling scripts .PARAMETER RemoveEmptyLines Default True Remove any extra empty lines when compiling scripts .PARAMETER trimSpaces Default False Remove any extra spaces Breaks your function spacing, so only use if you want a flat file .PARAMETER publishOnBuild Default True When incrementing build version, will push to the repository specified .PARAMETER runPesterTests Default True Add the basic module pester tests to the pester folder .PARAMETER repository Change the default repository(s) to publish to .PARAMETER RequiredModules Array of modules you want to include as mandatory when building the manifest If a string is supplied, then the version will be whatever latest version is installed If a hashtable is supplied it should be constructed as such: @{moduleName='myModule';moduleVersion='1.2.3'} .PARAMETER Tags The tags to apply in the manifest, helping when searching repositories .PARAMETER autoDocument Default True Specify that when running start-btBuild, you want to automatically run get-btDocumentation as well .PARAMETER useGitDetails Try and get the license, project URIs from GIT .PARAMETER licenseUri Override the licenseUri .PARAMETER iconUri Override the iconUri .PARAMETER projectUri Override the projectUri .EXAMPLE new-btProject -moduleName myModule -moduleDescription 'A new module' #### DESCRIPTION Make a new powershell module project, include the repository token, use the defaults for everything else #### OUTPUT Will make the following folder structure: - dist - documentation - source - classes - dscClasses - enums - filters - functions - pester - private - resource - bin - lib Will include a default .gitignore, .btOrderStart, .btOrderEnd Will make a new publishtoken.txt that _should_ not be tracked by GIT .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2018-05-17 Changelog: 2018-04-19 - AA - Initial Script - Added primary functionality - Based off the combine scripts 2018-04-23 - AA - Added token and repository details 2018-04-26 - AA - Fixed the help 2018-05-17 - AA - Updated help - Ensure we error out if we already have a config - Cleaned up no longer needed comments 2018-12-03 - AA - Remove the folder and file creation - Execute the update-btFileStructure to make them instead 2019-02-04 - AA - Changed all the boolean params - They can now be null - Defaults are now, as a result, in the begin block - Will read from a saved config if one exists - Will then fall-back to an appropriate default - Made the RequiredModules an array - The array will check for HashTable or String entries - Strings need to be the name of an installed module - Hashtable requires moduleVersion and moduleName strings - Where a hashtable is supplied, the version must be installed on the machine - Makes use of new get-btInstalledModules function - Will lock-down the version to the latest at build time as a result - This should allow updated modules to push the latest required package to the repository as a result - Updated repository to allow multiple arguments - Updated -start-btbuild and publish-btModule cmdlets as a result - Allows you to set multiple default repositories to publish to 2019-02-25 - AA - Fixed some issues with checking the config file 2019-03-04 - AA - Fixed this up so that it correctly used existing settings - Would overwrite existing settings with defaults prior - Fixed issue where moduleName and Description were getting dropped - Therefore causing this script to always error - Fix the GUID getting dropped - Fix version rebasing back to 0 by removing it as an update version - Can still be updated manually if needed 2019-03-08 - AA - Added way to update licenseuri, iconuri and projecturi 2019-03-08 - AA - Stopped loosing required modules on update .COMPONENT Bartender .INPUTS null .OUTPUTS null #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [string]$moduleName, [string]$moduleDescription, [string[]]$repository, [string[]]$moduleAuthor, [string]$companyName, [version]$minimumPsVersion, [Nullable[boolean]]$AutoIncrementRevision, [Nullable[boolean]]$RemoveSingleLineQuotes, [Nullable[boolean]]$RemoveEmptyLines, [Nullable[boolean]]$trimSpaces, [Nullable[boolean]]$publishOnBuild, [Nullable[boolean]]$runPesterTests, [Nullable[boolean]]$autoDocument, [Nullable[boolean]]$useGitDetails, [array]$RequiredModules, [string[]]$Tags, [string]$modulePath = $(get-location).path, [string]$configFile = 'btConfig.xml', [string]$licenseUri, [string]$projectUri, [string]$iconUri ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $$(MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $$($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" if($modulePath -like '*\') { Write-Verbose 'Superfluous \ found in path, removing' $modulePath = $modulePath.Substring(0,$($modulePath.Length-1)) Write-Verbose "New path = $modulePath" } write-verbose 'Loading Existing Settings' $existingSettings = import-clixml "$modulePath\$configFile" if(!$existingSettings) { write-warning 'Existing Settings not found' }else{ write-debug 'Existing Settings Loaded' write-debug $($existingSettings|Format-List|out-string) } write-verbose 'Loading user defaults' $userDefaults = get-btDefaultSettings if(!$userDefaults) { write-warning 'User defaults Not Found' write-warning 'You can save your default module preferences by using the save-btDefaultSettings cmdlet' }else{ write-debug 'User Defaults Loaded' write-debug $($userDefaults|format-list|out-string) } write-verbose 'Ensuring we have a module name or description' if(!