
   Retrieves the Public IPs associated with a AzureRM VM
   Get-AzureRMHelperVMPublicIP -azureRMVM $azureRMVMObject
    azureRMVM - Azure RM VM object
    Name - Name of the VM
    ResourceGroupName - Name of the resource group the VM belongs to
    Retrieves the public IPs for a AzureRM VM by matching the NIC ID against the available public IPs in the account

Function Get-AzureRMHelperVMPublicIPAddress

        $azureRMVM = Get-azureRMVM -Name $Name -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName

    $publicIPList = Get-AzureRmPublicIpAddress

    #Find the matching Public IP for the network interface by looking for a Ip Configuration ID containing the network interface name
    $publicIPList = $publicIPList | Where-object {$_.IpConfiguration.Id -match "$($azureRMVM.networkprofile.NetworkInterfaces.Id).*"}
    Return $publicIPList