function Update-PropertiesFromFile { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Adf] $adf, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $stage, [switch] $dryRun = $false ) Write-Debug "BEGIN: Update-PropertiesFromFile(adf=$adf, stage=$stage)" $option = $adf.PublishOptions $srcFolder = $adf.Location if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($srcFolder)) { Write-Error "ADFT0011: adf.Location property has not been provided." } $ext = "CSV" if ($stage.EndsWith(".csv")) { $configFileName = $stage } elseif ($stage.EndsWith(".json")) { $configFileName = $stage $ext = "JSON" } else { $configFileName = Join-Path $srcFolder "deployment\config-$stage.csv" } Write-Verbose "Replacing values for ADF properties from $ext config file" Write-Host "Config file: $configFileName" if ($ext -eq "CSV") { $config = Read-CsvConfigFile -Path $configFileName } else { $config = Read-JsonConfigFile -Path $configFileName -adf $adf } #$config | Out-Host $report = new-object PsObject -Property @{ Updated = 0 Added = 0 Removed = 0 } $config | ForEach-Object { Write-Debug "Item: $_" $path = $_.path $value = $_.value $name = $ $type = $_.type # Omit commented lines if ($type.StartsWith('#')) { Write-Debug "Skipping this line..." return # return is like continue for foreach and go to next item in collection } $action = "update" if ($path.StartsWith('+')) { $action = 'add'; $path = $path.Substring(1) } if ($path.StartsWith('-')) { $action = 'remove'; $path = $path.Substring(1) } if ($path.StartsWith("`$.properties.")) { $path = $path.Substring(13) } $objArr = Get-AdfObjectByPattern -adf $adf -name $name -type $type if ($null -eq $objArr) { if ($option.FailsWhenConfigItemNotFound -eq $false) { Write-Warning "Could not find object: $type.$name, skipping..." } else { Write-Error -Message "ADFT0007: Could not find object: $type.$name" } } else { Write-Verbose "- Performing: $action for object(path): $type.$name(properties.$path)" $objArr | ForEach-Object { $null = Update-PropertiesForObject -o $_ -action $action -path $path -value $value -name $name -type $type -report $report -dryRun:$dryRun } } } Write-Host "*** Properties modification report ***" $report | Out-Host Write-Debug "END: Update-PropertiesFromFile" } function Update-PropertiesForObject { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AdfObject] $o, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $action, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $value, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $type, [Parameter(Mandatory)] $report, [switch] $dryRun = $false ) Write-Debug "BEGIN: Update-PropertiesForObject" # if ($null -eq $o -and $action -ne "add") { # Write-Error "ADFT0008: Could not find object: $type.$name" # } $json = $o.Body | ConvertFrom-ArraysToOrderedHashTables if ($null -eq $json) { Write-Error "ADFT0009: Body of the object is empty!" } $objName = $o.Name if ($objName -ne $name) { Write-Verbose " - Matched object: $type.$objName(properties.$path)" } $validPath = $true try { if ($action -ne "add") { Invoke-Expression "`$isExist = (`$null -ne `$$path)" } } catch { $validPath = $false if ($option.FailsWhenPathNotFound -eq $false) { Write-Warning "Wrong path defined in config for object(path): $type.$name(properties.$path), skipping..." } else { $exc = ([System.Data.DataException]::new("ADFT0010: Wrong path defined in config for object(path): $type.$name(properties.$path)")) Write-Error -Exception $exc } } if ($dryRun) { $value = 123 } if ($validPath) { switch -Exact ($action) { 'update' { Update-ObjectProperty -obj $json -path "properties.$path" -value "$value" $report.Updated += 1 } 'add' { Add-ObjectProperty -obj $json -path "properties.$path" -value "$value" $report.Added += 1 } 'remove' { Remove-ObjectProperty -obj $json -path "properties.$path" $report.Removed += 1 } } } $o.Body = $json | ConvertFrom-OrderedHashTablesToArrays # Save new file for deployment purposes and change pointer in object instance if ($dryRun -eq $False) { $f = (Save-AdfObjectAsFile -obj $o) $o.FileName = $f } Write-Debug "END: Update-PropertiesForObject" } |