$moduleName) { if($existingSettings.moduleName){ $moduleName = $existingSettings.moduleName }else{ throw 'Modulename not supplied or found' } } write-verbose 'Capturing release details' if($existingSettings.lastRelease){ $lastRelease = $existingSettings.lastRelease }else{ $lastRelease = @{} } if($existingSettings.previousRelease){ $previousRelease = $existingSettings.previousRelease }else{ $previousRelease = @{} } write-verbose 'Add in the GUID' $guid = $existingSettings.guid if(!$guid) { throw 'Unable to load in the GUID, check your btconfig.xml file because this may cause issues' } write-verbose 'Add in the current version' $version = $existingSettings.version if(!$version) { throw 'Unable to load in the version, check your btconfig.xml file because this may cause issues' } if(!$moduleDescription) { if($existingSettings.moduleDescription){ $moduleDescription = $existingSettings.moduleDescription }else{ throw 'Modulename not supplied or found' } } write-verbose 'Populating Params where missing' if(!$moduleAuthor) { if($existingSettings.moduleAuthor){ $moduleAuthor = $existingSettings.moduleAuthor } elseif($ { $moduleAuthor = $ }else{ $moduleAuthor = $($env:USERNAME) } } if(!$repository) { if($existingSettings.repository){ $repository = $existingSettings.repository }elseif($userDefaults.repository) { $repository = $userDefaults.repository }else{ write-warning 'Repository not configured' } } if(!$companyName) { if($existingSettings.companyName){ $companyName = $existingSettings.companyName }elseif(${ $companyName = $ }else{ write-warning 'companyName not configured' $companyName = ' ' } } if(!$Tags) { if($existingSettings.tags) { $tags = $existingSettings.tags } elseif($userDefaults.Tags) { $Tags = $userDefaults.Tags } } if(!$minimumPsVersion) { if($existingSettings.minimumPsVersion) { $minimumPsVersion = $existingSettings.minimumPsVersion } elseif($userDefaults.minimumPsVersion) { $minimumPsVersion = $userDefaults.minimumPsVersion }else{ $minimumPsVersion = [version]::new(5,0,0,0) } } if($AutoIncrementRevision -eq $null) { if($existingSettings.AutoIncrementRevision -ne $null) { $AutoIncrementRevision = $existingSettings.AutoIncrementRevision } elseif($userDefaults.AutoIncrementRevision -ne $null) { $AutoIncrementRevision = $userDefaults.AutoIncrementRevision }else{ $AutoIncrementRevision = $true } } if($RemoveSingleLineQuotes -eq $null) { if($existingSettings.removeSingleLineQuotes -ne $null) { $removeSingleLineQuotes = $existingSettings.removeSingleLineQuotes } elseif($userDefaults.RemoveSingleLineQuotes -ne $null) { $RemoveSingleLineQuotes = $userDefaults.RemoveSingleLineQuotes }else{ $RemoveSingleLineQuotes = $true } } if($RemoveEmptyLines -eq $null) { if($existingSettings.RemoveEmptyLines -ne $null) { $RemoveEmptyLines = $existingSettings.RemoveEmptyLines } elseif($userDefaults.RemoveEmptyLines -ne $null) { $RemoveEmptyLines = $userDefaults.RemoveEmptyLines }else{ $RemoveEmptyLines = $true } } if($trimSpaces -eq $null) { if($existingSettings.trimSpaces -ne $null) { $trimSpaces = $existingSettings.trimSpaces } elseif($userDefaults.trimSpaces -ne $null) { $trimSpaces = $userDefaults.trimSpaces }else{ $trimSpaces = $false } } if($publishOnBuild -eq $null) { if($existingSettings.publishOnBuild -ne $null) { $publishOnBuild = $existingSettings.publishOnBuild } elseif($userDefaults.publishOnBuild -ne $null) { $publishOnBuild = $userDefaults.publishOnBuild }else{ $publishOnBuild = $true } } if($runPesterTests -eq $null) { if($existingSettings.runPesterTests) { $runPesterTests = $existingSettings.runPesterTests } elseif($userDefaults.runPesterTests -ne $null) { $runPesterTests = $userDefaults.runPesterTests }else{ $runPesterTests = $true } } if($autoDocument -eq $null) { if($existingSettings.autoDocument -ne $null) { $autoDocument = $existingSettings.autoDocument } elseif($userDefaults.autoDocument -ne $null) { $autoDocument = $userDefaults.autoDocument }else{ $autoDocument = $true } } if($useGitDetails -eq $null) { if($existingSettings.useGitDetails -ne $null) { $useGitDetails = $existingSettings.useGitDetails } elseif($userDefaults.useGitDetails -ne $null) { $useGitDetails = $userDefaults.useGitDetails }else{ $useGitDetails = $true } } if($licenseUri -eq $null) { if($existingSettings.licenseUri -ne $null) { $licenseUri = $existingSettings.licenseUri } elseif($userDefaults.licenseUri -ne $null) { $licenseUri = $userDefaults.licenseUri }else{ $licenseUri = $true } } if($licenseUri -eq $null) { if($existingSettings.licenseUri -ne $null) { $licenseUri = $existingSettings.licenseUri } elseif($userDefaults.licenseUri -ne $null) { $licenseUri = $userDefaults.licenseUri }else{ $licenseUri = $true } } write-verbose 'Configuring config file' $configPath = "$modulePath\$configFile" $throwExceptions = @{} $errCat = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData $errMsg = [System.Exception]::new("configfile found.`nUse update-btFileStructure to ensure folder structure is compliant with btVersion.") $throwExceptions.existingConfigErr = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($errMsg,1,$errCat,$configPath) $errCat = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData $errMsg = [System.Exception]::new("Unable to validate path for $modulePath") $throwExceptions.invalidPathErr = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($errMsg,1,$errCat,$configPath) } process{ write-debug 'starting process' write-verbose 'Validating path' if(!$(test-path $modulePath)) { throw $throwExceptions.invalidPathErr } if(!$(test-path $configPath)) { throw $throwExceptions.existingConfigErr } #Create the gitIgnore and the tokenFile #"publishtoken.txt" | Out-File "$modulePath\.gitignore" -Force -Encoding utf8 write-verbose 'Checking repository viability' if($repository) { foreach($repo in $repository) { try{ $rep = get-psrepository $repository -ErrorAction Stop $rep|out-null }catch{ write-error "Repository $($repo) is not currently configured.