
   Retrieves the data disks associated with a Azure RM VM
   Get-AzureRMHelperVMDataDisks -azureRMVM $azureRMVMObject
    azureRMVM - Azure RM VM object
    Name - Name of the VM
    ResourceGroupName - Name of the resource group the VM belongs to
    Returns an object with the following properies
    Name - Name of the network interface
    ResourceGroupName - Name of the resource group that the resource belongs to
    SubscriptionID - The subscription ID that the resources belongs to
    Returns information about the network interfaces that are part of the AzureRM VM

Function Get-AzureRMHelperVMNicInfo

        $azureRMVM = Get-azureRMVM -Name $Name -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName

    $nicCollection = @()
    foreach($nic in $
        $correctFormat = $nic -match "^\/subscriptions\/(?<SubID>[\w\-]*)\/resourceGroups\/(?<rgName>[\w-\.\(\)]*)\/providers\/Microsoft.Network\/networkInterfaces\/(?<name>[\w-\.]*)"

            throw "Invalid NIC ID Format [$nic]"
        $networkInterfaceDetail = [ordered]@{
            Name = $
            ResourceGroupName = $matches.rgname
            SubscriptionID = $matches.subID

        $nicCollection += $networkInterfaceDetail
    Return $nicCollection