`nPlease configure your publish repository first or specify a different one" return } } } write-verbose 'Testing the required modules' if($requiredModules) { foreach($reqModule in $requiredModules) { $reqModuleType = $reqModule.getType().name if($reqModuleType -eq 'String') { write-verbose "Checking Required module: $reqModule is available on this machine" try{ $reqModFound = get-btInstalledModule -moduleName $reqModule -errorAction 'Stop' write-verbose "Module $reqModule was Found" }catch{ $error[0] throw 'Unable to complete new-btProject due to required module error (See Above)' } }elseIf($reqModuleType -eq 'Hashtable') { if($($reqModule.keys) -contains 'moduleName' -and $($reqModule.keys) -contains 'moduleVersion' -and $($reqModule.keys.count) -eq 2) { write-verbose "Hashtable well formed for $($reqModule.ModuleName) required module" try{ $reqModFound = get-btInstalledModule @reqModule -errorAction 'Stop' write-verbose "Module $($reqModule.ModuleName) was Found with version $($reqModule.ModuleVersion)" }catch{ $error[0] throw 'Unable to complete new-btProject due to required module error (See Above)' } }else{ throw "Hashtable poorly formed. Required Module Hashtables should contain 2 keys only, moduleName and moduleVersion" } }else{ throw 'Required Modules should be a string or a Hashtable' } } }else{ if($existingSettings.requiredModules) { $requiredModules = $existingSettings.requiredModules } } #Create the folder structure for support items write-verbose '***CREATE THE FILES AND FOLDERS***' add-btFilesAndFolders -path $modulePath -force write-verbose 'Should have finished updating files' #Create the config file write-verbose 'Creating Config File' $config = [pscustomobject] @{ moduleAuthor = $moduleAuthor moduleName = $moduleName moduleDescription = $moduleDescription companyName = $companyName version = $version guid = $guid AutoIncrementRevision = $AutoIncrementRevision RemoveSingleLineQuotes = $RemoveSingleLineQuotes RemoveEmptyLines = $RemoveEmptyLines minimumPsVersion = $minimumPsVersion RequiredModules = [array]$RequiredModules Tags = $Tags Repository = $repository trimSpaces = $trimSpaces publishOnBuild = $publishOnBuild runPesterTests = $runPesterTests bartenderVersion = $($(get-module -name Bartender).version.tostring()) autoDocument = $autoDocument useGitDetails = $useGitDetails licenseUri = $licenseUri projectUri = $projectUri iconUri = $iconUri lastRelease = $lastRelease previousRelease = $previousRelease } Write-Debug "Your Config Object:`n`n$($config|Out-String)" if(!$config.version -or !$config.moduleName -or !$config.moduleAuthor -or !$config.companyName) { Write-Error 'Invalid Config' return }else{ Write-Verbose 'Exporting Config' Export-Clixml -Path $configPath -InputObject $config } } } function add-btBasicTests { <# .SYNOPSIS Add a basic pester test to the pester folder .DESCRIPTION Add a pester-test to the ..\source\pester folder This pester-test will test the basic health of your module on execution The script file (baseModuleTest.ps1) will be added to both the .btOrderStart and .btOrderEnd files, so will run twice The tests will ensure you are working on only the newly-compiled module and not a previously installed module .PARAMETER path The path of your bartender module Defaults to current working directory .EXAMPLE add-btBasicTests #### DESCRIPTION Create file ..\source\pester\baseModuleTest.ps1 Insert filename into .btOrderStart (At Top) Insert filename into .btOrderEnd (At Bottom) #### OUTPUT N/A .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2018-05-17 Changelog: 2018-05-17 - AA - Initial Script - Tested - working - Forced a change on get-btFolderItem 2018-05-18 - AA - Fixed a bug where it was absolute referencing the module name in the basetest .COMPONENT Bartender .INPUTS null .OUTPUTS null #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [string]$path = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" $fileContents = @' Param( $moduleVersion, $modulePath, $moduleName ) describe 'The module was imported succesfully' { $module = get-module -name $moduleName it 'Should have imported a single module' { ($module | measure-object).count | should -be 1 } it 'Name of the module is correct' { $module.Name |Should -be $moduleName } it 'Should be sourced from the dist folder' { $module.modulebase |Should -Be $modulePath } it 'Imported module Version should match' { $module.version |Should -be $moduleVersion } } describe 'Check for module Dependancies' { $loadedModules = get-module $moduleDependencies } '@ $pesterFolder = "$path\source\pester" $testFilename = 'baseModuleTest.ps1' } process{ if(test-path $pesterFolder) { write-verbose 'Pester folder found' $fullname = "$($(get-item $pesterFolder).fullname)\$testfilename" write-verbose "Creating test file at $fullname" $fileContents | out-file $fullname -Force $orderFiles = @('.btOrderStart','.btOrderEnd') foreach($file in $orderFiles) { write-verbose "Checking if $testFilename in $file, adding if necessary" if(test-path $("$pesterFolder\$file")) { $content = get-content $("$pesterFolder\$file") if($content -notcontains ".\$testfilename") { write-verbose "adding to $file" if($file -like '*end') { ".\$testfilename" | out-file $("$pesterFolder\$file") -Append }else{ ".\$testfilename" | out-file $("$pesterFolder\$file") -force $content |out-file $("$pesterFolder\$file") -Append } }else{ write-verbose "Already present in $file" } remove-variable content -ErrorAction Ignore }else{ write-warning "$file file not found" } } }else{ write-error 'Unable to find pester folder' } } } function add-btFilesAndFolders { <# .SYNOPSIS Add the files and folders required by Bartender .DESCRIPTION Check the folder structer and files are what the installed version are expecting Add them if they are not present .PARAMETER path The path of your bartender module Defaults to current working directory .PARAMETER force Required so that this is not accidentally called .EXAMPLE update-btFileStructure #### DESCRIPTION Check for differences in Bartender Versions Update if required .EXAMPLE add-btFilesAndFolders -force #### DESCRIPTION Add the folders and files .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2018-12-03 Changelog: 2018-12-03 - AA - Initial Script - Migrated from update-btFileStructure 2019-01-30 - Create new folder for revision - Remove the old publishToken.txt 2019-03-04 - Fix a bug where the stripping of auth tokens was accidentally a scriptblock 2019-03-11 - Copy the if there is not one or the existing one is small .COMPONENT Bartender .INPUTS null .OUTPUTS custom object #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [string]$path = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName, [switch]$force ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" write-verbose "Using path: $path" write-debug "Using path: $path" if(!$force) { throw 'This function should be called from other functions, use -force if you wish to proceed anyway' } } process{ if($force) { write-verbose 'Verifying the base folder structure' $directories = @('documentation','source','rev') foreach($directory in $directories) { $fullPath = "$path\$directory" if(test-path $fullPath) { write-verbose "$directory ok" }else{ write-verbose "Need to create Source Folder for path $directory" new-item -ItemType Directory -path $fullPath |Out-Null new-item -ItemType File -Path "$fullPath\.gitignore" |Out-Null } } Write-Verbose 'Creating source structure' $directories = @('functions','enums','classes','pester','filters','dscClasses','validationClasses','private','resource','lib','bin') $files = @('.gitignore','.btignore','.btorder','.btorderStart','.btorderEnd') foreach($directory in $directories) { $fullPath = "$path\source\$directory" if(test-path $fullPath) { write-verbose "$directory ok" }else{ Write-Verbose "Need to create Source Folder for path $directory" new-item -ItemType Directory -path $fullPath |Out-Null } foreach($file in $files) { $fileFullPath = "$fullPath\$file" if(test-path $fileFullPath) { write-verbose "$fileFullpath exists" if($file -eq '.btorder') { write-verbose 'Renaming .btorder to .btorderstart' rename-item -Path $fileFullPath -NewName '.btorderStart' -Force } }elseif($file -ne '.btorder'){ { } write-verbose "Creating $fileFullpath" new-item -ItemType File -Path $fileFullPath } } } write-verbose 'Creating PostbuildScript folder' $directory = 'postBuildScripts' $fullPath = "$path\$directory" if(test-path $fullPath) { write-verbose 'postBuildScripts ok' }else{ Write-Verbose 'Need to create postBuildScripts folder' new-item -ItemType Directory -path $fullPath |Out-Null } #This should still exist as a var, redeclaring in case it needs chaning in the future $files = @('.gitignore','.btignore','.btorder','.btorderStart','.btorderEnd') foreach($file in $files) { $fileFullPath = "$fullPath\$file" if(test-path $fileFullPath) { write-verbose "$fileFullpath exists" if($file -eq '.btorder') { write-verbose 'Renaming .btorder to .btorderstart' rename-item -Path $fileFullPath -NewName '.btorderStart' -Force } }elseif($file -ne '.btorder'){ { } write-verbose "Creating $fileFullpath" new-item -ItemType File -Path $fileFullPath } } write-verbose 'Removing legacy publish token' $secrets = get-childitem -path $path -filter 'publishtoken.txt' if($secrets) { remove-item $secrets -force write-warning 'Removed legacy publishtoken.txt' write-warning 'Use the save-btRepository cmdlet to save repository settings' } #Add the pester files add-btBasicTests -path $path write-verbose 'Checking for' $readmePath = "$path\" $moduleBase = $(get-module bartender |sort-object -Property Version -Descending |Select-Object -First 1).moduleBase $readmeCopy = "$modulebase\resource\" if(test-path $readmeCopy) { if(!$(test-path $readmePath)) { #Always Copy write-warning ' not found, copying from btmodule' copy-item -Path $readmeCopy -Destination $readmePath -Force }elseIf($(get-content -path $readmePath).Length -le 30){ write-warning ' found, but length indicates not in use, copying from btModule' }else{ write-verbose ' found, length indicative file in use, will not copy from btModule' } }else{ write-verbose 'Resource readme not found' } }else{ throw 'This function should be called from other functions, use -force if you wish to proceed anyway' } } } function get-btDocumentation { <# .SYNOPSIS If you have platyPs on your system, extract the comment_based_help to markdown .DESCRIPTION Check if you have platyps If you have platyps: - launch the latest compiled version of the module in a scriptblock - Read the exported commands from the module manifest - Use platyPs to export the inline comment_based_help to MarkDown Markdown will be placed in the documentation folder under the respective version i.e. ..\documentation\1.0.0\my-function.ps1 .PARAMETER path The path of your bartender module Defaults to current working directory .PARAMETER configFile The bartender configfile to use Defaults to btconfig.xml .EXAMPLE get-btDocumentation .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2018-05-17 Changelog: 2018-07-17 - AA - Attempted to only execute if there are functions to document 2018-05-17 - AA - Initial Script - Tested, working 2019-01-30 - 2019-02-04 - AA - Updated to use new folder path - Code clean-up 2019-03-07 - 2019-02-04 - AA - Made a call to create md file for release notes - Moved function help to a functions folder .COMPONENT Bartender .INPUTS null .OUTPUTS null #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [string]$path = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName, [string]$configFile = 'btconfig.xml' ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $$(MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $$($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" $invocationPath = $path $scriptVars = @{} $scriptVars.configFilePath = "$invocationPath\$($configFile)" $scriptVars.testsPath = "$invocationPath\source\pester" $throwExceptions = @{} #NoConfig $errCat = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData $errMsg = [System.Exception]::new("Config file was not found.`nUse new-btproject for a new project.") $throwExceptions.noConfigError = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($errMsg,1,$errCat,$scriptVars.configFile) #BadConfig $errMsg = [System.Exception]::new('Config file contents unexpected or malformed.') $throwExceptions.badConfigError = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($errMsg,1,$errCat,$scriptVars.configFile) $errMsg = [System.Exception]::new('PlatyPS module not installed on this system. Please install it for this feature') $throwExceptions.noPlatyPs = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($errMsg,1,$errCat,$scriptVars.configFile) $errMsg = [System.Exception]::new('Unable to compile Scriptblock') $throwExceptions.badScriptblock = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($errMsg,1,$errCat,$scriptVars.configFile) } process{ if(!$(test-path $scriptVars.configFilePath)) { throw $throwExceptions.noConfigError } $scriptVars.config = Import-Clixml $scriptVars.configFilePath -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "$($scriptvars.config|Out-String)" if(!$scriptVars.config.version -or !$scriptVars.config.moduleName -or !$scriptVars.config.moduleAuthor -or !$scriptVars.config.companyName) { throw $throwExceptions.badConfigError }else{ write-verbose 'Configuring Params' $scriptVars.versionAsTag = $scriptVars.config.versionAsTag $scriptVars.moduleFolder = "$invocationPath\$($scriptVars.config.moduleName)\$($scriptVars.versionAsTag)" write-verbose 'Checking for PlatyPS' $scriptVars.platyPsModule = $(get-module -refresh -ListAvailable -Name platyPs |sort-object -Property Version -Descending |select-object -First 1) if(!$scriptVars.platyPsModule) { throw $throwExceptions.noPlatyPs } #import-module $scriptVars.platyPsModule #What do we need for this to work #The commands to get help for #The output folder #The imput folder write-verbose 'Constructing script-block text' $scriptVars.myTestBlock = " using module '$($scriptVars.moduleFolder)\' import-module PlatyPS `$moduleData = Import-PowerShellDataFile '$($scriptVars.moduleFolder)\$($scriptVars.config.moduleName).psd1' `$outputFolder = '$($invocationPath)\documentation\$($scriptVars.versionAsTag)\functions' if(!`$(test-path `$outputFolder)) { new-item -itemtype directory -path `$outputFolder } if(`$moduleData.FunctionsToExport.count -ge 1) { foreach(`$function in `$moduleData.FunctionsToExport) { try{ new-markdownHelp -command `$function -outputfolder `$outputFolder -force }catch{ write-warning unable to create help for `$function } } }else{ write-verbose 'No Functions to document' } " try{ write-verbose 'Converting script block' $scriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($scriptVars.myTestBlock) write-verbose "ScriptBlock Contents:`n`n$($scriptVars.myTestBlock)" }catch{ write-verbose "ScriptBlock Contents:`n`n$($scriptVars.myTestBlock)" throw $throwExceptions.badScriptblock } write-verbose 'Executing Scriptblock As Job' $job = start-job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock Wait-Job $job | Out-Null write-verbose 'Help should be created' write-verbose 'Creating release notes' $releaseNotesPath = "$($invocationPath)\documentation\$($scriptVars.versionAsTag)\" try{ get-btReleaseMarkdown|out-file $releaseNotesPath write-verbose ' created' }catch{ write-warning 'Error creating release notes' } try{ update-btMarkdownHeader -path "$($invocationPath)" write-verbose 'Updated header if possible' }catch{ write-warning 'Error updating' } } } } function get-btMarkdownFromHashtable { <# .SYNOPSIS Simple description .DESCRIPTION Detailed Description .PARAMETER hashtable The Hashtable to convert to a Markdown Table ------------ .EXAMPLE get-mdFromHashtable @{ first = 'firstname' last = 'lastname' } .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2019-03-08 Changelog: 2019-03-08 - AA - Initial Script .COMPONENT bartender #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [hashtable]$hashtable ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" } process{ $header = "|item|value|`n|:-:|:-:|" $body = foreach($key in $hashtable.Keys) { "|$key|$($hashtable."$key")|" } "$header`n$($body -join "`n")" } } function get-btReleaseMarkdown { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a markdown file of release notes from the last release .DESCRIPTION Uses the get-btChangeDetails to get the function files that have changed Tries to create a new release markdown file .PARAMETER modulePath Path to the module .PARAMETER configFile btConfig xml file .PARAMETER versionOverride Used to build based on a different version tag Generally used for debug only ------------ .EXAMPLE get-btChangeDetails .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2019-03-06 Changelog: 2019-03-06 - AA - Initial Script 2019-03-08 - AA - Fixed up some spelling mistakes - Fixed the badges - Added files - Added ability to override version - Added badge for commentBasedHelp - Moved everything into a single hear-string - Added a dumb way to close bracket for md link - Fixed a bug where I was multiplying the length by a kb instead of dividing 2019-03-08 - AA - Reduced kb decimal places to 2 - Removed the dumb way to close bracket for md link - Fixed the markdown link - Changed the codeblocks to markdown tables - Center aligned the top badges - Moved the bartender badge to the right - Fix the order of unmodified functions - Fix the spacing around releaseNotes 2019-03-11 - AA - Changed to handle updated get-btChangeDetails script .COMPONENT Bartender #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [string]$modulePath = $(get-location).path, [string]$configFile = 'btConfig.xml', [version]$versionOverride ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" if($modulePath -like '*\') { Write-Verbose 'Superfluous \ found in path, removing' $modulePath = $modulePath.Substring(0,$($modulePath.Length-1)) Write-Verbose "New path = $modulePath" } } process{ write-verbose 'Getting config settings' $configSettings = import-clixml "$modulePath\$configFile" if(!$configSettings) { throw 'Unable to find config file' } write-verbose 'Loading manifest and getting version' $versionString = if($versionOverride){ $versionOverride.ToString() }else{ $configSettings.versionAsTag } $manifestPath = "$modulePath\$($configSettings.moduleName)\$versionString\$($configSettings.moduleName).psd1" $metadata = import-metadata -Path $manifestPath write-verbose 'Setting Git Details' $gitDetails = get-btGitDetails -modulePath $modulePath if($gitDetails) { write-verbose 'Adding Git Details' $branch = $($gitDetails.branch.replace('* ','').trim()) $gitHt = @{ branch = $branch origin = $gitDetails.origin commit = $gitDetails.commitShort } $gitMarkdown = "---`n## Git Details`n$(get-btMarkdownFromHashtable $gitHt)`n" } write-verbose 'Retrieving Change Details' $changeDetails = get-btChangeDetails -modulePath $modulePath -newRelease if($changeDetails) { write-verbose 'Creating Summary Block' $summaryMarkdown = "---`n## Changes Summary`n$(get-btMarkdownFromHashtable $changeDetails.summary)`n" write-verbose 'Creating Files Section' $mdFileStringSelector = @{ name = 'mdString' expression = {"|$($_.basename)|$($_.relativePath)|$($_.extension)|$([math]::round($($_.length / 1kb),2))|"} } $filesHeader = "|name|path|extension|size(kb)`n|----------------|--------------------------------|-----|-----|" $newFiles = $($changeDetails.files|where-object{$_.fileIsNew -eq $true}|select-object $mdFileStringSelector).mdString | out-string $unmodFiles = $($changeDetails.files|where-object{$_.fileIsModified -eq $false -and $_.fileIsNew -eq $false}|select-object $mdFileStringSelector).mdString | out-string $modFiles = $($changeDetails.files|where-object{$_.fileIsModified -eq $true -and $_.fileIsNew -eq $false}|select-object $mdFileStringSelector).mdString | out-string if($newFiles) { $newFilesMd = "#### New Files`n$filesHeader`n$newFiles`n" } if($modFiles) { $modFilesMd = "#### Modified Files`n$filesHeader`n$modFiles`n" } if($unmodFiles) { $unmodFilesMd = "#### Unchanged Files`n$filesHeader`n$unmodFiles`n" } $filesMarkdown = "---`n## File`n`n### Summary`n`n$(get-btMarkdownFromHashtable $changeDetails.filesummary)`n`n### File List`n`n$newFilesMd`n$modFilesMd`n$unmodFilesMd`n" write-verbose 'Creating Functions Section' $mdFunctionStringSelector = @{ name = 'mdString' expression = {"|$($_.function)|$(if($_.folder -eq 'private'){"Private"}else{"Public"})|$(if($_.hasmarkdown){"[link](./functions/$($_.function).md)"})|$($_.relativePath)|"} } $functionsHeader = "|function|type|markdown link|filename|`n|-|-|-|-|" $newFuncs = $($changeDetails.functions|where-object{$_.fileIsNew -eq $true}|select-object $mdFunctionStringSelector).mdString | out-string $unmodFuncs = $($changeDetails.functions|where-object{$_.fileIsModified -eq $false -and $_.fileIsNew -eq $false}|select-object $mdFunctionStringSelector).mdString | out-string $modFuncs = $($changeDetails.functions|where-object{$_.fileIsModified -eq $true -and $_.fileIsNew -eq $false}|select-object $mdFunctionStringSelector).mdString | out-string if($newFuncs) { $newFuncsMd = "#### New Functions`n$functionsHeader`n$newFuncs" } if($modFuncs) { $modFuncsMd = "#### Modified Functions`n$functionsHeader`n$modFuncs" } if($unmodFuncs) { $unmodFuncsMd = "#### Unmodified Functions`n$functionsHeader`n$unmodFuncs" } $functionsMarkdown = "---`n## Functions`n`n### Summary`n`n$(get-btMarkdownFromHashtable $changeDetails.functionSummary)`n`n### Function List`n`n$newFuncsMd`n$modFuncsMd`n$unmodFuncsMd" } write-verbose 'Getting any Required Modules' $requiredModulesSelector = @{ name = 'rmString' expression = {"|$($_.moduleName)|$($_.RequiredVersion)|"} } $modulesmd = $($($metadata.requiredModules|select-object $requiredModulesSelector).rmString|out-string) if($modulesmd) { $modulesMarkdown = "---`n## Required Modules`n|moduleName|requiredVersion|`n|-|-|`n$modulesmd`n" } write-verbose 'Getting Pester Details' if($metadata.privatedata.pester) { write-verbose 'Adding Pester Details' $pesterMarkdown = "---`n## Pester Details`n$(get-btMarkdownFromHashtable $metadata.privatedata.pester)`n" $badgeColor = switch ($($metadata.privatedata.pester.codecoverage)) { {$_ -le 20} {"red";break;} {$_ -le 40} {"orange";break;} {$_ -le 60} {"yellow"; break;} {$_ -le 75} {"yellowgreen"; break;} {$_ -le 90} {"green"; break;} {$_ -le 100} {"brightgreen"; break;} default {"lightgrey"; break;} } $pesterBadge = "[pesterbadge]:$($metadata.privatedata.pester.codecoverage)&color=$badgeColor" }else{ $pesterMarkdown = $null $pesterBadge = '[pesterbadge]:' } write-verbose 'Generating GIT Badges' $btbadge = "[btbadge]:$($metadata.PrivateData.bartenderVersion)&color=0B2047" $releaseBadge = "[releasebadge]:$($metadata.moduleVersion)&color=blue" $commentBasedHelpCoverage = $changeDetails.summary.commentBasedHelpCoverage if(!$commentBasedHelpCoverage) { $commentBasedHelpCoverage = 'na' } $badgeColor = switch ($commentBasedHelpCoverage) { {$_ -le 20} {"red";break;} {$_ -le 40} {"orange";break;} {$_ -le 60} {"yellow"; break;} {$_ -le 75} {"yellowgreen"; break;} {$_ -le 90} {"green"; break;} {$_ -le 100} {"brightgreen"; break;} default {"lightgrey"; break;} } $helpCoverage = "[helpcoveragebadge]:$commentBasedHelpCoverage&color=$badgeColor" write-verbose 'Creating Overview' $overviewHt = @{ BuildDate = $($metaData.privatedata.builtOn) 'Author(s)' = $($ BuildUser = $($metaData.privateData.builtBy) Company = $($metaData.CompanyName) } $overviewMarkdown = "## Overview`n$(get-btMarkdownFromHashtable $overviewHt)`n" write-verbose 'Generating Final Markdown' #Still hate herestring and how it deals with tabs $markdown = @" # $($configSettings.moduleName) - Release $versionString | Version | Code Coverage | Code Based Help Coverage |Bartender Version| |:-------------------:|:-------------------:|:-------------------:|:-------------------:| |![releasebadge]|![pesterbadge]|![helpcoveragebadge]|![btbadge]| $overviewMarkdown `n $( if($metadata.privatedata.psdata.releasenotes) { "### Release Notes:`n`n$($metadata.privatedata.psdata.releasenotes)`n`n" } ) `n $summaryMarkdown `n $filesMarkdown `n $functionsMarkdown `n $modulesMarkdown `n $pesterMarkdown `n $gitMarkdown `n $pesterbadge $btbadge $releaseBadge $helpCoverage "@ $markdown } } function get-btScriptFunctions { <# .SYNOPSIS Try and get all the functions from a script .DESCRIPTION Try and get all the functions from a script .PARAMETER path PS1 file to check .EXAMPLE get-scriptFunctions myscript.ps1 DESCRIPTION ------------ Try and get all the functions from a script OUTPUT ------------ Copy of the output of this line .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2017-11-13 Changelog: 2017-11-13 - AA - Initial Script 2019-03-06 - AA - Copied into BarTender module .COMPONENT What cmdlet does this script live in #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false,Position=0)] [string]$path ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" } process{ $item = get-item $path if(Test-Path $item) { $contents = get-content $item foreach($line in $contents) { if($line -like 'function *') { $($line -split 'function ')[1] } } }else{ Write-Error 'Nope, cannot find file' } } } function get-btStringComparison { <# .SYNOPSIS Make a comparison between two strings See how many characters are the same by counting them up .DESCRIPTION Compare String1 to String2 Group each string by the number of characters Compare the comparison Work out how similar the character composition is of both strings Works with the group-object function As such, provides a very efficient way of comparing string similarity It can compare two files of ~ 200,000 chars each, in about 6 seconds .PARAMETER string1 the first string to compare .PARAMETER string2 the second string to compare .EXAMPLE get-btStringComparison -string1 $(get-content $file1) -string2 $(get-content $file2) #### DESCRIPTION Find out how similar two files are #### OUTPUT Copy of the output of this line .OUTPUTS TotalChars1 TotalChars2 Difference DiffPercent ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- 210269 210269 0 0 .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2019-03-11 Changelog: 2019-03-11 - AA - Changed Initial Script .COMPONENT What cmdlet does this script live in #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$string1, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$string2 ) $length1 = $string1.Length $length2 = $string2.Length $charArr1 = $string1.ToCharArray() $charArr2 = $string2.ToCharArray() $charArrU = $charArr1 + $charArr2 |Select-object -Unique $summary1 = $charArr1|group-object|select-object name,count $summary2 = $charArr2|group-object|select-object name,count $summaryAll = foreach($char in $charArrU) { $c1 = $($summary1|where-object {$ -eq $char}).Count $c2 = $($summary2|where-object {$ -eq $char}).Count $diff = $c2 - $c1 if($diff -lt 0) { #FlipToPos $diff = $diff * -1 } [psCustomObject]@{ char = $char count1 = $c1 count2 = $c2 diff = $diff } } $totals = [pscustomobject]@{ TotalChars1 = $length1 TotalChars2 = $length2 Difference = $($summaryAll.diff|measure-object -sum).Sum DiffPercent = [math]::round($($($summaryAll.diff|measure-object -sum).Sum / $(@($length1,$lenght2)|measure-object -maximum).Maximum)*100,2) } $totals } function start-btRevisionCleanup { <# .SYNOPSIS Clean-up bt revisions folder .DESCRIPTION Remove any previous revisions to try and keep the size down By default keep the last 5 .PARAMETER path The path of your bartender module Defaults to current working directory .EXAMPLE start-btRevisionCleanup #### DESCRIPTION Remove previous revisions .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Last-Edit-Date: 2019-12-03 Changelog: 2019-01-30 - Initial Script - Now we are dealing with revisions, we need a way to not keep creeping the revisions up .COMPONENT Bartender .INPUTS null .OUTPUTS custom object #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [string]$path = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName, [string]$configFile = 'btconfig.xml', [int]$revisions ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" $defaultRevisions = 5 $invocationPath = $path $scriptVars = @{} $scriptVars.configFilePath = "$invocationPath\$($configFile)" $scriptVars.revisionPath = "$invocationPath\rev" } process{ $scriptVars.config = Import-Clixml $scriptVars.configFilePath -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "$($scriptvars.config|Out-String)" if(!$scriptVars.config.version -or !$scriptVars.config.moduleName -or !$scriptVars.config.moduleAuthor -or !$scriptVars.config.companyName) { throw "Config file was not found.`nUse new-btproject for a new project." } if($revisions -ge 1) { write-verbose 'Using revision param count' }else{ write-verbose 'Reading revision count from config' $revisions = $scriptVars.config.revisionCount if(!$revisions) { write-verbose "Revision count not found, using default of $defaultRevisions" $revisions = $defaultRevisions try{ $scriptVars.config.revisionCount = $defaultRevisions }catch{ $scriptVars.config|add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name revisionCount -Value $defaultRevisions } write-verbose 'Saving default to config file' Export-Clixml -Path $scriptVars.configFilePath -InputObject $scriptVars.config write-verbose 'Config file updated' } } if(!$revisions) { throw 'Something wrong with Revision counter' } write-verbose "Revisions set to: $revisions" #If we parse a version from the name, then we can sort properly #That way if the dates are all strange from a git view, it wont matter #And name itself might be odd, consider version 1.1,10.1,2.1,20.1 and the order that would be in $versionSelect = @{ name ='version' expression = {[version]::Parse($($} } write-verbose 'Getting revisions' #Use * so we can still pipe it to remove-item $childItems = get-childItem $scriptVars.revisionPath|select-object *,$versionSelect|where-object{$null -ne $_.version} $currentCount = $($childItems|measure-object).count $removeCount = $currentCount - $revisions if($removeCount -ge 1) { write-verbose "Need to remove $removeCount versions" $childItems|sort-object -property version|select-object -first $removeCount|remove-item -Force -Recurse }else{ write-verbose 'No revisions to remove' } } } function update-btMarkdownHeader { <# .SYNOPSIS Update the top of a markdown file .DESCRIPTION Update the top of a markdown file Executes on build to add appropriate info to the header section Will also update the name and description .PARAMETER path Path to the module .PARAMETER configFile btConfig file .PARAMETER markdownFile Markdown file name ------------ .EXAMPLE update-btMarkdownHeader .NOTES Author: Adrian Andersson Changelog: 2019-03-10 - AA - Initial Script - Updated start-btBuild to get release data 2019-03-11 - AA - Fixed the icon missing .COMPONENT What cmdlet does this script live in #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM( [string]$path = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName, [string]$configFile = 'btconfig.xml', [string]$markdownFile = '' ) begin{ #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)===========" #Return the sent variables when running debug Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)" $configFilePath = "$path\$($configFile)" $markdownFilePath = "$path\$($markdownFile)" $headerMatch = '<!--Bartender Dynamic Header -- Code Below Here -->' } process{ write-verbose 'Importing config' if(!$(test-path $configFilePath)) { throw "$configFile not found" } $config = import-clixml $configFilePath if(!(test-path $markdownFilePath)) { throw "$markdownfile not found" } write-verbose 'Importing existing markdown' $content = get-content $markdownFilePath if($config.lastrelease.version) { $versionTag = $config.lastrelease.version.tostring(3) $releaseDate = get-date $ -Format yyyy-MM-dd }else{ $versionTag = 'na' $releaseDate = 'na' } if(test-path "$path\documentation\$versionTag\") { $latestReleaseLink = "Latest Release Notes: [here](./documentation/$versionTag/" }else{ $latestReleaseLink = $null } write-verbose 'Creating Shield Badges' $badges = @{ releasebadge = "[releasebadge]:$versionTag&color=blue" datebadge = "[datebadge]:$releaseDate&color=yellow" powershellBadge = "[psbadge]:$($config.minimumPsVersion.ToString(3))&color=5391FE&logo=powershell" btBadge = "[btbadge]:$($config.bartenderVersion.toString())&color=0B2047" } write-verbose 'Generating new Markdown' $headerArr = @( "# $($config.modulename.toUpper())", "$(if(test-path "$path\icon.png"){'![logo](./icon.png)'})", "", "> $($config.moduleDescription)", "", "$($badges.releasebadge)", "$($badges.datebadge)", "$($badges.powershellBadge)", "$($badges.btBadge)", '', '', "| Language | Release Version | Release Date | Bartender Version |", "|:-------------------:|:-------------------:|:-------------------:|:-------------------:|", "|![psbadge]|![releasebadge]|![datebadge]|![btbadge]|" '', '', "Authors: $($config.moduleAuthor -join ',')", '', "$(if($config.companyName){"Company: $($config.companyName)"})", '', "$latestReleaseLink", '', '***', '' ) write-verbose 'Checking for header marker for markdown entry point' $i = 0 $contentLines = $content.count $lineMatch = -1 while($i -lt $contentLines -and $lineMatch -lt 0) { if($content[$i] -eq $headerMatch) { $lineMatch = $i } $i++ } if($lineMatch -gt 0) { write-verbose "Found line at $lineMatch" $remainder = $content[$lineMatch..$contentLines] $newContent = $headerArr + $remainder $contentMarkdown = $newContent -join "`n" if($contentMarkdown) { write-verbose 'Exporting updated markdown file' $contentMarkdown|out-file $markdownFilePath } } } } |